10,882 research outputs found

    The age of digital participation and the culture of free

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    O presente artigo tem como propósito principal analisar o consumidor/utilizador de internet a partir de três fatores que o influenciam e o definem: a cultural digital, a cultura da participação e a cultura do gratuito. Este texto pretende, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica, abordar um quadro teórico de referência das perceções de Kerckhove (1997) sobre o consumidor e as perspetivas de Castells (2001), de O´Reilly (2005), de Jenkins (2006) e de Anderson (2008, 2009) sobre o tipo de era onde ele se insere, e contribuir para melhorar o entendimento do consumidor dos novos meios digitais.This present paper analyzes internet consumer/user from three factors that influences and defines him: digital culture, participatory culture and culture of free. From a literature review methodology, this text intends to address a theoretical framework from Kerckhove (1997) perceptions on the consumer and Castells (2001), O´Reilly (2005), Jenkins (2006) and Anderson (2008, 2009) perspectives on the kind of era where it belongs, and contribute to understand the new digital media consumer.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Wind Risk Assessment in Urban Environments: The Case of Falling Trees During Windstorm Events in Lisbon

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    Trees bring many benefits to the urban environment. However, they may also cause hazards to human population, being the major causes of injuries and infrastructural damage during strong wind events. In the city of Lisbon, strong winds rather frequently result in tree falls, depending on the season and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a methodology to analyse tree damage due to strong wind events in urban environments. Each occurrence has been recorded by the Lisbon Fire Brigade and Rescue Services (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa - RSBL). Information provided by RSBL relating to the period of 1990-2005 was considered along with hourly wind speed and direction, species, fitossanitary conditions and urban parameters. To ensure that the fallen trees were caused by strong winds, only days with three or more occurrences of fallen trees were selected. It was found that in summer, northerly winds are responsible for 11% of tree falls, with winds from other directions (west, southwest and south) responsible for 5%. From autumn to spring, perturbed weather conditions originating from the west, southwest and south are responsible for 84% of fallen trees. The majority of tree falls occurred when wind speed surpassed 7 m/s in the six hours prior to their fall. Some recommendations to the Civil Protection Agency and the Fire Department are presented to improve the mission of collecting information. This research is a contribution to the assessment of wind risk in Lisbon

    Wind risk assessment in urban environments: the case of falling trees during windstorm events in Lisbon

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    Trees bring many benefits to the urban environment. However, they may also cause hazards to human population, being the major causes of injuries and infrastructural damage during strong wind events. In the city of Lisbon, strong winds rather frequently result in tree falls, depending on the season and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a methodology to analyse tree damage due to strong wind events in urban environments. Each occurrence has been recorded by the Lisbon Fire Brigade and Rescue Services (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa - RSBL). Information provided by RSBL relating to the period of 1990-2005 was considered along with hourly wind speed and direction, species, fitossanitary conditions and urban parameters. To ensure that the fallen trees were caused by strong winds, only days with three or more occurrences of fallen trees were selected. It was found that in summer, northerly winds are responsible for 11% of tree falls, with winds from other directions (west, southwest and south) responsible for 5%. From autumn to spring, perturbed weather conditions originating from the west, southwest and south are responsible for 84% of fallen trees. The majority of tree falls occurred when wind speed surpassed 7 m/s in the six hours prior to their fall. Some recommendations to the Civil Protection Agency and the Fire Department are presented to improve the mission of collecting information. This research is a contribution to the assessment of wind risk in Lisbon

    Teaching Statistics at a Superior School of Business Management: Realities and Challenges

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    Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS8), julho 2010, Ljubljana, EsloveniaN/

    Item response theory. A first approach

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    The Item Response Theory (IRT) has become one of the most popular scoring frameworks for measurement data, frequently used in computerized adaptive testing, cognitively diagnostic assessment and test equating. According to Andrade et al. (2000), IRT can be defined as a set of mathematical models (Item Response Models – IRM) constructed to represent the probability of an individual giving the right answer to an item of a particular test. The number of Item Responsible Models available to measurement analysis has increased considerably in the last fifteen years due to increasing computer power and due to a demand for accuracy and more meaningful inferences grounded in complex data. The developments in modeling with Item Response Theory were related with developments in estimation theory, most remarkably Bayesian estimation with Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms (Patz & Junker, 1999). The popularity of Item Response Theory has also implied numerous overviews in books and journals, and many connections between IRT and other statistical estimation procedures, such as factor analysis and structural equation modeling, have been made repeatedly (Van der Lindem & Hambleton, 1997). As stated before the Item Response Theory covers a variety of measurement models, ranging from basic one-dimensional models for dichotomously and polytomously scored items and their multidimensional analogues to models that incorporate information about cognitive sub-processes which influence the overall item response process. The aim of this work is to introduce the main concepts associated with one-dimensional models of Item Response Theory, to specify the logistic models with one, two and three parameters, to discuss some properties of these models and to present the main estimation procedures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumers in virtual worlds: is there a tangible relation with brands?

