370 research outputs found

    Розв’язування задач як основа математичної підготовки майбутніх інженерів

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    The results of the study of the problem of solving mathematical tasks in the preparation of future engineers are revealed. The urgency and importance of the topic is substantiated by the need of Ukrainian enterprises in qualified specialists of engineering specialties and the need of the society to ensure high quality of education. An approach to task solving in higher mathematics is theoretically developed. The peculiarities of its practical implementa-tion are clarified. Guidelines and steps for solving problems are explained. Rules for verifying resolved tasks are produced. The errors that future engi-neers make when solving tasks are classified. The necessity of making changes to the higher mathematics syllabus at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" and the introduction of laboratory works using Mathcad, Mathlab, Scilab etc. are substantiated.Статтю присвячено найголовнішому аспекту математичної підготовки майбутніх інженерів – розв’язуванню задач. Теоретично розроблено підхід до розв’язування задач з вищої математики. Розкрито особливості його практичної реалізації. Виявлено методичні рекомендації та етапи розв’язування задач. Висвітлено правила перевірки розв’язаних задач. Класифіковано помилки, яких припускаються майбутні інженери під час розв’язання задач. Досліджено структуру практичного заняття для ефективного вирішення поставленої проблеми. Рекомендовано схему самоаналізу викладачем проведеного заняття. Підтверджено високий результат розв’язання математичних задач на студактивних заняттях

    SIMD-Swift: Improving Performance of Swift Fault Detection

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    The general tendency in modern hardware is an increase in fault rates, which is caused by the decreased operation voltages and feature sizes. Previously, the issue of hardware faults was mainly approached only in high-availability enterprise servers and in safety-critical applications, such as transport or aerospace domains. These fields generally have very tight requirements, but also higher budgets. However, as fault rates are increasing, fault tolerance solutions are starting to be also required in applications that have much smaller profit margins. This brings to the front the idea of software-implemented hardware fault tolerance, that is, the ability to detect and tolerate hardware faults using software-based techniques in commodity CPUs, which allows to get resilience almost for free. Current solutions, however, are lacking in performance, even though they show quite good fault tolerance results. This thesis explores the idea of using the Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) technology for executing all program\'s operations on two copies of the same data. This idea is based on the observation that SIMD is ubiquitous in modern CPUs and is usually an underutilized resource. It allows us to detect bit-flips in hardware by a simple comparison of two copies under the assumption that only one copy is affected by a fault. We implemented this idea as a source-to-source compiler which performs hardening of a program on the source code level. The evaluation of our several implementations shows that it is beneficial to use it for applications that are dominated by arithmetic or logical operations, but those that have more control-flow or memory operations are actually performing better with the regular instruction replication. For example, we managed to get only 15% performance overhead on Fast Fourier Transformation benchmark, which is dominated by arithmetic instructions, but memory-access-dominated Dijkstra algorithm has shown a high overhead of 200%

    Features of knowledge quality of university students in Ukraine

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    In a highly technological post-industrial society the quality of education is an important factor in providing such a level of life and professional competency of a person that would satisfy both the demands of an individual and the state. The quality of the whole higher education is influenced by the quality of students' knowledge which is acquired at educational classes. Development of studactive classes has brought forward the problem of research of their efficiency, in particular in the aspect of potential quality of knowledge. The results of the experiment are outlined, the main aim of which was to identify the effect of studactive classes on knowledge quality of university students. Monitoring of quality of students' knowledge at studactive classes is realized. It is revealed that students who were taught in a studactive way have better features of knowledge quality (fullness, deepness, system character, operative character and flexibility) comparing with those who were taught in a traditional way. It is proved that knowledge quality of university students can be improved through implementing studactive classes into the pedagogical process. The study was conducted in Ukraine

    Assessment criteria of future managers' preparation for cross-cultural communication

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    The research is based on a set of scientific approaches, incorporating generative features of communicative and activity-oriented, dialogue, personality-oriented, culture-oriented, technological ones.The communication structure presented by the coherent aspects such as perceptive, communicating and interactive ones, along with the peculiarities of the process of cross-cultural communication (CCC) give grounds for defining the main components of the content of training future managers of foreign economic activity for CCC. They are motivating and orientating, conceptual and cognitive, communicating and activity-oriented. Within each component the basic criteria of evaluation of preparation of future managers of foreign economic activity for CCC are elaborated. Their availability is proved with the help of the definite indices.The conceptual and cognitive component is defined by the cognitive criterion according to which the efficiency and quality of mastered by students knowledge are assessed. The indices worked out within the cognitive criterion are knowledge quality (i.e. fullness and flexibility) and ways of acquiring new knowledge in CCC. On the base of the motivating and orientating component a subjective criterion is elaborated to evaluate the necessary professional and personal qualities of future specialists. It is represented by the indices of motivation for CCC preparation and reflexivity of communicating activity. Within the communicative and activity-oriented component an operational criterion is developed with the index of communicative skills and the index of skills to manage cross-cultural conflicts. On the base of the assessment criteria and indices the levels of future managers' preparation for CCC are differentiated into low, satisfactory, sufficient, high. The level characteristics are worked out and generalized in descriptions

