7 research outputs found

    Toxicology in the Fast Lane: Application of High-Throughput Bioassays to Detect Modulation of Key Enzymes and Receptors

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    BackgroundLegislation at state, federal, and international levels is requiring rapid evaluation of the toxicity of numerous chemicals. Whole-animal toxicologic studies cannot yield the necessary throughput in a cost-effective fashion, leading to a critical need for a faster and more cost-effective toxicologic evaluation of xenobiotics.ObjectivesWe tested whether mechanistically based screening assays can rapidly provide information on the potential for compounds to affect key enzymes and receptor targets, thus identifying those compounds requiring further in-depth analysis.MethodsA library of 176 synthetic chemicals was prepared and examined in a high-throughput screening (HTS) manner using nine enzyme-based and five receptor-based bioassays.ResultsAll the assays have high Z' values, indicating good discrimination among compounds in a reliable fashion, and thus are suitable for HTS assays. On average, three positive hits were obtained per assay. Although we identified compounds that were previously shown to inhibit a particular enzyme class or receptor, we surprisingly discovered that triclosan, a microbiocide present in personal care products, inhibits carboxylesterases and that dichlone, a fungicide, strongly inhibits the ryanodine receptors.ConclusionsConsidering the need to rapidly screen tens of thousands of anthropogenic compounds, our study shows the feasibility of using combined HTS assays as a novel approach toward obtaining toxicologic data on numerous biological end points. The HTS assay approach is very useful to quickly identify potentially hazardous compounds and to prioritize them for further in-depth studies

    Plug-and-Play Electronic Unit for MOS and Thermocatalytic Gas Sensors

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    The electronic plug-and-play electronic unit for controlling the semiconductor and thermocatalytic sensors is described. This is a controller with standard UART interface, which maintain preset working temperature of the sensor, measures resistance of the sensing layer, makes linearization of the sensitivity curve, compensates ambient humidity. In the case of thermocatalytic sensor, it measures power necessary to heat sensing and reference elements of the sensor, and the difference in these two values of power is proportional to the gas concentration. The digital output signal contains information about gas concentration, working parameters of the sensor, sensor type, enabling plug-and-play operation mode

    Biliary Microbiota and Bile Acid Composition in Cholelithiasis

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    Background. A functional interplay between BAs and microbial composition in gut is a well-documented phenomenon. In bile, this phenomenon is far less studied, and with this report, we describe the interactions between the BAs and microbiota in this complex biological matrix. Methodology. Thirty-seven gallstone disease patients of which twenty-one with Opisthorchis felineus infection were enrolled in the study. The bile samples were obtained during laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstone disease operative treatment. Common bile acid composition was measured by LC-MS/MS. Gallbladder microbiota were previously analyzed with 16S rRNA gene sequencing on Illumina MiSeq platform. The associations between bile acid composition and microbiota were analyzed. Results. Bile acid signature and Opisthorchis felineus infection status exert influence on beta-diversity of bile microbial community. Direct correlations were found between taurocholic acid, taurochenodeoxycholic acid concentrations, and alpha-diversity of bile microbiota. Taurocholic acid and taurochenodeoxycholic acid both show positive associations with the presence of Chitinophagaceae family, Microbacterium and Lutibacterium genera, and Prevotella intermedia. Also, direct associations were identified for taurocholic acid concentration and the presence of Actinomycetales and Bacteroidales orders, Lautropia genus, Jeotgalicoccus psychrophilus, and Haemophilus parainfluenzae as well as for taurochenodeoxycholic acid and Acetobacteraceae family and Sphingomonas genus. There were no differences in bile acid concentrations between O. felineus-infected and noninfected patients. Conclusions/Significance. Associations between diversity, taxonomic profile of bile microbiota, and bile acid levels were evidenced in patients with cholelithiasis. Increase of taurochenodeoxycholic acid and taurocholic acid concentration correlates with bile microbiota alpha-diversity and appearance of opportunistic pathogens

    Identification of potent inhibitors of the chicken soluble epoxide hydrolase

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    In vertebrates, soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) hydrolyzes natural epoxy-fatty acids (EpFAs), which are chemical mediators modulating inflammation, pain, and angiogenesis. Chick embryos are used to study angiogenesis, particularly its role in cardiovascular biology and pathology. To find potent and bio-stable inhibitors of the chicken sEH (chxEH) a library of human sEH inhibitors was screened. Derivatives of 1(adamantan-1-yl)-3-(trans-4-phenoxycyclohexyl) urea were found to be very potent tight binding inhibitors (K(I) < 150 pM) of chxEH while being relatively stable in chicken liver microsomes, suggesting their usefulness to study the role of EpFAs in chickens