2,702 research outputs found

    Validation Theory and Culturally Relevant Curriculum in the Information Literacy Classroom

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    In four separate undergraduate information literacy classes where students predominantly identified as Latinx, two instruction library faculty revamped the standard information literacy curriculum to emphasize Latinx scholarship. They affirmed student life experience as authority in order to understand how validation theory affects the student scholar identity of first year Latinx college students from a large metropolitan area in the U.S.-Mexico border region. The two librarians who designed and team-taught these information literacy sessions are also both Latinx and come from urban borderlands backgrounds. Both identify as first-generation college students and one identifies as having a mixed status family background

    El Proyecto fin de carrera como medio conductor para la iniciación a la investigación

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    Los proyectos fin de carrera son una herramienta útil para la atracción de estudiantes hacia las líneas de investigación de los distintos profesores. En base a la experiencia de los autores como profesores este artículo pretende presentar algunos de los principales errores que se comenten cuando se pretende utilizar los proyectos fin de carrera como mecanismo para introducir a los alumnos en el mundo de la investigación. De la misma manera se presentan algunas pautas para evitar caer en dichos errores.Peer Reviewe

    An application of the FIS-CRM model to the FISS metasearcher: Using fuzzy synonymy and fuzzy generality for representing concepts in documents

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    AbstractThe main objective of this work is to improve the quality of the results produced by the Internet search engines. In order to achieve it, the FIS-CRM model (Fuzzy Interrelations and Synonymy based Concept Representation Model) is proposed as a mechanism for representing the concepts (not only terms) contained in any kind of document. This model, based on the vector space model, incorporates a fuzzy readjustment process of the term weights of each document. The readjustment lies on the study of two types of fuzzy interrelations between terms: the fuzzy synonymy interrelation and the fuzzy generality interrelations (“broader than” and “narrower than” interrelations). The model has been implemented in the FISS metasearcher (Fuzzy Interrelations and Synonymy based Searcher) that, using a soft-clustering algorithm (based on the SISC algorithm), dynamically produces a hierarchical structure of groups of “conceptually related” documents (snippets of web pages, in this case)

    GoogleWave: Una herramienta para la evaluación de trabajos realizados fuera del aula

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    La evaluación de los trabajos en grupo es siempre difícil para el profesorado porque éste desconoce la cantidad de esfuerzo que ha dedicado cada alumno al trabajo asignado. Este artículo pretende presentar la herramienta Google Wave1 como una herramienta capaz de aportar una serie de funcionalidades no aportadas anteriormente por ninguna otra herramienta que facilitan al profesorado la evaluación del esfuerzo de cada alumno durante la realización de un trabajo en grupo.Peer Reviewe

    Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy

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    Single Object Tracking methods are yet not robust enough because they may lose the target due to occlusions or changes in the target’s appearance, and it is difficult to detect automatically when they fail. To deal with these problems, we design a novel method to improve object tracking by fusing complementary types of trackers, taking advantage of each other’s strengths, with an Extended Kalman Filter to combine them in a probabilistic way. The environment perception is performed with a 3D LiDAR sensor, so we can track the object in the point cloud and also in the front-view image constructed from the point cloud. We use our tracker-fusion method in a mobile robot to follow pedestrians, also considering the dynamic obstacles in the environment to avoid them. We show that our method allows the robot to follow the target accurately during long experimental sessions where the trackers independently fail, demonstrating the robustness of our tracker-fusion strategy.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government through the research project PID2021-122685OB-I00 and through the Formación del Personal Investigador [Research Staff Formation (FPI)] under Grant PRE2019-088069

