4 research outputs found

    Visits from Google's SERP

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    Most enterprises nowadays realise that they have to attract key visitors to their websites, but do not know, how to do this. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, I have focused on the visit, coming from the Google search engine, whether organic or payable visit. Whoever wants to attract visitors from Google to their website, soon or later faces the need for website optimization, which is also the most rewarding approach in the long term. If however one aims to attract visitors to the website quickly and very easily, they decide for advertising on Google. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I have presented the technical, conceptual and marketing aspects on how to get the most clicks possible from the search engines and consequently also more key visitors. I have presented the proper techniques for the improvement of visiting rate on Google which we need to follow, and disadvantageous techniques, one should avoid in order not to be punished by Google. I have concentrated on these two sources of visit, as they are momentarily the most effective and inexpensive way of attracting potential buyers

    Visits from Google's SERP

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    Most enterprises nowadays realise that they have to attract key visitors to their websites, but do not know, how to do this. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, I have focused on the visit, coming from the Google search engine, whether organic or payable visit. Whoever wants to attract visitors from Google to their website, soon or later faces the need for website optimization, which is also the most rewarding approach in the long term. If however one aims to attract visitors to the website quickly and very easily, they decide for advertising on Google. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I have presented the technical, conceptual and marketing aspects on how to get the most clicks possible from the search engines and consequently also more key visitors. I have presented the proper techniques for the improvement of visiting rate on Google which we need to follow, and disadvantageous techniques, one should avoid in order not to be punished by Google. I have concentrated on these two sources of visit, as they are momentarily the most effective and inexpensive way of attracting potential buyers

    Visits from Google\u27s SERP

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    Večina podjetij se v današnjem času zaveda, da morajo na svoje spletno mesto pridobiti ključne obiskovalce, ne vedo pa, kako to narediti. V diplomskem delu sem se zato osredotočil na obisk, ki pride z iskalnika Google, pa naj bo to organski ali plačljivi obisk. Kdor koli želi na spletno mesto privabiti obiskovalce z Googla, se prej ali slej sreča z optimizacijo spletnih mest, kar se dolgoročno tudi najbolj splača. Če pa želimo na spletno mesto na hitro in zelo preprosto pripeljati uporabnike, se odločimo za oglaševanje na Googlu. Zato sem v diplomskem delu predstavil tehnične, vsebinske in marketinške vidike, kako z iskalnikov pridobiti kar se da največ klikov in s tem tudi ključnih obiskovalcev. Predstavil sem pravilne tehnike, ki jim moramo slediti, da bo naš obisk na Googlu rasel, in škodljive tehnike, ki se jih moramo izogibati, saj ne želimo dobiti Googlove kazni. Na ta dva vira obiska sem se osredotočil zato, ker je to trenutno najučinkovitejši in najcenejši našin za pridobivanje potencialnih kupcev.Most enterprises nowadays realise that they have to attract key visitors to their websites, but do not know, how to do this. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, I have focused on the visit, coming from the Google search engine, whether organic or payable visit. Whoever wants to attract visitors from Google to their website, soon or later faces the need for website optimization, which is also the most rewarding approach in the long term. If however one aims to attract visitors to the website quickly and very easily, they decide for advertising on Google. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I have presented the technical, conceptual and marketing aspects on how to get the most clicks possible from the search engines and consequently also more key visitors. I have presented the proper techniques for the improvement of visiting rate on Google which we need to follow, and disadvantageous techniques, one should avoid in order not to be punished by Google. I have concentrated on these two sources of visit, as they are momentarily the most effective and inexpensive way of attracting potential buyers

    Wireless control of microcontroller system for DC electrical motors

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    V diplomskem delu je predstavljen sistem za brezžično komunikacijo pogonskih sklopov, upravljan z mikrokrmilnikom. Opisani sta celotna zgodovina razvoja sistema in razširitev opravil, ki jih sistem upravlja. Razlog za razvoj takega sistema je bila nefleksibilna izbira med že narejenimi enostavnimi sistemi PLC ter cena za namenske, prilagojene sisteme po meri. V delu je opisana izdelava tiskanega vezja in programa za pripadajoči mikrokrmilnik ter brezžična povezava oddajnega daljinskega upravljalnika s sprejemnim modulom na plošči. Brezžična komunikacija med oddajnikom in sprejemnikom na tiskani plošči poteka na radio FM frekvenci 433 MHz, in sicer na 8 kanalih. Mikrokrmilnik, ki upravlja celoten sistem, je AVR ATMega32, ki vsebuje 32 programirljivih vhodov ali izhodov, 8 posameznih pretvornikov ADC ter dva časovnika. Vsa pomembna stanja in vhodi se prikazujejo na 4X20-vrstičnem zaslonu LCD za lažjo diagnostiko programa. Program za mikrokrmilnik je napisan v programu Bascom AVR podjetja MCS Electronics, ki vsebuje prevajalnik BASIC za družine mikrokrmilnikov AVR. Močnostni del je sestavljen iz relejskih izhodov, s katerimi lahko krmilimo naprave s tokovno omejitvijo do 8 A. Dva sklopa po dva releja sta tudi med seboj povezana z mehansko zaščito pred istočasnim vklopom, kar pride v poštev pri motorskih pogonih z vrtenjem v obe smeri. Vhodni močnostni del je v celoti vezan prek optosklopnikov, kar dodatno zaščiti mikrokrmilnik pred uničenjem s strani vhodnih senzorjev, stikal ali drugih elementov.This thesis presents a system for wireless communication powertrains, managed by a microcontroller. It describes complete history of system development and extension of the tasks which the system operates. The reason for developing such a system was inflexible choice between already-made simple PLC systems and the price for adapted, customized systems. The thesis describes the production of printed circuit board, the program for the corresponding microcontroller and a wireless connection to transmit remote control receiver module on the panel. Wireless communication between the transmitter and receiver on a PCB is carried out on the FM radio frequency of 433 MHz and on 8 channels. The microcontroller, which manages the entire system is AVR ATMEGA32 and contains 32 programmable inputs or outputs, 8 individual ADC converters and two timers. All significant statuses and inputs are shown on the 4x20 line LCD display for easy program diagnostics. The program for the microcontroller is written in Bascom AVR of the company MCS Electronics, which contains a BASIC compiler for AVR family of microcontrollers. The power section consists of relay outputs, which can control devices with a current limitation of 8 A. Two sets of two relays are also connected to each other by a mechanical protection against the simultaneous switching, which comes into play when the motor rotation is in both directions. The input power section is entirely bonded via optocoupler, which will further protect the microcontroller against destruction by the input sensors, switches and other elements