9 research outputs found

    Study of the Influence of Meals of Wheat and Oat Germs and Wild Rose Fruits on the Fermenting Microflora Activity of Rye-wheat Dough

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    The aim of the research was to study an influence of meals of wheat germs (WGM) and oat germs (OGM) in amount 10…20 %, and also ones of wild rose fruits (WRFM) in amount 2…6 % of the total mass of flour on the fermenting microflora of rye-wheat dough; and also to establish an influence of the experimental supplements on main microbiological processes in it.It has been established, that adding experimental meals favors the activation of bakery yeast. At introducing WGM, OGM and WRFM, its lifting force grows by 16.0–54.0, 6.0–18.0, 10.0–44.0 % respectively, and zymase and Maltase activity – by 16.0–53.3, 6.0–17.7 and 11.1–44.0 % and 18.8–55.0, 6.3 31.3 and 7.5–25.0 % respectively. It has been established, that there also takes place the activity increase of lactate bacteria in rye-wheat dough with adding meals of wheat, oat germs and wild rose fruits. It is possible at the expanse of adding an additional nutritive medium with the supplements.Such action of enriching raw materials on the microflora favors intensification of alcoholic and lactate fermentation that is established by data of acid accumulation and gas formation in rye-wheat dough. The counted indices at introducing WGM, OGM, WRFM increase by 39.0, 27.8, 33.9 % and 18.2, 13.6, 16.7 % respectively

    Identification of the Content of Biologically Active Substances in Nut Shots

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    One of ways of the food industry development is a search for non-traditional raw material resources with the high content of physiologically healthy nutrients. A promising way of biologically important raw materials is secondary products of oil production, especially shots. The aim of the research was to determine the content of biologically active substances in nut shots (cedar nut shot (CNS) and walnut shot (WNS)). The quality composition of the phenol nature was established by reactions with 10 % alcohol solutions of FeCl3, NaOH, АlCl3 and cyanidin test. The content of hydroxycinnamic acids (with recalculation for chlorogenic acid) was determined by the spectrophotometric method. The amount of tanning substances – by the method of permanganometry. The analysis of the sum of flavonoids (in recalculation for rutin) was realized by the method of differential spectrophotometry. Carbonic acids were identified by the method of gas-liquid chromatography. There were revealed quality differences in the composition of substances of the phenol nature for CNS and WNS. WNS is characterized by the higher content of hydroxycinnamic acids – in 2,5 times, tanning substances – in 3,1 times and flavonoids – in 60 times, comparing with CNS. The content of unsaturated fats in WNS is 95,79 % of the total number of fats, and in CNS – 80,05 %. The ratio Omega-3/Omega-6 for the fat component of CNS is 1/0,06, and for WNS fats – 1/1,3. WNS comparing with CNS is characterized by the higher content of Malic (in 5,3 times) and fumaric (in 100 times)acid. CNS contains more lemon (in 2,9 times) and succinic (in 2,2 times) acid. That is, identification of the content of some biologically active substances in nut shots allows to recommend them for usage in technologies of food products. It allows to enrich them with phenol compounds, polyunsaturated fats and organic acids

    Cтратегии и технологии инновационного развития корпораций

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    У монографії представлено результати дослідження й систематизації теоретичних, науково-методологічних і практичних положень та розробок щодо стратегій та технологій інноваційного розвитку корпорацій. Запропоновано і обґрунтовано технології управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств, стратегії розвитку бізнесу, визначено сучасні реалії та тенденції корпоративного маркетингу, культури та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, запропоновано нові підходи у корпоративному управлінні, обґрунтовано доцільність використання краудтехнологій фінансування інноваційних проектів, визначено підхо-ди щодо управління персоналом корпорацій в поведінковій економіці. Для науковців та фахівців сфери економіки та управління підприємствам

    Manufacturing Approaches to Making Muffins of High Nutritional Value

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    The object of this study is the technology of baking muffins using beetroot fibers and wheat germ meal. Muffins are popular flour-based confectionery products with pleasant physical appearance and a variety of flavors, which are characterized by high energy and low food values. In addition, they are most often prepared using polycomposite mixtures, which does not make it possible to obtain products with a physiologically significant content of biologically active substances. It has been proposed while improving the technology of making muffins of high nutritional value to use such products of wheat germ and beet pulp processing as the additives «Beet fibers» and «Wheat germ meal» to serve the sources of physiologically functional ingredients. Beetroot fibers contain in their composition pectin-cellulose-hemicellulose complex of non-starch polysaccharides, polyphenolic compounds, and minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc.). The chemical composition of wheat germ meal is represented by a cellulose-hemicellulose complex, quite high content of vitamin E, polyphenolic compounds, and a significant amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. The influence of wheat germ and beet pulp processing products has been investigated when partially replacing wheat flour, 25.0‒75.0 % and 10.0‒20.0 %, respectively. The formulation composition of muffins was optimized resulting in the substantiation of the amount of experimental additives (15.0 %, beet fibers; 50.0 %, wheat germ meal) and a decrease in the formulation content of sugar by 30.0 %. The organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of muffins have been determined, as well as the amount of physiologically functional ingredients in the products containing wheat germ and beet pulp processing products. The functional- technological scheme of muffin production has been built involving the addition of beet fibers and wheat germ meal. The improved muffin technology differs from conventional technologies by the application of natural raw materials, lack of food additives of synthetic origin, and the introduction of beet fibers and wheat germ meal, which makes it possible to make products with high nutritional value while maintaining the appropriate quality

