155 research outputs found

    Optimization of Oil Extraction of Soy Flour Using Mini Extrusion Technology

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    Mini extrusion technology is a relatively new technology that offers fast timing and processing of food products. This technology paired with the advantageous properties and growing demand for soybeans can lead to a larger span of uses for the extruder that have not yet been explored, including NASA space missions and incorporation of soybeans into developing countries. During past research on parameters of operation, it was discovered that a significant amount of oil was being separated from the soy meal at the die of the mini extruder. Maximum removal of this oil allows use of the soy meal and soy oil to be maximized, and further, may allow reduction in chemical methods of oil removal being currently used in industry. This study was aimed to maximize oil extraction from soy flour using mini extrusion technology by varying moisture content, which has been observed at lower levels to increase temperature at the die and shear within the system. Soy flour dried to 6% and soy flour at a level of 8.5% were extruded, and oil content before and after extrusion were tested using the Soxhlet extraction method. An original die was used to physically improve separation of oil using a cylindrical shape, with use of three rows of small holes to remove oil before extrudate is pushed out the end of the cylinder. Temperature at the die was taken using a thermocouple. Past studies have shown that oil removal in dehulled soybeans neared 60% at a temperature of 165°C. Further studies should observe different die configurations, including one that increases the porosity of the die to allow more oil to separate naturally from the product. More variations of moisture content should be looked into as well

    Physiological Response of Plants Grown on Porous Ceramic Tubes

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    This research involves the manipulation of the root-zone water potential for the purposes of discriminating the rate limiting step in the inorganic nutrient uptake mechanism utilized by higher plants. This reaction sequence includes the pathways controlled by the root-zone conditions such as water tension and gradient concentrations. Furthermore, plant based control mechanisms dictated by various protein productions are differentiated as well. For the nutrients limited by the environmental availability, the kinetics were modeled using convection and diffusion equations. Alternatively, for the nutrients dependent upon enzyme manipulations, the uptakes are modeled using Michaelis-Menten kinetics. In order to differentiate between these various mechanistic steps, an experimental apparatus known as the Porous Ceramic Tube - Nutrient Delivery System (PCT-NDS) was used. Manipulation of the applied suction pressure circulating a nutrient solution through this system imposes a change in the matric component of the water potential. This compensates for the different osmotic components of water potential dictated by nutrient concentration. By maintaining this control over the root-zone conditions, the rate limiting steps in the uptake of the essential nutrients into tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Cherry Elite) were differentiated. Results showed that the uptake of some nutrients were mass transfer limited while others were limited by the enzyme kinetics. Each of these were adequately modeled with calculations and discussions of the parameter estimations provided

    Determination of Master Compliance Curve for Extruded Semolina Pasta

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    The dependence of the rate of relaxation of semolina pasta on moisture content and temperature and how it affects shrinkage during drying has not yet been determined. The purpose of this research was to develop an equation that relates moisture content and temperature in order to obtain a master curve for creep of the product. When found, this equation could help to optimize the drying process and increase the quality of the final pasta product. Semolina flour mixed with water and propionic acid to create a 35% wet basis product was extruded on a C.W. Brabender 2523 to obtain a flat, thin pasta. This product was dried in desiccators calibrated at different relative humidities (53.2%, 82.3%, 96.4%) and temperatures (40OC, 80OC) and then run through creep testing with a DMA and Texture Analyzer. Creep testing related the rate of relaxation to the relative humidity, moisture content, and temperature. The pasta that was tested at higher stresses tended to strain more. Also, higher moisture content pastas and pastas dried at higher temperatures tended to strain more. These results will be used in ongoing research relating the creep of semolina pasta to the rate of shrinkage of the product. Eventually, data such as this for other bio products will be collected and analyzed which can lead to better quality products and higher efficiency processes


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    \Vhey processing alternatives were investigated with the help of Computer Aided Design. Mass and energy balances were calculated, process units were sized, and an economic analysis vas conducted. Using IRR and ACF methods for calculating profitability methods optimum economic strategies were suggested for whey processing

    Sustainable food processing systems - Path to a zero discharge: reduction of water, waste and energy

