509 research outputs found

    Overview of the phytomedicine approaches against Helicobacter pylori

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) successfully colonizes the human stomach of the majority of the human population. This infection always causes chronic gastritis, but may evolve to serious outcomes, such as peptic ulcer, gastric carcinoma or mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. H. pylori first line therapy recommended by the Maastricht-4 Consensus Report comprises the use of two antibiotics and a proton-pomp inhibitor, but in some regions failure associated with this treatment is already undesirable high. Indeed, treatment failure is one of the major problems associated with H. pylori infection and is mainly associated with bacterial antibiotic resistance. In order to counteract this situation, some effort has been allocated during the last years in the investigation of therapeutic alternatives beyond antibiotics. These include vaccines, probiotics, photodynamic inactivation and phage therapy, which are briefly revisited in this review. A particular focus on phytomedicine, also described as herbal therapy and botanical therapy, which consists in the use of plant extracts for medicinal purposes, is specifically addressed, namely considering its history, category of performed studies, tested compounds, active principle and mode of action. The herbs already experienced are highly diverse and usually selected from products with a long history of employment against diseases associated with H. pylori infection from each country own folk medicine. The studies demonstrated that many phytomedicine products have an anti-H. pylori activity and gastroprotective action. Although the mechanism of action is far from being completely understood, current knowledge correlates the beneficial action of herbs with inhibition of essential H. pylori enzymes, modulation of the host immune system and with attenuation of inflammation

    The role of Helicobacter pylori outer membrane proteins in adherence and pathogenesis

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    Helicobacter pylori is one of the most successful human pathogens, whichcolonizes the mucus layer of the gastric epithelium of more than 50% of the world’spopulation. This curved, microaerophilic, Gram-negative bacterium induces a chronicactive gastritis, often asymptomatic, in all infected individuals. In some cases, this gastritisevolves to more severe diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma, andgastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. H. pylori has developed a unique setof factors, actively supporting its successful survival and persistence in its natural hostileecological niche, the human stomach, throughout the individual’s life, unless treated. In thehuman stomach, the vast majority of H. pylori cells are motile in the mucus layer lining,but a small percentage adheres to the epithelial cell surfaces. Adherence to the gastricepithelium is important for the ability of H. pylori to cause disease because this intimateattachment facilitates: (1) colonization and persistence, by preventing the bacteria frombeing eliminated from the stomach, by mucus turnover and gastric peristalsis; (2) evasionfrom the human immune system and (3) efficient delivery of proteins into the gastric cell,such as the CagA oncoprotein. Therefore, bacteria with better adherence propertiescolonize the host at higher densities. H. pylori is one of the most genetically diversebacterial species known and is equipped with an extraordinarily large set of outermembrane proteins, whose role in the infection and persistence process will be discussed in this review, as well as the different receptor structures that have been so far described for mucosal adherence

    A 475 years-old founder effect involving IL12RB1: a highly prevalent mutation conferring Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases in European descendants

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    Mutations in IFNGR1, IFNGR2, IL12RB1, IL12B, STAT1 and NEMO result in a common clinical phenotype known as Mendelian Susceptibility to Mycobacterial Diseases (MSMD). Interleukin-12 receptor 01 (IL12R beta 1) deficiency is the most common genetic etiology for MSMD. Known mutations affecting IL12RB1 are recessively inherited and are associated with null response to both IL-12 and IL-23. Mutation IL12RB1 1623_1624delinsTT was originally described in 5 families from European origin (2 from Germany: I from Cyprus, France and Belgium). Interestingly, this same mutation was found in an unexpectedly high prevalence among IL-12R beta 1 deficient patients in Argentina: 5-out-of-6 individuals born to unrelated families carried this particular change. To determine whether mutation 1623_1624delinsTT represents a DNA mutational hotspot or a founder effect, 34 polymorphic markers internal or proximal to IL12RB1 were studied in the Argentinean and the Belgian patients. A common haplotype spanning 1.45-3.51 Mb was shared by all chromosomes carrying mutation 1623_1624delinsTT, and was not detected on 100 control chromosomes. Applying a modified likelihood-based method the age of the most recent common ancestor carrying mutation 1623_1624delinsTT was estimated in 475 years (95% CI, 175-1275), which is the time when the Spaniards initiated the colonization of the Americas. Mutation 1623_1624delinsTT represents the first founder effect described on IL-12R beta 1, the most frequently affected gene in MSMD, and affecting patients with European ancestors. The reason(s) behind the persistency of this mutation across multiple generations, its relative high prevalence, and any potential selective advantage are yet to be established

