46 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the work is to identify the patterns and features of the epidemic and epizootic process of rabies infection in Ukraine, the study of the driving forces and factors that cause the activation of morbidity, to develop adequate measures of control and prevention. The epidemiological analysis of rabies incidence in Ukraine is conducted. The epizootiology of rabies infection is considered in the historical context. The role of wild animals in the spread of rabies virus is highlighted. The ecology of natural and anthropurgical rabies has been considered and the spread of this infection on the territory of the country has been demonstrated.Метою роботи є виявлення закономірностей і особливостей перебігу епідемічного та епізоотичного процесу рабічної інфекції в Україні, дослідження рушійних сил і факторів, що обумовлюють активізацію захворюваності, для вироблення адекватних заходів боротьби та профілактики. Проведено епідеміологічний аналіз захворюваності на сказ в Україні. Розглянута епізоотологія рабічної інфекції в історичному контексті. Висвітлена роль диких тварин у поширенні вірусу сказу. Розглянута екологія природного і антропургічного сказу та продемонстровано поширення цієї інфекції на території країни

    Microwave properties of composite structures of metal-insulator

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    The microwave properties of composite structures of metal-insulator transition are investigated. The results of experimental studies of metal-based structures of the polymer matrix with metallic inclusions in the form of nanopowder metal and metal plates in the frequency bands 8…10 GHz and 25…37 GHz are presented.Исследованы СВЧ свойства композитных структур металл-диэлектрик. Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований металлодиэлектрических структур на основе полимерной матрицы с включениями в виде нанодисперсного порошка металла и металлических пластин в диапазонах частот 8…10 ГГц и 25…37 ГГц

    Teacher’s imageas a basis of increasing competitiveness of higher education: a paradigm of modern educational process

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    The urgency of the research topic is that the attempt, through the prism of higher education in Ukraine, is to outline the factors and opportunities for forming a positive image of a modern teacher as the basis for the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the article is: rethinking the teacher’s image in conditions of growing demands and increasing competitiveness among higher education institutions. The objectives of the study are to summarize the data of the investigated problem and to develop a model for the development of theoretical aspects of forming a teacher’s positive image in the context of the growth of the status of the university, and an analysis of the interdependence of the teacher’s image and his professional competence, practical skills, and the ability to associate theory with practice. The research methodology is general scientific and special-disciplinary methods of scientific research. In particular, the methods of theoretical generalization, analogy and abstraction are used to clarify the conditions, specifics and realities of the modern educational process, in particular – in higher educational institutions; deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis – to identify systemic problems of Ukrainian universities the needs satisfaction of educational services users; the synthesis of progressive ideas on designing ways to enhance the teacher’s positive image in the context of the growth of the status of higher education institutions. Also, special-disciplinary methods of scientific research are used: comparison, systematization and grouping – to generalize the model of development of theoretical aspects of creating of a positive image of the teacher in the context of the formation of the image of the university; analytical – in the analysis of the interdependence of the teacher's image and his professional competence, practical skills and ability to associate theory with practice, etc. The result of the study is a theoretical understanding of the teacher’s image in the context of the formation of the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The result of the analysis is the constant, systematic improvement of their own professional competencies. And only under this condition, the teacher will be able to rely on the authority and respect among students and colleagues. It is noted that the current state of higher education dictates the necessity of finding new ways of solving problems of increasing the efficiency of not only training, preparation of a specialist in the labor market, but also the efficiency of the activity of a higher educational establishment in conditions of autonomy. Conclusion. The positive image of the teacher, and in general the educational institution, will increase the authority of the professions and specialties of higher education. And philosophy itself should assume responsibility for the formation of the future teacher, since since ancient times, philosophy has been, is and will be the reason for the comprehension of wisdom. The image of a modern teacher largely depends on his professional competence in practical skills and the ability to instruct students to study the theory in close relationship with practice. After all, knowledge becomes effective only in the applied aspect, in particular, when applying the principle of “theory-practicetheory"

    ELZAR: Triple Modular Redundancy Using Intel AVX (Practical Experience Report)

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    State regulation of investment in agriculture

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    An important task of state regulation of investment in the agricultural sector of the economy is to attract investors who are able to increase the efficiency of the functioning of agricultural enterprises. The success of the functioning of this enterprise depends on how quickly an agricultural enterprise is able to adapt to changes in the external environment. This is achievable under the condition of the most optimal use of the enterprise's resource potential. Small agricultural enterprises are usually deprived of the possibility of using highly productive innovative agricultural technologies in their activities due to their high cost. Farm enterprises are also experiencing difficulties with insurance and attracting bank loans. In the competition with large agricultural enterprises, small farms survive mainly thanks to state subsidies. Large agricultural holdings are more financially stable, their economic activities are more diversified compared to farms. At large agricultural enterprises, labor productivity is higher and the cost of production is lower. The main task of the state for ensuring food security is to facilitate the process of consolidation of agricultural enterprises. The liquidation of small farming enterprises is an objective process that results from free market competition. The consolidation of agricultural enterprises will allow more efficient use of agricultural land in agricultural production

    Axiological survey of the modern cultural-educational practices of personality: [monograph]

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    The monograph is devoted to the hardly explored topic that reveals methodological, theoretical and praxeological potential of modern culturaleducational practices of personality as a unity of diversity and continuum of methods of human’s existence, synthesis of its life practices, in particular economic, religious, political and etc. The authors updated the role of education, science, cultural-educational practices in common to mankind sense in modernization of cultural-spiritual life. The monograph can be used by scholars, postgraduate students and students. The majority of the problems that are highlighted in the monograph have discursive and discussion character and incite to competent dialogue between all people that are interested in these questions

    Axiological survey of the modern cultural-educational practices of personality

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    The monograph is devoted to the hardly explored topic that reveals methodological, theoretical and praxeological potential of modern cultural- educational practices of personality as a unity of diversity and continuum of methods of human’s existence, synthesis of its life practices, in particular economic, religious, political and etc. The authors updated the role of education, science, cultural-educational practices in common to mankind sense in modernization of cultural-spiritual life. The monograph can be used by scholars, postgraduate students and students. The majority of the problems that are highlighted in the monograph have discursive and discussion character and incite to competent dialogue between all people that are interested in these questions

    Improving of the election system in the context of political stabilization in Ukraine

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    Розкрито аспекти оптимізації моделі виборчої системи як головного чинника формування вищої державної влади та стабілізації політичної системи України. У теоретичній і практичній площинах та спираючись на досвід, отриманий з моменту проголошення незалежності, проаналізовані сильні та слабкі сторони пропорційної, мажоритарної і змішаної моделей виборчих систем; визначені оптимальні системи з урахуванням електоральної та нормативно-правової специфіки українського політичного простору з градацією на найближчу та довгострокову перспективи.The article discloses voting system optimization as a key factor of designing the supreme state power and Ukrainian political system stabilization. Flaws and advantages of proportional representation system, majority rule system and mixed system are analyzed both in theoretical and practical dimensions and relying on the experience gained since independence. The most compatible with Ukrainian political environment systems are defined, considering electoral and regulatory distinctive features of Ukraine with gradation on short and long term perspectives.Раскрыты аспекты оптимизации модели избирательной системы как главного фактора формирования высшей государственной власти и стабилизации политической системы Украины. В теоретическом и практическом измерениях и отталкиваясь от опыта, полученного с момента провозглашения независимости, проанализированы сильные и слабые стороны пропорциональной, мажоритарной и смешанной моделей избирательных систем; определены оптимальные системы с учетом электоральной и нормативно-правовой специфики украинского политического пространства с градацией на ближайшую и долгосрочную перспективы