18 research outputs found

    Стратегии создания образа политика в арабоязычном поликодовом тексте на примере сериала «٣ اختيار»

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    According to the classification of speech strategies by O.S. Issers, semantic, lexico-grammatical, and pragmatic indicators act as linguistic indicators of speech strategies. The article is devoted to the analysis of the most significant linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of speech strategies that are used to create the image of the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah Khalil El-Sisi in the movie series “اختيار ٣” (The Choice 3). These strategies were considered as part of the analysis of the Arabic polycode text, which is presented as the integrity of verbal and non-verbal components. The material of the study was the communicative acts of the main characters and the video sequence of the analyzed series, in which the authors recreated the revolutionary era of Egypt in 2013. The novelty of the study is an attempt to characterize Arabic political discourse as an independent linguistic phenomenon. As a result of the study, the authors arrive at the conclusion that the creation of the image of a politician requires such semantic indicators of speech strategy as: submission, threat, discrediting; lexico-grammatical indicators: syntactic synonyms of various types, paremiae, dialectal forms. The effect of applying these communication strategies, which create the image of the Egyptian president, is enhanced by extralinguistic parameters and symbols studied within the theory of the polycode text. The analysis of the interaction of codes of various genres of the polycode text in the Arabic political discourse is of interest for further research.Согласно классификации речевых стратегий О.С. Иссерс, в качестве языковых индикаторов речевых стратегий выступают семантические, лексико-грамматические, а также прагматические показатели. Исследование посвящено анализу наиболее значимых лингвистических и экстралингвистических аспектов речевых стратегий, которые используются при создании образа президента Египта Абдель Фаттаха Халила Ас-Сиси в киносериале «٣ اختيار » («Выбор 3»). Данные стратегии были рассмотрены в рамках анализа арабоязычного поликодового текста, который представляется как целостность вербальных и невербальных компонентов. Материалом исследования послужили коммуникативные акты главных героев и видеоряд анализируемого серила, в котором авторами воссоздана революционная эпоха Египта 2013 г. Новизной исследования является попытка охарактеризовать арабский политический дискурс как самостоятельное лингвистическое явление. В результате проведенного исследования авторы приходят к выводу о том, что для создания образа политика используются такие семантические индикаторы речевой стратегии, как: подчинение, угроза, дискредитация; лексико-грамматические индикаторы: синтаксические синонимы различных типов, паремии, диалектные формы. Усиливают эффект применения данных коммуникативных стратегий, создающих образ египетского президента, экстралингвистические параметры и символы, изучаемые в рамках теории поликодового текста. Анализ взаимодействия кодов различных жанров поликодового текста арабского политического дискурса является перспективным для дальнейших исследований

    Connotations of the Component "Time" in Russian, Uzbek and English Languages

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    The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of connotative meanings of the lexeme “time” as part of stable combinations of words of three different system languages in a comparative aspect. It identifies common and distinctive features of phraseological units of three unrelated languages (Russian, Uzbek, English), and also a statistical analysis of phraseological units and idioms of these languages

    Perceived self-efficacy and its relationship to quality of life among illegitimate adolescent

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى فحص طبيعة العلاقة بين الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة و جودة الحياة لدى المراهق مجهول النسب. شارك في الدراسة 200 مراهق ومراهقة بواقع 89 مراهقا، و111 مراهقة موزعين عبر مؤسسات الرعاية في ولايات ورقلة، باتنة، سطيف، الطارف،و الوادي. لجمع بيانات الدراسة تم تطبيق مقياس الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة، ومقياس جودة الحياة من إعداد الباحثين. وبعد تحليل البيانات إحصائيا، أسفرت الدراسة عن النتائج الآتية: توجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة 0.05 بين الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة وجودة الحياة لدى المراهق مجهول النسب. لا تختلف طبيعة العلاقة بين الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة وجودة الحياة باختلاف متغير الجنس. لا تختلف طبيعة العلاقة بين الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة وجودة الحياة باختلاف العمر، ما عدا بين المراهقة الوسطى والمراهقة المتأخرة؛ حيث اختلفت العلاقة بين الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة وجودة الحياة اختلافا إحصائيا.This study aims at examining the nature of relationship between perceived self-efficacy and the quality of life amongst the illegitimate teenager. Participants comprised 200 (89 males, 111 females), distributed on care institutions in (Ouargla, Batna, Setif , Al-Tarf, El-Oued) provinces. Participants responded to the perceived self-efficacy scale, and the quality of life scale, prepared by researchers. The results showed there is a statistically significant relationship (p<0.05) between the perceived self-efficacy and the quality of life. Nature of the relationship between perceived self-efficacy and quality of life does not vary according to gender.In addition; the nature of the relationship between perceived self-efficacy and quality of life does not vary according to age, but the nature of relationship varied(p<0.05) between middle adolescence and late adolescence


