137 research outputs found

    Indoor mould growth prediction using coupled computational fluid dynamics and mould growth model

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    This study investigates, using in-situ and numerical simulation experiments, airflow and hygrothermal distribution in a mechanically ventilated academic research facility with known cases of microbial proliferations. Microclimate parameters were obtained from in-situ experiments and used as boundary conditions and validation of the numerical experiments with a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis tool using the standard k–ε model. Good agreements were obtained with less than 10% deviations between the measured and simulated results. Subsequent upon successful validation, the model was used to investigate hygrothermal and airflow profile within the shelves holding stored components in the facility. The predicted in-shelf hygrothermal profile was superimposed on mould growth limiting curve earlier documented in the literature. Results revealed the growth of xerophilic species in most parts of the shelves. The mould growth prediction was found in correlation with the microbial investigation in the case-studied room reported by the authors elsewhere. Satisfactory prediction of mould growth in the room successfully proved that the CFD simulation can be used to investigate the conditions that lead to microbial growth in the indoor environment

    Experimental investigation on thermal comfort model between local thermal sensation and overall thermal sensation

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    To study the human local and overall thermal sensations, a series of experiments under various conditions were carried out in a climate control chamber. The adopted analysis method considered the effect of the weight coefficient of local average skin temperature and density of the cold receptors’ distribution in different local body areas. The results demonstrated that the thermal sensation of head, chest, back and hands is warmer than overall thermal sensation. The mean thermal sensation votes of those local areas were more densely distributed. In addition, the thermal sensation of arms, tight and calf was colder than the overall thermal sensation, which pronounced that thermal sensation votes were more dispersed. The thermal sensation of chest and back had a strong linear correlation with overall thermal sensation. Considering the actual scope of air-conditioning regulation, the human body was classified into three local parts: a) head, b) upper part of body and c) lower part of body. The prediction model of both the three-part thermal sensation and overall thermal sensation was developed. Weight coefficients were 0.21, 0.60 and 0.19 respectively. The model provides scientist basis for guiding the sage installation place of the personal ventilation system to achieve efficient energy use

    Hygrothermal performance of building envelopes in the tropics under operative conditions : condensation and mould growth risk appraisal

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    Poor indoor hygrothermal performance increases the risk of indoor moisture problems and deterioration due to mould growth, corrosion and damage to archival materials. Hence, proper control of indoor thermohygric intensity abates indoor moisture and its associated problems. This paper presents the results of envelopes hygrothermal performance assessments in a hot and humid climate building with varying operational profile between adjacent spaces. The case-studied building runs on 24hrs cooling mode in one part against natural and/or mechanical supply-exhaust fan means on the other. In-situ experiments were combined with hygrothermal analytical methods to assess the envelope thermal quality together with the operative conditions against condensation and mould growth risks. The results show that the building is overcooled leading to poor envelope hygrothermal performance with associated condensation and mould growth problems on non-airconditioned sides of the envelopes

    Work-Family Conflict and Coping Strategies among Women: Evidenc~ from Commercial Banks in Nigeria

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    The difficulties associated with attempts to strike balance between the interacting and permeable boundaries of work and family roles require understanding of the complexities of both spheres. The nature of family and work structures in Nigeria makes coping with work and family roles a challenging one especially for women. The study specifically examined the determinants .of work-family balance experience among women in the banking sector. It investigated the features of work schedules of women in the banking sector that enable them cope or unable to cope with multitask banking and home;front activities. A review of literature was carried out while the study was anchored on two theoretical theories of social exchange and role theory. The research employed both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Samples were drawn randomly among the women employees of purposively selected banks within Lagos metropolis and Ogun State, Nigeria. Only 730 respondents were successfully covered. In addition, 30 key informants who were principal official in selected banks and family heads were interviewed. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study. The first hypothesis revealed that age of the respondents, children ever born (parity), marital status, staff category and religion are significant determinants of work-family balance. Women with children in parity ratio of 1-2,3-4 and 5 and above are 1.654, 1.455 and 1.235 times more likely to be unable to balance work-family roles compared to those with zero parity (i.e. the reference category). The third hypothesis estimated significant influence of work status on the work-family balance; this is statistically significant at p-values of 0.005, 0.003, and 0.01 for senior staff, supervisors and junior staff respectively. The study concludes that if work demands become heavy, marital roles cannot be shelved or neglected and tension between the two boundaries will req"uire a compromise. In this instance, women will prefer to stake the job rather than losing their families. The study suggests effective policy intervention from organisation and effective family support from the familybase to reduce the complexities of balancing work and family demand

    Tourism and Climate Change: Combating Climate Change Effects on Tourism Participation in Nigeria

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    Tourism is married to good climate conditions, any attempt to divorce them could lead to danger. The issue of combating climate change should be more paramount than ever before. It is obvious that tourism cannot be at its best amidst adverse climatic change resulting in hash climatic conditions, flood, irregular rainfall pattern, drought leading to poverty etc. Efforts of all stakeholders in the tourism sectors should be geared towards a safer cleaner environment in Nigeria. The study spelt out certain challenges relating to climate issues in Nigeria and give recommendations to all tourism related industry. It is also recommended that environmental friendly products should be produced and promoted. The tourism industry must adapt to climate change, improved technology and facilities that will help tackle the challenge of climate change should be highly canvassed or by all stakeholders. Keywords: Tourism, Climate Change, Industry, Tourism Sector

