154 research outputs found
Modelo CAPM: aplicación del mercado bursátil español
El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una aplicación práctica del modelo CAPM en
el mercado bursátil español, valorando el exceso de rendimiento de las acciones de las
empresas Telefónica, Santander e Iberdrola respecto al exceso de rendimiento del
mercado, medido a través del índice bursátil IBEX 35. Se usan datos mensuales desde
abril de 2000 hasta septiembre de 2021; Los cálculos y representaciones gráficas se
han realizado a través de la aplicación Excel. Previamente, se realiza un repaso de la
teoría fundamental de carteras con el objetivo de conocer los conceptos básicos, y cómo
surgieron.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida
El marketing de relaciones y la calidad de atención en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito los Andes agencia San Isidro – Lima, 2018
La presente investigación denominada Marketing de relaciones y la calidad de atención en
la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito los Andes, agencia San Isidro - 2018, tiene como
finalidad determinar la relación entre el marketing de relaciones y la calidad de atención en
la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito los Andes, agencia San Isidro - 2018, para ello se
utilizaron fundamentos teóricos de José Sarmiento y John Tschohl, dos autores con
experiencia y renombre en su rubro. Mencionado estudio se realizó bajo el diseño de
investigación no experimental de corte transversal de tipo sustantivo, bajo el soporte del
método hipotético deductivo (enfoque cuantitativo) que lleva un nivel de investigación
descriptivo correlacional, puesto que se busca determinar la asociación entre el marketing
de relaciones y calidad de atención. La población estuvo conformada por 2000 socios que
realizaron compras de manera repetida en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito los Andes,
agencia San Isidro, la muestra fue no probabilístico por conveniencia puesto que no se tiene
un número exacto determinado de socios que visitan diariamente la institución financiera.
La recopilación de datos fue mediante la técnica de la encuesta, a través de cuestionarios y
la escala de Likert, los cuales además fueron previamente validados por expertos.
Los resultados de la prueba de Rho Spearman, cuyo valor es (r = 0.750) lo que indica
una correlación positiva alta, además el valor de P = 0,000 resulta menor al de P = 0,05 y en
consecuencia la relación es significativa al 95% y se rechaza la hipótesis nula (Ho)
asumiendo que existe relación significativa entre el marketing de relaciones y la calidad de
atención en la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito los Andes agencia San Isidro – Lima, 2018
Implementación de un sistema de control interno basado en el informe Coso III y la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa Promaq Perú S.A.C Trujillo - 2018
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Implementación de un sistema de control interno
basado en el informe COSO III y la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa Promaq Perú
S.A.C., Trujillo - 2018”, tiene como objetivo demostrar que el sistema de control interno
contribuye a la mejora de la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa. Este sistema,
constituye un medio para proteger los bienes de la entidad, la fiabilidad de la información y
promover la eficacia, el cual debe ser ejecutado por todas las personas que conforman una
Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se ha empleado el diseño cuasi – experimental donde se aplicaron
encuestas y análisis documentario dirigidas al nivel administrativo, financiero y operativo, así
mismo se utilizaron los indicadores financieros y el análisis horizontal para evaluar la situación
económica y financiera de la empresa en el primer trimestre del año 2017 y 2018. Los hallazgos
encontrados en esta tesis, muestran deficiencias como: diseño de políticas, procesos, control del
efectivo, control de inventarios, los cuales se ha considerado en la propuesta de la
implementación de un sistema de control interno, basado en los cinco componentes del Informe
Finalmente, de los resultados obtenidos en nuestra investigación se demostró que la
implementación de un sistema de control permite mejorar la gestión económica y financiera de
la empresa.This research work entitled "Implementation of an internal control system based on the COSO
III report and the economic and financial management of the company Promaq Perú SAC,
Trujillo - 2018"", aims to demonstrate that the internal control system contributes to the
improvement of the economic and financial management of the company. This system is a means
to protect the assets of the entity, the reliability of information and promote efficiency, which
must be executed by all the people who make up an organization.
