39 research outputs found

    The wine sector management in Portugal: an overview on its three-dimensional sustainability.

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    The paper scrutinizes wine sector sustainability management in Portugal, which is a traditional wine producer. In Portugal, wine is strategic to its agri-food industry. As the wine market faced changes in consumption and an increase in the quality of the wine offered, new green products (organic, biodynamic) appeared for market niches concerned with environmental and health issues, as well as new ways of communication through the Internet and social media. First, we discuss a global wine market that affects wine market in Portugal, and then we present the internal situation and tendencies, including some examples of sustainable management of this sector in the economic, societal, and ecological dimensions. In the present work, the perspective is essentially of an entire economic sector, since in the Portuguese wine market the Old-World model prevails. This situation comprises high market fragmentation, and strong power exercised by distribution and consumers; it also means that wine production is subject to strict national and common market regulations. However, we do not abandon the micro analysis at the level of the company’s relations with its stakeholders. The methodology adopted in this review is qualitative and it consists of critical analysis of the literature from diverse disciplines, but it also uses secondary sources, such as institutional and technical reports, databases, statistics, notes and media news.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social responsibility as an organizational strategy: what does it mean and how to do it?

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    Comunicação apresentada na 9th Iberoamerican Academy of Management Conference “The Future of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Iberoamerica”, 3-5 de dezembro de 2015, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago do Chile.This paper raises the questions of the efforts and difficulties that we encounter when attempting to include social responsibility into the strategy of for-profit organizations. The paper consists of five parts. In the introduction, I discuss some aspects of the implementation of social responsibility in organizational strategy, the methodology adopted in this work and the main objectives of the paper. In the next section on the organization's strategy I only refer the general issues of strategy formation, aiming to generate the basic instruments of analysis, i.e. criteria of CSR analysis from the perspective of the organization's strategy. In the part related to social responsibility of organizations I discuss the evolution of this concept and some proposals for the use of CSR initiatives into the strategy of the organizations. Next, in the main part of the paper I present some theoretical proposals taken from subject literature and two of the many examples taken from practice, or how specific organizations have made the implementation of social responsibility into their organizational strategy. The paper finishes with endnotes, in which I discuss the issue of the limitations of this approach raised by different authors and a few personal reflections

    Sustainability in the Portuguese wine sector management: An overview

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    Standardy etyczne pracowników przedsiębiorstw polskich i portugalskich: analiza porównawcza

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    Ethos and image of the businessman/CEO: Poland & Portugal

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    Cel – Celem badania jest systematyzacja wiedzy na temat etosu i wizerunku przedsiębiorcy/CEO w Polsce i Portugalii w wyniku zaistniałych w obu krajach zmian politycznych i społeczno‑gospodarczych oraz wskazanie różnic i podobieństw uwarunkowanych historycznie i kulturowo. Metoda badań – Metodą zastosowaną w niniejszym badaniu jest analiza porównawcza i diachroniczna z wykorzystaniem źródeł wtórnych oraz krytycznej analizy literatury. Ze względu na podjętą problematykę badania praca ma charakter opisowy. Wyniki – Badania prezentują złożony i uzależniony historycznie oraz kulturowo etos i wizerunek przedsiębiorcy w obu krajach. Częstsze polskie badania na próbach reprezentatywnych, badanie jakościowe w Portugalii sprzed wielu lat i kilka pomniejszych oraz brak badań w ostatnich latach wskazują na potrzebę nowych analiz. Negatywny wizerunek przedsiębiorcy z dawnych czasów w obu krajach wydaje się słabnąć. Nie stał się pozytywny, lecz raczej ambiwalentny. Tradycyjny etos przedsiębiorcy odpowiedzialnego i dbającego o pracowników wydaje się nadal utrzymywać w obu kulturach. Polscy przedsiębiorcy są lepiej wykształceni niż portugalscy, co uwarunkowane jest historycznie, jednak wykształcenie przedsiębiorców w Portugalii wydaje się ostatnio wzrastać. Przedsiębiorcy obu krajów w większości posiadają doświadczenie zawodowe poprzedzające podjęcie działalności na własny rachunek. Przedsiębiorcy są ogólnie zadowoleni z życia, rodziny i swojej pracy, mają stabilne życie rodzinne, a osiągnięty sukces przypisują cechom osobistym; widzą oni nadmierny udział państwa w gospodarce oraz etatyzm. Oryginalność / wartość / implikacje / rekomendacje – W badaniu przedstawiono poszerzoną analizę porównawczą rozwoju etosu i wizerunku przedsiębiorcy w Polsce i Portugalii od drugiej połowy XX w. Jest to pierwsze badanie porównawcze na temat etosu i wizerunku przedsiębiorcy w tych krajach. Badanie wskazuje luki oraz nowe kierunki potencjalnie interesujących badań.Purpose – The aim of the study is to systematize knowledge on the ethos and image of the businessman/CEO in Poland and Portugal as a result of political and socio‑economic changes in both countries, as well as to identify differences and similarities conditioned by history and culture. Research method – The method used in this study is comparative and follows a diachronic analysis, using secondary sources and critical analysis of the literature. Due to the specificity of the research issues being developed, the work is descriptive. Results – The research presents the complex and historically and culturally dependent ethos and image of the businessman in both countries; more frequent Polish research, on representative samples, a qualitative study in Portugal many years ago and a few smaller ones, as well as the lack of research in recent years, indicate the need for new research. The negative image of the businessman from the past in both countries seems to be weakening, but it has not become positive, but rather ambivalent. The traditional ethos of a responsible and caring businessman seems to still hold in both cultures. Polish businessmen are better educated than Portuguese, which is historically conditioned, but the education of Portuguese seems to be increasing recently. Businessmen in both countries have mostly professional experience prior to starting their own business. Businessmen are generally satisfied with life, family and their work, have a stable family life, and attribute their success to personal qualities; they see excessive state participation in the economy and statism. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – The study presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of the development of the ethos and image of a businessman in Poland and Portugal from the second half of the 20th century. This is the first comparative study on the businessman ethos and image in these countries. The study indicates gaps and new directions for potentially interesting [email protected] Politécnico de Setúbal, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de SetúbalBaardewijk J., Graaf G., 2021, The Ethos of Business Students, “Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility”, Vol. 30(2), pp. 188–201, DOI: 10.1111/beer.12326.Baklanoff E.N., 1996, Breve experiência de socialismo em Portugal: o sector das empresas estatais, “Análise Social”, Vol. XXXI(138), pp. 925–947.Bandura A., 2001, Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective, “Annual Review of Psychology”, Vol. 52, pp. 1–26, DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.52.1.1.Bąk D., 2012, Etos ludzi i instytucji biznesu, [w:] Biznes, Etyka, Odpowiedzialność, Gasparski W. 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    Inércia organizacional

