3,371 research outputs found

    A systematic review of interventions for Hispanic women with or at risk of Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Background and objective Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a serious health concern for pregnant women, with Hispanic women at particular risk for developing the condition. The aim of this review was to critically examine GDM intervention programs for Hispanic women, in the United States of America (US). Methods English and Spanish electronic databases were searched for relevant studies published between 1995 and 2015. Eligible study designs included randomized controlled trial, pre/post-test and quasi experimental methods. Results Findings indicated that there was a dearth of literature reporting on GDM interventions for Hispanic women and just seven papers met inclusion criteria. These seven studies were included in the review and they reported on interventions for: (1) pregnant women at high risk of developing GDM; (2) pregnant women with GDM. Results suggest that a combination of intensive counselling over a prolonged period of time, together with a low calorie, possibly low glycemic index diet, produces best results. Conclusion The review found that intensive nutritional counselling approaches which promote low calorie/low GI diets appear to be most effective in BGL management in this population. Interventions that are delivered in Spanish and culturally tailored may be more acceptable to participants. More research is needed to develop suitable interventions to improve GDM management among Hispanic women

    Arene oxidation with malonoyl peroxides

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    Malonoyl peroxide 7, prepared in a single step from the commercially available diacid, is an effective reagent for the oxidation of aromatics. Reaction of an arene with peroxide 7 at room temperature leads to the corresponding protected phenol which can be unmasked by aminolysis. An ionic mechanism consistent with the experimental findings and supported by isotopic labeling, Hammett analysis, EPR investigations and reactivity profile studies is proposed

    Online conferences – Towards a new (virtual) reality

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    The recent article: Nature 579, 327–328 (2020), ending with the phrase: “You can’t just suddenly make a conference be online.”, has motivated us to write about the practicalities and philosophy of running online events, drawing on our extensive experience running an annual online computational chemistry conference. Our goals for this online conference series have always been: (1) Availability; (2) Community building and (3) Supporting young scientists. In this article, we highlight the motivations behind our initiative, how this has influenced the organisation of our online meeting, and discuss the benefits as well as the drawbacks of virtual meetings. Virtual conferences may not fully replace in-person meetings, but they are rapidly becoming an accepted alternative format. We discuss the hybrid online/in-person conference format as a future possibility that may offer an opportunity to reduce the environmental impact and accessibility barriers associate with in-person meetings without comprising networking and community-building opportunities

    Impact of Community Pharmacists on Management of Cancer Chemotherapy and the Resulting Side Effects

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    The severe side effects of chemotherapy negatively affect quality of life and may limit the amount of life-saving drug delivered to patients with cancer. These adverse events can be difficult to manage and evidence-based guidelines are lacking. Insufficient supportive care can amplify common side effects, such as chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), myelosuppression, alopecia, gastrointestinal effects and neuropathy. Therefore, it is important to recognize the most commonly dispensed chemotherapy agents and the side effects that accompany them. Community pharmacists, as easily accessible health care professionals, can provide valuable supportive care to help manage potentially debilitating side effects. However, a major limitation when managing side effects secondary to chemotherapy is the limited access to patient information in most community pharmacies. By allowing community pharmacists increased access to patient health records using technology, limitations experienced in practice can be averted and quality care provided

    Methanol-to-Olefins Catalysis with Hydrothermally Treated Zeolite SSZ-39

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    Zeolite SSZ-39 is evaluated for catalyzing the methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction. By steaming NH_4–SSZ-39, Al can be removed from framework positions, resulting in an increase in framework-Si/AlT and thus a lowered active acid site density. The Si/Al_T ratios can be controlled by the steaming temperatures. SSZ-39 steamed at 750 °C, with preserved pore volume and morphology, is an excellent MTO catalyst, as high, stable olefin selectivities, long time-on-stream activity, and low alkane production are observed. Moreover, interesting propylene/ethylene/butylene ratios of 2.8/1/1.1 are obtained, likely related to the shape of the AEI cage. By Cu^(2+)-exchanging SSZ-39, evidence is provided to show that Al_T sites in close proximity (high AlT density) produce the unwanted effects (higher alkane-make and carbonaceous deposits) in nonsteamed materials during MTO

    Investigating Ca II emission in the RS CVn binary ER Vulpeculae using the Broadening Function Formalism

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    The synchronously rotating G stars in the detached, short-period (0.7 d), partially eclipsing binary, ER Vul, are the most chromospherically active solar-type stars known. We have monitored activity in the Ca II H & K reversals for almost an entire orbit. Rucinski's Broadening Function Formalism allows the photospheric contribution to be objectively subtracted from the highly blended spectra. The power of the BF technique is also demonstrated by the good agreement of radial velocities with those measured by others from less crowded spectral regions. In addition to strong Ca II emission from the primary and secondary, there appears to be a high-velocity stream flowing onto the secondary where it stimulates a large active region on the surface 30 - 40 degrees in advance of the sub-binary longitude. A model light curve with a spot centered on the same longitude also gives the best fit to the observed light curve. A flare with approximately 13% more power than at other phases was detected in one spectrum. We suggest ER Vul may offer a magnified view of the more subtle chromospheric effects synchronized to planetary revolution seen in certain `51 Peg'-type systems.Comment: Accepted to AJ; 17 pages and 16 figure

    Magnetic spectra analysis of dielectrics

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    Method of magnetic spectroscopy is used to analyze and to interpret the experimental data obtained by magnetic measurement of the complex permeability spectra of Mg ferrite and NiZn ferritepolymers. Ferritepolymers were prepared from various concentration of NiZn ferrite particles as a soft magnetic fillers dispersed in PVC polymer matrix. Effect of the filler content on the permeability spectra of NiZn ferritepolymers was examined and compared with presented sintered ferrite samples. The variations of permeability and relaxation frequency due to ferrite filler concentration in composite are presented and discussed from point of view the magnetization processes in samples