    Sub-surface investigation of fretted CO28CR6MO and TI6AL4V

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    Causes and Effects of High Cost of Democratic Governance in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

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    Nigeria considering its forestry, aquatic and other natural resources in large deposits is a blessed country among other nations of the world. Since the discovery of crude oil in commercial quantity in the 1950s, the country has earned over $400 billion. The problem of Nigeria is how to manage her financial resources to improve the lot of the citizens through prudent and efficient utilization of available funds by a visionary leadership. Unfortunately this has not happen. Rather, those who are privileged to occupy positions use the same to loot public funds for their own benefit. Their corrupt practices have led to an increase in the cost of governance in the country. This study is set out to examine the various causes and effects of the high cost of democratic governance in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic 1999-2013. The study adopts secondary sources of data for the analysis of the findings. Findings of the study indicates that salaries and allowances of public sector workers, the maintenance of large size of executive cabinet, money spent on elections and election litigations, and corruption have been identified as some of the factors responsible for the cost of democratic governance in Nigeria. The cost on governance on the other hand has caused negative political and socio-economic effects on the country’s political economy. Keywords: Democracy, Governance, Cost, Economy, Corruption, Election and Development

    Assessment of Yield and Nutritional Qualities of Local and Improved Maize Varieties Cultivated in Wukari and Environement of the Nigerian Guinea Savanna Agro-Ecology

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    Two varieties of maize (quality protein and local) were cultivated and evaluated for nutritional qualities, agronomic traits performance and yield during the 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University Wukari. Wukari is situated on latitude 70 52’17.000N and longitude 90 46’40.300E. It falls within the guinea savannah of North-eastern Nigeria with the annual rainfall of 1058mm-1300mm and relative humidity dropping to about 15%, alongside an annual temperature of 280C and 300C. Its characteristic alfisol soil is clay enriched, with subsoil that has relatively high native fertility. Pollination was controlled in order to conserve the genetic purity of the two varieties. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (at p ≤ 0.05), using the 23rd edition of SPSS. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences among the varieties for grain yield, nutritional content, days to tasseling, days to silking, plant height at six weeks after planting, number of seed rows, number of nodes, seed length, hundred seed weight (g) and ear heights. Oba super 2 showed superiority (31.75g) over the local variety for seed yield (100 seed weight). Crude protein concentration in the two varieties varied significantly, with the local maize variety recording a higher value (7.21%)

    Comparative Analysis of the Relationship between Budget Balance and Selected Macro Economic Variables in Nigeria and Ghana

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    The export is one of the most important macro economic variable that affects a country's budget balance. This study examines the comparative analysis of budget balance and selected macro economic variables in Nigeria and Ghana using the World Bank Development Indicators data from 1970-2012. The study through the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)/ unit root test found that the variables used in the model are integrated of the order one while export and interest rate are integrated of the order zero. Using the Johansen co integration tests shows the presence of long run relationship between variables. The Error Correction Model (ECM) results suggest that export has a significant impact on budget balance in the short run and . The study therefore recommends that the competitiveness and stability of export should be given due consideration as this will increase economic growth through increased investment. Keywords: Export, Budget Balance, ADF, ECM, Nigeria, Ghana

    The Financing Problems Facing the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria and the Prospect of Waqf-Muzaraah-Supply Chain Model (WMSCM)

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    Agriculture sector becomes important sector in many developing countries including in Nigeria. The contribution of agricultural sector to the development of Nigeria is considerable. This important sector was the economic backbone upon which the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria relied for its foreign exchange and revenue. A country was once a net exporter of agricultural products. However, since the discovery of oil in the early 1960, agricultural productivity has continually decreased due to many problems, especially related to financial aspect. Several programmes and policies have been adopted by various administrations to find solution to the dwindling agricultural productivity but to no avail. These solutions have mainly focused on alleviating the financial problems the farmers face. Usually financial intermediaries including banks would provide micro-financing to the farmers but with high interest rates coupled with collateral requirements. Hence, this mode of financing has not produced any significant result. This study will therefore examine problems facing agricultural sector in Nigeria with special emphasis on its financial aspect and propose a Waqf-MuzaraahSupply Chain model (WMSCM). Under this model, Waqf fund will be used for providing financial facility of the farmers. The relationship between farmers and financial institutions is based on partnership where profit and loss will be shared by both parties. This will enhance commitment by and cooperation among both parties to ensure the success of the business. Furthermore, the issues of collateral and high interest rate that constrain the financial ability of the farmers and their agricultural output are inherently solved by the model. Moreover, the model has features of investment and risk diversification for both the financial institutions and the farmers that will lead to high agricultural productivity and employment generation in the economy