To carry out this work, the quasi - experimental design has been used, where surveys and
documentary analysis aimed at the administrative, financial and operational level were applied,
as well as financial indicators and horizontal analysis were used to evaluate the economic and
financial situation of the company in the first quarter of 2017 and 2018. The findings found in
this thesis show deficiencies such as: policy design, processes, cash control, inventory control,
which has been considered in the proposal for the implementation of an internal control system,
based on the five components of the Report COSO.
Finally, the results obtained in our research showed that the implementation of a control system
allows improving the economic and financial management of the company.Tesi
Textile physical barriers: an assessment of the prison effect as a design criterion to increase the porosity without loss of efficacy
Insect-proof screens are a physical method of crop protection against pests whose use
is widespread. The hole size must be optimized since too small holes give rise to poorly porous
textiles that cause a significant reduction in the permeability of the textiles to air. A common design
strategy is to use a rectangular-hole geometry with the aim of limiting the hole width to prevent
insect entry and increasing the hole length to increase the hole surface. However, the validity of this
approach has not been tested, and indications suggest that it may not be offering the expected results.
The results obtained discredit this widely accepted design criterion since they show that, while the
hole width is maintained, protective screens lose efficacy as the hole length increases at least in the
range of values considered. It is not possible to find an explanation for these results by considering
the hole geometry from a two-dimensional point of view. However, when considering the spatial
arrangement of the threads, it is understood that the passage surface for the insects is larger than that
considered in the orthogonal projection images and that as the hole length increases, the efficacy of
the textiles decreases
Factors influencing the efficacy of insect-proof screens
The use of insect-proof screens as a method of control is widespread. These agrotextiles act as physical barriers preventing the contact between insects and plants. Their effectiveness as a method of crop protection has been sufficiently demonstrated. The use of insect-proof screens reduces pest populations, decreases the incidence of insect-transmitted diseases and as a result it reduces the need to apply pesticides. There is a wide variety of screens with different properties on the market. Some of these agrotextiles are known commercially like anti-aphids or anti thrips screens although their efficacy is not proven. During the last decades different studies have evaluated the efficacy of insect exclusion screens both under laboratory and in field conditions against various pests. The results of these works offer constant
values that represent the relationship between insects and fabrics. However, that relationship is not a constant and depends on other variables in addition to the properties of the textile and the characteristics of the insect. The velocity and air temperature also influence the relationship between screen and insect and modify the exclusion capacity of the protection screens. To take into account these variables, we have built a device to evaluate the effectiveness of the screens under laboratory conditions. With this device we can measure the capacity of exclusion of the screens at different air velocities and we can interpret the data according to the measured temperature values. The results show that the efficacy of the screens varies when the conditions change and, in general, the exclusion percentage of the screens decreases when air velocity increases. The temperature is also an influential variable on the efficacy of these textiles and it has been observed that if the temperature decreases the effectiveness of the screens increases due to the lower activity of insects
Insect exclusion screens: the size of the holes from a three-dimensional perspective
Insect-proof screens are considered as flat bodies. However, from a microscopic point of view a screen is not a flat body but, on the contrary, the spatial arrangement of the threads determines that the passage surface for an insect is larger than the one obtained in the measures made on images in orthogonal projection. This paper compares the effectiveness against Bemisia tabaci of different types of screens and
perforated sheets. A perforated sheet has a negligible thickness and therefore, the comparison between these two types of physical barriers allows determining qualitatively the importance of the spatial arrangement of the threads on the efficacy of the screens. It also compares the efficacy between screens with similar hole widths to assess the validity of the “prison effect” as design criteria. The results show that if
