6 research outputs found
Study chemical compounds satureja montana for prospective species in Ukrainian flora
Summer (or garden) and winter savory in Ukraine are not official plants, but are included in the Pharmacopoeias of France and other countries. The study of the composition of the essential oil from herbal raw materials of this plant, which is cultivated in the south of Ukraine, was the aim of our work. The essential oil of winter savory (fugitive, highly mobile, light-yellow liquid) was obtained using the hydrodistillation method. A sample of the obtained essential oil was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography on a Percin Elmer XL appliance, which is equipped with a flamingly-ionization detector and anAutosystem capillary column with a mass-detector Q-Mass 910 with a length of 30 m and an internal diameter of 0.25 mm. 24 components were identified
Raw material “Trifolii pratense herba” originated from southern Ukraine: diagnostic microscopic features and its antioxidant activity
As a result of pharmacognostic and pharmacological studies, diagnostic signs of Trifolii pratense grass collected in the phenophase of active flowering in the area of southern Ukraine were revealed. We have proposed the adoption of an appendix to the existing monograph of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control “Trifolii inflorescences”, with raw material of grass Trifolii pratense, with appropriate microscopic identification of diagnostic signs of leaves and stems of the plant. According to our previously found optimal conditions for extraction of medicinal plant raw materials (ratio of solvent-plant material, time and temperature of extraction), selected aqueous extract (1: 5) of clover grass with yields of maximum active substances to the extract from 60 min to 24 hours, which showed lower values of TBARS (0.541 ± 0.0291 μM / g, mean ± SD), which gives grounds to recommend the use of raw materials as an antioxidant, compared with the action of ascorbic acid
Five flavonoids from Lucerne varieties
Alfalfa (Fabaceae) is known as perennial herbaceous leguminous plant species that originated in southwestern Asia and is used as a folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments. The upper ground part of Lucerne contains phenolic compound such as flavonoids and others, which exhibit biological activities. This study aimed to determine five widely known flavonoids in extracts 20 alfalfa varieties herb at the Ukrainian steppe growing. 50 seeds of the same size were selected from twenty varieties of alfalfa from different countries, and cultivated in controlled areas of the southern part of the Left Bank of Ukraine at the border of forest-steppe and steppe zones (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine) from April to June, with 15 °C/ 07 °C (day/night), 14 h/10 h (light/dark) and 60–65% relative humidity. The content of flavonoids was found unequable in ethanol extracts. The chemical compositions and their content were assessed by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography. The content of five flavonoids was different in the 20 alfalfa varieties raw materials. Umbelliferone was found high in ethanol extract of Mongolian colorful hybrid (Mongolia, 0.23 mg/g). Four sorts have not contained umbelliferone: Кisvardai (Hungary), Nizona (Cuba), Тanhuato (Mexico), and Mesopotamian (Iraq). The leader from cinaroside content was sort Commercial 2-52-75 of UK origin. Routine has been found in the highest quantities in WL 50 from the USA. Ferganska 700 from Uzbekistan was the leader in luteolin content and Кisvardai, Hungary was the leader in an average of kaempferol content (0.030 mg/g). The present article comprises the hierarchical cluster analyses from the data flavonoid assay. In fact, a real method has been obtained for the targeted production of valuable biologically active components with a high content from plant sources
Robust Amino-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Hollow Spheres Templated by CO<sub>2</sub> Bubbles
Hollow-structured mesoporous silica has wide applications in catalysis and drug delivery due to its high surface area, large hollow space, and short diffusion mesochannels. However, the synthesis of hollow structures usually requires sacrificial templates, leading to increased production costs and environmental problems. Here, for the first time, amino-functionalized mesoporous silica hollow spheres were synthesized by using CO2 gaseous bubbles as templates. The assembly of anionic surfactants, co-structure directing agents, and inorganic silica precursors around CO2 bubbles formed the mesoporous silica shells. The hollow silica spheres, 200–400 nm in size with 20–30 nm spherical shell thickness, had abundant amine groups on the surface of the mesopores, indicating excellent applications for CO2 capture, Knoevenagel condensation reaction, and the controlled release of Drugs
Аналіз сортового складу виноградних насаджень України та перспективи вирощування сортів нової селекції
The object of current research is the varietal composition of industrial vineyards in Ukraine. One of the most problematic aspects is the assortment of table grapes, which is represented by a limited number of varieties, especially in industrial viticulture. That is why the local market is saturated with imported table grapes.
Viticulturists have been creating Ukrainian grape varieties since the middle of the last century. 150 promising varieties and hybrid forms were bred. They combine high productivity and product quality with high rates of adaptability to the «risky» growing conditions of the Northern Black Sea coast. Many years of research confirmed a high level of pathogen, drought and frost resistance, winter hardiness, as well as a high level of quality traits. The inclusion of modern Ukrainian varieties in the regional assortments, especially with the usage of intensive cultivation, will ensure the development of sustainable viticulture. Due to genetically determined pathogen resistance, a significant reduction in pesticide load is possible, which in the future will ensure the transition to adaptive, and later to organic viticulture.
The results of the analysis of the composition and structure of the assortment of grapes in Ukraine are obtained and the new varieties with a high level and stability of productivity and product quality for improving the assortment are suggested.
This provides the opportunity to increase profitability by 250–350 % for table varieties, due to high productivity, reducing pesticide load, and increasing the price of product due to the visual appearance and high taste properties. Common varieties require 9–12 pesticide treatments, the usage of additional stimulants such as gibberellins, and other elements of production intensification to obtain the marketable product. New wine varieties also show significant economic potential, as they have higher winter hardiness, pathogen resistance, and exclusive wine characteristics.Об'єктом дослідження є сортовий склад промислових насаджень винограду в Україні. Одним з найбільш проблемних місць є сортимент столового винограду, який у промислових масштабах представлений обмеженою кількістю сортів. Саме з цим ми пов’язуємо насичення ринку імпортним столовим виноградом.
Створенням сортів винограду української селекції вчені-виноградарі займаються з середини минулого століття. Було виділено 150 перспективних сортів та форм, які поєднують високу продуктивність та якість продукції з високими показниками адаптивності до «ризикованих» умов вирощування Північного Причорномор’я. За багаторічні дослідження підтверджено високий рівень патогеностійкості, зимо-та морозостійкості та стійкості до посухи, а також високий рівень показників якості. Включення до регіональних сортиментів сортів сучасної української селекції, особливо за використання інтенсивної технології вирощування, дозволить говорити про забезпечення розвитку сталого виноградарства. За рахунок генетично обумовленої патогеностійкості можливе суттєве зменшення пестицидного навантаження, що у майбутньому забезпечить перехід до адаптивного, а згодом до біологічного ведення насаджень.
Отримано результати аналізу складу та структури сортименту винограду України та запропоновано сорти нової селекції з високим рівнем та стабільністю показників продуктивності та якості продукції для вдосконалення сортименту.
Завдяки цьому забезпечується можливість отримання рентабельності на рівні 250–350 % для столових сортів, що обумовлюється високою продуктивністю, зменшенням пестицидного навантаження, підвищенням вартості продукції за рахунок нарядності та високих смакових властивостей ягід та грон. Розповсюджені сорти, які потребують для отримання товарної продукції 9–12 обприскувань, використання додаткових стимуляторів, таких як гіберелін, та інших елементів інтенсифікації технології виробництва. Технічні сорти нового покоління також проявляють високі економічні показники вирощування, оскільки мають переваги у зимостійкості, патогеностійкості та ексклюзивних характеристиках вин