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    AbstractSince food processing systems consume extensive amounts of water and energy, the food industry has the incentive to reduce water and energy with the goal of developing a zero discharge process that utilizes substantially less water and energy, and generates no waste. The objective of this study is to evaluate water/energy consumption and to propose alternatives that reduce water and energy in the processing of three food products; 1) edible bean, 2) dairy products, and 3) corn masa. Three main approaches were; 1) plant-scale audit data collection to determine energy consumption, 2) laboratory scale experiments to assess product quality changes with a reduction in water and energy usage, and 3) computer-aided simulation to design systems for reduced water and energy consumption and wastewater generation. The results suggest that a zero discharge process is feasible by reducing water and energy. Modifications to the edible bean process reduced water input up to 55% and wastewater generation was decreased up to 91%. In dairy plant, the optimal heat recovery option could economically decrease the boiler fuel requirement by 50 times, and reduce the operating cost to 2.7% of the present cost. The water reuse process in redesigned corn masa process could reduce 90% of wastewater and 55% of water usage compared to the traditional process. The amount of energy required for heating was saved by 70% in the water reuse process. When scaling-up to plant-scale, reusing water could reduce water consumption by 95% and reduce energy requirement by about 80%

    Development of physical and mathematical models for the Porous Ceramic Tube Plant Nutrification System (PCTPNS)

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    A physical model of the Porous Ceramic Tube Plant Nutrification System (PCTPNS) was developed through microscopic observations of the tube surface under various operational conditions. In addition, a mathematical model of this system was developed which incorporated the effects of the applied suction pressure, surface tension, and gravitational forces as well as the porosity and physical dimensions of the tubes. The flow of liquid through the PCTPNS was thus characterized for non-biological situations. One of the key factors in the verification of these models is the accurate and rapid measurement of the 'wetness' or holding capacity of the ceramic tubes. This study evaluated a thermistor based moisture sensor device and recommendations for future research on alternative sensing devices are proposed. In addition, extensions of the physical and mathematical models to include the effects of plant physiology and growth are also discussed for future research

    Analysis of the Flow Behaviors of Corn Meal during Extrusion

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    Food extrusion can be used to make many products we consume today, including pasta, cereals and more. The ability to predict the characteristics of the final product from an extruder using raw material characteristics and operating conditions is vital to the extrusion process. In order to answer this need, the flow behavior of corn meal was measured in a lab viscometer (off-line) and compared to the flow behaviors from an extruder (in-line) at three different moisture contents (32.5%, 35%, 37.5% wet basis). The extruder and product are heated through the friction of the corn meal passing through the barrel not external heaters. Feed rate, RPM, and moisture content are the inputs considered to compare the die temperatures, shear rates, and shear stresses. Behaviors of extruder outputs based on RPMs, moisture contents, and feed rates have been recorded and compared. A method called super-positioning was used to compare the off-line and in-line data. Previous results have been not conclusive. Our methodology can be used to take lab results and predict extruder flow behaviors. The results can also be used in predicting operating conditions for various sizes of extruders. The super-positioning methodology will be able to be applied to other extruders and advance a flow model for the current extruder

    Pemodelan Belanja Social Commerce Berbasis Android

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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah memicu lahirnya berbagai kecenderungan dalam kehidupan sehari – hari seperti kegiatan social commerce yang saat ini telah merambah keberbagai elemen ,asyarakat. Kefiatan belanja online ini telah tumbuh secara langsung seiring dengan meningkatnya niat orang untuk melakukan pembelian dan aktivitas jual secara online.Dan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi penjualan barang secara online ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi penjualan barang secara online seperti social commerce untuk memperjual belikan barang – barang online , yaitu dimana pelanggan dapat membuat produk tanpa harus bertatap muka langsung dengan penjual. Transaksi dilakukan pada social media harus memberikan kemudahan kepada para pelanggan dalam mengaksesnya.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembuatan social commerce berbasis android diharapkan mampu untuk mempermudah dalam mengelola informasi dengan tepat , cepat dan akurat serta memberikan kemudahan dan keamanan pelanggan dalam melakukan transaksi. Dan dapat diakses melalui mobile android