408 research outputs found

    New Approach Combining Branch and Price with Metaheuristics to Solve Nurse Scheduling Problem

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    This paper presents a new approach combining Branch and Price (B&P) with metaheuristics to derive various high-quality schedules as solutions to a nurse scheduling problem (nurse rostering problem). There are two main features of our approach. The first is the combination of B&P and metaheuristics, and the second is the implementation of an efficient B&P algorithm. Through applying our approach to widely used benchmark instances, the effectiveness of our approach is determined


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    Influence of the initial chemical conditions on the rational design of silica particles

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    The influence of the water content in the initial composition on the size of silica particles produced using the Stöber process is well known. We have shown that there are three morphological regimes defined by compositional boundaries. At low water levels (below stoichiometric ratio of water:tetraethoxysilane), very high surface area and aggregated structures are formed; at high water content (>40 wt%) similar structures are also seen. Between these two boundary conditions, discrete particles are formed whose size are dictated by the water content. Within the compositional regime that enables the classical Stöber silica, the structural evolution shows a more rapid attainment of final particle size than the rate of formation of silica supporting the monomer addition hypothesis. The clearer understanding of the role of the initial composition on the output of this synthesis method will be of considerable use for the establishment of reliable reproducible silica production for future industrial adoption

    Micro/nanostructural properties of peri-implant jaw bones: a human cadaver study

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    PURPOSE: Many points concerning the structure of osseointegration and the surrounding jaw bone remain unclear, and its optimal histological form has yet to be identified. The aim of this study was to clarify the structural characteristics of peri-implant jaw bone on the micro- and nano-scales by quantitatively evaluating bone quality. METHODS: Five samples of human mandibular bone containing dental implants and one dentate sample that had been in place for some years while the donors were still alive were collected. Bulk staining was performed, and 100-μm-thick polished specimens were prepared. The osteon distributions in peri-implant bone and mandibular cortical bone were measured, after which alignment analysis of biological apatite (BAp) crystallites and anisotropy analysis of collagen fiber orientation using second-harmonic generation imaging were carried out. RESULTS: Osteons in the vicinity of the implant body ran parallel to it. In the cortical bone at the base of the mandible, however, most osteons were oriented mesiodistally. The preferential alignment of BAp crystallites was generally consistent with osteon orientation. The orientation of collagen fibers in peri-implant jaw bone resembled the concentric rings seen in normal cortical bone, but there were also fibers that ran orthogonally across these concentric fibers. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the mechanical strain imposed by implants causes the growth of cortical bone-like bone in areas that would normally consist of cancellous bone around the implants, and that its structural characteristics are optimized for the load environment of the peri-implant jaw bone

    Biasing hydrogen bond donating host systems towards chemical warfare agent recognition

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    A series of neutral ditopic and negatively charged, monotopic host molecules have been evaluated for their ability to bind chloride and dihydrogen phosphate anions, and neutral organophosphorus species dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), pinacolyl methylphosphonate (PMP) and the chemical warfare agent (CWA) pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate (GD, soman) in organic solvent via hydrogen bonding. Urea, thiourea and boronic acid groups are shown to bind anions and neutral guests through the formation of hydrogen bonds, with the urea and thiourea groups typically exhibiting higher affinity interactions. The introduction of a negative charge on the host structure is shown to decrease anion affinity, whilst still allowing for high stability host-GD complex formation. Importantly, the affinity of the host for the neutral CWA GD is greater than for anionic guests, thus demonstrating the potential for selectivity reversal based on charge repulsion