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    Media discourse is an important component in the life of society as one of the leading propagandists of thought and culture; it also actively contributes to the process of forming the public consciousness of people. The media play a fundamental role in bringing the public's attention to current issues, as the media is the main source that the public turns to for information on all political, cultural and social aspects. In this article, we will consider the problems of Arabic media discourse and the relationship between the media and their audience, based on language as an effective means of influencing the addressee.Медиадискурс представляет собой важный компонент в жизни общества как один из ведущих пропагандистов мысли и культуры. Также он активно способствует процессу формирования общественного сознания людей. Средства массовой информации играют основополагающую роль в привлечении внимания общественности к текущим вопросам, поскольку они являются основным источником, к которому прибегает общественность для получения информации по всем политическим, культурным и социальным аспектам. В статье рассматриваются проблемы арабского медиадискурса и отношения между СМИ и их аудиторией, основанные на языке как эффективном средстве воздействия на адресата


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    The results of the study on the effect of antimony alloy anodic behavior AK12M2 alloy, in a neutral environment (at different concentrations - 0.03; 0.3 and 3.0% NaCl). It should be noted that in all cases, the corrosion potential of samples immersin into a solution after some time shifts in the positive direction and then stabilized. In this case, if the stabilization in undoped alloy corrosion potential is observed within 50 minutes, then in doped alloys it occurs twice as fast, within 25-30 minutes, indicating a relatively higher influence of antimony passivation additives


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    The article presents the results of studying the thermodynamic functions of silumin grade AK12M2. The temperature and cooling time dependences obtained during the experiment are described by the equations that are necessary for calculating the cooling rate of alloys. It is shown that as enthalpy increases, enthalpy, entropy, specific heat and heat transfer coefficient of alloy AK12M2 increase, and Gibbs energy decrease


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    Synchronic translation is the most complex of the types of interpretation, and this type of translation is performed using special equipment. It is a method of oral translation in which the speaker delivers the content of the speech continuously to the audience without the help of an interpreter. &nbsp

    Conceptual Problems of Synchronic Translation

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    Synchronic translation is the most complex of the types of interpretation, and this type of translation is performed using special equipment. It is a method of oral translation in which the speaker delivers the content of the speech continuously to the audience without the help of an interpreter. &nbsp

    Design of n-i-p and p-i-n Sb2Se3 solar cells: role of band alignment

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    Investigations into novel device architectures and interfaces that enhance charge transport and collection are necessary to increase the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of antimony selenide (Sb _2 Se _3 ) solar cells, which have shown great promise as a low-cost and high-efficiency alternative to conventional silicon-based solar cells. The current work uses device simulations to design p-i-n and n-i-p Sb _2 Se _3 -based solar cell structures. The n-i-p configuration is investigated by comparing distinct electron transport layer (ETL) materials to get the best performance. While certain ETL materials may yield higher efficiencies, the J–V curve may exhibit S-shaped behavior if there is a misalignment of the bands at the ETL/absorber interface. To address this issue, a proposed double ETL structure is introduced to achieve proper band alignment and conduction band offset for electron transport. A PCE of 20.15% was achieved utilizing (ZnO/ZnSe) as a double ETL and Spiro-OMeTAD as a hole transport layer (HTL). Further, the p-i-n configuration is designed by proposing a double HTL structure to facilitate hole transport and achieve a proper valence band offset. A double HTL consisting of (CuI/CuSCN) is used in conjunction with ETL-free configuration to achieve a PCE of 21.72%. The simulation study is conducted using the SCAPS-1D device simulator and is validated versus a previously fabricated cell based on the configuration FTO/CdS/Sb _2 Se _3 /Spiro-OMeTAD/Au