18 research outputs found

    Сутнісна характеристика поняття “професійна мобільність”

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    Competitiveness, professional mobility, professionalism and competence of a specialist are the qualities on which human life and work successes depend on. The purpose of the article is to consider the issue of professional mobility as a factor in the professional success of a modern specialist. Professional mobility is studied as a systemic quality of a specialist who includes a whole range of knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities, value orientations, etc. The vision of the mobility of specialists by foreign scientists is presented.It is noted that the classification of professional mobility, presented in the article, makes it possible to organize various movements from unified positions, to submit them as separate manifestations of the overall process of vocational and pedagogical mobility, to determine what kind of mobility provides for the fulfillment of certain social functions. It has been found that mobility can be differentiated into intrigeneration and intergenerational. By subject distinguish mobility individual and group; by direction – internal and external. The classification of employees according to their attitude to mobility is shown, which can be divided into the following groups: actually mobile; potentially mobile; actually stable; potentially stable.Професійну мобільність потрактовано як системну якість особи фахівця, яка включає в себе цілу низку знань, умінь, здібностей, особистих якостей, ціннісних орієнтацій тощо. Подано бачення мобільності фахівців зарубіжними вченими. Зазначено, що класифікація професійної мобільності, що подана у статті, дає можливість упорядкувати різноманітні переміщення з єдиних позицій, подати їх як окремі прояви загального процесу професійно-педагогічної мобільності, визначити, який вид мобільності забезпечує виконання тих чи інших соціальних функцій. З’ясовано, що мобільність може бути диференційована на інтрагенераційну та інтергенераційну. За суб’єктом розрізняють мобільність індивідуальну і групову; за спрямуванням – внутрішню та зовнішню

    Influence of Indifferent Electrolytes on Formation of Coagulative Structures in Aqueous Silica Dispersions

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    Effects of indifferent electrolytes (NaCl, KCl, LiCl, NaI, NaNO3, CaCl2, and MgCl2) on the electrical double layer (EDL), aggregation, gelling, and rheological properties of aqueous dispersions of nanosilica were investigated. All examined indifferent electrolytes enhance interactions between nanoparticles of fumed silica through the coagulation mechanism. The critical concentration of gelation and gelling time decrease in the presence of the electrolytes, while the effective viscosity of the dispersions and average size of aggregates (Def) increase in series of chlorides: Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+. That corresponds to an increase in the cation radius and reduction of the hydration shell. The nature of anions and cations significantly affects the values of Def and viscosity. For sodium salts, the viscosity increases in series I- < NO3- < Cl- corresponding to an increase in the hydration shell

    Influence of water-soluble nonionic polymers adsorption on colloidal properties of nanosilica dispersions

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    The relationships between the adsorption of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) of various molecular weights onto nanosilica and the stability and rheological properties of the aqueous dispersions were analyzed. The adsorption isotherms for the polymers correspond to the Langmuir-type isotherms. The adsorption maximum slightly increases with increasing molecular weight of the polymers. The sedimentation and aggregative stability of the silica dispersion decreased at a low amount of an adsorbed polymer (less than a monolayer). At this polymer content, a significant increase in the viscosity of dispersions is observed due to the formation of polymeric bridges between silica nanoparticles from neighboring aggregates of them. If the amount of adsorbed polymer exceeds the monolayer then the stabilizing effect is observed due to the steric factor preventing the bridge formation and the viscosity of dispersion decreases slightly compared with systems with a low polymer content

    Co–Fe–oxide nanoparticles supported on the various highly dispersed matrices: the effect of the carrier on structural and magnetic properties

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    A series of mixed oxides was synthesized by deposition of the guest phase on the highly dispersed oxide matrix. Fumed nanooxides SiO2, Al2O3, SiO2/Al2O3, and SiO2/Al2O3/TiO2 with the specific surface area of 65–91 m2/g were selected as highly dispersed matrices. Co–Fe mixed oxides with the general formula Co4xFexOy (Co: Fe = 4: 1) were deposited as the guest oxides using the two-step method: (i) solvate-stimulated modification of the surface of fumed nanocarriers with the mixture of cobalt nitrate (II) and iron (III) formate and (ii) subsequent heat treatment up to 600 °C to form Co4xFexOy. The aim of this paper was to study the influence of the composition and structure of fumed oxide matrices and deposited guest phase on the morphology of the resulting composites in the gaseous and aqueous media using the XRD, XPS, FTIR, nitrogen adsorption and SEM/EDX, as well as quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS) methods. The low-temperature nitrogen adsorption isotherms have a sigmoidal shape with a narrow hysteresis loop characteristic of mesoporous materials. The specific surface area (SBET) of the composites varies from 48 to 82 m2/g, showing a tendency towards a decrease in the SBET values by 10–26% in comparison with the initial nanocarriers. The SEM data show the denser aggregate structure of nanocomposites compared to the initial carriers. The primary particle size was in the 30–60 nm range and the EDX data confirm the formation of a guest phase on the mixed aluminosilicate carriers, mainly in the surface patches corresponding to the alumina structure. According to the QELS data, there is a tendency to form aggregates of 100–10 μm in size in the aqueous media. The XRD method shows that the deposited metal oxides are in the form of crystalline phases of Co3O4 with the crystallites of 25–26 nm in size for the individual SiO2 and Al2O3 nanocarriers and 34–37 for the mixed ones, but the iron oxide reflections were not identified for the composites. XPS observation demonstrates the signal of Fe 2p electrons as the form of Fe2O3 oxide in the surface layer of nanocomposites as well as Co 2p as the Co3O4 and Co(OH)2