    Pedagogical conditions of training future managers of foreign economic activity for cross-cultural communication

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    The study reveals the pedagogical conditions of training future managers of foreign economic activity for cross-cultural communication. The analysis of the scientific research in this field has shown that the essence of the pedagogical conditions has not been generalized or systemized yet. On the base of the invariable vectors of the pedagogical process, the pedagogical conditions of training future managers of foreign economic activity for cross-cultural communication are outlined. They are: creating multicultural surrounding in the process of training managers for gaining experience in cross-cultural communication (organization); adaptive gradual management of the educational activity with due regards for personal, professional, communicative qualities of future managers of foreign economic activity (management); subject and subject interaction, directed at the optimal management of cross-cultural conflicts (communication)

    Innovative trend of acquiring and mastering knowledge by students

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    With the beginning of the post-industrial epoch or knowledge society the problem of acquiring and mastering knowledge by future specialists stimulates great interest. It is explained by the fact that not only the role of knowledge but also the scheme of its mastering undergoes significant changes. Knowledge is considered to be the priority of the earth-dwellers of the XXI century along with the guarantor of the progressive development of states as well as their wealth.The problem is being solved through working out of an educational class where knowledge acquiring and mastering would become of vital importance for students, the professional growth of future specialists would be held due to their natural abilities or capabilities and the personal qualities would be formed. It is emphasized that such classes have a new structure. We call them studactive classes. They differ from the ones that are already known (lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, seminars and other types of classes) by the specific organization of the entire pedagogical activity of all class participants, by the way of acquiring knowledge and the type of managing students’ cognitive activity.The macrostructure of the studactive class is researched, that is defined on the basis of providing active individual wok of every student in the common process of acquisition and qualitative formation of competences that fosters natural communication of participants of studying, sharing the results of their work.The scientific content, didactic functions, stages of individual formation and common principles of studactive classes organization are grounded. It is determined that the essence of the methodical aspect of organization of the studactive class lies in mastering active forms and methods of work both by a teacher in order to organize and provide help for students in overcoming difficulties and eliminating mistakes, and by future specialists for their self-cognitive activity taking into account their personality and subject specificity.The organizational, educational and researching, social and psychological methods of stimulating future specialists, factors of providing efficiency of the studactive class are revealed. It is emphasized that the methods of mastering knowledge are based on the conscious independent acquiring new knowledge, forming a dynamic stereotype to self-improve and self-develop, drawing to a permanent active process to reveal knowledge. It is stated that different types of consultations for students with a low, medium and high level of preparation are used.With the help of the method of mathematical statistics it is proved that studactive classes favour the level improvement of mastering knowledge by students

    Political lobbying in Ukraine within legal and security dimensions

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    У статті розкрито аспекти фактично існуючих форм і моделей політичного лобіювання в Україні, їх вплив на стабільність політичної системи та національну безпеку держави. Обґрунтовано доцільність регламентації та нормативно-правового регулювання лобістської діяльності в Україні. У теоретичній і практичній площині та спираючись на досвід, отриманий з моменту проголошення незалежності, проаналізовані законодавчі ініціативи, спрямовані на встановлення правового поля та легалізацію політичного лобіювання.The key aspects of forms and models of political lobbying de facto existing in Ukraine and its influence on state’s political stability and national security are exposed. The expedience of legal regulation for political lobbying in Ukraine is substantiated. The legislative initiatives aimed at setting the legal field for political lobbying are analyzed both in theoretical and practical dimensions and relying on the experience gained since independence.Раскрыты аспекты фактически существующих форм и моделей политического лоббирования в Украине, их влияние на стабильность политической системы и национальную безопасность государства. Обоснована целесообразность регламентации и нормативно-правового регулирования лоббистской деятельности в Украине. В теоретическом и практическом измерениях и исходя из опыта, приобретенного с момента провозглашения независимости, проанализированы законодательные инициативы, направленные на установление правового поля и легализацию политического лоббирования