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    Consumer activities are constantly changing. They’ve begun to move their interests to the virtual, looking at the internet as a new and interesting space to be. With easier access to information and communication technologies, the consumer requests from social networks space to exist and coexist. From the current social being emerges a new digital social being. The outcome of this research tries to seek how brands should re-strategize their marketing given consumers' fast changing multimedia habits. We believe brands should realize that they are no longer the “conversation” leaders. Consumers are now in the control of the propagation of messages. Thus brands need to put aside the holy branding and follow the information flux coming from the users’ conversations taking place in virtual worlds. They can support this new approach making use of more engaging experiences of their products based in interactivity and simulation. Support of these new media must be seen as complementary to current use of traditional media. The study we present tried to understand the new media use done by brands and understand if the models were supportive enough for the new digital social audience. An analysis based on interactivity models of McMillan and Downes (2002) and Shedroff (1999) designed to find problems and make suggestions to support actions of enhancement of the relation brand-consumer

    Wavefront optics and retinal image quality

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    With the increasing importance of optical aberrations in both vision research and clinical practice, it becomes necessary for vision scientists to have a thorough understanding of the concepts behind wavefront optics. Therefore, in this review, we provide some basic wave optics concepts useful to understand wavefront analysis, and describe the application of Zernike polynomials in the decomposition of aberrations. A general description of the human eye optical structure is given, followed by a more detailed analysis of the optical components of the eye and optical aberrations, and their secondary effect on overall optical quality. We further provide an overview of the current corneal and ocular wavefront sensing methods

    A representação da personagem negra na literatura infantil juvenil latino-americana

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    II Jornadas Latino-Americanas de Linguagens e Cultura. Em comemoração aos 100 anos de nascimento de Roa Bastos e 50 anos da morte de Guimarães RosaO presente artigo tem por objetivo fazer um estudo sobre a imagem da cultura negra em obras literárias, com base em narrativas e ilustrações em torno da personagem feminina negra no sentido de verificar se as imagens reforçam ou não os estereótipos, a fim de verificar quais se aproximam dos propósitos da valorização feminina na cultura africana e afro-brasileira. Inicialmente será feito uma breve análise dessa literatura negra marcada por uma formação basicamente iniciamos com uma breve análise dessa literatura negra marcados por uma formação basicamente européia , com pouco ou nenhuma presença de negrosPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Literatura Comparada Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos Curso de Graduação em Letras – Artes e Mediação Cultura

    Os desafios da narrativa

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    Publicado em "Abordagens da narrativa nos media". ISBN 978-989-8600-31-8Em Junho de 2014 decorreu na sala de atos do Instituto Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho o Workshop ‘Narrativa, Media e Cognição’ com o intuito de gerar discussão à volta de diversas temáticas do âmbito das formas narrativas nos media. Desse encontro resultaram debates que levaram ao aprofundamento de tópicos no formato de textos estendidos que agora são aqui publicados com o propósito de alargar o debate ocorrido e potenciar o surgimento de novos workshops, debates, assim como novos livros sobre o tema

    Quebrando estereótipos: o papel do mediador na valorização do negro na literatura infantil

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    A presença de personagens negros na literatura infantil no Brasil esteve distante dos livros durante muito tempo, isso por conta de uma formação basicamente eurocêntrica. Somente na década de 1980, no Brasil, surgem os primeiros livros para o público infantil com protagonistas negros. De lá para cá, o mercado editorial alavancou com diversas obras com personagens negros representados. O objetivo dessas produções é desconstruir estereótipos negativos acerca dos mesmos na sociedade. Para que sejam desconstruídos tais estereótipos, é preciso não somente escolher uma boa história, mas também saber mediar às discussões/diálogos entre as crianças. A partir dessa perspectiva, esta comunicação tem como objetivo analisar o papel do mediador entre as crianças e os livros infantis com personagens femininas negras. O referencial teórico que embasa esta investigação está nas contribuições dos seguintes autores: Colomer (2007), Jovino (2006), Silva (1995), Petit (2008) entre outros.La presencia de personajes negros en la literatura infantil en Brasil estuvo distante de los libros durante mucho tiempo, eso por cuenta de una formación básicamente eurocéntrica. Sólo en la década de 1980, en Brasil surgen los primeros libros para el público infantil con protagonistas negros. De allí para allá, el mercado editorial apalancó con diversas obras con personajes negros representados. El objetivo de esas producciones es deconstruir estereotipos negativos a cerca de los mismos en la sociedad. Para que se deconstruir tales estereotipos, es necesario no sólo escoger una buena historia, sino también saber mediar a las discusiones / diálogos entre los niños. A partir de esta perspectiva, esta comunicación tiene como objetivo analizar el papel del mediador entre los niños y los libros infantiles con personajes femeninos negros. El referencial teórico que embasa esta investigación está en las contribuciones de los siguientes autores: Colomer (2007), Jovino (2006), Silva (1995), Petit (2008) entre otrosUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana (UNILA-PR) e Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE-PR