31 research outputs found

    Hand Washing: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice amongst Mothers of Under-Five Children in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria

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    The hands are central to many of our daily activities and the use of contaminated hands for cooking and eating enhances transmission of contaminants/germs into the body through food, thereby causing ill-health. Mothers serve the dual role of the children’s nurse (handling their faeces, blowing their nostrils, etc.) as well as the household chef (prepares family’s meals, feeds children). This coupled with poor knowledge and practice of simple hygiene increase the risk of spread of diseases to the under-five children. A community based cross-sectional study set out to determine the knowledge, attitude towards and practice of hand washing among mothers of under-five children in Igbona Area of Olorunda Local Government in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Three hundred mothers of under-five children were selected for the study using a multi-stage technique. Interviewer-administered semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect information on participants’ knowledge, attitude towards and practice of hand washing. Overall, respondents had good knowledge of hand washing but their educational status and religion were found to influence degree of knowledge of hand washing (p = 0.01 respectively with higher education and Christianity positively impacting knowledge of hand washing). More than three-quarters (81.6%) of them did not think that the use of soap was important in hand washing. Respondents’ practice of hand washing was influenced by their age and educational level (p < 0.0000001) respectively with older age group and higher educational levels corresponding to better practice. In conclusion, the study found good knowledge of hand washing among the respondents with many of them showing positive attitude in favor of hand rinsing. Those with higher education had better practice of hand washing. To realize the health benefits of hand washing, efforts to improve hand washing in this environment should encourage adding soap to current hand rinsing practices. Keywords: hand washing, mothers, under-five children, knowledge, attitude, practice

    Influencing factors of unmet needs for child spacing among selected countries experiencing high maternal-mortality in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background: Maternal complication and death have implicated unintended pregnancy. The indicator for measuring the risk of unintended pregnancy is unmet need for family planning (FP). It is necessary to explore the current situation of unmet need for child spacing (UNCS) as well as its influencing factors among countries that are experiencing high maternal mortality ratio. We aimed to unveil the prevalence of UNCS and its associated factors in Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone.Methods: We analysed the data from DHS phase VII survey, a cross- sectional study conducted from year 2017 to 2018 across several countries. Total records of 25,539, 5,553, and 10,050 were extracted for Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone respectively. Explored variables were UNCS, demographic characteristics and husband’s partners profile. Data was analysed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics, test of association (chi-square) and binary logistic regression were used during the data analysis (α0.05).Results: UNCS was high in Nigeria (15.9%), Liberia (22.5%) and Sierra Leone (21.9%). In Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone, 40%, 37% and 49.1% were uneducated respectively. The proportion of married women were 89% in Nigeria, 32% in Liberia and 70.2% in Sierra Leone. Also, female headship of household (OR: 1.29, 95%CI: 1.09-1.54) was associated with UNCS relative to male headship of household.Conclusions: UNCS was high in the three countries. Factors like educational status of women, age, as well as women as head of the households should be given much attention in the efforts to reduce UNCS as identified in this study

    Imperatives of Internet and Social Media on Broadcast Journalism in Nigeria

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    The development of radio and later television brought a new dimension to news and events coverage in Nigeria. In 1993 the monopoly of government was broken to allow private participation.  This gave the broadcast audience multiple choices of media. The advanced technology in the broadcast media and the development of internet and social media networks further exposed the society to alternative mediums of information. The pervasiveness of these websites in our everyday lives is today changing the face of broadcasting globally and in particular the Nigerian broadcast industry. This paper therefore examines the implication of Internet and social media on broadcast journalism in Nigeria. Keywords: Imperative, Internet, social media, broadcast Journalism, Nigeri