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    Ultimamente muitas investigações têm sido levadas a cabo em diferentes áreas das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, nas quais o fenómeno de inércia, suas causas e resultados têm sido estudados, a saber: na Filosofia (Ética e Praxeologia), na Psicologia ou na Teoria Organizacional. Todavia, parece que a literatura científica das Ciências Sociais, maioritariamente baseada em estudos empíricos, nos quais a inércia é uma das variáveis independentes, carece de reflexão teórica. O problema de inércia organizacional é analisado no presente artigo como um caso específico da inércia do comportamento humano. Este artigo aborda apenas algumas questões relacionadas com a inércia do comportamento humano: o problema da aplicação directa do princípio mecânico para a área psicossocial, algumas concepções deste fenómeno nas Ciências Sociais com especial enfoque na Teoria organizacional, bem como a avaliação deste fenómeno. Por estas razões, o texto concentra- se nos aspectos conceptuais do fenómeno, levantando mais questões do que dando respostas. Tem um carácter introdutório a futuras investigações.In recent times several investigations have been carried out in different areas of Social Sciences and Humanities, where the phenomenon of inertia, its causes and results were studied, such as, Philosophy (Ethics, Praxiology), Psychology or Organizational Theory. The problem of organizational inertia is analysed in the present paper as a specific one in the human behaviour inertia. However, it seems that scientific literature in Social Sciences, mostly based on empirical studies, where inertia is one of many independent variables, lacks theoretical reflection on these phenomena. This paper concerns only some questions related to inertia of human behaviour as a problem of direct use of the mechanical principle to the psycho-sociological sphere, some conceptions of this phenomenon in Social Sciences with special scope on Organizational Theory, and the evaluation sign attributed to these phenomena. For these reasons, the focus is on the conceptualisation of the phenomenon which rises more questions than it gives answers. The character of this paper is introductory to further investigation

    Zrównoważone zarządzanie sektorem wina w Portugalii

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    Corporate governance e o desempenho das empresas em portugal

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    Comunicação apresentada na 9th Iberoamerican Academy of Management Conference “The Future of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Iberoamerica”, 3-5 de dezembro de 2015, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, ChileI examine aspects of the concept of corporate governance in general, related to Portugal in particular. The paper is based on literature review and the comparison of two annual reports of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM, 2009, 2012) on corporate government in companies in Portugal. Its aim is to scrutinize the results of investigations on the relationship between corporate governance measures and company’s economic performance obtained in Portugal, and to compare the improvements in company’s compliance with the recommendations of the CMVM. Firstly, I discriminate the purpose, the objectives and the methodology of the study. Then I describe the assumptions of the issue of corporate governance. When approaching corporate governance in Portugal, I present an institutional measure at national level – the recommendations of Corporate Governance Code of the CMVM. I present the results of studies that attempt to relate some measures of corporate governance with the economic performance of companies, as well as the performance of Portuguese companies at the level of implementation of the measures of corporate governance with reference to the annual reports of the CMVM (2009, 2012). Finally I raise the question of the limitations of the approach and present some future developments