    Entre espadas y serpientes, entre ranchos y peleas: cómo se construyen los vínculos hacia el interior de la cárcel de varones : Un estudio de cárceles de la Ciudad de La Plata

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    Las relaciones en la cárcel de varones tienen la particularidad, justamente, de que se dan principalmente entre varones. Pero a su vez, de varones que están atravesados por reglas y por límites marcados por un poder mayor a ellos, por un servicio penitenciario que estructura sus vidas cotidianas y por un sistema judicial que opera sobre ellos (Motto 2015). Una gran cantidad de gente, construye a esos sujetos como aquellos que representan lo peor y más violento de la sociedad, como la máxima expresión de lo irracional, de lo malo, de los que no se acomodaron a un sistema moral que debería operar para todos/as. Sin embargo, sostendremos en este trabajo que las relaciones intercarcelarias entre detenidos no se dan pura y exclusivamente a través de la irracionalidad y la violencia. Entendemos que esos vínculos se dan también con signos de negociación, de solidaridad, de lazos emocionales y de respeto. Por eso, el objetivo que aquí nos planteamos es el de desmitificar la idea de guerra de todos contra todos, de romper los prejuicios sobre estos sujetos, para poder acercarnos a su cotidianeidad y comprender esas lógicas que están en juego en los vínculos que se establecen, y cómo, de alguna manera, se desenvuelven todas las relaciones conflictivas, solidarias, sexuales y emocionales de los varones detenidos. Reconstruiremos, entonces, las formas en que los lazos se convierten en el sostén, en nuevas posibilidades, en la forma de romper con aquellas lógicas de individualización, y veremos cómo allí se conjugan elementos contradictorios o, por qué no, complementarios, entre imágenes de fortaleza y autoridad; con instancias emocionales, de cooperación y organización. Por otra parte, este trabajo intentará relevar algunas variaciones que hemos visualizado en los últimos años5 , donde encontramos que los cambios en las regulaciones y legislaciones, se ven plasmados también hacia el interior, en las relaciones que allí se establecen. Tomaremos aquí el ejemplo de la visita higiénica.Mesa: Justicia y SeguridadFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Es cuestión de criterio : Reseña de: Frederic, Sabina (coordinadora). De la desmilitarización a la profesionalización. Un estudio etnográfico sobre la formación básica de la Policía Federal Argentina. Bernal: UNQ -Publicaciones Ciencias Sociales, 2016

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    La investigación que supone este libro surge a partir de un convenio entre el Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación y la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. El primero, por entonces a cargo de Nilda Garré, buscaba conocer en profundidad el estado de situación en materia de formación y capacitación policial para llevar adelante diferentes reformas y políticas alrededor de estos puntos. A partir de ello, y en consonancia con otros trabajos previos en relación a antropólogos/as que se impulsaron desde su gestión, se buscaba un abordaje más integral que comprendiera la perspectiva de los actores y la cotidianeidad policial. El trabajo fue entonces el primer estudio etnográfico sobre la Escuela se Cadetes, la Escuela de Agentes, las comisarías de CABA y cuerpos de la PFA. El mismo implicó un trabajo colectivo que potenció el acercamiento a los distintos actores, donde las diferencias de género, de edad y de jerarquía académica fueron la llave para construir confianza y referencia con los distintos sujetos a trabajar. De esto se desprende, además, un proceso constante de articulación desde el diseño del proyecto hasta la versión final de los informes, desafío no menor y poco abordado en el hacer etnográfico.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Positive selection in the evolution of Helicobacter pylori outer membrane proteins

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    Homologous recombination in Helicobacter pylori has been extensively described to occur via Outer Membrane Proteins (OMPs), regulating protein expression and generating allelic diversity, while the importance of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) remains little studied. We used an OMP-encoding gene, homC, as a model to evaluate the weight of positive selection in the evolution of H. pylori, by using G200 sequences obtained from strains collected worldwide. N-site and branch-site phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood models were used to identify specific codons that may be important in homC evolution, and to evaluate the impact of selective pressure on the geographic segregation of strains, respectively. The N-site overall analysis showed that 14 of the 742 (1.9%) homC codons are likely under positive selection (likelihood-ratio test (LRT), p < 10-61). Four of these codons are located in the most variable allelic gene middle region, probably reflecting recombination-derived hitchhiking events. On the other hand, eight codons are located in the more conserved 5¢and 3¢ gene regions, although the significance of this distribution remains to be clarified. Branch-site analysis revealed 36 codons (4.9%) under positive selection (LRT, p < 10-41), showing a non-random distribution, and 89% of these particular codons (p < 10-3) support the phylogenetic segregation of European strains from both African and East Asian strains. The lack of visible recombination within this segment suggests an important biological role of point mutations in the evolution of H. pylori OMPs. In conclusion, homC SNP analysis suggests that, besides recombination, positive selection contributes as well to the evolution of H. pylori OMPs

