58 research outputs found

    Effect of heavy metals on soil and crop pollution in Ukraine – a review

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    The presented review discusses current situation with heavy metal pollution in the various regions of Ukraine and possible pollution of important crop. It is suggested that violent conflict of 2022 in Ukraine may cause development of polluted areas with Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu. Especially such tendency is dangerous for Ukrainian regions with high level of heavy metals level where is military conflict was in an active phase: Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Lugansk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Zhytomyr, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odessa regions. The analysis of monitoring data related heavy metals pollution has been described in regions of Ukraine. Current ccharacteristics of major crop production areas in Ukraine regarding their possible yield production and presence of heavy metals in the soil are presented. Near 70% of planted areas for major exported plants in the areas of conflict may be under additional increased effects of heavy metals. The wheat, corn, barley, rapeseed, sunflower have been presented and discussed their cultivation potential as major crops in Ukraine. It is recommended to use modern technologies of phytoremediation with use crop rotation of plants hyperaccumulators of heavy metals at these areas afterword\u27s

    Optimization issues in phenotyping plateforms

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    International audienceThe combined effects of climate change and population growth have made agriculture appear as one of the most important challenge of the century. In order to be able to produce food for everyone in the coming decades, there is an urgent need to build more knowledge about plants, and how to grow them in a sustainable way, i.e., how to produce enough biomass without resorting to pollutant chemicals inputs. Hence, plant biologists need to understand what makes plants resistant to diseases, parasites, insects and hydric stress, among other environment effects. The functional plant body, called the phenotype, is the result of the combination of the plan genotype with the environment: two plants with the same DNA will not have the same development under different environment conditions. As the so-called \textit{plant performance} is the result of phenotype, a lot of effort has recently been devoted to study plants phenotype. More specifically, biologists run large scale experiments on hundreds or thousands of plants, for example to determine how resistant is a particular plant to a wide range of environment conditions. To this end, the plants are settled in pots, and these pots are moved by a conveyor belt from a cultivation chamber to different quantitative automated measurement stations, where RGB cameras, spectrography and other techniques are employed to monitor plants growth on a regular basis. The European project EPPN2020 aims at gathering a large number of such facilities to share experience and accelerate the research progresses in plant biology. It currently involves 31 plant phenotyping platforms and 21 partners across Europe from 12 countries (including the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), under the coordination of INRA, with a budget of \euro 10 million for four years. It can be observed that the phenotyping platforms available in EPPN2020 and everywhere else in the world have a very similar structure

    Діагностика стану соціально-психологічного клімату на підприємстві

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical positions and develop practical recommendations for improving the diagnosis of the state of the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise. The structure of the socio-psychological climate is presented through the prism of relations, the objectivity of the state and existing communications. It was established that the purpose of diagnostics of socio-psychological climate at the enterprise is to increase the efficiency and potency of the personnel through the prevention of labor conflicts, to increase team cohesion and support the main elements of corporate culture of the enterprise. It was determined that the dominants (components) of the socio-psychological climate through the prism of relations and communications in the system "employee – collective – enterprise" are: 1) the dominant work of the personality; 2) the dominant work of the team; 3) the dominant work of the enterprise. The prospect of further research in this area is the improvement of the system of partial diagnostic purposes of the diagnosis of the activity (economic diagnostics) of the enterprise, taking into account the presented research results.Метою статті є аналіз теоретичних положень та розроблення практичних рекомендацій з удосконалення діагностики стану соціально-психологічного клімату на підприємстві. Представлено структуру соціально-психологічного клімату крізь призму відносин, об’єктивності стану та існуючих комунікацій. Встановлено, що метою діагностики соціально-психологічного клімату на підприємстві є підвищення ефективності і результативності роботи персоналу за рахунок профілактики трудових конфліктів, підвищення командної згуртованості й підтримки основних елементів корпоративної культури підприємства. З’ясовано, що домінантами (складовими) соціально-психологічного клімату через призму відносин та комунікацій в системі “працівник – колектив – підприємство” є: 1) домінанта роботи особистості; 2) домінанта роботи колективу; 3) домінанта роботи підприємства. Перспективою подальших досліджень у даному напрямі є удосконалення системи часткових діагностичних цілей діагностики діяльності (економічної діагностики) підприємства з урахуванням поданих результатів досліджень

