443 research outputs found

    Myocardial Metabolism

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    Myocardial metabolism alterations are associated with myocardial dystrophy and lead to the heart chambers dilatation, decreased contractility, organs perfusion and depended on symptoms. Nowadays heart failure treatment in veterinary medicine includes neurohormonal, circulatory and contractile aspects of this pathological state. Unfortunately, energy supplying component not presented in modern recommendations. Most of the used medications changing contractile ability, through the control of myocardial filaments sensibility to the different ions, but don’t affect the ability of cardiomyocytes to produce enough energy for this work. In order to understand the heart failure syndrome more completely, we should elucidate features, characteristics, and interactions between components of myocardial energy supply

    Server-Aided Privacy-Preserving Proximity Testing

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    Proximity testing is at the core of many Location-Based online Services (LBS) which we use in our daily lives to order taxis, find places of interest nearby, connect with people. Currently, most such services expect a user to submit his location to them and trust the LBS not to abuse this information, and use it only to provide the service. Existing cases of such information being misused (e.g., by the LBS employees or criminals who breached its security) motivates the search for better solutions that would ensure the privacy of user data, and give users control of how their data is being used.In this thesis, we address this problem using cryptographic techniques. We propose three cryptographic protocols that allow two users to perform proximity testing (check if they are close enough to each other) with the help of two servers.In the papers 1 and 2, the servers are introduced in order to allow users not to be online at the same time: one user may submit their location to the servers and go offline, the other user coming online later and finishing proximity testing. The drastically improves the practicality of such protocols, since the mobile devices that users usually run may not always be online. We stress that the servers in these protocols merely aid the users in performing the proximity testing, and none of the servers can independently extract the user data.In the paper 3, we use the servers to offload the users\u27 computation and communication to. The servers here pre-generate correlated random data and send it to users, who can use it to perform a secure proximity testing protocol faster. Paper 3, together with the paper 2, are highly practical: they provide strong security guarantees and are suitable to be executed on resource-constrained mobile devices. In fact, the work of clients in these protocols is close to negligible as most of the work is done by servers

    Atmosphere dynamic processes structure at 80-105 km altitude

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    Determination of wind velocity by means of Doppler meteor radars is based on the assumption that an ionized meteor trail drifts together with the neutral atmosphere. From the Doppler frequency shift it is possible to estimate the radial velocity of the trail drift. Conversion of the recorded radial velocity to the true wind velocity vector in the given space region depends both on the radar technical parameters and the chosen atmospheric motion model. The atmospheric dynamic processes structure is considered

    RNA interference by mixtures of siRNAs prepared using custom oligonucleotide arrays

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a process in which double-strand RNA (dsRNA) directs the specific degradation of a corresponding target mRNA. The mediators of this process are small dsRNAs, of ∼21 bp in length, called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). siRNAs, which can be prepared in vitro in a number of ways and then transfected into cells, can direct the degradation of corresponding mRNAs inside these cells. Hence, siRNAs represent a powerful tool for studying gene functions, as well as having the potential of being highly specific pharmaceutical agents. Some limitations in using this technology exist because the preparation of siRNA in vitro and screening for siRNAs efficient in RNAi can be expensive and time-consuming processes. Here, we demonstrate that custom oligonucleotide arrays can be efficiently used for the preparation of defined mixtures of siRNAs for the silencing of exogenous and endogenous genes. The method is fast, inexpensive, does not require siRNA optimization and has a number of advantages over methods utilizing enzymatic preparation of siRNAs by digestion of longer dsRNAs, as well as methods based on chemical synthesis of individual siRNAs or their DNA templates

    Реконструкция тазобедренного сустава у молодых пациентов с диспластическим коксартрозом

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    Background. The value of joint-sparing reconstructive procedures in patients with osteoarthritis in a dysplastic hip is controversial. The study aimed to evaluate the immediate and mid-term results of reconstructive interventions performed in patients with this pathology. Methods. The treatment results of 30 patients aged 1440 years with osteoarthritis in the dysplastic hip were analyzed. The mean follow-up time was 6.81.5 years in group 1 and 4.10.7 years in group 2. The clinical condition and treatment results were assessed by DAubigne-Postel, Severin, Tonnis criteria, and the Ilizarov Center system. In all cases, extra-articular reconstructive procedures were performed on both articular components. Results. The patients were divided into two groups by age. In group 1 (1418 years), the functional result was 16.00.5 points. According to the Severin criteria, the joints were distributed as follows: Ia, 7; IIa, 7; IIb, 2; and III, 3. The degree of hip osteoarthritis did not change in 13 joints. Osteoarthritis progressed in one joint, and arthritic changes regressed in four joints. The treatment results according to the criteria of the RSC VTO were good in 14 joints, satisfactory in 5, and unsatisfactory in 1. In group 2 (18 years, n = 11), the functional result was 15.00.4 points. The distribution of joints according to the Severin criteria was as follows: Ia, 3; IIa, 6, and III, 2. The degree of osteoarthritis did not change in 10 joints. Osteoarthritis progressed in one joint. The treatment results according to the criteria of the Ilizarov Center were good in seven joints, satisfactory in three, and unsatisfactory in one. Conclusions. The differentiated use of joint-sparing reconstructive procedures makes it possible to slow down the progression of the pathological process in the joint even in patients with developed osteoarthritis and, in some cases, to use them as a temporary alternative to endoprosthesis in adolescents and young adults.Актуальность. Значение суставосберегающих реконструктивных вмешательств у пациентов с развившимся диспластическим коксартрозом остается дискутабельным. Цель исследования оценка ближайших и среднесрочных результатов реконструктивных вмешательств, выполненных у пациентов с диспластическим коксартрозом. Материал и методы. Проанализированы результаты лечения 30 пациентов с диспластическим коксартрозом в возрасте от 14 до 40 лет. Пациенты были разделены на две группы. В первую группу вошли 19 пациентов в возрасте 1418 лет, во вторую 11 пациентов в возрасте 1940 лет. В первой группе средний срок наблюдения составил 6,81,5 лет, во второй группе 4,10,7 года. Клиническое состояние и результаты лечения оценивали по критериям DAubigne Postel, Severin, Tnnis и по системе оценки, разработанной в НМИЦ ТО им. акад. Г.А. Илизарова. У всех пациентов выполняли внесуставные суставосберегающие реконструктивные вмешательства, показания к которым устанавливали с учетом типа суставных поверхностей и величины индекса конгруэнтности суставных поверхностей. Результаты. В первой группе средний функциональный результат составил 16,00,5 балла. Распределение суставов по классификации Severin: Ia 7, IIa 7, IIb 2, III 3. Степень артроза не изменилась в 13 суставах. Прогрессирование артроза отмечено в одном суставе, регресс артрозных изменений в четырех суставах. Результаты лечения по критериям НМИЦ ТО им. Г.А. Илизарова: хороший 14 суставов, удовлетворительный 4 сустава, неудовлетворительный 1 сустав. Во второй группе функциональный результат составил 15,00,4 балла. Распределение суставов по критериям Severin: Ia 3, IIa 6, III 2. Степень артроза не изменилась в 10 суставах, прогрессирование артроза произошло в одном суставе. Результаты лечения по критериям НМИЦ ТО им. Г.А. Илизарова: хороший 7 суставов, удовлетворительный 3, неудовлетворительный 1. Заключение. Дифференцированное применение суставосберегающих реконструктивных вмешательств дает возможность замедлить прогрессирование патологического процесса в суставе даже в условиях развившегося артроза и позволяет в ряде случаев использовать их в качестве временной альтернативы эндопротезированию у подростков и пациентов молодого возраста