    What does a body tell us? Body and sexualities in the men's prison

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    Este artículo se propone poner en el centro de escena a los cuerpos que atraviesan condenas privativas de la libertad. En esas experiencias, confluyen elementos de la vida en la calle con cuestiones específicas del encierro. Las violencias, los conflictos, las resistencias, las estéticas compartidas: vivir a través del cuerpo. Este trabajo surge a partir de una tesina de grado de la Licenciatura en Sociología, donde nos propusimos un abordaje de las masculinidades en la cárcel de varones desde una perspectiva integral, que recupere los conflictos, las solidaridades, las relaciones de poder y de pertenencia entre varones detenidos; así como el rol que ocupan las emociones, el cuerpo y la sexualidad en las ellas. En esta ocasión, buscamos profundizar alrededor de cómo las violencias atraviesan esos cuerpos. Nos encontramos, sin embargo, con un abanico de sentidos alrededor de los cuerpos, sentidos que nos permiten repensar las marcas de tatuajes y cicatrices, los usos y los sentidos que los propios detenidos les dan: estéticas compartidas, masculinidades circulantes y categorías específicas. La cárcel y sus condiciones de detención, el Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense, los demás detenidos, las visitas ocasionales al penal; son muchos los actores que entran en juego en la vida carcelaria y que necesitan ser tenidos en cuenta para nuestros objetivos. Los varones detenidos, en su mayoría de sectores populares, son atravesados por múltiples violencias y, además, por una situación específica: la privación de la libertad pone a esos cuerpos en un lugar incesante de encuentros entre el respeto, el aguante y sus emociones. El cuerpo tendrá la doble cara de violencia y resistencia para, en última instancia, permitirles a los detenidos sobrevivir. Pensar la cárcel desde quienes la transitan, el rol de las emociones, el cuerpo y la sexualidad nos permiten abrir una escena de posibilidades alrededor de las políticas penitenciarias y carcelarias. La reforma de la Ley de Ejecución Penal, la reforma del Código Penal, la creación y construcción de nuevas cárceles, mayores dispositivos de seguridad penitenciaria agudizando el control; son todos debates contemporáneos que, bajo ningún punto de vista, se proponen un análisis integral de la problemática. En ese marco se inscribe este trabajo y las investigaciones que, en el marco de formación en el que adscribo, me propongo. Pensar la cárcel desde una perspectiva que nos permita comprender su complejidad para la intervención.This article puts in the centre of the scene how human bodies go through a period of imprisonment. During this experience, it can be seen how elements acquired for the life in the street converge with especifical practice, dynamics and situations related to jail. Violence, conflicts, resistances, shared aesthetics i.e., living through the body. This work comes from a sociology theses where masculinities in jail for men were analysed from a comprehensive perspective. This research showed the conflicts, support, power relationships and bonds around those men; and also which the place of feelings, bodies and sexuality were there. In this opportunity, we will deeply investigate how violence pierce these bodies. We will find here, however, a range of senses around them, senses that allow us to rethink the marks of tattoos and scars and the uses and the senses that the inmates give to them. There are many factors that take place in prison life, like jail and its conditions of detention, the “Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense”, the other men who live there and the occasional visits prisoners received, among others. Men who go to jail, most of them poor people, have already experienced different forms of violence. However, they have to deal with an specific situation now: the deprivation of their liberty. This circumstances directly connects the bodies with the respect, the strength and the feelings. Bodies have two faces in this way: violence and resistance, to give peopledeprived of their freedom. Thinking jail from the view of men who live there, observing the role of emotions, the body and sexuality, allow us to open a scene of possibilities around penitentiary and prison policies. The are changes in the “Ley de ejecución penal”, the reform of the Penal Code, the creation and construction of new jails, bigger penitentiary security mechanisms intensifying control. All of these are discussions that are having place today without this point of view proposed here. In opposition, this article, and all the study that I am doing in my research training, proposed a comprehensive perspective: thinking jail from a perspective that allows us to understand its complexity for intervention.Fil: Oleastro, Inés. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin