33 research outputs found

    Efficacy of conventional treatment with composite resin and atraumatic restorative treatment in posterior primary teeth: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Despite the widespread acceptance of conventional treatment using composite resin in primary teeth, there is limited evidence that this approach is the best option in paediatric clinics. Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) using high-viscosity glass ionomer cement has gradually become more popular because it performs well in clinical studies, is easy to handle and is patient friendly. Therefore, the aim of this randomised clinical trial study is to compare the restoration longevity of conventional treatment using composite resin with that of ART in posterior primary teeth. As secondary outcomes, cost-efficacy and patient self-reported discomfort will also be tested. Methods and analysis Children aged 3–6 years presenting with at least one occlusal and/or occlusalproximal cavity will be randomly assigned to one of two groups according to the dental treatment: ART (experimental group) or composite resin restoration (control group). The dental treatment will be performed at a dental care trailer located in an educational complex in Barueri/SP, Brazil. The unit of randomisation will be the child. A sample size of 240 teeth with occlusal cavities and 188 teeth with occlusal-proximal cavities has been calculated. The primary outcome will be restoration longevity, which will be clinically assessed after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months by two examiners. The duration of the dental treatment and the cost of all materials used will be considered when estimating the cost-efficacy of each treatment. Individual discomfort will be measured after each dental procedure using the Facial Scale of WongBaker. Ethics and dissemination This clinical trial was approved by the local ethics committee from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of São Paulo (registration no. 1.556.018). Participants will be included after their legal guardians have signed an informed consent form containing detailed information about the research

    Genome-wide bidirectional CRISPR screens identify mucins as host factors modulating SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes a range of symptoms in infected individuals, from mild respiratory illness to acute respiratory distress syndrome. A systematic understanding of host factors influencing viral infection is critical to elucidate SARS-CoV-2–host interactions and the progression of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Here, we conducted genome-wide CRISPR knockout and activation screens in human lung epithelial cells with endogenous expression of the SARS-CoV-2 entry factors ACE2 and TMPRSS2. We uncovered proviral and antiviral factors across highly interconnected host pathways, including clathrin transport, inflammatory signaling, cell-cycle regulation, and transcriptional and epigenetic regulation. We further identified mucins, a family of high molecular weight glycoproteins, as a prominent viral restriction network that inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro and in murine models. These mucins also inhibit infection of diverse respiratory viruses. This functional landscape of SARS-CoV-2 host factors provides a physiologically relevant starting point for new host-directed therapeutics and highlights airway mucins as a host defense mechanism

    DSP code generator based on digital filter structures.

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    A hardware simulation program is software that can be used to study the functioning of a particular system when implemented in hardware such as a microcontroller or a microprocessor. It is something that can serve as a learning tool for people who want to comprehend some theory or information with the minimum amount of time and work. This thesis is one that will deal with the prototype development of a hardware simulation program that can be used to simulate systems in a digital signal processor. It will use the concept of object-oriented and digital signal processing or DSP programming. Also, the software will be implemented using Visual C++

    Use of the correlation between input variables in estimating the risk of feedlot finishing of steers and young steers

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk of feedlot finishing of steers (22.8 months) and young steers (15.2 months), using or not a correlation between the random input variables (data collected from 2004 to 2010) in the simulation of the Net Present Value (NPV) financial indicator. The animals were fed a diet containing roughage:concentrate ratio of 60:40 for 34 and 143 days, respectively, until they had reached a predetermined slaughter weight of 430 kg. For the NPV simulation, Latin Hypercube sampling was used, with 2000 interactions. The stochastic dominance analysis, test of differences between pairs of curves of cumulative distributions and sensitivity analysis were carried out. The NPV simulation using the correlation resulted in the best option for risk estimate. The confinement of young steers was the alternative of investment most viable than confinement of steers (NPV ≥ 0 of 80.4 vs. 62.3% in the simulation with correlation, respectively). Sensitivity analysis determined the following items had the greatest impact on the estimate of NPV: prices of fat and thin cattle, initial and final weights, diet costs, minimum rate of attractiveness and diet intake

    GoNet - A New Movement Dynamic Evaluation System in Real Time

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    The development of a hybrid solution (hardwareand software) integrating a computer and the Kinect sensor ispresents in this paper. The solution proposed, here called GoNet, isa promising prototype to be used in dynamic and automaticevaluation of biomechanical rehabilitation processes. Experimentaltests concerning the assessment of the range of motion of patients,particularly for elbow flexion, elbow extension, shoulderabduction, shoulder flexion, radial deviation and ulnar deviation,are presented and discussed. Eight healthy subjects were assessedusing GoNet and a goniometer. The intraclass correlationcoefficient (ICC) was used to analyze the reproducibility, and thePearson correlation test was used in the analysis of transversalvalidity. The significance level was defined as equal to 5%. As tothe intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility, high ICC valueswere found for the range of motion of shoulder flexion/extension,shoulder abduction/adduction, radial deviation and ulnardeviation. When evaluated by two experts the correlation betweenthe goniometry and GoNet, significant results were observed forthe amplitude of shoulder flexion/extension (r = 0.74; p = 0.03) andelbow flexion/extension (r = 0.67, p = 0.04). Based on the resultsobtained, GoNet proved to have high reproducibility, except forintraexaminer assessment of elbow flexion/extension. Regardingthe transverse validity, relevant measurement results were foundin terms of flexion/extension of the elbow and shoulder

