7 research outputs found


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    Ngablak District is one of the sub-districts in Magelang Regency which has the potential as a vegetable producing area, especially cabbage. The problem in the cultivation of cabbage is the amount of leftover cabbage crops that are not utilized. Based on the results of interviews with farmers, waste from the rest of the cabbage harvest is left to rot in the field until further processing of the land. This cabbage waste can actually still be used in the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer. The purpose of this study is to describe the empowerment of farmers. This research is a qualitative research design with descriptive analysis. The results showed that the empowerment process included counseling and training. Extension in which there are awareness techniques, practice, and coaching/monitoring, while training activities are intended so that farmers can understand directly how to make POC.

    Development of Plant Biosystematics E-Module Based on Problem Solving

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    This study aims to describe the stages of developing the Plant Biosystematics e-module with the 4-D model (four D model) and to analyze the effectiveness of the resulting Plant Biosystematics e-module in improving problem solving skills in students of the Tidar University Biology Education Study Program. The Plant Biosystematics course studies the description, adaptation, and classification of plants, both high and low levels. The research method used is the R&D Model. This model consists of 4 development stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The object of this research was 60 students of Tidar University Biology Education. The research instrument used was in the form of questionnaires and validation sheets by the validator. Based on data on Problem Solving skills 38, 3% chose the number 5 meaning that in this Plant Biosystematics e-module all 5 indicators have been fulfilled. Based on the development of the e-module by the validator, the results of the material were 80.5%, the presentation aspect was 54%, the linguistic aspect was 24%, and the graphic aspect was 34%. Based on the data above, the development of the Plant Biosystematics e-module can be used as a learning module that can improve their problem solving skills


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    Cassava is one of the food crops with continous increasing demand. This study aimed to investigate the response of vegetative cassava growth to the application of different concentrations and types of liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) from Leguminosae plants. The research was conducted from February 27 to June 27, 2022, in Kembanglimus Village, Borobudur District, and arranged factorially (4x3) using a Randomized  Completely Block (RCB). The first factor was the type of liquid organic fertilizer derived from Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa pudica, and Arachis hypogaea. The second factor was the concentration of LOF, consisting of 0 mL/L, 15 mL/L, 30 mL/L, and 45 mL/L. Chlorophyll content was analyzed using spectrophotometer and protein contet of leaf and tuber were analyzed with Kjeldahl methods. The results demonstrated that type of LOI did not have a significant effect on all parameters. Liquid organic fertilizer from Leguminosae plants with 0 mL/L  concentration resulted in the highest number of roots. Type of liquid organic fertilizer from Leucaena leaf with a concentration of 24.95 mL/L gave the highest number of roots, while type of LOF of Mimosa pudica with a  concentration of 26.31 mL/L gave the highest number of branches. Type of liquid organic fertilizer of Arachis hypogaea with a  concentration of 45 mL/L resulted in the highest total chlorophyll content, leaf protein content, and protein content in the tubersCassava is one of the food crops with continous increasing demand. This study aimed to investigate the response of vegetative cassava growth to the application of different concentrations and types of liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) from Leguminosae plants. The research was conducted from February 27 to June 27, 2022, in Kembanglimus Village, Borobudur District, and arranged factorially (4x3) using a Randomized Completely Block (RCB). The first factor was the type of liquid organic fertilizer derived from Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa pudica, and Arachis hypogaea. The second factor was the concentration of LOF, consisting of 0 mL/L, 15 mL/L, 30 mL/L, and 45 mL/L. Chlorophyll content was analyzed using spectrophotometer and protein contet of leaf and tuber were analyzed with Kjeldahl methods. The results demonstrated that type of LOI did not have a significant effect on all parameters. Liquid organic fertilizer from Leguminosae plants with 0 mL/L concentration resulted in the highest number of roots.Type of liquid organic fertilizer from Leucaena leaf with a concentration of 24.95 mL/L gave the highest number of roots, while type of LOF of Mimosa pudica with a concentration of 26.31 mL/L gave the highest number of branches. Type of liquid organic fertilizer of Arachis hypogaea with a concentration of 45 mL/L resulted in the highest total chlorophyll content, leaf protein content, and protein content in the tuber

    Tanggap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (l) merill) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Organik Padat dan Pupuk Organik Cair

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai dengan aplikasi pupuk kandang ayam dan pupuk organik cair serta mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk kandang ayam terhadap pertumbuhan kedelai varietas dega 1. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli sampai dengan Oktober. 2021 di Desa Salamrejo, Kecamatan Selopampang, Kabupaten Temanggung dengan ketinggian 670 m dpl dan jenis tanah latosol. Rancangan penelitian adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 2 faktor perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah pemberian kotoran ayam dengan dosis 0, 90, dan 180 g/polybag. Faktor kedua adalah pupuk organik cair dengan konsentrasi 0 ml/l, 3 ml/l, 6 ml/l, dan 9 ml/l. Data dianalisis dengan varians dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Polinomial Orthogonal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis pupuk kandang ayam meningkatkan jumlah bintil akar, berat segar brangkasan, dan berat kering brangkasan. Konsentrasi pupuk organik cair NASA 6.038 ml/l memberikan jumlah bintil akar paling banyak. Dosis pupuk kandang ayam 180 g/polybag dan pupuk organik cair konsentrasi 9 ml/l memberikan peningkatan jumlah bintil akar, sedangkan dosis pupuk kandang ayam 180 g/polybag dan konsentrasi 3 ml/l memberikan peningkatan berat segar tanaman dan berat kering brangkasan