    Діагностика об’єктів інноваційної праці як інструмент підвищення інноваційної активності персоналу підприємства

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    The purpose of the article is to form and develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the diagnostics of objects of innovative work as an instrument for increasing the innovation activity of the personnel of the enterprise. Structural decomposition of constituents of innovation work at the enterprise is presented. It was established that the program for diagnosing objects of innovation work includes a linear algorithm, which consists of a sequence of actions such as: 1) the formulation of diagnostic objectives; 2) determination of internal losses in labor processes (assessment of the organization of work and production by business indicators: working time, resources and quality); 3) analysis of external factors and innovation risks; 4) assessment of resource capacity; 5) identification of objects of innovation work. It was found out that: 1) the result of the diagnostics of objects of innovation work is the definition of innovative opportunities in the system of organization of labor and production, which are the basis for the development and implementation of innovative proposals, which prompts the increase of innovation activity of personnel; 2) innovative activity of the personnel of the company depends on many factors, among which the innovative enterprise strategy plays an important role. The prospect of further research in this direction is the formation of practical recommendations for improving the system of partial diagnostic purposes of the company's polycriterial economic diagnosis, taking into account the presented research results.Метою статті є формування й розвиток теоретичних та методичних засад діагностики об’єктів інноваційної праці як інструменту підвищення інноваційної активності персоналу підприємства. Представлено структурну декомпозицію складових інноваційної праці на підприємстві. Встановлено, що програма проведення діагностики об’єктів інноваційної праці включає лінійний алгоритм, який складається з послідовності таких дій, як: 1) формулювання цілей діагностики; 2) визначення внутрішніх втрат у трудових процесах (оцінка організації праці і виробництва за бізнес-індикаторами: робочий час, ресурси та якість); 3) аналізування зовнішніх факторів та інноваційних ризиків; 4) оцінювання ресурсних можливостей; 5) визначення об’єктів інноваційної праці. З’ясовано, що: 1) результатом діагностики об’єктів інноваційної праці є визначення інноваційних можливостей у системі організації праці та виробництва, які є основою для розробки і впровадження інноваційних пропозицій, що спонукає підвищення інноваційної активності персоналу; 2) інноваційна активність персоналу підприємства залежить від багатьох факторів, серед яких важливе місце займає інноваційна стратегія підприємства. Перспективою подальших досліджень у даному напрямі є формування практичних рекомендацій з удосконалення системи часткових діагностичних цілей полікритеріальної економічної діагностики підприємства з урахуванням поданих результатів досліджень

    Nedeštrukčná detekcia a biochemická kvantifikácia listov pohánky s využitím hyperspektrálneho zobrazovania s reflektanciou vo viditeľnej (VIS) a blízkej infračervenej (NIR) oblasti