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    In the case study of Delta Cafés we discuss the sustainable development of the Portuguese company and brand over the 55 years of their existence. Delta Cafés has already been analyzed in terms of marketing activity, social responsibility, management control systems, etc. In this paper, we refer to these studies, and we reach the sources, i.e. the information provided by the Delta Cafés itself. Due to the nature of the coffee market and the use of case study methodology, we start the presentation of this case from a broader context, describing the coffee market in the world and characterizing the coffee market in Portugal as well. Then we present the history of the development of the company and the brand Delta Cafés. The paper ends with concluding remarks in which we discuss the issues of social and environmental responsibility in the light of the development of Delta Cafés business and brand strategies. En el estudio de caso de Delta Cafés se discute el desarrollo sostenible de la empresa portuguesa y su marca durante los 55 años de existencia. Delta Cafés ya ha sido analizada en términos de actividad de marketing, responsabilidad social, sistemas de control de gestión, etc. En este artículo se hace referencia a estos estudios y también explora las fuentes, es decir, la información proporcionada por la Delta Cafés. Debido a la naturaleza del mercado de café y a los requisitos de la metodología de estudio de caso, la descripción de este caso se inicia con su inclusión en el contexto más amplio, en que se describe el mercado de café en el mundo y caracteriza el mercado de café en Portugal. A continuación, se presenta la historia del desarrollo de la empresa y la marca Delta Cafés. El artículo concluye con unas observaciones finales en las que se discuten los temas de responsabilidad social y ambiental a la luz del desarrollo estratégico del negocio y la marca Delta Cafés.No estudo de caso da Delta Cafés apresenta-se o desenvolvimento sustentável da empresa e marca portuguesa ao longo dos 55 anos da sua existência. Delta Cafés já foi analisada em termos de atividade de marketing, responsabilidade social, sistemas de controlo de gestão, etc. Este artigo refere-se a estes estudos e explora também as fontes, ou seja, informações fornecidas pela própria Delta Cafés. Devido à natureza do mercado de café e às exigências da metodologia de estudo de caso, a descrição do caso começa com a sua inserção num contexto mais amplo, descrevendo o mercado de café no mundo e caracterizando o mercado de café em Portugal. Em seguida, apresenta-se a história do desenvolvimento da empresa e da marca Delta Cafés. O artigo termina com observações finais em que se discutem as questões de responsabilidade social e ambiental à luz do desenvolvimento estratégico do negócio e da marca Delta Cafés

    Dimensão ética da conduta das empresas e dos trabalhadores: Factos empíricos de um estudo exploratório realizado em Portugal

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    O artigo apresenta uma selecção dos resultados de um estudo empírico realizado em Portugal em 2004, numa amostra por conveniência, sobre diversos aspectos da conduta ética das empresas e seus trabalhadores. A dimensão ética da conduta das empresas e dos trabalhadores foi assumida como conceito composto pelos seguintes aspectos: reflexão ética, legalidade da conduta, relações entre a ética e a eficiência, responsabilidade das empresas, percepção da conduta não ética e denúncia da sua ocorrência, institucionalização e formalização da ética nas empresas. Dos resultados destacam-se: o impacto positivo ao nível cognitivo da implementação dos elementos de ética formal na empresa, o qual pode, contudo, conduzir à supressão da responsabilidade e à desculpabilização pelos actos potencialmente imorais; o crescimento da imagem positiva do tecido empresarial com a ascendência na posição hierárquica e o inverso com o decréscimo do poder organizacional; o decréscimo de confiança nas empresas nacionais à medida que o sentimento de segurança de/no emprego se reduz e a sua transferência para as empresas estrangeiras; o crescimento de confiança depositada pelos inquiridos nas empresas com o aumento da dimensão destas últimas; a predominância de documentos escritos de ética nas empresas de origem estrangeira e a sua escassez nas empresas nacionais.The paper presents selected results of an empirical study carried out in Portugal in 2004 on companies and workers’ ethical behaviour, based on convenience sample. It is assumed that ethical dimension of companies and workers’ behaviour is a concept composed of such aspects as ethical reflection, legal obligation, ethical image of a domestic economy, ethical image of a businessman and a firm as well, corporate responsibility, deontological obligations of the firm, perception of unethical behaviour, whistle blowing, institutionalisation and formalisation of ethics. All presented aspects of ethical dimension were analyzed in the light of the impact of selected independent (individual and institutional) variables (sex; age; level of education; tenure; hierarchical level; actual and future sense of security of employment and career development; property and capital origin of the company; its size, age, sector and financial situation). The main results point out a positive impact on workers’ cognitive level as a result of the implementation of elements of formal ethics in a company, which might, however, lead to the suppression of responsibility and to indulgence towards potentially immoral action; the increase of a positive image (honesty) of the business/company as the hierarchical responsibility rises and vice versa; the trust in national companies decreases as the feeling of security of employment lessens whereas the trust in foreign capital companies rises; the bigger the size of the company is, the higher is the level of trust; the existence of ethical standards is more likely to be found in foreign companies than in national ones