192 research outputs found

    Application of Rho Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Corneal Endothelial Diseases

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    ROCK (Rho kinase) signaling regulates a wide spectrum of fundamental cellular events and is involved in a variety of pathological conditions. It has therefore attracted research interest as a potential therapeutic target for combating various diseases. We showed that inhibition of ROCK enhances cell proliferation, promotes cell adhesion onto a substrate, and suppresses apoptosis of corneal endothelial cells (CECs). In addition, we reported that a ROCK inhibitor enhances wound healing in the corneal endothelium in animal models and in pilot clinical research. We also demonstrated the usefulness of a ROCK inhibitor as an adjunct drug in tissue engineering therapy as it enhances the engraftment of CECs onto recipient corneas. In 2013, we initiated a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of injection of cultured human CECs into the anterior chamber of patients with corneal endothelial decompensation. This paper reviews the accumulating evidence supporting the potency of ROCK inhibitors in clinical use, both as eye drops and as adjunct drugs in cell-based therapies, for the treatment of corneal endothelial decompensation

    Seasonal migration of sika deer in the Oku-Chichibu Mountains, central Japan

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    Movements and seasonal home ranges of 6 GPS collared sika deer were investigated at the Oku-Chichibu Mountains, central Honshu, from April 2009 to March 2010. All deer migrated between discrete summer and winter home ranges. The linear migration distance ranged from 2.5 to 31.9 km. Mean elevation during the summer and the winter ranged from 980 to 1,782 m, and from 1,204 to 1,723 m, respectively. Two deer were upward migrants and 4 deer were downward migrants. Taking into consideration of the relatively small snow accumulation in the summer home range, the possibility of autumn migration to avoid deep snow is low. The percentage of steep slope in the winter home range was higher than that in the summer. Bamboo grass was not found in the summer home range, but was predominant in the winter home range. Road density decreased in the winter home range compared to the summer. Only 2 out of 6 deer stayed mainly in the wildlife protection area during the winter. Our results indicate that the autumn migration was affected by winter forage and human disturbance, thereby assured the survival of the deer during winter.ArticleMAMMAL STUDY. 37(2):127-137 (2012)journal articl

    A computer-aided temporal and dynamic subtraction technique of the liver for detection of small hepatocellular carcinomas on abdominal CT images

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科量子医療技術学It is often difficult for radiologists to identify small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) due to insufficient contrast enhancement. Therefore, we have developed a new computer-aided temporal and dynamic subtraction technique to enhance small HCCs, after automatically selecting images set at the same anatomical position from the present (non-enhanced and arterial-phase CT images) and previous images. The present study was performed with CT images from 14 subjects. First, we used template-matching based on similarities in liver shape between the present (non-enhanced and arterial-phase CT images) and previous arterial-phase CT images at the same position. Temporal subtraction images were then obtained by subtraction of the previous image from the present image taken at the same position of the liver. Dynamic subtraction images were also obtained by subtraction of non-enhanced CT images from arterial-phase CT images taken at the same position of the liver. Twenty-one of 22 nodules (95.5%) with contrast enhancement were visualized in temporal and dynamic subtraction images. Compared with present arterial-phase CT images, increases of 150% and 140% in nodule-to-liver contrast were observed on dynamic and temporal subtraction images, respectively. These subtraction images may be useful as reference images in the detection of small moderately differentiated HCCs. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Rho-associated kinase inhibitor eye drop (Ripasudil) transiently alters the morphology of corneal endothelial cells

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    PURPOSE: Ripasudil (Glanatec), a selective Rho-associated coiled coil-containing protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, was approved in Japan in September 2014 for the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ripasudil eye drops on corneal endothelial morphology, as ROCK signaling is known to modulate the actin cytoskeleton. METHODS: Morphological changes in the corneal endothelium were evaluated in human subjects by specular and slit-lamp microscopy, following topical administration of ripasudil. We also used a rabbit model to evaluate the effect of ripasudil on clinical parameters of the corneal endothelium. Twenty-four hours after ripasudil application, corneal specimens were evaluated by phalloidin staining, immunohistochemical analysis, and electron microscopy. RESULTS: Specular microscopy revealed morphological changes in human eyes, and slit-lamp microscopy showed guttae-like findings. The rabbit model showed morphological changes similar to those seen in human eyes after ripasudil administration. Electron microscopy demonstrated that these alterations are due to the formation of protrusions along the cell-cell borders, but this formation is transient. Expression of corneal endothelial function-related markers was not disrupted; corneal thickness and corneal volume were not changed; and no cell death was observed following ripasudil administration. CONCLUSIONS: Ripasudil induces transient guttae-like findings in humans, most likely due to protrusion formation along intracellular borders caused by the reduction in actomyosin contractility of the corneal endothelial cells. No severe adverse effects were observed. Physicians should be aware that ROCK inhibitors can cause these guttae-like findings, to avoid misdiagnosing patients as having Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy. (www.umin.ac.jp/ctr number, UMIN000018340.)