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    The present experimental study has been investigated way of use methodology of nondestructive detection with hyperspectral reflectance imaging together with wet chemistry quantitative analysis based on correlation analysis of receiving data. Higher correlation from reflectance of hyperspectral imaging analysis and total polyphenol and anthocyanin content has been observed for carotenoid reflectance index-2 compared to the carotenoid reflectance index-1. It was found that high total polyphenols content is related with high values of hyperspectral indices which characterize chlorophyll concentration and parameters of vegetation. In experimental buckwheat cultivars presence of vanillic, methoxycinnamic, cinnamic acids can be expressing by anthocyanin reflectance index, modified anthocyanin reflectance index and carotenoid reflectance index-2 because high correlation coefficient. Changes of chlorogenic acid during the vegetative period of plant growth can be studied with normalized difference vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index-2 which found to have a positive correlation with this phenolic acid content.Predkladaná experimentálna práca skúmala možnosti uplatnenia metodológie nedeštrukčnej detekcie s hyperspektrálnym reflektančným zobrazovaním spolu s kvantitatívnou chemickou analýzou na základe korelačnej analýzy získaných údajov. V porovnaní s karotenoidovým reflektančným indexom-1 bola vyššia korelácia s obsahom celkových polyfenolov a celkových antokyánov pozorovaná s reflektanciou karotenoidového reflektančného indexu-2 z analýzy hyperspektrálneho zobrazovania. Vysoký obsah celkových polyfenolov súvisel s vysokými hodnotami hyperspektrálnych indexov charakterizujúcich koncentráciu chlorofylu a parametre vegetácie. V experimentálnych kultivaroch pohánky môže byť prítomnosť kyseliny vanilovej, metoxyškoricovej a škoricovej, vzhľadom k vysokému korelačnému koeficientu, vyjadrená pomocou antokyánového reflektančného indexu, modifikovaného antokyánového reflektančného indexu a karotenoidového reflektančného indexu-2. Zmeny obsahu kyseliny chlorogénovej počas vegetačného obdobia pohánky môžu byť sledované prostredníctvom normalizovaného diferenčného vegetačného indexu a diferenčného vegetačného indexu-2, ktoré preukázali pozitívnu koreláciu s obsahom fenolových kyselín

    Remodeling of the composition of the membrane’s lipids of buckwheat plants (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) under conditions of phosphorous deficiency and seed bacterization with phosphate solubilizing microorganisms

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    This paper presents research results on the sensitivity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) inoculated with phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) to phosphorus deficiency using the transformation of major photosynthetic tissues membrane lipids as the indicator. The analysis of glyco- and phospholipids performed has revealed the plants’ ability to react to a deficit in phosphorus with the selective accumulation of sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) along with a decrease in phosphatidylglycerol (PG). Pre-sowing seed bacterization with PSM has balanced out the negative impact of a phosphorus deficiency on plants by stabilizing the PG content and reducing the difference in the PG/SQDG ratio


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    Objective: The present study aim to evaluate antimicrobial and antidiarrheal activities of phenol acid-rich fractions of roots from Ximenia americana L., in animal models in order to confirm the ethnomedicinal use of Ximenia Americana L., roots.Methods: In vitro antibacterial (Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and time-kill studies) of phenol-rich fractions of roots from Ximenia americana L., was assessed using eight bacteria strains (Gram-negative). The anti-diarrheal activity was evaluated using castor using castor oil induced diarrhea whereas Anti-secretory activity was investigated using castor oil-induced enteropooling assay examined in animal models respectively.Results: All test bacteria were susceptible to the phenol-rich fractions. Time-kill results showed that after 5 h exposition there was no viable microorganism in the initial inoculum. Moreover, phenol acid-rich fractions of roots (100-200 and 300 mg/kg, p. o.) produced dose-dependent and significant (p<0.05-0.001) protection of rats against castor oil-induced diarrhea, and delayed gastric emptying. Phenol acid-rich fractions of roots, dose-dependently and significantly (p<0.05-0.001) delayed the onset of castor oil induced diarrhea, decreased the frequency of defecation, and reduced the severity of diarrhea in the rats. Phenol acid-rich fractions caused dose-related inhibition of castor-oil-induced enteropooling in rats.Conclusion: The data analysis indicates that the tested of phenol-rich fractions has significant effects when compared with the standard antibiotic. These results, therefore, justify the traditional use of Ximenia americana L. About antidiarrheal activity, the findings of this study indicate that phenol acid-rich fraction possesses antidiarrheal property in rats. These findings confirm the ethnomedicinal use of Ximenia americana L., roots valuable natural remedy for the treatment, management and/or control of diarrhea

