16 research outputs found

    Formación de la perspectiva científica de los estudiantes para la implementación de actividades profesionales

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    La educación profesional moderna tiene como objetivo formar especialistas creativos altamente calificados capaces de resolver rápidamente los problemas profesionales. La resolución de este problema depende de muchos factores interrelacionados, entre los que ocupa un lugar significativo la formación de la cosmovisión científica de los estudiantes. El trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las características de la formación y desarrollo de la cosmovisión científica de los estudiantes para la implementación de futuras actividades profesionales. El artículo presenta la experiencia de implementar tecnologías educativas modernas que contribuyan a la formación de la capacidad de los estudiantes para utilizar los fundamentos del conocimiento filosófico y socio-humanitario. Sobre el ejemplo de algunas disciplinas señaladas en el currículo, se revelan los métodos y formas del desarrollo de la cosmovisión científica. Las tecnologías, métodos y formas resaltados permiten crear las condiciones para unir a los estudiantes en grupos de proyectos para participar en diversas competencias profesionales que amplían las posiciones científicas y de cosmovisión. Para identificar el nivel de la cosmovisión científica, hemos identificado los criterios e indicadores apropiados. La dinámica observada muestra un aumento en el número de participantes en las competencias y un aumento en el nivel de formación de la cosmovisión científica. Los resultados del estudio permiten decir que la formación de la visión del mundo científico amplía las posibilidades de los estudiantes en la implementación de actividades profesionales

    Formación de la perspectiva científica de los estudiantes para la implementación de actividades profesionales

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    La educación profesional moderna tiene como objetivo formar especialistas creativos altamente calificados capaces de resolver rápidamente los problemas profesionales. La resolución de este problema depende de muchos factores interrelacionados, entre los que ocupa un lugar significativo la formación de la cosmovisión científica de los estudiantes. El trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las características de la formación y desarrollo de la cosmovisión científica de los estudiantes para la implementación de futuras actividades profesionales. El artículo presenta la experiencia de implementar tecnologías educativas modernas que contribuyan a la formación de la capacidad de los estudiantes para utilizar los fundamentos del conocimiento filosófico y socio-humanitario. Sobre el ejemplo de algunas disciplinas señaladas en el currículo, se revelan los métodos y formas del desarrollo de la cosmovisión científica. Las tecnologías, métodos y formas resaltados permiten crear las condiciones para unir a los estudiantes en grupos de proyectos para participar en diversas competencias profesionales que amplían las posiciones científicas y de cosmovisión. Para identificar el nivel de la cosmovisión científica, hemos identificado los criterios e indicadores apropiados. La dinámica observada muestra un aumento en el número de participantes en las competencias y un aumento en el nivel de formación de la cosmovisión científica. Los resultados del estudio permiten decir que la formación de la visión del mundo científico amplía las posibilidades de los estudiantes en la implementación de actividades profesionales

    Studies of natural changes in diastolic pressure in each cardiac cycle on the basis of digitally processed ECG and Rheo

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    Conventional methods for arterial pressure (AP) measurement are not capable of identifying it in each cardiac cycle. Besides, they ignore many significant factors. The paper reports on an innovative method based on cardiac cycle phase analysis for detecting systolic and diastolic AP changes in each cardiac cycle using synchronous digitally processed ECG and Rheo recordings. Considered is the phase mechanism of the natural diastolic pressure regulation. The diastolic AP changes referred to the physiological norm and aortic dilatation status are also assessed

    Study of effects of simulated space flight factors and use of infusion liquids on human hemodynamics with the use of the Cardiocode method

