146 research outputs found

    Practicable Vocational and Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition for job Creation and Poverty Alleviation Among Nigerian Youths

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    Purpose:  This study examined the concepts of poverty, youth unemployment and vocational and entrepreneurial skills acquisition. It also identified the various factors responsible for poverty and youth unemployment in Nigeria. It highlighted the rationale for Nigerian youths to acquire vocational and entrepreneurial skills for self-reliance, income generation, wealth creation and employment generation for others.   Theoretical Framework: The aim of  vocational and entrepreneurial skills acquisition is to make it practicable in order to drive and deliver the purpose of job creation and poverty alleviation among Nigerian youths. Making it more practicable achieves the driving force to creating economic values and creative business engagements by Nigerians. The focus also provides job opportunities for the teeming Nigerian youths, channels their future to productive activities and turn to make poverty and unemployment to be things of the past if the practicability is achieved through entrepreneurial activities.   Design/Methodology/Approach:  The study adopted the mode of conducting literature review and conceptualization of the variables and x-rayed the  reasons for poverty and unemployment and deepen how the social problems can be identified and reduced to the barest minimum in Nigeria.   Findings: Our findings revealed there is serious poverty and unemployment in Nigeria. It as well suggest that it is of valuable and useful direction to promote practicable skills acquisition among Nigerian youths and that the curricula of Nigerian educational institutions should be more pragmatic and have built-in-job training programmes that would enable students to acquire relevant practicable vocational and entrepreneurial skills required for self-employment, job and wealth creation and poverty alleviation. While all stakeholders should be actively involved in the funding of vocational and entrepreneurship education.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This study in its focus contributes to a better understanding of the important role being played by entrepreneurial skills acquisition in achieving practicable vocational skills and to develop entrepreneurial attitudes of Nigerian youths  that will form the economic growth of the country through their engagements and make them employers of labour through their acquired practicable vocational skills acquisition to better the society. This study also contributes to a better understanding of the causes of the menace which therefore proffers solution to tackling the problem of poverty among Nigerian youths through the provision of a viable, robust, comprehensive and practical-oriented vocational and entrepreneurship education.  It also expressed how the collective responsibility of all prominent Nigerians could be keyed-into supporting entrepreneurship programmes in Nigeria in the area of funding of vocational and entrepreneurship education in Nigeria which both Government at Federal, State and Local Government levels and the Non-Govermental Organisations (NGOs).   Originality/value: The added value of this study provides insights on how vocational entrepreneurial skills acquisition programmes can be practicable effective in a way to structure the future of Nigerian youths and citizens for productive economic activities. It is as well sought how poverty and unemployment can be reduced and make citizens focus for economic growth and self-dependence businesses

    Cassava Production Enterprise in the Tropics

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    Cassava, a tropical root crop, provides the staple food for millions of people around the world. It is one of the tuber crops that could be cultivated on a small scale in an environment with erratic rainfall, and without necessarily needing heavy equipment and machineries. Cassava could be successfully cultivated by resource-poor farm family. Farmers’ productivity could be as much as 70 tonnes per hectares under favourable conditions. However, smallholder farmers do among other things improve productivity through proven cultural practices and a mix of organic and inorganic measures. Irrigation is very necessary for achieving bumper harvest in areas with shortage of rainfall and insufficient soil moisture content. The concept of sustainability in the practice of agriculture has been on the front burner world over in recent time. Therefore, the cultivation of cassava with the aim of increased productivity without jeopardising the factors of production meant for future time is encouraged. Practices that combine traditional knowledge with modern technologies that are adapted to the needs of small-scale farmers are on the increase around the world. Depending on the purpose, cassava could be harvested anytime from eight month. Cassava leaves could serve as vegetable and the stems use as fire wood

    Youth Empowerment Programmes Through Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition for Self-Reliance in Ondo State, Nigeria: An Appraisal