    A Brief Overview of Potential Treatments for Viral Diseases Using Natural Plant Compounds: The Case of SARS-Cov

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    Review paper, jointly written by experts from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences (Iran), Federal University of Maranhão (Brazil), Central University of Punjab (India), Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity (Russia), De Montfort University (UK), University of Orléans (France) open access articleThe COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the more general global increase in viral diseases, has led researchers to look to the plant kingdom as a potential source for antiviral compounds. Since ancient times, herbal medicines have been extensively applied in the treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases in different traditional systems. The purpose of this review is to highlight the potential antiviral activity of plant compounds as effective and reliable agents against viral infections, especially by viruses from the coronavirus group. Various antiviral mechanisms shown by crude plant extracts and plant-derived bioactive compounds are discussed. The understanding of the action mechanisms of complex plant extract and isolated plant-derived compounds will help pave the way towards the combat of this life-threatening disease. Further, molecular docking studies, in silico analyses of extracted compounds, and future prospects are included. The in vitro production of antiviral chemical compounds from plants using molecular pharming is also considered. Notably, hairy root cultures represent a promising and sustainable way to obtain a range of biologically active compounds that may be applied in the development of novel antiviral agents

    Consequences and Mitigation Strategies of Heat Stress for Sustainability of Soybean (<em>Glycine max</em> L. Merr.) Production under the Changing Climate

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    Increasing ambient temperature is a major climatic factor that negatively affects plant growth and development, and causes significant losses in soybean crop yield worldwide. Thus, high temperatures (HT) result in less seed germination, which leads to pathogenic infection, and decreases the economic yield of soybean. In addition, the efficiency of photosynthesis and transpiration of plants are affected by high temperatures, which have negative impact on the physio-biochemical process in the plant system, finally deteriorate the yield and quality of the affected crop. However, plants have several mechanisms of specific cellular detection of HT stress that help in the transduction of signals, producing the activation of transcription factors and genes to counteract the harmful effects caused by the stressful condition. Among the contributors to help the plant in re-establishing cellular homeostasis are the applications of organic stimulants (antioxidants, osmoprotectants, and hormones), which enhance the productivity and quality of soybean against HT stress. In this chapter, we summarized the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of soybean plants at various growth stages under HT. Furthermore, it also depicts the mitigation strategies to overcome the adverse effects of HT on soybean using exogenous applications of bioregulators. These studies intend to increase the understanding of exogenous biochemical compounds that could reduce the adverse effects of HT on the growth, yield, and quality of soybean

    Paclitaxel: Application in Modern Oncology and Nanomedicine-Based Cancer Therapy

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    Paclitaxel is a broad-spectrum anticancer compound, which was derived mainly from a medicinal plant, in particular, from the bark of the yew tree Taxus brevifolia Nutt. It is a representative of a class of diterpene taxanes, which are nowadays used as the most common chemotherapeutic agent against many forms of cancer. It possesses scientifically proven anticancer activity against, e.g., ovarian, lung, and breast cancers. The application of this compound is difficult because of limited solubility, recrystalization upon dilution, and cosolvent-induced toxicity. In these cases, nanotechnology and nanoparticles provide certain advantages such as increased drug half-life, lowered toxicity, and specific and selective delivery over free drugs. Nanodrugs possess the capability to buildup in the tissue which might be linked to enhanced permeability and retention as well as enhanced antitumour influence possessing minimal toxicity in normal tissues. This article presents information about paclitaxel, its chemical structure, formulations, mechanism of action, and toxicity. Attention is drawn on nanotechnology, the usefulness of nanoparticles containing paclitaxel, its opportunities, and also future perspective. This review article is aimed at summarizing the current state of continuous pharmaceutical development and employment of nanotechnology in the enhancement of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic features of paclitaxel as a chemotherapeutic agent