    Human mast cell activation through Fc receptors and Toll-like receptors

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    ABSTRACTMast cells express high-affinity IgE receptors (FcεRI) on their surface and can be activated to secrete a variety of biologically active mediators by cross-linking of receptor-bound IgE. Recent studies in animal models indicate that mouse mast cells may play a protective role in host defense against bacteria through the production of tumor necrosis factor-α, mainly as a result of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4- or CD48-mediated activation. Moreover, several recent observations in animal models have indicated that mast cells may also play a pivotal role in coordinating the early phases of autoimmune diseases, particularly those involving auto-antibodies. We recently identified functional TLR4 and FcγRI on human mast cells, in which their expression had been upregulated by interferon-γ. We compared each of the receptor-mediated gene expression profiles with the FcεRI-mediated gene expression profile using high-density oligonucleotide probe arrays and discovered that human mast cells may modulate the immune system in a receptor-specific manner

    Macrophage colony-stimulating factor enhances rituximab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by monocytes

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    医薬保健研究域医学系Recent studies suggest that monocytes are the dominant effectors by which rituximab induces cell death in B-cell lymphoma. Because macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) can enhance the cytotoxicity of monocytes, the authors examined whether this growth factor can enhance their ability to kill lymphoma cells in vitro. Monocytes derived from a healthy volunteer were cultured for 48 h in the presence or absence of M-CSF. Monocytes stimul ated with M-CSF were significantly more cytotoxic to Daudi B-cell lymphomas than unstimulated monocytes. Flow cytometry revealed that M-CSF increased monocyte expression of Fcγ receptors III and I by 1.6- and 1.5-fold, whereas the expression of Fcγ receptor II remained unchanged. These results suggest that pretreatment with M-CSF can improve the therapeutic efficacy of rituximab against intractable CD20+ lymphoma. © 2007 Japanese Cancer Association

    Sustained activation of the unfolded protein response induces cell death in Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy

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    Purpose: The unfolded protein response (UPR) is believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether unfolded proteins accumulate in the corneal endothelium in FECD and if they are involved in triggering cell death. Methods: Descemet's membranes with corneal endothelial cells (CECs) were obtained during keratoplasty, and expression of aggresomes, type 1 collagen, fibronectin, and agrin was evaluated. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress of immortalized human CECs from non-FECD subjects and from FECD patients (iHCEC and iFECD, respectively) were evaluated. The effect of MG132-mediated aggresome formation on the UPR and intrinsic pathway and the effect of mitochondrial damage on UPR were also examined. The effect of CHOP knockdown on the ER stress–mediated intrinsic pathway was also evaluated. Results: Aggresome formation was higher in iFECD than in iHCEC and was colocalized with type 1 collagen, fibronectin, and agrin. GRP78, phosphorylated IRE1, PERK, and CHOP showed higher activation in iFECD than in iHCEC. MG132-mediated aggresome formation upregulated ER stress sensors, the mitochondrial membrane potential drop, cytochrome c release to the cytoplasm, and activation of caspase-9 and -3. By contrast, staurosporine-mediated mitochondrial damage did not induce ER stress. Knockdown of CHOP attenuated the ER stress-induced cleavage of caspase-9, which is caused by intrinsic pathway activation. Conclusions: Excessive synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins induced unfolded protein accumulation in FECD. Prolonged ER stress–mediated cell death, occurring via the intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway, therefore might be associated with the pathogenesis of FECD

    A Surgical Cryoprobe for Targeted Transcorneal Freezing and Endothelial Cell Removal

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    PURPOSE: To examine the effects of transcorneal freezing using a new cryoprobe designed for corneal endothelial surgery. METHODS: A freezing console employing nitrous oxide as a cryogen was used to cool a series of different cryoprobe tip designs made of silver for high thermal conductivity. In vitro studies were conducted on 426 porcine corneas, followed by preliminary in vivo investigations on three rabbit corneas. RESULTS: The corneal epithelium was destroyed by transcorneal freezing, as expected; however, the epithelial basement membrane remained intact. Reproducible endothelial damage was optimally achieved using a 3.4 mm diameter cryoprobe with a concave tip profile. Stromal edema was seen in the pre-Descemet's area 24 hrs postfreeze injury, but this had been resolved by 10 days postfreeze. A normal collagen fibril structure was seen 1 month postfreeze, concurrent with endothelial cell repopulation. CONCLUSIONS: Transcorneal freezing induces transient posterior stromal edema and some residual deep stromal haze but leaves the epithelial basement membrane intact, which is likely to be important for corneal re-epithelialization. Localized destruction of the endothelial monolayer was achieved in a consistent manner with a 3.4 mm diameter/concave profile cryoprobe and represents a potentially useful approach to remove dysfunctional corneal endothelial cells from corneas with endothelial dysfunction