57 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Thyroid Functions with Respect to Iodine Status and TRH Test in Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis

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    Objective: Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) is the most common form of thyroiditis in childhood and a frequent cause of acquired hypothyroidism. The objective of this study was to evaluate the thyroid status of childrenand adolescents with CAT with respect to iodine status and diagnostic values of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) test

    Celiac disease and autoimmune thyroid disease in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: clinical and HLA-genotyping results

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    Objective: Increased prevalence of celiac disease (CD) and autoimmune thyroid disorders (ATD) in patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) has been widely reported. Such an association may lead to adverse effects on the growth, bone metabolism and fertility, and response to therapy may become difficult. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical findings and HLA typing results in patients with T1D associated with CD or ATD. Methods: The association of CD and ATD was evaluated in 38 children with T1D aged 1.5-16.8 years who had been followed for 48.3±28 months. Diagnosis of CD was based on positivity for serum endomysial IgA antibody and histopathological findings of intestinal biopsy specimens. Thyroid autoimmunity was assessed by antithyroglobulin and antithyroid peroxidase antibodies and with diagnostic ultrasonographic findings. Results: ATD was detected in 31.5%, and CD-in 7.8% of T1D patients. Subjects with CD showed either no symptoms or suggestive problems such as short stature, hepatosteatosis, pubertal delay and difficulties in the control of diabetes. Patients with ATD had no clinical symptoms. DQ8 was the most prominent finding in CD. Conclusions: It is essential that patients with T1D, regardless of presence or absence of symptoms, should be investigated for CD and ATD

    Two Siblings with Isolated GH Deficiency Due to Loss−of−Function Mutation in the GHRHR Gene: Successful Treatment with Growth Hormone Despite Late Admission and Severe Growth Retardation

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    Patients with growth hormone releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) mutations exhibit pronounced dwarfism and are phenotypically and biochemically indistinguishable from other forms of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD). We presented here two siblings with clinical findings of IGHD due to a nonsense mutation in the GHRHR gene who reached their target height in spite of late GH treatment. Two female siblings were admitted to our clinic with severe short stature at the age of 13.8 (patient 1) and 14.8 years (patient 2). On admission, height in patient 1 was 107 cm (−8.6 SD) and 117 cm (−6.7 SD) in patient 2. Bone age was delayed in both patients (6 years and 9 years). Clinical and biochemical analyses revealed a diagnosis of complete IGHD (peak GH levels on stimulation test was 0.06 ng/mL in patient 1 and 0.16 ng/mL in patient 2). Patients were given recombinant human GH treatment. Genetic analysis of the GH and GHRHR genes revealed that both patientscarried the GHRHR gene mutation p.Glu72X (c.214 G>T) in exon 3 in homozygous (or hemizygous) state. After seven years of GH treatment, the patients reached a final height appropriate for their target height. Final height was 151 cm (−1.5 SD) in patient 1 and 153 cm (−1.2 SD) in patient 2. In conclusion, genetic analysis is indicated in IGHD patients with severe growth failure and a positive family history. In spite of the very late diagnosis in these two patients who presented with severe growth deficit due to homozygous loss−of−function mutations in GHRHR, their final heights reached the target height

    Serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 Levels in Healthy Children Between 0 and 6 Years of Age

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    Objective: Along with growth hormone (GH) levels, measurements of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) are used in the diagnosis of GH deficiency and in monitoring the efficacy and safety of long-term GH treatment. The purpose of the present study was to establish reference values for serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in healthy Turkish children less than 6 years of age