    Awareness and knowledge of the sustainable development goals in a University Community in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Background: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a globally  accepted developmental agenda, and it is expected that everyone everywhere in the world would be aware, knowledgeable and be willing to contribute to its  attainment. This study aims to assess the level of awareness, knowledge of, and attitudes towards the SDGs among members of a university community. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 450 students and staff of Osun State University, Southwestern Nigeria, selected from three of its six  multi-campuses via multi-stage sampling. Data were collected by means of  semi-structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: The mean age for the respondents was 26(10.2) years. Only 43% of the respondents were aware of the SDGs and only 4.2% had good knowledge of the SDGs. However, 56.3% had positive attitude towards it. More respondents with good knowledge of the SDGs were either acadenic staff or those have been  enlightened via personal study of the SDGs or through other means. Similarly having a positive attitude was associated with being an academic staff/ high level of education as well as belonging to the middle age group. (p<0.05). Conclusion: The awareness of and attitudes towards the SDGs was just fair. However, the level of knowledge was abysmally low, and this has serious  negative implications for SDGs attainment. Pertinent individual and  population-level methods of enlightening people about the SDGs must be put in place in educational settings; curricular changes are imperative. Keywords: Attitudes, Awareness, Knowledge, MDGs, SDGs, University

    The Impact of International Broadcasting On Africa

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    This study examined the impact of global broadcasting on Africa. The survey research method was applied to collect data with the structured questionnaire as the research instrument. 150 respondents who were purposively selected from Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt were administered the questionnaire online through the surveymonkey.com website. However, 110 respondents properly completed and submitted their questionnaires representing 73 percent response rate. Findings revealed that Cable News Network (CNN) is the preferred global TV news channel of 41 percent of the respondents followed by Al Jezeera (32 percent), China Central Television (18 per cent) and BBC World (9 percent). This is consistent with the 2012 European Media Survey (EMS) report which declared CNN as the undisputed No 1 news brand in Africa. Findings further revealed that global TV news channels carried mostly negative stories about Africa as indicated by 86 percent of the respondents. Furthermore, 60 percent of the respondents indicated that this pattern of coverage not only gave the continent a negative perception but worsened her economic woes. The study concluded that decades after the New World Information and Communication Order debate was rested, negative coverage of the continent persists in the powerful global TV news channels. It then recommended that global TV channels still need to do more to improve on their coverage of Africa by focusing less on negative reports from the continent. It further recommended that stakeholders in the region need to take more practical steps to tell their own stories to the outside world. Key words Global television    International communication   Coverage   News   channel

    Assessment of Nigerian International Broadcasting by Nigerians in Diaspora

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    International broadcasting is projecting an image of the country of broadcast to an external audience. The external audience comprise not just foreigners but also citizens of the host country who reside outside that country. The question then is, to what extent are Nigerian international broadcasters satisfying their country’s citizens who reside in the Diaspora? This study sought to find out the assessment of Nigeria’s international broadcasting by her expatriates; that is her citizens living abroad. The survey methodology was employed in this research. The technique was purposive as only the responses of Nigerians who respond in the diaspora were sought. Questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection. The questionnaire was uploaded online via the survey monkey for Nigerians residing in the Diaspora to respond to. There were 159 respondents but only 150 completely filled their questionnaires; these were analyzed for this research. Findings showed that majority of respondents (66.67) watch Nigerian international broadcasters on weekends, and most people (27%) watch news probably to keep abreast with happenings back home. About a third (37%) of the respondents watch Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) International and 53.3% assessed the programme quality as poor especially the pictures which are adjudged as lacking in professionalism. However, the respondents considered the information received from the stations they watch as credible. It is recommended that there should be improvement in the standard of professionalism of presenters so as to make the programmes more appealing to viewers as presentation is the window to the world. Funding is another crucial issue. When funds are available, programmes will be packaged better and more professionals will be employed to engender more viewership from the Diaspora. Keywords: International broadcasting, external audience, International broadcasters, Expatriate

    Strategic partnership of stakeholders: a veritable tool for sustainable fishery resources in Nigeria

