1,875 research outputs found

    Understanding the Roles of Women in Boko Haram’s Terrorism

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    Boko Haram’s insurgency has jumpstarted a new concern for regional security in sub-Saharan Africa. While the collaborative response from the countries of the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) is acceptable for the ‘global war against terrorism’ the activities of the terrorist group and the responses they generate have exposed the gender strains within the societies around the LCB. Taking its point of departure in world system theory, the study examines how the role that women play in Boko Haram’s terrorist activities in the LCB can be understood. The study found that women’s participation in Boko Haram’s terrorism may be understood within four models of ‘coerced women’, ‘revolutionary women’, ‘delinquent women’, and ‘women clientelism’. The study concludes that the answer to terrorism in LCB lies in a holistic engagement of women, in the local communities, to address the basic issues which precipitate terrorism

    PENDAPATAN DAN FUNGSI PRODUKSI JAGUNG Studi Kasus Pada Usaha Tani Jagung Di Pedukuhan Sawah, Monggol, Saptosari, Gunungkidul Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan petani jagung dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi jagung di pedukuhan Sawah dalam satu kali musim tanam tahun 2013. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Data primer diperoleh melalui survei lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas rata-rata lahan jagung di pedukuhan Sawah dalam satu kali musim tanam adalah 50,87 kw/ha. Total biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengolah satu hektar lahan tani jagung dalam satu kali musim tanam di pedukuhan Sawah adalah Rp. 16.671.701, sedangkan total penerimaan yang diterima petani jagung dalam mengolah satu hektar lahan tani jagung adalah Rp. 19.344.926. Pendapatan bersih yang diterima petani jagung dalam mengolah satu hektar lahan tani jagung adalah Rp. 2.673.225. Berdasarkan analisis regresi model fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas menunjukkan variabel luas lahan (0,113697) dan tenaga kerja (0,497813) dalam satu kali musim tanam berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi jagung. Setiap kenaikkan luas lahan sebesar 1% maka akan menyebabkan kenaikkan produksi jagung sebesar 0,11%. Setiap kenaikkan tenaga kerja sebesar 1% maka akan menyebabkan kenaikkan produksi jagung sebesar 0,49%. Analisis statistik menunjukkan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) adalah 0,7633. Nilai dari probabilitas uji F-statistik signifikan pada α 5%. Jumlah dari masing-masing koefisien regresi input (�� � �� � �� � �� � ��� adalah 0,96. Penjumlahan koefisien dari masing-masing input kurang dari 1 (0,96<1). Hal ini berarti fungsi produksinya menunjukkan hasil balik ke skala yang menurun atau decreasing return to scale (DRTS). Artinya jika input dinaikkan 1% maka besarnya output juga akan bertambah namun kurang dari 0,96%

    Fast and precise touch-based text entry for head-mounted augmented reality with variable occlusion

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    We present the VISAR keyboard: An augmented reality (AR) head-mounted display (HMD) system that supports text entry via a virtualised input surface. Users select keys on the virtual keyboard by imitating the process of single-hand typing on a physical touchscreen display. Our system uses a statistical decoder to infer users’ intended text and to provide error-tolerant predictions. There is also a high-precision fall-back mechanism to support users in indicating which keys should be unmodified by the auto-correction process. A unique advantage of leveraging the well-established touch input paradigm is that our system enables text entry with minimal visual clutter on the see-through display, thus preserving the user’s field-of-view. We iteratively designed and evaluated our system and show that the final iteration of the system supports a mean entry rate of 17.75wpm with a mean character error rate less than 1%. This performance represents a 19.6% improvement relative to the state-of-the-art baseline investigated: A gaze-then-gesture text entry technique derived from the system keyboard on the Microsoft HoloLens. Finally, we validate that the system is effective in supporting text entry in a fully mobile usage scenario likely to be encountered in industrial applications of AR HMDs.Per Ola Kristensson was supported in part by a Google Faculty research award and EPSRC grants EP/N010558/1 and EP/N014278/1. Keith Vertanen was supported in part by a Google Faculty research award. John Dudley was supported by the Trimble Fund

    Comparison of near-interface traps in Al2_2O3_3/4H-SiC and Al2_2O3_3/SiO2_2/4H-SiC structures

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    Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) has been grown by atomic layer deposition on n-type 4H-SiC with and without a thin silicon dioxide (SiO2) intermediate layer. By means of Capacitance Voltage and Thermal Dielectric Relaxation Current measurements, the interface properties have been investigated. Whereas for the samples with an interfacial SiO2 layer the highest near-interface trap density is found at 0.3 eV below the conduction band edge, Ec, the samples with only the Al2O3 dielectric exhibit a nearly trap free region close to Ec. For the Al2O3/SiC interface, the highest trap density appears between 0.4 to 0.6 eV below Ec. The results indicate the possibility for SiC-based MOSFETs with Al2O3 as the gate dielectric layer in future high performance devices.Comment: 3 figures. Applied Physics Letters, accepted for publicatio

    Limbah Fly Ash Pabrik Minyak Nabati sebagai Bahan Substitusi Semen dalam Pembuatan Batako

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    Utilization of fly ash waste to subtitute portland cement in concrete brick fabrication to resolve enviromental problem has been done. This research used fly ash from waste of vegetable oil industry at Bitung City. Descriptive method has been used to interprete data with sand and fly ash composition as free variable and portland cement composition as constant variable. At the beginning As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb concentration in fly ash was analyzed and comply minimum standard on Indonesia government regulation (PP No 18 Tahun 1999) about dangerous waste, so it could be used as concrete bricks raw materials. Sample prototype dimension was molded in (cm) 27x12x8 with 10 samples for one test and data was provided from two repetition. Compressive Strength from fly ash mixing showed value (kg/cm2) 27.77-64.22 with water absorption value (%) 9.62-16.79. Compressive strength value of concrete brick from fly ash mix comply SNI 03-0349-1989 standard on grade III and IV

