301 research outputs found

    Shape transition and collective excitations in neutron–rich 170-178Yb Nuclei

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    Energy levels, B(E2) values and potential energy surface for even-even 170-178Yb isotopes have been calculated using the IBM-1. The predicted energy levels, B(E2) values and intrinsic quadrupole moments Q0 results were reasonably consistent with the experimental data. The contour plot of the potential energy surfaces shows all interest nuclei were deformed and have rotational characters

    Role and Utility of Mixed Reality Technology in Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy: Outcomes of a Prospective RCT Using an Indigenously Developed Software

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop a software for mixed reality (MR) anatomical model creation and study its intraoperative clinical utility to facilitate laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After institutional review board approval, 47 patients were prospectively randomized for LPN into two groups: the control group (24 patients) underwent operation with an intraoperative ultrasound (US) control and the experimental group (23 patients) with smart glasses HoloLens 2 (Microsoft, Seattle, WA, USA). Our team has developed an open-source software package called “HLOIA,” utilization of which allowed to create and use during surgery the MR anatomical model of the kidney with its vascular pedicle and tumor. The study period extended from June 2020 to February 2021 where demographic, perioperative, and pathological data were collected for all qualifying patients. The objective was to assess the utility of a MR model during LPN and through a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire, completed by the surgeon, immediately after LPN. Patient characteristics were tested using the chi-square test for categorical variables and Student's t-test or Mann–Whitney test for continuous variables. RESULTS: Comparison of the variables between the groups revealed statistically significant differences only in the following parameters: the time for renal pedicle exposure and the time from the renal pedicle to the detection of tumor localization (p < 0.001), which were in favor of the experimental group. The surgeon's impression of the utility of the MR model by the proposed questionnaire demonstrated high scores in all statements. CONCLUSIONS: Developed open-source software “HLOIA” allowed to create the mixed reality anatomical model by operating urologist which is when used with smart glasses has shown improvement in terms of time for renal pedicle exposure and time for renal tumor identification without compromising safety

    Quadrature formula for evaluating left bounded Hadamard type hypersingular integrals

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    Left semi-bounded Hadamard type Hypersingular integral (HSI) of the form H(h,x)=1/π1+x/1-x λ-1∗∗1 1-t/1+t h(t)(t-x)2dt,x∈(-1.1), Where h(t) is a smooth function is considered. The automatic quadrature scheme (AQS) is constructed by approximating the density function h(t) by the truncated Chebyshev polynomials of the fourth kind. Numerical results revealed that the proposed AQS is highly accurate when h(t) is choosing to be the polynomial and rational functions. The results are in line with the theoretical findings

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in a Patient with Mainz Pouch II Urinary Diversion: A Case Report

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    ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the strain sensitivity of silicon with deep levels under variable pressure. It is shown that in the pressure swing in silicon with deep levels, there is a redistribution of the primary spatial inhomogeneities in the distribution of impurities so that the electron-hole relaxation after stress relief will occur in the new potential relief. ABSTRAK: Kajian ini membincangkan tentang sensitiviti kepekaan strain silikon pada pelbagai tahap dalam tekanan. Keputusan menunjukkan terdapat ketidakharmonian agihan pada spasial utama dalam agihan kotoran dengan ayunan tekanan dalam silikon pada tahap dalam, supaya relaksasi lubang-elektron setelah pelepasan tekanan akan berlaku dalam pelepasan potensi baru