86 research outputs found

    Indicators needed to design a student dashboard from lecturers’ perspectives: a qualitative study

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    The number of students’ enrolled in Higher Education online courses is increasing, and as a result, more data about their learning process is generated. The data produced can be displayed on a dashboard and help students in their learning process. However, lecturers’ perspective should be taken into account to define the indicators of the dashboard as the design of the courses could impact on the elements included on it. And that is precisely the aim of this paper: to define the indicators needed to design a student dashboard in online courses taking into account lecturers' perspectives. This study was carried out with 10 lecturers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education from Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Online qualitative questionnaires were used to gather participants’ perceptions. Results show that most of the lecturers participating in the research study identified four indicators to design a student dashboard: number of times students access the course forum, amount of contributions in the forum, number of times students consult the information booklet, and number of times each student has accessed the course in a week time. Conclusions drawn from this study highlight the importance of training lecturers and students on the pedagogical use of data visualization

    Conceptual framework for process-oriented feedback through Learning Analytics Dashboards

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    The number of students enrolled in online higher education courses is increasing, and as a result, more data on their learning process is being generated. By exploring this student behavior data through learning analytics, both student and teacher can be provided with process-oriented feedback in the form of dashboards. However, little is known about the typology of relevant feedback in the dashboard to different learning objectives, students and teachers. Although most dashboards and the feedback they provide are based solely on student performance indicators, research shows that such feedback is not sufficient. This article attempts to define a conceptual model that visualizes the relationships between the design of a Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD) and the concepts of learning science in order to provide process-oriented feedback that supports the regulation of learning. The aim of the work is not to propose a specific design of the LAD to provide feedback, but rather a conceptual framework for the choice of concepts for that design, and therefore to help understand future data needs as a basis for the educational feedback of the dashboards. As a conclusion of our research, we can say that having LADs adapted to any profile (student, teacher, etc.) can improve decision-making processes by showing each user the information that interests them most in the way that best enables them to understand it

    HUHEZiko hiru grado presentzialen lehenengo mailako ikasleen moodle plataformaren erabileraren azterketa

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    Currently online platforms play an important role in education and are being used in most universities. In the three degrees taught in classroom modality, in the Faculty of Humanities and Education (HUHEZI) of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Moodle has been used since 2009-2010. So far there has been no assessment of the use of the platform in the three degrees. This research wants to analyze certain aspects of such use and ai1ns to prinzarily, answer these questions: whether the teaching sequence defined in the design of the subject? In Moodle helps to better understand the organization of the subject; whether students know the Discussion Board tool of the platform and if they use it; and ultimately, what leve/ of awareness tutors have as far as the platfor1n is concerned and how much they use it. The results withdrawn from this analysis indicate that the teaching sequence of' the subject defined in the platform helps most of the times to better understand the organization aj the subject; the vast majority of students do not know or use the discussion board too/ platform; similarly, although most students believe that tutors show, manifest, demonstrate, exhibit a high level of knowledge of the platform, they also claim that many tools available in Moodle are not used.; En la actualidad las plataform.as online tienen un papel muy importante en la educación y se están utilizando en la mayoría de las universidades. En los tres grados que se imparten en modalidad presencial, en la facultad de Hiananidades y Ciencias de la Educación (HUHEZI) de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, se utiliza la plataforma Moodle desde el curso 2009-2010. Hasta ahora no se ha hecho ninguna evaluación acerca de la utilización de la plataforma en esos tres grados. Este trabajo de investigación quiere analizar ciertos aspectos de dicha utilización, en concreto se quiere responder a estas preguntas: La secuencia didáctica que se define en el diseño de la asignatura en Moodle, ayuda a entender mejor la organización de la asignatura? Los alumnos conocen la herramienta Foro de la plataforma? La utilizan? Cuál es el nivel de conocimiento y uso de la platafonna por parte de los tutores? A tenor de los resultados obtenidos, la secuencia didáctica de la asignatura definida en la plataforma ayuda en la mayoría de las veces a entender mejor la organización de la asignatura, los alumnos, en una amplia mayoría no conocen ni usan la herramienta Foro de la plataforma y aunque la niayoría de los alumnos creen que el nivel de conocimiento de la plataforma por parte de los tutores es alto, también creen que no se utilizan muchas herranmientas disponibles en Moodle

    El recomendador de MOODLE como clave en la personalización del aprendizaje virtual