    Waning Cultural Values and Adolescent Chastity: A Study of Arugba in Nigeria

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    The rapid increase in moral decadence among adolescents has become a recognized social problem in Nigeria. The study focuses on the role of cultural values and how it has helped to promote chastity. It examines the perception of female adolescents and their parents towards chastity and also the role media play in upholding the value. Survey and in-depth interview were employed to gather data. 160 Respondents are drawn from Osogbo Local Government in Osun State, Nigeria. Findings reveal a decline in cultural values and practices over time and this is linked to the impact of westernization on value placed on female adolescent chastity. The study revealed that the media has really not helped by portraying pictures or videos that encourage adolescents to remain chaste. As much as culture influences our way of life, the role of the family in maintaining moral sanctity cannot be over emphasized as the family is the primary agent of socialization. Keywords: Chastity, Adolescents, Waning Culture value

    Pengawetan Kayu Aren Sebagaibahan Sediaan Meubel

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    Pengawetan kayu aren sebagai bahan sediaan pembuatan meubel adalah suatu USAha untuk memanfaatkan pohon aren yang tidak produktif.Tujuan penelitian adalahmengolah batang aren yang tidak produktif menjadi bahan meubel dengan melalui pengawetan sehingga diperoleh ketersediaan bahan baku untuk produk meubel yang tahan lama. Metode penelitian yaitu batang aren dipotong-potong dengan ukuran panjang 125 cm, lebar 10 cm dan tebal 5 cm.Hasil penelitian ternyata bahwa kayu aren dengan panjang dari dasar 6 meter dapat diolah menjadi meubel dengan melalui proses pengawetan dengan menggunakan bahan kimia tirmisida dengan produk meja 58 x 50 x 45 cm. Pengawetan menggunakan metode perendaman dingin kayu aren direndam selama 1, 2 dan 3 minggu. Hasil penetrasi diperoleh sebesar 45,56-93,25 %, kadar air sebesar 12,60-14,75 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil yang terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan dengan perendaman 3 minggu Karena produk kayu aren tidak berjamur sampai dengan penyimpanan 30 hari dengan kadar air 14,65 %. Hasil proses pembuatan meubel atau meja ternyata dapat menarik dari segi warna dan penampakan yaitu berwarna coklat

    Far-infrared induced current in a ballistic channel -- potential barrier structure

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    We consider electron transport in a ballistic multi-mode channel structure in the presence of a transversely polarized far-infrared (FIR) field. The channel structure consists of a long resonance region connected to an adiabatic widening with a potential barrier at the end. At frequencies that match the mode energy separation in the resonance region we find distinct peaks in the photocurrent, caused by Rabi oscillations in the mode population. For an experimental situation in which the width of the channel is tunable via gates, we propose a method for reconstructing the spectrum of propagating modes, without having to use a tunable FIR source. With this method the change in the spectrum as the gate voltage is varied can be monitored.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Patent arterial duct

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    Patent arterial duct (PAD) is a congenital heart abnormality defined as persistent patency in term infants older than three months. Isolated PAD is found in around 1 in 2000 full term infants. A higher prevalence is found in preterm infants, especially those with low birth weight. The female to male ratio is 2:1. Most patients are asymptomatic when the duct is small. With a moderate-to-large duct, a characteristic continuous heart murmur (loudest in the left upper chest or infraclavicular area) is typical. The precordium may be hyperactive and peripheral pulses are bounding with a wide pulse pressure. Tachycardia, exertional dyspnoea, laboured breathing, fatigue or poor growth are common. Large shunts may lead to failure to thrive, recurrent infection of the upper respiratory tract and congestive heart failure. In the majority of cases of PAD there is no identifiable cause. Persistence of the duct is associated with chromosomal aberrations, asphyxia at birth, birth at high altitude and congenital rubella. Occasional cases are associated with specific genetic defects (trisomy 21 and 18, and the Rubinstein-Taybi and CHARGE syndromes). Familial occurrence of PAD is uncommon and the usual mechanism of inheritance is considered to be polygenic with a recurrence risk of 3%. Rare families with isolated PAD have been described in which the mode of inheritance appears to be dominant or recessive. Familial incidence of PAD has also been linked to Char syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm/dissection associated with patent arterial duct, and familial patent arterial duct and bicuspid aortic valve associated with hand abnormalities. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination and confirmed with transthoracic echocardiography. Assessment of ductal blood flow can be made using colour flow mapping and pulsed wave Doppler. Antenatal diagnosis is not possible, as PAD is a normal structure during antenatal life. Conditions with signs and symptoms of pulmonary overcirculation secondary to a left-to-right shunt must be excluded. Coronary, systemic and pulmonary arteriovenous fistula, peripheral pulmonary stenosis and ventricular septal defect with aortic regurgitation and collateral vessels must be differentiated from PAD on echocardiogram. In preterm infants with symptomatic heart failure secondary to PAD, treatment may be achieved by surgical ligation or with medical therapy blocking prostaglandin synthesis (indomethacin or ibuprofen). Transcatheter closure of the duct is usually indicated in older children. PAD in preterm and low birth weight infants is associated with significant co-morbidity and mortality due to haemodynamic instability. Asymptomatic patients with a small duct have a normal vital prognosis but have a lifetime risk of endocarditis. Patients with moderate-to-large ducts with significant haemodynamic alterations may develop irreversible changes to pulmonary vascularity and pulmonary hypertension
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