    Effect of Microbial Polysaccharides on the Quality Indicators of Protein-free and Gluten-free Products During Storage

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    This paper reports a study into the effect of the microbial polysaccharides (MPS) xampan, enposan, and gelan on quality indicators during the storage of protein-free bread and gluten-free muffins. Microbial polysaccharides such as xampan, enposan, and gelan are effective structure-forming agents in gluten-free products. These hydrocolloids not only participate in the formation of the structure of dough and finished products but also affect the staling processes in gluten-free products during storage. The addition of the studied MPS leads to a slowdown in the staling processes of protein-free bread based on corn starch, as well as muffins based on wheat germ meal, during storage. It was found that in 24 hours of storage, the protein-free bread demonstrates a decrease in the moisture loss and crumbling index, as well as an increase in compressibility indicator, compared with control samples. It was also determined that gluten-free muffins with the addition of MPS lose moisture more slowly over 7 days of storage; they have lower crumbling and compressibility indices compared to the control. This is due to the high hydrophilic properties of the studied microbial polysaccharides, which can bind a significant amount of water and retain it during the storage of products. In addition, microbial hydrocolloids can envelop the gelatinized starch grains with a thin film, thereby helping inhibit the process of starch retrogradation. The samples of bread and muffins containing MPS almost did not change their appearance, color, taste, and smell during the studied shelf life, while the crumb of the examined samples demonstrated better elasticity and less crumbling. All studied MPS exhibit the same nature of the effect on the quality indicators of products during storage with xampan exerting the greatest effect and gelan ‒ the leas

    Research Into the Impact of Enzyme Preparations on the Processes of Grain Dough Fermentation and Bread Quality

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    The important issue of improvement in the technology of grain bread is the development of measures to improve the rheological properties of dough and bread. With this aim we proposed the use of cellulases, hemicellulases ans oxidoreductases at the stage of dough mixing. It is shown that the application of the studied enzymes for grain emmer and wheat dough contributes to the intensification of non-starch polysaccharides hydrolysis, namely reduction of the content of cellulose by 11 %, hemicelluloses – by 14.3 and 13.0 %, and increase in the content of water-soluble fraction of hemicelluloses.Additionally, the presence of enzyme preparations in the grain dough promotes slowing down of the processes of gluten proteolysis and improvement of its rheological properties that predetermines increase of gas-retaining capacity of the studied system. It was discovered that adding the studied enzyme preparations to grain dough contributes to the intensification of acid and gas generation in it. The resulting effect of biochemical and microbiological changes in grain dough under the influence of enzyme preparations of cellulase, xylanase and glucose oxidase is the improvement in the quality of grain bread compared to the samples without their addition

    Estimation of Technological Properties of Nut Meals and Their Effect on the Quality of Emulsion for Butter Biscuits with Liquid Oils

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    We have examined the technological properties of cedar nut meal (CNM) and walnut nut meal (WNM). It was established that nut meals are the highly dispersed powders whose degree of dispersion exceeds that of wheat flour. The size of 69 % of CNM is up to 40 µm, 72 % of WNM, and only 35 % of flour.Compared with wheat flour, nut meals exposed to temperatures of 20...60 °C are characterized by better water-retaining capacity. When exposed to temperatures of90 °C, meals and flour have close values for water-retaining capacity. It was noted that nut meals are better at emulsifying liquid fats than solid that are traditionally used in the technology of butter biscuits (margarine and butter). It is shown that meals are characterized by high fat-retention capacity (FRC) relative to liquid vegetable oil. It is noted that the value of FRC for nut meals in the temperature range 20...60 °C increases by 1.9 times; in the range 60...80 °C, FRC of the examined samples almost does not change; and when exposed to temperatures of 100...140 °C, it starts to decrease.We have studied the quality of emulsions for butter biscuits for the case when 30 % of margarine are replaced with liquid vegetable oil while adding various amounts of nut meals. It was established that stability of the emulsion in which 30 % of margarine were replaced with liquid vegetable oil is 37.5 % less compared to control based on margarine. The introduction of CNM and WNM improves the stability of such an emulsion. It was noted that the samples of emulsion with the addition of 40 % and 50 % of CNM and WNM in terms of the value for an indicator of stability are maximally close to the control whose fat base was margarine. This is confirmed by the results from studying the dispersion, the effective viscosity of emulsions, and by results from microscopy.The obtained results are of practical significance in order to improve the technology of butter biscuits towards a partial substitution of margarine with liquid oils. That would improve the nutritional and biological value of butter biscuits