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    Cada vez son más los estudiantes que acceden a la educación superior cursando sus estudios en la modalidad online. En consecuencia, el número de datos generados en dichos cursos aumenta significativamente [1]. Dichos datos pueden ser utilizados para identificar patrones en los procesos de aprendizaje y, por lo tanto, ofrecer recomendaciones a futuros estudiantes. Y ese es el objetivo de esta comunicación: explorar la percepción de los estudiantes y los docentes de la modalidad online de los Grados de Educación e Ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea hacia las recomendaciones ofrecidas en el entorno virtual. El estudio que se presenta se llevó a cabo con 322 estudiantes y 10 docentes. La recogida de datos se realizó por medio de cuestionarios y entrevistas semi-estructuradas. En cuanto al alumnado, los resultados de los cuestionarios muestran que los participantes perciben que las recomendaciones pueden ser de gran utilidad para guiar su proceso de aprendizaje. El análisis de las entrevistas realizadas con los docentes evidencia la percepción de que las recomendaciones pueden ser de gran ayuda en el proceso de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, los docentes consideran que necesitan una formación pedagógica específica. Las conclusiones de este estudio subrayan la importancia de la personalización del aprendizaje en entornos virtuales considerando de gran importancia la capacitación de los docentes para la comprensión de datos provenientes de las plataformas virtuales

    Indicadores necesarios para diseñar un dashboard desde la perspectiva de los profesores: un estudio cualitativo

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    El número de estudiantes matriculados en cursos online de educación superior está aumentando, y como resultado, se generan más datos sobre su proceso de aprendizaje. Los datos generados pueden ser mostrados en un dashboard y ayudar a los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de los profesores debe ser tomada en cuenta a la hora de definir los indicadores del dashboard, ya que el diseño de los cursos podría tener un impacto en los elementos incluidos en el mismo. Y ese es precisamente el objetivo de este trabajo: definir los indicadores necesarios para diseñar un dashboard para los estudiantes en los cursos online teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de los profesores. Este estudio se realizó con 10 profesores de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Se utilizaron cuestionarios online cualitativos para recoger las percepciones de los participantes. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los profesores que participaron en el estudio de investigación identificaron cuatro indicadores para diseñar un dashboard para los estudiantes: número de veces que los estudiantes acceden al foro del curso, cantidad de contribuciones en el foro, número de veces que los estudiantes consultan la guía de estudiante del curso, y el número de veces que cada estudiante ha accedido al curso en una semana. Las conclusiones extraídas de este estudio destacan la importancia de formar a profesores y estudiantes en el uso pedagógico de la visualización de datos

    A Common Genetic Origin for Early Farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK Cultures

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    Olalde, Iñigo et al.The spread of farming out of the Balkans and into the rest of Europe followed two distinct routes: An initial expansion represented by the Impressa and Cardial traditions, which followed the Northern Mediterranean coastline; and another expansion represented by the LBK (Linearbandkeramik) tradition, which followed the Danube River into Central Europe. Although genomic data now exist from samples representing the second migration, such data have yet to be successfully generated from the initial Mediterranean migration. To address this, we generated the complete genome of a 7,400-year-old Cardial individual (CB13) from Cova Bonica in Vallirana (Barcelona), as well as partial nuclear data from five others excavated from different sites in Spain and Portugal. CB13 clusters with all previously sequenced early European farmers and modern-day Sardinians. Furthermore, our analyses suggest that both Cardial and LBK peoples derived from a common ancient population located in or around the Balkan Peninsula. The Iberian Cardial genome also carries a discernible hunter–gatherer genetic signature that likely was not acquired by admixture with local Iberian foragers. Our results indicate that retrieving ancient genomes from similarly warm Mediterranean environments such as the Near East is technically feasible.The Centre for GeoGenetics is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF94). Cova Bonica work is supported by Servei d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia (2014/100639), Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR-108), and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2011-26193) projects. H.S. was supported by an ERC Synergy Grant (FP7/2007-2013/319209); C.L.-F. by a FEDER and Spanish Government Grant BFU2012-34157; and S.C. by a grant 2014 SGR 464 from Departament d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya). D.C.S-G. acknowledges support from the Generalitat Valenciana (VALi + d APOSTD/2014/123), the BBVA Foundation (I Ayudas a Investigadores, Innovadores y Creadores Culturales), and the European Union (FP7/2007-2013—MSCA-COFUND, no. 245743 via a Braudel-IFER-FMSH). I.O. was funded by a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI), and M.S. and J.D. by postdoctoral grants from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and Juan de la Cierva Subprogram (JCI-2011-09543), respectively.Peer reviewe

    Reforzamiento poblacional del Águila de Bonelli (Aquila fasciata) en Álava-Araba: patrones de dispersión, tasas de mortalidad y retornos filopátricos