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    Fishery resources are very important resource from the aquatic environment to the Nigerian economy. Stakeholders involvement in its management is highly important therefore, this paper proposes two frameworks against which sustainable fishery should be based, vis-a-vis stakeholders participation. The paper showed that decision-making involving stakeholders would enhance the goals of sustainable fishery development and create unity of purpose among various stakeholder

    The Resource Curse and Rentier States in the Caspian Region : A Need for Context Analysis

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    Although much attention is paid to the Caspian region with regard to energy issues, the domestic consequences of the region’s resource production have so far constituted a neglected field of research. A systematic survey of the latest research trends in the economic and political causalities of the resource curse and of rentier states reveals that there is a need for context analysis. In reference to this, the paper traces any shortcomings and promising approaches in the existent body of literature on the Caspian region. Following on from this, the paper then proposes a new approach; specifically, one in which any differences and similarities in the context conditions are captured. This enables a more precise exploration of the exact ways in which they form contemporary post-Soviet Caspian rentier states.Obwohl der Region am Kaspischen Meer im Zuge von Energiediskursen große Aufmerksamkeit zuteil wird, stellen die innerstaatlichen Folgen der Ressourcenproduktion in der Region ein bislang vernachlässigtes Forschungsfeld dar. Ein systematischer Überblick über die jüngsten Forschungstrends zu wirtschaftlichen und politischen Kausalzusammenhängen des Ressourcenfluchs und zu Rentierstaaten offenbart die Notwendigkeit von Kontextanalysen. Hierauf Bezug nehmend, analysiert der Aufsatz sowohl die Mängel als auch viel versprechende Ansätze in der betreffenden Literatur zur Region am Kaspischen Meer. Der Aufsatz stellt letztendlich einen neuen Ansatz vor, der Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in den Kontextbedingungen erfasst, um zu erforschen, wie diese die gegenwärtigen post-sowjetischen Rentierstaaten in der Region am Kaspischen Meer tatsächlich prägen

    The Resource Curse and Rentier States in the Caspian Region: A Need for Context Analysis

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    Maternal and child health interventions in Nigeria: a systematic review of published studies from 1990 to 2014

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    BACKGROUND: Poor maternal and child health indicators have been reported in Nigeria since the 1990s. Many interventions have been instituted to reverse the trend and ensure that Nigeria is on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This systematic review aims at describing and indirectly measuring the effect of the Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) interventions implemented in Nigeria from 1990 to 2014. METHODS: PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched from 1990 to April 2014 whereas POPLINE® was searched until 16 February 2015 to identify reports of interventions targeting Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Nigeria. Narrative and graphical synthesis was done by integrating the results of extracted studies with trends of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and under five mortality (U5MR) derived from a joint point regression analysis using Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey data (1990-2013). This was supplemented by document analysis of policies, guidelines and strategies of the Federal Ministry of Health developed for Nigeria during the same period. RESULTS: We identified 66 eligible studies from 2,662 studies. Three interventions were deployed nationwide and the remainder at the regional level. Multiple study designs were employed in the enrolled studies: pre- and post-intervention or quasi-experimental (n = 40; 61%); clinical trials (n = 6;9%); cohort study or longitudinal evaluation (n = 3;5%); process/output/outcome evaluation (n = 17;26%). The national MMR shows a consistent reduction (Annual Percentage Change (APC) = -3.10%, 95% CI: -5.20 to -1.00 %) with marked decrease in the slope observed in the period with a cluster of published studies (2004-2014). Fifteen intervention studies specifically targeting under-five children were published during the 24 years of observation. A statistically insignificant downward trend in the U5MR was observed (APC = -1.25%, 95% CI: -4.70 to 2.40%) coinciding with publication of most of the studies and development of MNCH policies. CONCLUSIONS: The development of MNCH policies, implementation and publication of interventions corresponds with the downward trend of maternal and child mortality in Nigeria. This systematic review has also shown that more MNCH intervention research and publications of findings is required to generate local and relevant evidence