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    Purpose: The study appraised youth empowerment programmes through entrepreneurial skills acquisition for self-reliance in Ondo State, Nigeria.   Theoretical framework: The conceptual framework was developed based on an extensive literature review to establish the relationship between youth empowerment, entrepreneurial skills acquisition and self-reliance. This framework serves as a guiding structure for the study, determining the way out of the virulent, devastating, torturing, and continuous  menace of poverty and unemployment bedeviling the youths of Nigeria and proffer lasting solution through entrepreneurial skills acquisition for self-reliance.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study adopted empirical research approach. Data was gathered from four hundred and fifty participants drawn from six Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition Centres in three Local Government Areas of Ondo State. The collection of data was by the means of a questionnaire that was structured and well-validated titled Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition for Job Creation Questionnaire. Descriptive and inductive statistics were used for the data analysis.   Findings: The outcome revealed that many jobless school leavers and graduates in Ondo State were completely ignorant of training opportunities provided by Ondo State Government due to inadequate publicity of the programmes. The Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition Programmes were not sufficiently funded; most of the Centre buildings were dilapidated and poorly maintained; while the resource persons at the Centres were grossly inadequate and poorly motivated. The acquired entrepreneurial skills have been helping the recipients to set up small-scale business enterprises for self-employment and reliance.   Research, Practical and Social implications: The study contributes immensely and shows that it is no more contestable that in Nigeria today, the acquirement of appropriate entrepreneurial skills will greatly assist the jobless school leavers and tertiary educational institutions graduates in ameliorating the problem of unemployment and poverty and also lessen the several crimes and social vices commonly committed by most youths of Nigeria. The Nigerian youths who have acquired entrepreneurial skills will undoubtedly decide properly on the business enterprise to embark upon and how to seek initial financial assistance to put it in progress.   Originality/Value: The conceptual framework of the study, its empirical research approach, incomparable modality, and practical recommendations contribute to the existing body of knowledge on youth empowerment programmes through entrepreneurial skills acquisition which champions the reduction of unemployment and poverty in Nigeria. It as well  providing valuable direction for stakeholders in  building a supportive creativity in the educational system

    From the breast to the upper jaw: A rare case of metastatic breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the commonest malignancy in women globally. Metastasesof advanced breast carcinoma to bones, lungs and liver are well known but spread to maxillary bone presenting as maxillary sinus and palatal swelling is rare. We present a case of advanced breast carcinoma in a female Nigerian with clinical, radiological and histopathological features of lung and right maxillary bone metastases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of metastatic breast cancer to the lungs and maxilla in Nigeria. The debilitating sequelae of advanced untreated breast carcinoma in a resource limited setting with suboptimal comprehensive cancer care are highlighted. Keywords: Breast cancer; orofacial metastasis; resource limited setting, Nigeri

    Prevalence, trends, outcomes, and disparities in hospitalizations for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the United States

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    Background: As the frequency of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) continues to rise in the United States (US) community, more patients are hospitalized with NAFLD. However, data on the prevalence and outcomes of hospitalizations with NAFLD are lacking. We investigated the prevalence, trends and outcomes of NAFLD hospitalizations in the US. Methods: Hospitalizations with NAFLD were identified in the National Inpatient Sample (2007-2014) by their ICD-9-CM codes, and the prevalence and trends over an 8-year period were calculated among different demographic groups. After excluding other causes of liver disease among the NAFLD cohorts (n=210,660), the impact of sex, race and region on outcomes (mortality, discharge disposition, length of stay [LOS], and cost) were computed using generalized estimating equations (SAS 9.4). Results: Admissions with NAFLD tripled from 2007-2014 at an average rate of 79/100,000 hospitalizations/year (P<0.0001), with a larger rate of increase among males vs. females (83/100,000 vs. 75/100,000), Hispanics vs. Whites vs. Blacks (107/100,000 vs. 80/100,000 vs. 48/100,000), and government-insured or uninsured patients vs. privately-insured (94/100,000 vs. 74/100,000). Males had higher mortality, LOS, and cost than females. Blacks had longer LOS and poorer discharge destination than Whites; while Hispanics and Asians incurred higher cost than Whites. Uninsured patients had higher mortality, longer LOS, and poorer discharge disposition than the privately-insured. Conclusions: Hospitalizations with NAFLD are rapidly increasing in the US, with a disproportionately higher burden among certain demographic groups. Measures are required to arrest this ominous trend and to eliminate the disparities in outcome among patients hospitalized with NAFLD

    Kolaviron was protective against sodium azide (NaN 3 )induced oxidative stress in the prefrontal cortex

