15 research outputs found


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    As Estações de Tratamento de Efluentes Industriais (ETEIs), desde a etapa de projeto, devem obdecer a critérios de desempenho médio semelhantes àqueles utilizados para projeto de unidades de produção industrial. Deste modo, é fundamental que as indústrias reconheçam as unidades de tratamento de efluentes como plantas industriais e estabeleçam para essas, sistemas de gestão ambiental efetivos, providos de controles que garantam atendimento à legislação ambiental

    Predictive factors for perioperative blood transfusion in surgeries for correction of idiopathic, neuromuscular or congenital scoliosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of clinical and demographic variables in patients requiring blood transfusion during elective surgery to treat scoliosis with the aim of identifying markers predictive of the need for blood transfusion. METHODS: Based on the review of medical charts at a public university hospital, this retrospective study evaluated whether the following variables were associated with the need for red blood cell transfusion (measured by the number of packs used) during scoliosis surgery: scoliotic angle, extent of arthrodesis (number of fused levels), sex of the patient, surgery duration and type of scoliosis (neuromuscular, congenital or idiopathic). RESULTS: Of the 94 patients evaluated in a 55-month period, none required a massive blood transfusion (most patients needed less than two red blood cell packs). The number of packs was not significantly associated with sex or type of scoliosis. The extent of arthrodesis (r = 0.103), surgery duration (r = 0.144) and scoliotic angle (r = 0.004) were weakly correlated with the need for blood transfusion. Linear regression analysis showed an association between the number of spine levels submitted to arthrodesis and the volume of blood used in transfusions (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study did not reveal any evidence of a significant association between the need for red blood cell transfusion and scoliotic angle, sex or surgery duration in scoliosis correction surgery. Submission of more spinal levels to arthrodesis was associated with the use of a greater number of blood packs


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    Different learning and teaching strategies have been adopted in Brazil so that Science can go beyond the teaching process as well as becomes a source of development and competence to the students; all according to the changes occurred in the 21st century. This research is based on conception, study application and data analysis of a didactic exploratory study concerning the role of unicellular algae in the food chain of aquatic ecosystems. It has been applied to 8th grade students from middle school in their final years, around August and September of 2021. The didactic structure is proceeding from constructivism and social interactionism theories. During the whole investigative studying path, the students were challenged to hold up their previous knowledge on the topics and they could also share them in class on the target subjects. Over the survey procedure, there was a notable growing in terms of the pupils understanding about the function of unicellular algae, thus showing qualifications in their capacity to express, argue and apply the developed concepts. When compared, their prior answers demonstrate meaningful conceptual changes upon the photosynthesizing function of microalgae, such as its fundamental role in the food chain, thus contributing to the proposed didactic sequence as an efficient strategy for teaching and learning about the functioning of aquatic ecosystems in Middle School.Diferentes estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem têm sido adotadas no país para que o ensino de Ciências Naturais ultrapasse a transmissão de conteúdos e se torne, de fato, um meio para o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências nos estudantes, coerentes com as transformações do século XXI. Este estudo baseia-se construção, aplicação e análise de dados de uma sequência didática de ensino por investigação – acerca do papel das algas unicelulares na cadeia alimentar de ecossistemas aquáticos – aplicada a estudantes do 8º ano do ensino fundamental entre agosto e setembro de 2021. A sequência didática possui como fundamento teórico construtivismo o sociointeracionismo. Antes, durante e após o momento investigativo, os estudantes foram desafiados a aplicar os seus conhecimentos prévios e partilhá-los em aula em torno de uma questão-problema. Nesse percurso, verificou-se aumento significativo da compreensão dos estudantes acerca da função das algas unicelulares, evidenciando qualificações em suas capacidades de expressão, argumentação e aplicação dos conceitos desenvolvidos. A comparação das respostas aos formulários de sondagem de conhecimentos prévios e posterior à aplicação da atividade investigativa demonstrou mudanças conceituais significativas nos estudantes acerca da função fotossintetizante das microalgas, bem como seu papel fundamental na cadeia alimentar, contribuindo, assim, para que a sequência didática proposta se constitua como uma estratégia eficiente de ensino e aprendizagem acerca do funcionamento de ecossistemas aquáticos no Ensino Fundamental

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    Thiocyanate leaching of gold

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    Space, Time and Reality: a comparative study among three conceptions of world

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    The present work intends to investigate the elements that appear in three different conceptions of world, namely, the mythical conceptions, the psychoanalytical theory and the classical physics, in its attempt to establish what it must be considered real and what it must be considered apparent. For this, we choose to study the way as it can be structured, inside of these conceptions, the categories of space and time, which, due to its fundamental character, allow to establish more clearly its differences and similarities. Even though the compared conceptions were not only very different, but even incompatible one each other, we show that all they share some structural elements, being the most important of them the notion of non-intentionality

    Espaço, Tempo e Realidade: um estudo comparativo entre três concepções de mundo

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    The present work intends to investigate the elements that appear in three different conceptions of world, namely, the mythical conceptions, the psychoanalytical theory and the classical physics, in its attempt to establish what it must be considered real and what it must be considered apparent. For this, we choose to study the way as it can be structured, inside of these conceptions, the categories of space and time, which, due to its fundamental character, allow to establish more clearly its differences and similarities. Even though the compared conceptions were not only very different, but even incompatible one each other, we show that all they share some structural elements, being the most important of them the notion of non-intentionality.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7941.2014v31n3p571O presente trabalho pretende investigar os elementos que comparecem em três distintas concepções de mundo, a saber, as concepções míticas, a teoria psicanalítica e a física clássica, nas suas tentativas de estabelecer o que deve ser considerado real e o que deve ser considerado aparente. Para isso, escolhemos estudar o modo como se estruturam, dentro dessas concepções, as categorias de espaço e de tempo, as quais, em função de seu caráter basilar, permitem estabelecer mais claramente suas diferenças e similitudes. Muito embora as concepções comparadas sejam não somente muito distintas, mas até mesmo incompatíveis entre si, mostramos que todas elas compartilham alguns elementos estruturantes, sendo o mais importante deles a noção de não-intencionalidade