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    Aims The aim is to study the effect of simulated space flight factors on the human central hemodynamics and evaluate the effectiveness of colloid and crystalloid infusions in microgravity simulation using the Cardiocode method. Materials and methods Test subjects were six men aged 20 to 35 without chronic somatic diseases. Antiorthostatic hypokinesia with an angle of 15° (ANOH-15) simulated the weightlessness was used. Diuretics were used to simulate hypovolemia in the test individuals. During ANOH-15 the colloid and crystalloid intravenous infusions were applied. Central hemodynamics parameters were measured by Cardiocode method. Results Background quantitative and qualitative central hemodynamics parameters were obtained, several individual characteristics of blood flow regulation were identified. The effects of space flight factors, ground-based simulated with antiorthostatic hypokinesia, on the human hemodynamics were investigated. The efficacy of crystalloid and colloid infusions for the correction of central hemodynamics abnormalities in test subjects with hypovolemia in microgravity was studied. Conclusion The Cardiocode method allowed obtaining the information about the effects of simulated space flight factors and different infusion fluids on the human central hemodynamics. The efficacy of crystalloid and colloid infusions for the correction of central hemodynamics abnormalities in test subjects in microgravity was positively evaluated

    Study of central hemodynamic parameters in pediatric burn shock patients using the method of the heart cycle phase analysis

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    Aims This paper deals with a study of central hemodynamics in 363 pediatric patients with burn shock as compared with a reference healthy children group in order to establish clinical value of the hemodynamic parameters for burn shock diagnostics and therapy. Materials and methods There is a new method applied to examine the functional status of the cardiovascular system with use of the medical equipment Cardiocode that is based on the method of the heart cycle phase analysis and capable of measuring parameters such as a stroke volume (SV), a circulation minute volume (CMV), systolic parameters (both a rapid ejection volume Vr.e. and a slow ejection volume Vs.e.), diastolic parameters (an early diastole volume Ve.d. and an atrial systole volume Va.s.), including a volumetric parameter characterizing the actual tonus of the ascending aorta (Va.а.). Results Age-related trends in the above volumetric parameters have been established herein. Specific features of the hemodynamic parameters in pediatric patients with burn shock have been identified. Conclusion Diagnostics of changes in the central hemodynamics in pediatric burn patients at their hospital admission provides reliable prediction tools for detecting shock well in advance and starting with an adequate intensive therapy

    Basic criteria of finding the markers of hemodynamic self-regulation mechanism on ECG and Rheogram and analysis of compensation mechanism performance in maintaining hemodynamic parameters at their normal levels

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    Aims Basic criteria of finding the markers of the hemodynamic self-regulation mechanism on an ECG and a Rheogram are described herein. The basics of an analysis of the compensation mechanism responsib le for the maintenance of the hemodynamic parameters within the norms are presented in this paper. Materials and methods A change in the form of an ECG phase segment reflects qualitatively the actual contraction performance of the respective cardiac muscle part involved. In case when the contraction of a cardiac muscle part is weak, an adjacent part undertakes the required compensation function in order to adjust the process. The causality analysis allows identifying the primary cause of a pathology which makes impossible to maintain the proper phase-related blood volumes within the norms. Results An evaluation of the hemodynamic self-regulation mechanism on the basis of the analysis of the compensation mechanism responsible for the maintenance of the hemodynamic parameters within the norms allows revealing the primary cause of the cardiovascular system pathology. Conclusion We offer an innovative methodology that is easy to use and very efficient, therefore, it can be widely applied in practice

    The G.Poyedintsev - O. Voronova mathematical model of hemodynamics

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    Aims The objective is to demonstrate the features of an original mathematical model of hemodynamics, developed by Russian researchers G.Poyedintsev and O.Voronova. Materials and methods The proposed original mathematical model of hemodynamics is based on the laws of the fresh hydrodynamic theory of the "third" fluid flow mode. Results As a result of the application of the above mathematical model of hemodynamics, an advanced method for noninvasive measuring of a complete set of hemodynamic parameters with the use of the cardiac cycle phase durations, implemented by the Cardiocode device, have been elaborated. Conclusion The unique method for noninvasive measuring of a complete set of hemodynamic parameters, which has been developed on the basis of the above mathematical model of hemodynamics, is a promising source for considerable expanding of diagnostics capabilities