    Microvascular Lymphatic Density Analysis in Cutaneous Regressive and Nonregressive Superficial Spreading Melanomas Using the Lymphatic Marker D2-40

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    Background: The prognostic significance of spontaneous regression in melanoma, especially thin lesions, has been a controversial issue for the past 20 years, although recent studies suggest that extensive and late regression may be related to worse prognosis. Many data suggest that lymphangiogenesis predicts metastatic spread in melanoma. Methods: We have quantified lymphatic microvascular density (LMVD) in thin (<= 1.0 mm) superficial spreading melanomas comparing regressive and nonregressive melanomas, regressive and nonregressive areas from the same tumor, and early and late histological stages of regression in the same tumor. In addition, we tried to correlate lymphangiogenesis and tumor growth phase. We conducted histological examinations and immunohistochemical analyses using monoclonal antibody D2-40 with subsequent quantification by image analysis of 37 melanomas, 16 regressive and 21 nonregressive (controls). Results: We found higher LMVD in the late stage of regression compared with nonregressive area (internal control) of regressive melanomas. Conclusions: Our study suggest that the late stage of spontaneous regression in thin melanomas may be related to worse prognosis as it showed higher LMVD, and evidence shows that this is related with increased risk of metastatic spread. But this supposition must be confirmed by a longer follow-up for detection of lymph node metastases

    Inhibiting diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1 reduces lipid biosynthesis in bovine blastocysts produced in vitro

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    10 Pág.Diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1 (DGAT1) is one of the DGAT enzymes that catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of triacylglycerol, which is a major component of the lipid droplets in embryos. Intracellular lipids accumulated in embryos produced in vitro have been associated with reduced cryotolerance and quality. The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of DGAT1 inhibition on embryo development, quality, and post-vitrification survival, in addition to expression profiles of selected lipid metabolism-regulating and oxidative stress genes. Bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes were matured and fertilized in vitro and were cultured in synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF) supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum (FCS) alone (Control) or with 1, 5, 10 or 50 μM DGAT1 inhibitor (A922500®; D1, D5, D10, and D50, respectively) or 0.1% dimethyl sulfoxide (CDMSO: vehicle for DGAT1 inhibitor dilution) from 54 h post-insemination until Day 8 post insemination. No differences were found in blastocyst yield on days 7 and 8 in Control, CDMSO, D10, and D50 groups. Embryos cultured with 10 or 50 μM DGAT1 inhibitor had greater mitochondrial activity (P < 0.01), and increased number of cells (P < 0.05), while the cytoplasmic lipid content was reduced (P < 0.01), the latter associated with altered expression profiles of selected genes regulating lipid metabolism or genes related with oxidative stress (transcript abundance increased for SLC2A1 and SLC2A5 and decreased for DGAT1 and GPX1). Importantly, the survival rate of blastocysts produced with 10 μM DGAT1 was higher than that of Control, CDMSO and D50 groups at 72 h after vitrification and warming (73.8 vs 57.1, 55.9 and 56.1%, respectively, P < 0.001). In conclusion, inhibition of DGAT1 synthesis in bovine embryos produced in vitro abrogates the negative effect of FCS by decreasing their lipid content, increasing mitochondria activity and improving embryo cryotolerance, as well as favoring the expression of lipid metabolism regulating and oxidative stress-related transcripts.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL-2015-70140-R & RTI2018-093548-B-I00); Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Colombia (JGG: 727/2015); Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT-Ecuador) (YNC); BPE-Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP #2017/20339–3) (CLVL).Peer reviewe

    Unión Ibero-Americana, Año XXXI, Núm. 4

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    60 páginasTEXTO: La muerte: de José Enrique Rodó, por Benjamín Fernández y Medina.- La Historia de España en América: Iniciativa plausible.- ¡España, por tu gloria! (Poesía), por Julián de Charras.- Para la Fiesta de la Raza.- Certamen literario de 1917.- La Colonización Española, según las leyes de Indias, fue la más humanitaria, por Olegario Sáez.- Unión Ibero-Americana: Conferencias.- Los españoles en el Paraguay, por Silvano Mosqueira.- Concreción de fuerzas Ibero-americanas, por Carlos Rodríguez San Pedro.- Medios prácticos de un acercamiento estrecho entre España y la América española, por Luis Felipe Coutardo.- Americanos ilustres: Doctor Francisco A. Rísquez.- Juegos Florales colombinos: Programa de los que tendrán en Huelva el 1 de agosto de 1917.- El despertar de la América obrera, por Javier Fernández Pesquero.- Lo más fuerte, por José Luis Pando Baura.- Libros nacionales y extranjeros, por Antonio Balbín de Unquera y Manuel Valdemoro.- Monografía de Nicaragua.- Anales de la escena española, por Narciso Díaz de Escovar.- Noticias de España: Los Bancos españoles en 1916.- Biblioteca.- Anuncios