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    Kolaviron is a phytochemical isolated from Garcina kola (G. kola); a common oral masticatory agent in Nigeria (West Africa). It is a bioflavonoid used - as an antivi- ral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant - in relieving the symp- toms of several diseases and infections. In this study we have evaluated the neuroprotective and regenerative effect of kolaviron in neurons of the prefrontal cortex (Pfc) before or after exposure to sodium azide (NaN 3 ) induced oxidative stress. Separate groups of animals were treated as follows; kolaviron (200 mg/Kg) for 21 days; kolaviron (200 mg/Kg for21days)followedbyNaN 3 treatment (20 mg/Kg for 5days);NaN 3 treatment (20 mg/Kg for 5 days) followed by kolaviron (200 mg/Kg for 21 days); 1 ml of corn-oil (21 days- vehicle); NaN 3 treatment (20 mg/Kg for 5 days). Exploratory activity associated with Pfc function was assessed in the open field test (OFT) following which the microscopic anatomy of the prefrontal cortex was examined in histology (Haematoxylin and Eosin) and antigen retrieval Immunohis- tochemistry to show astroglia activation (GFAP), neuronal metabolism (NSE), cytoskeleton (NF) and cell cycle dysreg- ulation (p53). Subsequently, we quantified the level of Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the brain tissue homogenate as a measure of stress-related glucose metabolism. Kolaviron (Kv) and Kolaviron/NaN 3 treatment caused no prominent change in astroglia density and size while NaN 3 and NaN 3 / Kv induced astroglia activation and scar formation (astrogliosis) in the Pfc when compared with the control. Sim- ilarly, Kolaviron and Kv/NaN 3 did not alter NSE expression (glucose metabolism) while NaN 3 and NaN 3 /Kv treatment increased cortical NSE expression; thus indicating stress related metabolism. Further studies on enzymes of glu- cose metabolism (G6PDH and LDH) showed that NaN 3 increased LDH while kolaviron reduced LDH in the brain tissue homogenate (P<0.001). In addition kolaviron treatment before (P<0.001) or after ( P <0.05) NaN 3 treatment also reduced LDH expression; thus supporting its role in suppression of oxidative stress. Interestingly, NF deposition increased in the Pfc after kolaviron treatment while Kv/NaN 3 showed no sig- nificant change in NF when compared with the control. In furtherance, NaN 3 and NaN 3 /Kv caused a decrease in NF deposition (degeneration). Ultimately, the protective effect of KV administered prior to NaN 3 treatment was confirmed through p53 expression; which was similar to the control. However, NaN 3 and NaN 3 /Kv caused an increase in p53 expression in the Pfc neurons (cell cycle dysregulation). We conclude that kolaviron is not neu- rotoxic when used at 200 mg/Kg BW. Furthermore, 200 mg/Kg of kolaviron administered prior to NaN 3 treatment (Kv/NaN 3 ) was neuroprotective when com- pared with Kolaviron administered after NaN 3 treatment (NaN 3 /Kv). Some of the observed effects of kolaviron administered before NaN 3 treatment includes reduction of astroglia activation, absence of astroglia scars, anti- oxidation (reduced NSE and LDH), prevention of neu- rofilament loss and cell cycle regulatio

    Evaluation of the effects of ascorbic acid on azathioprine-induced alteration in the testes of adult Wistar rats

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    The use of azathioprine (AZA) in the prevention of organ rejection during transplantation has been noted in different organs of the body. This study investigates the effect of ascorbic acid on azathioprineinduced alteration in the testes of adult Wistar rats. Thirty male adult Wistar rats were randomly assigned into 5 groups comprising a Control group A and four Treatment groups B to E. Animals in treatment groups B and D received 10 and 20 mg/kg of AZA respectively; whilerats in treatment groups C received 10 mg/kg AZA +25 mg/kg ascorbic acid, and group E received 20 mg/kg of AZA + 50 mg/kg of ascorbic acid. The control group animals received equal volume of normal saline via orogastric tube, and treatment lasted for 21 days. The testes were excised, weighed and fixed in Bouins’ fluid fortissue histology. Tissue homogenate was used to assay testosterone level, while blood was also obtained intracardially for glutathione peroxidase studies. Findings revealed significant histological changes in the treatment groups, decreased testosterone levels, and elevated glutathione peroxidase activity in all the treatment groups, compared with control. However, the treatment groups that received ascorbic acid had minimal, butsignificant reduction in the glutathione peroxidase activity compared to treatment groups without ascorbic acid intervention. Use of azathioprine induces significant damage to testicular structure, and this cannot be ameliorated by the use of ascorbic acid

