15 research outputs found

    Kvinner, kall og krig - Bodil Biørn og armenerne

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    “A Danish corner in the heart of Lebanon”

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    This article investigates the role of Danish missionary and nurse Maria Jacobsen (1882-1960), working in Lebanon among Armenian refugees and orphans from ca. 1920 to 1960. The background of the Armenian-Danish relationship in the Middle East goes back to the early twentieth century with the arrival of Danish female missionaries and health workers from the organization Kvindelige Missionsarbejdere [KMA, The Female Mission Workers] in the Ottoman Empire. During the Armenian Genocide, Jacobsen and her Danish colleagues played crucial roles as relief workers and witnesses to the persecutions. After the war, the Danes continued their vocation and religious duty in the form of practical relief work among refugees and orphans in Lebanon, while at the same time promoting Protestant beliefs and values to the refugee community. The Bird’s Nest, an orphanage for Armenian children in Jbeil (Byblos), north of Beirut, became KMA’s main welfare project in the country. From its establishment in 1922, this large institution was headed by Maria Jacobsen until her death in 1960. The article explores the ways in which Jacobsen and the KMA situated Danish faith-based relief in the new post-WWI Middle East.It also looks at the relations to and negotiations with the local Armenian society

    The roles of Ldb2a in the specification of mesendoderm and derivatives depend on Nodal and BMP signalling.

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    <p>(A–C) SB431542 rescued the increased expression of <i>cyc</i> caused by <i>ldb2a</i> knockdown. (D–F) SB431542 also partially rescued the increase in expression of lateral mesodermal genes, <i>scl</i> and <i>pax2</i>.<i>1</i>, in <i>ldb2a</i> morphants (green and purple arrowheads). The <i>wildtype</i> control refers to uninjected embryos that are stage matched and treated with equal volume of DMSO. (G–I) Co-injection with a <i>bmp4</i> MO partially rescued the increased <i>scl</i> expression in <i>ldb2a</i> morphants. Embryos co-stained with <i>myoD</i> and <i>krox20</i> to define the stage and territory. (A–C): three independent experiments (the morphant phenotype of <i>cyc</i> expression was observed from seven independent experiments, whereas the rescue experiments were repeated three times); (D–F): two independent experiments; (G–I): three independent experiments. The <i>wildtype</i> control refers to uninjected embryos that are stage matched.</p

    Herrenes historie, igjen?

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    Når noen av dagens voksne, kvinnelige historikere møtes, hender det at vi mimrer om vår egen tid som hovedfagsstudenter. Vi tenker tilbake på et historiefag som var sterkt mannsdominert. Det fantes få fast ansatte kvinnelige historikere, selv om de som var der preget historiefaget positivt og ga verdifulle bidrag til forskning og fagutvikling. Som unge kvinner var vi forundret og rystet over den skjeve kjønnsbalansen i faget. Den gangen trodde vi at vi skulle greie å forandre på det. Vi satt der på lesesalene, fulle av ungdommelig engasjement og entusiasme. Sånn skulle det ikke fortsette lenge, for vi skulle endre dette når vi selv kom i posisjoner med innflytelse. En stund på 1990- og 2000-tallet var vi også optimistiske: ting tydet på både endring og endringsvilje. I dag er vi kanskje mer forundret og mer pessimister enn noensinne. For hva har skjedd? Fint lite, dessverre.acceptedVersio