    La Sobre-evaluación

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    Este trabajo resume una experiencia negativa vivida durante la impartición de una asignatura encuadrada dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) debido a una mala planificación de la evaluación que desemboca en lo que denominaremos sobre-evaluación. Por sobre-evaluación se entiende el excesivo número de pruebas a las que se somete al alumno y que le obligan a pasar más tiempo preparándolas que adquiriendo o asentando conocimientos. Y como consecuencia de esa experiencia negativa se presentan los medios que se han puesto para evitar repetir dicha experiencia en el curso siguiente en la misma asignatura así como las algunas de las conclusiones alcanzadas por los profesores de dicha asignatura.SUMMARY: This work summarizes a negative experience happened during the classes of a subject within the European Space for Higher Education, due to a wrong planning which provoked the so-called phenomenon: over-assessment. Over-assessment means the excessive number of tasks that a student must do. As a result of this fact, each student spends more time preparing his tasks than learning new knowledge. From this negative experiment, the following course the same teachers applied several modifications with respect to that subject in order to avoid past errors. These modifications allowed improving the results obtained by the students, especially, due to the better planning of the tasks proposed to assess students.Peer Reviewe


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    The Chihuahuan Desert presents specific constrains for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations; given that mule deer are large herbivores, both forage quality and quantity play an important role in the species survival in the desert. The aim of the present study was to evaluate habitat condition of an area where mule deer inhabit. This zone, located in a region of the Chihuahuan Desert exhibits different types of dominant vegetation (medium scrubland and grassland). Vegetation percent cover, diet composition and forage nutritional value, with crude protein content (CP), were evaluated for different vegetation types in three annual seasons: moderate-dry, moderate-humid and cold-dry, during 2012 and 2013. We classified forages into three categories: trees-shrubs, grasses-herbs, and succulents. The results show diet composition changes during annual seasons, with succulents as well as tree-shrubs as the principal components. Treesshrubs exhibited in average a higher CP percentage (13.6%), for the moderate-humid season. The medium scrubland area exhibited higher density on trees and shrubs; in addition, this area presents higher hills and deeper slopes, making it a region with high aptitude for mule deer sustainment within the Chihuahuan Desert.El Desierto Chihuahuense (DC) impone restricciones específicas para las poblaciones de venado bura (Odocoileus hemionus Crooki) en cuanto a la disponibilidad y calidad de alimento y juegan un papel importante en su sobrevivencia en el desierto. En este estudio se valoraron los cambios en la dieta del venado bura en una zona ubicada en una región del DC en una zona que exhibe diferentes tipos de vegetación tales como, matorral mediano subinerme y pastizal amacollado. Se evaluaron cambios en la composición de la dieta del venado, proteína cruda (PC) en las plantas, así como, la frecuencia vegetal en tres épocas del año: templado-seco, templado-húmedo y frío-seco, durante los años 2012 y 2013. Se determinó que las plantas suculentas y árboles-arbustos, son los principales componentes de la dieta del venado; y la categoría de árboles-arbustos presentó mayor porcentaje de PC (13.6%) durante la temporada templado-húmedo y sugiere que el venado selecciona su dieta para maximizar el consumo de PC. La zona de matorral mediano subinerme exhibió mayor cantidad de árboles y arbustos, además de presentar mayores pendientes, por lo que se considera que esta zona dentro del DC tiene mejor aptitud para el sostenimiento del venado

    Geo-Localization Based on Dynamically Weighted Factor-Graph

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    Feature-based geo-localization relies on associating features extracted from aerial imagery with those detected by the vehicle's sensors. This requires that the type of landmarks must be observable from both sources. This lack of variety of feature types generates poor representations that lead to outliers and deviations produced by ambiguities and lack of detections, respectively. To mitigate these drawbacks, in this letter, we present a dynamically weighted factor graph model for the vehicle's trajectory estimation. The weight adjustment in this implementation depends on information quantification in the detections performed using a LiDAR sensor. Also, a prior (GNSS-based) error estimation is included in the model. Then, when the representation becomes ambiguous or sparse, the weights are dynamically adjusted to rely on the corrected prior trajectory, mitigating outliers and deviations in this way. We compare our method against state-of-the-art geo-localization ones in a challenging and ambiguous environment, where we also cause detection losses. We demonstrate mitigation of the mentioned drawbacks where the other methods fail.This work was supported in part by Regional Valencian Community Government and the European Union under Project PROMETEO/2021/075 and in part by Spanish Government under Grant PRE2019-088069, Grant PRE2022-101680, and Project PID2021-122685OB-I00