screens are used smaller holes (measured in orthogonal projection) are needed in comparison to the holes of the perforated sheets to obtain similar values of efficacy against the whitefly because the porous surface of the holes of the screens is not flat. The results also indicate that the geometry and the shape factor of the holes of both physical barriers must be similar to obtain a measure of the 3D surface of the holes of the screens. Screens with the same hole width have different efficacy against B. tabaci. The most critical hole region for the passage of the insects is the distance defined by the crossing of two consecutive warp threads. This separation divides the hole in two parts. Although this distance is sufficiently small so that the insect cannot pass if the hole is very elongated the insect could pass by one of the halves and for this reason the hole length of the holes also influences on the efficacy of the screens
Muchos futuros. Diseño de experiencias y tecnología digital en prospectiva
En nuestro proyecto de investigación, nos interesa analizar las relaciones futuras entre tecnologías digitales y diseño de experiencias. En este texto, expondremos los resultados de un primer ejercicio exploratorio. En él, se recopila la visión de instituciones científicas, de comunicación y empresariales en torno al cruce entre diseño futuro, experiencias, avances tecnológicos digitales y sociedad. Como resultado, se expone un mapa de relaciones y se determina un área de trabajo, para futuros estudios de prospectiva.Our research project focuses on the relationship between future digital technologies and experience design. In this paper we share an exploratory exercise. It gathers data from scientific institutions, media and firms to understand their views around the future of design, experiences, technology development and society. As a result, we build a relationship map and we select an area to further analysis with prospective methods.Em nosso projeto de pesquisa, estamos interessados em analisar as relações futuras entre as tecnologias digitais e o design de experiências. Neste texto apresentamos os resultados de um primeiro exercício exploratório. Coleta a visão das instituições científicas, de comunicação e de negócios em torno da interseção entre design, experiências, tecnologia digital e sociedade. Como resultado, expomos um mapa de relacionamentos e determinamos uma área de trabalho para futuros estudos prospectivos
Reformulating Pro-Oxidant Microglia in Neurodegeneration
In neurodegenerative diseases, microglia-mediated neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are central events. Recent genome-wide transcriptomic analyses of microglial cells under different disease conditions have uncovered a new subpopulation named disease-associated microglia (DAM). These studies have challenged the classical view of the microglia polarization state's proinflammatory M1 (classical activation) and immunosuppressive M2 (alternative activation). Molecular signatures of DAM and proinflammatory microglia (highly pro-oxidant) have shown clear differences, yet a partial overlapping gene profile is evident between both phenotypes. The switch activation of homeostatic microglia into reactive microglia relies on the selective activation of key surface receptors involved in the maintenance of brain homeostasis (a.k.a. pattern recognition receptors, PRRs). Two relevant PRRs are toll-like receptors (TLRs) and triggering receptors expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2), whose selective activation is believed to generate either a proinflammatory or a DAM phenotype, respectively. However, the recent identification of endogenous disease-related ligands, which bind to and activate both TLRs and TREM2, anticipates the existence of rather complex microglia responses. Examples of potential endogenous dual ligands include amyloid β, galectin-3, and apolipoprotein E. These pleiotropic ligands induce a microglia polarization that is more complicated than initially expected, suggesting the possibility that different microglia subtypes may coexist. This review highlights the main microglia polarization states under disease conditions and their leading role orchestrating oxidative stress
Medicamentos de alto riesgo en pacientes pediátricos críticos
Los pacientes pediátricos se consideran una población vulnerable, ya que presentan una farmacocinética diferente a los adultos y no metabolizan los medicamentos de la misma manera, por lo que un error en la medicación puede ser más perjudicial en un niño que en un adulto. En la literatura se manifiesta una carencia de información con respecto a los “medicamentos de alto riesgo” (MAR) exclusivos de la población infantil, además de una alta prevalencia de estos errores de medicación en Pediatría en múltiples estudios. Realizamos nuestro estudio en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP) de un hospital universitario de tercer nivel. El análisis de todos los medicamentos utilizados en ésta, clasificados por grupos terapéuticos según riesgo y consumo, nos muestra que los principales MAR en esta población de pacientes son los antibióticos, sedantes, diuréticos, soluciones concentradas de potasio, antitrombóticos, coagulantes y heparinas. La elevada frecuencia de uso de estos medicamentos conlleva un mayor número potencial de errores de medicación secundarios principalmente a errores en la dosificación. Teniendo en cuenta las causas principales de los errores, se proponen una serie de estrategias, tanto generales como específicas para cada uno de estos grupos y medicamentos priorizados con el fin de minimizar estos errores. Algunas de estas estrategias ya se encuentran implantadas en el hospital (prescripción electrónica, sistemas automatizados de dispensación, protocolos, etc.), y otras podrían proponerse para su implantación
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