    ECG periodic table: a new ECG classification based on heart cycle phase analysis

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    Aims The article considers the development of the periodic table of ECG phase changes which should reflect the variety of the ECG curves and can be used as reference system for diagnostics purposes. Materials and methods More than 5,000 ECG records were studied. They were recorded as original single-lead ECG of the ascending aorta. This fundamentally new ECG lead system reflects all processes in cardiovascular system. It was named by its developers the “ECG – HDA”. Basing on the theory of cardiac cycle phase analysis, the authors defined deviations from the normal ECG curve. Clinical tests were conducted and descriptions based on the laws of cardiometry were provided. Results A fundamentally new system of the ECG curve evaluation has been developed. Conclusion It is stated that all the variety of the actual ECG curves can be divided into 10 groups. Each group contains 4 levels of characteristic changes, starting from the norm up to and including critical deviations from the norm. The results are presented in the “ECG phase changes periodic table”. The table can be used for very precise diagnostics. The periodic table enables assessing the capabilities of the practical application of electrocardiography from a new point of view

    Diagnostic value of measured hemodynamic parameters: cardiac output, minute volume and a complete set of phase-related volumes of blood

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    The paper reviews the existing methods for hemodynamic parameters measurement, namely the Fick method, the thermodilution technique and the Cardiocode technology. Comparative analysis of the above methods is presented. Strong and weak points in each method and their informative values are identified. Distinctive features of the Cardiocode method, as the only noninvasive one, are described

    Formation of the students’ scientific outlook for the implementation of professional activities

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    Modern professional education is aimed at training highly qualified creative specialists capable of promptly solving professional problems. The resolution of this issue depends on many interrelated factors, among which the formation of the scientific worldview of students occupies a significant place. The work aims is to identify the features of the formation and development of the scientific worldview of students for the implementation of future professional activities. The article presents the experience of implementing modern educational technologies that contribute to the formation of students' ability to use the foundations of philosophical and sociohumanitarian knowledge. On the example of some disciplines indicated in the curriculum, the methods and forms of the development of the scientific worldview are revealed. The highlighted technologies, methods and forms make it possible to create conditions for uniting students into project groups to participate in various professional competitions that expand scientific and worldview positions. To identify the level of the scientific worldview, we have identified the appropriate criteria and indicators. The observed dynamics shows an increase in the number of participants in competitions and an increase in the level of formation of the scientific worldview. The results of the study allow us to say that the formation of the scientific world outlook expands the possibilities of students in the implementation of professional activities.La educación profesional moderna tiene como objetivo formar especialistas creativos altamente calificados capaces de resolver rápidamente los problemas profesionales. La resolución de este problema depende de muchos factores interrelacionados, entre los que ocupa un lugar significativo la formación de la cosmovisión científica de los estudiantes. El trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las características de la formación y desarrollo de la cosmovisión científica de los estudiantes para la implementación de futuras actividades profesionales. El artículo presenta la experiencia de implementar tecnologías educativas modernas que contribuyan a la formación de la capacidad de los estudiantes para utilizar los fundamentos del conocimiento filosófico y socio-humanitario. Sobre el ejemplo de algunas disciplinas señaladas en el currículo, se revelan los métodos y formas del desarrollo de la cosmovisión científica. Las tecnologías, métodos y formas resaltados permiten crear las condiciones para unir a los estudiantes en grupos de proyectos para participar en diversas competencias profesionales que amplían las posiciones científicas y de cosmovisión. Para identificar el nivel de la cosmovisión científica, hemos identificado los criterios e indicadores apropiados. La dinámica observada muestra un aumento en el número de participantes en las competencias y un aumento en el nivel de formación de la cosmovisión científica. Los resultados del estudio permiten decir que la formación de la visión del mundo científico amplía las posibilidades de los estudiantes en la implementación de actividades profesionales