    Комплексна програма фізичної реабілітації підлітків при ортопедичній деформації стоп з урахуванням змін опорно-рухового апарату

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    Develop and validate a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation for young secondary school children with flat feet, which included special exercises in isometric (overcoming resistance hand physiotherapist) and isotonic modes to the lower limbs, the use stretch exercises, combined with massotherapy and physiotherapy. The observation boys 12–13 years with I–II degree of flatfoot. Evidence efficiency of the proposed physical rehabilitation program based on the study of the dynamics of the functional state respiratory, cardiovascular systems and locomotor apparatus.Разработана и обоснована комплексная программа физической реабилитации для подростков среднего школьного возраста с плоскостопием, которая включала специальные упражнения в изометрическом (с преодолением сопротивления рук реабилитолога) и изотоническом режимах для нижних конечностей, применение стретчинговых упражнений, в сочетании с лечебным массажем и физиотерапией. Под наблюдением находились мальчики 12–13-летнего возраста с I–II степенью плоскостопия. Доказана эффективность предложенной программы физической реабилитации на основании изучения динамики функционального состояния дыхательной, сердечно-сосудистой систем организма и опорно-двигательного аппарата.Розроблено і обґрунтовано комплексну програму фізичної реабілітації для підлітків середнього шкільного віку з плоскостопістю, яка включала спеціальні вправи в ізометричному (з подоланням опору рук реабілітолога) та ізотонічному режимах для нижніх кінцівок, застосування стретчингових вправ, у поєднанні з лікувальним масажем і фізіотерапією. Під спостереженням знаходилися хлопці 12–13-річного віку з I–II ступенем плоскостопості. Доведено ефективність запропонованої програми фізичної реабілітації на підставі вивчення динаміки функціонального стану дихальної, серцево-судинної систем організму та опорно-рухового апарату

    Surface properties of the doped silica hydrophobic coatings deposited on plasma activated glass supports

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    The paper discusses preparation and characteristics of silica hydrophobic layers deposited on the plasma-modified glass supports. The surfaces were investigated using wettability measurements, profilometry, photoacoustic and infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as well as scanning electron microscopy. The wettability measurements showed that the obtained surfaces are hydrophobic – the water contact angle was in the range of 140-150 degrees. The photoacoustic and infrared spectroscopy as well as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy disclosed the surface compositions, particularly that of the hydrophobic alkyl groups deposited on them. They were methyl groups introduced during hydrophobization by hexamethyldisilazane. In addition, it was found that the number of groups on the surface depends on the kind of plasma by which the supports were activated. The optical profilometer showed differences in the surface roughness which affects their hydrophobicity. Moreover, the surface free energies were determined using the contact angle hysteresis method. They disclosed differences in each surface, depending on the way of supports activation. The largest hydrophobicity was obtained on the layer deposited on the support activated by the argon plasma. However, support activation by the air plasma resulted in a decrease of hydrophobicity compared to that of the non-activated surface

    Клітинні культури стромального походження в терапії експериментальної тендопатії

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    The article deals with a comparative study of the use of cell cultures of the stromal origin for treating degenerative-dystrophic damages of the Achilles tendon in rats. With help of histological and biomechanical methods it is shown that a local introduction of cultures of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells and chorion cells facilitates restoration of the damaged structure of tendons and normalization of their strength.Представлено сравнительное исследование применения клеточных культур стромального происхождения для лечения дегенеративно-дистрофического повреждения ахилловых сухожилий у крыс. При помощи гистологических и биомеханических методов показано, что локальное введение культур мезенхимальных стромальных клеток костного мозга и клеток хориона способствует восстановлению поврежденной структуры сухожилий и нормализации их прочности.Представлено порівняльне дослідження застосування клітинних культур стромального походження для лікування дегенеративно-дистрофічного ушкодження ахіллових сухожилків щурів. За допомогою гістологічних і біомеханічних методів показано, що локальне введення культур мезенхімальних стромальних клітин кісткового мозку і клітин хоріона сприяє відновленню ушкодженої структури сухожилків і нормалізації їх міцності

    Barriers to energy sustainability: A case study from Ukraine

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    Sustainability goals imply not only economic and environmental components, but also a social one. The energy business around the world is profitable and economically viable, but it does not always bring appropriate benefits to a society. Besides, some governments, instead of protecting the interests of the population, turn a blind eye and generate injustice in relation to some parts of society in collaboration with energy companies. This paper examines one of the cases when the authorities pursue an unfair policy and contribute to the growth of inequality in society through regulating the natural gas tariffs. The paper considers a case of natural gas consumption and its unfair taxation by the Ukrainian government, which the authors called “gas tax”. A statistical analysis of this case revealed that honest middle-income taxpayers (middle class) are at the most disadvantageous position because they have to pay for utilities at the highest price. The paper also discusses a number of challenges and ethical issues related to the payment of gas tax. All these challenges should become arguments for revising the gas tax, making it less painful for the people and fair