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    Entre 2015 y 2022 se han introducido en Álava-Araba (Kanpezu y Rioja alavesa) mediante hacking un total de 36 pollos volantones de Águila de Bonelli marcados con GPS (Aquila fasciata)procedentes de cría en cautividad y de extracciones de la población natural de Andalucía. Los individuos reintroducidos se dispersaron preferentemente hacia el valle del Ebro (La Rioja, Navarra y Aragón), otros siguiendo el río Duero hacia Castilla-León, Extremadura, Portugal y Andalucía, y algunos cruzando la Meseta norte hasta la cuenca del río Tajo (Toledo). La distancia media de dispersión juvenil fue de 286 Km (0-773 km). El proceso de dispersión no fue lineal sino itinerante realizando sucesivas sedimentaciones temporales en zonas ricas en alimento y sin población reproductora. Las altas tasas de mortalidad fueron similares a las observadas para la población silvestre, con una tasa de supervivencia del 64.7 % durante el primer año, 87.5 % en el segundo y 90.0 % a partir del tercer año de vida. La electrocución en tendidos eléctricos de distribución fue la principal causa de mortalidad (27.3 %), seguida de la predación y competencia con el Águila real (27.3 %) y de la colisión (13.6 %). A pesar de proceder de cría en cautividad las águilas mostraron una fuerte filopatría hacia las zonas de liberación, regresando todas ellas en el 2º y 3eraño, preferentemente en los meses de febrero-marzo de cada temporada. Gracias al reforzamiento poblacional se han formado tres nuevos territorios en el Alto valle del Ebro. ABSTRACT: Between 2015 and 2022, a total of 36 fledglings of Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata)bred in captivity (n=28) and extractions from the Andalusian population (n=8), were released by hacking in Álava-Araba (Kanpezu and Rioja Alavesa). All of them were radio-tracked by GPS so that the dispersal patterns, mortality rates and the place and causes of deaths are known. The GPS signal of five of these fledglings was lost (n=4) or the transmitter was lost (n=1) and their current destination is unknown. These juvenile birds dispersed preferentially towards the Ebro valley (La Rioja, Navarra and Aragón), others following the Duero river towards Castilla-León, Extremadura, Portugal and Andalusia, and some crossed the Northern Meseta to the Tajo basin (Toledo). The distance of juvenile dispersal ranged from 0 to 773 km from the release site, with an average of 286 km (n=23). The dispersal process was not linear but rather itinerant, successive temporary settlements occuring in areas rich in food and without a breeding population. The high mortality rates found among the released juveniles were similar to those observed for the wild population, with a survival rate of 64.7 % during the first year, 87.5 % in the second and 90.0 % from the third year of life. We know the cause of death or recovery of 19 birds (n= 22 events). Electrocution in distribution power lines was the main cause of mortality (27.3%), followed by predation and competition with the Golden Eagle (27.3%) and collision (13.6%). Despite being bred in captivity, the eagles showed a strong philopatric tendency towards the release zones, all of them returning in the 2nd and 3rd year, mainly in the months of February-March of each season. Through population reinforcement, three new territories have been formed in the Upper Ebro Valley: one in Kanpezu, which already obtained a juvenile in 2021, another in the Ribera de Navarra, still without breeding, and another in Rioja Alavesa occupied at this time by a single female

    Genome data from a sixteenth century pig illuminate modern breed relationships

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    Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight forward without aDNA data. Here, we have obtained shotgun genome sequence data from a sixteenth century pig from Northeastern Spain (Montsoriu castle), the ancient pig was obtained from an extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblage. In addition, we provide the sequence of three new modern genomes from an Iberian pig, Spanish wild boar and a Guatemalan Creole pig. Comparison with both mitochondrial and autosomal genome data shows that the ancient pig is closely related to extant Iberian pigs and to European wild boar. Although the ancient sample was clearly domestic, admixture with wild boar also occurred, according to the D-statistics. The close relationship between Iberian, European wild boar and the ancient pig confirms that Asian introgression in modern Iberian pigs has not existed or has been negligible. In contrast, the Guatemalan Creole pig clusters apart from the Iberian pig genome, likely due to introgression from international breeds

    'Ava’: a Beaker-associated woman from a cist at Achavanich, Highland, and the story of her (re-) discovery and subsequent study

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    This contribution describes the discovery and subsequent investigation of a cist in a rock-cut pit at Achavanich, Highland. Discovered and excavated in 1987, the cist was found to contain the tightly contracted skeletal remains of a young woman, accompanied by a Beaker, three flint artefacts and a cattle scapula. Initial post excavation work established a date for the skeleton together with details of her age and sex, and preliminary pollen analysis of sediments attaching to the Beaker was undertaken. The findings were never fully published and, upon the death of the excavator, Robert Gourlay, the documentary archive was left in the Highland Council Archaeology Unit. Fresh research in 2014–17, initiated and co-ordinated by the first-named author and funded by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland with assistance from National Museums Scotland, the Natural History Museum and Harvard Medical School, has produced a significant amount of new information on the individual and on some of the items with which she was buried. This new information includes two further radiocarbon dates, a more detailed osteological report, isotopic information pertaining to the place where she had been raised and to her diet, histological information on the decomposition of her body, and genetic information that sheds light on her ancestry, her hair, eye and skin colour and her intolerance of lactose. (This is the first time that an ancient DNA report has been published in the Proceedings.) Moreover, a facial reconstruction adds virtual flesh to her bones. The significance of this discovery within the Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age of this part of Scotland is discussed, along with the many and innovative ways in which information on this individual, dubbed ‘Ava’, has been disseminated around the world.Copyright © 2018 rests with the Society and the individual authors. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives licence.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ The permission to reproduce the Society's copyright-protected ma-terial does not extend to any material which is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned. The attached file is the published pdf