    Sports games as a means of enhancing mental and social health of schoolchildren

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    Studied possibilities of physical training and sports activities for schoolchildren in strengthening mental and social health. Influence of sports games on the formation of connectivity and emotional stabilityИзучены возможности физкультурно-спортивной деятельности школьников в укреплении психического и социального здоровья. Выявлено влияние занятий спортивными играми на формирование коммуникативности и эмоциональной устойчивост


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    Рассматривается дефиниция комментария и раскрывается значение современного интернет–комментария. Предлагаемый иллюстративный материал на русском, французском и китайском языках позволяет установить языковые особенности YouTube–комментария на каждом из анализируемых языков.The definition of a comment is considered and the meaning of a modern Internet comment is revealed. The proposed supporting material in Russian, French and Chinese allows to educe the language features of YouTube comment in each of the analyzed languages

    Small molecule compounds identified from mixture-based library inhibit binding between plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes and endothelial receptor icam-1

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    Specific adhesion of P. falciparum parasite-infected erythrocytes (IE) in deep vascular beds can result in severe complications, such as cerebral malaria, placental malaria, respiratory distress, and severe anemia. Cerebral malaria and severe malaria syndromes were associated previously with sequestration of IE to a microvasculature receptor ICAM-1. The screening of Torrey Pines Scaffold Ranking library, which consists of more than 30 million compounds designed around 75 molecular scaffolds, identified small molecules that inhibit cytoadhesion of ICAM-1-binding IE to surface-immobilized receptor at IC50 range down to ~350 nM. With their low cytotoxicity toward erythrocytes and human endothelial cells, these molecules might be suitable for development into potentially effective adjunct anti-adhesion drugs to treat cerebral and/or severe malaria syndromes. Our two-step high-throughput screening approach is specifically designed to work with compound mixtures to make screening and deconvolution to single active compounds fast and efficient

    Correlative Microscopy: A Potent Tool for Biomedicine

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    The correlative microscopy method based on a combination of optical and electronic techniques that is increasingly widely used now, has a number of limitations. Here, an alternative approach is considered that uses scanning probe microscopy (SPM) technique to get high-resolution and ultra-high-resolution data. SPM greatly increases the possibilities of collecting new information (on topological, morphological, electrical, magnetic etc. properties). To obtain three-dimensional distributions of different parameters of the sample, ultramicrotomography is used, which allows to scan the sample in steps of up to 20 nm. The principal advantage of the approach is that spectral data are used which due to the combination in near field microscopy can be gained with high and ultrahigh resolution. All above mentioned features are implemented in a single instrument, which allows to have 3-D data and their distributions at the same instrumental platform. A special feature of the approach is the possibility to use all the power of micro(nano)spectral methods. Therefore, it would be more correct to name the proposed approach ”Correlative microspectroscopy”. Keywords: correlative microscopy, correlative microspectroscopy, scanning near-ielf optical microscopy, ultramicrotomography, Raman, TER

    Design of the Model of Ratiometric Polymer Nanobiothermometer Based on Quantum Dots

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    To solve many modern biological and biotechnological tasks it is necessary to realize strictly control and regulation of temperature of the cells and their organelles. Thi stasks include control of various exo- and endothermic reactions, monitoring of tissues‘ and individual cell‘s temperature in in vitro researches and in vivo procedures such as the hyperthermia procedure that used for cancer treatment. The today known methods of measuring and controlling of temperature at the cellular level can not provide the necessary level of locality and accuracy due to too big size and heightened sensitivity to external factors. The real alternative of existing today methods is nanoscale temperature biosensor operating on a ratiometric principle and based on the composite structure from polymers and colloidal quantum dots. In this paper we present a working model and plan of investigation of ratiometric nanoscale polymer nanobiothermometer based on quantum dots. Keywords: thermosensors, quantum dots, local temperature, polymers, temperature measuremen