    High Sensitivity Troponin T and NT-proBNP in Patients Receiving Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy

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    Retrospective studies suggest that chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR T) therapy may lead to cardiac injury, but this has not been assessed systematically or prospectively. In this prospective study of 40 patients who received CAR T, we systematically measured high-sensitivity troponin T (hsTropT) and N-terminal pro-B natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) at baseline and on day 1, days 7, and 21 after CAR T. Biomarker elevations with respect to timepoint and cytokine release syndrome (CRS) status were examined using repeated measure analysis of variance. hsTropT did not differ with time or with the presence of grade 2 CRS. Median hsTropT was 12.1 ng/L [interquartile range (IQR): 9.2, 20.1] at baseline, 13.1 ng/L (IQR: 9.6, 24.2) at day 1, 11.9 ng/L (IQR: 9.6, 18.0) at day 7, and 15.3 ng/L (10.8, 20.2) at day 21. In contrast, NTproBNP rose on day 1 (PWilcox = 0.0002) and day 7 (PWilcox = 2.7 × 10−5), and the degree of elevation differed by the presence of grade 2 CRS (Pinteraction = 0.002). Median NTproBNP was 179 pg/mL (IQR: 116, 325) at baseline, 357 pg/mL (IQR: 98, 813) at day 1, 420 pg/mL (IQR: 239, 1242) at day 7, and 177 pg/mL (IQR: 80, 278) at day 21. In conclusion, hsTropT l did not differ across timepoints after CAR T therapy, but NTproBNP rose at day 7, the prognostic implications of which should be the target of future research, as the indications for this therapy expand

    Safety and Efficacy of Axicabtagene Ciloleucel versus Standard of Care in Patients 65 Years of Age or Older with Relapsed/Refractory Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Purpose: Older patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) may be considered ineligible for curative-intent therapy including high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation (HDT-ASCT). Here, we report outcomes of a preplanned subgroup analysis of patients >= 65 years in ZUMA-7. Patients and Methods: Patients with LBCL refractory to or relapsed = 65 years were random-ized to axi-cel and SOC, respectively. Median EFS was greater with axi-cel versus SOC (21.5 vs. 2.5 months; median follow-up: 24.3 months; HR, 0.276; descriptive P = 3 adverse events occurred in 94% of axi-cel and 82% of SOC patients. No grade 5 cytokine release syndrome or neurologic events occurred. In the quality-of-life analysis, the mean change in PRO scores from baseline at days 100 and 150 favored axi-cel for EORTC QLQ-C30 Global Health, Physical Functioning, and EQ-5D-5L visual analog scale (descriptive P = 65 and = 65 years with R/R LBCL

    Prophylactic corticosteroid use in patients receiving axicabtagene ciloleucel for large B-cell lymphoma

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    ZUMA-1 (NCT02348216) examined the safety and efficacy of axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel), an autologous CD19-directed chimaeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy, in refractory large B-cell lymphoma. To reduce treatment-related toxicity, several exploratory safety management cohorts were added to ZUMA-1. Specifically, cohort 6 investigated management of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and neurologic events (NEs) with prophylactic corticosteroids and earlier corticosteroid and tocilizumab intervention. CRS and NE incidence and severity were primary end-points. Following leukapheresis, patients could receive optional bridging therapy per investigator discretion. All patients received conditioning chemotherapy (days -5 through -3), 2 × 106 CAR-T cells/kg (day 0) and once-daily oral dexamethasone [10 mg, day 0 (before axi-cel) through day 2]. Forty patients received axi-cel. CRS occurred in 80% of patients (all grade ≀2). Any grade and grade 3 or higher NEs occurred in 58% and 13% of patients respectively. Sixty-eight per cent of patients did not experience CRS or NEs within 72 h of axi-cel. With a median follow-up of 8·9 months, objective and complete response rates were 95% and 80% respectively. Overall, prophylactic corticosteroids and earlier corticosteroid and/or tocilizumab intervention resulted in no grade 3 or higher CRS, a low rate of grade 3 or higher NEs and high response rates in this study population
