48 research outputs found

    Aspects of ecology of Owena reservoirs: implication on fish production

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    The article gives physical description of Owana reservoir, Nigeria. The reservoir was chemically and thermally stratified partial mixing of the water was observed during the rains. The concentration of major ions in the water showed distinct peculiarities. The captions (Na super(+), K super(+)Ca super(H),Ca super(Z), Mg super(++)) SO sub(4) super(2-) were relatively low. The water had high dissolved oxygen, it was acidic and also had low values of alkalinity, conductivity and total dissolved solids. About 61 plankton taxa belonging to 21 species were identified. The reservoir supports a commercial fishery of about fifteen fishermen with about fifteen species of fish caught daily with the aid of traps set and cast nets. Effective management of the lake will enhance fish productio

    Capital Structure and Industrial Performance in Nigeria (1999-2007)

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    The study examined the impact of capital structure on industrial performance in Nigeria. A study of five (5) quoted firms between 1999 2007 was considered. The study employs the use of panel data regression model. The variables used are debt financing, equity financing, debt – equity ratio as well as Profitability index which measure firms’ performance. The findings of the study showed a positive relationship between firms’ performance and equity financing and also a positive relationship between firms’ performance and debt-equity ratio. A negative relationship exists between firms’ performance and debt financing. This is due to high cost of borrowing in the country. In view of the stated fact, the study suggests better use of borrowed funds and emphasizes the importance of efficient management

    Manufacturing Capacity Utilization and Industrial Development in Nigeria: An Assessment (1976 – 2005)

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    This paper investigates the impact of manufacturing capacity utilization on industrial development in Nigeria during the period of 1976 – 2005. Manufacturing capacity utilization, value added and employment generation were regressed on index of industrial productivity (which served as the proxy for industrial development) using the co-integration and error correction mechanism as analytical tools. The time series properties of the variables were investigated by conducting a unit root test and further to the cointegration analysis. The econometric evidence confirms that there is a long run positive relationship between Manufacturing capacity utilization, value added and index of industrial productivity in Nigeria. It was recommended based on this relationship that as a result of the low capacity utilization experienced in Nigeria, the government should rectify the infrastructural inadequacies by revamping the nation’s deteriorated infrastructural facilitiesand encourage local sourcing of raw materials and the provision of intermediate products to improve the manufacturing value added andgenerate mass employment in Nigeria

    Exchange Rate Deregulation and Industrial Performance: An Assessment (1975 – 2006)

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    This paper investigated the impact of exchange rate deregulation on industrial performance in Nigeria. In this study, secondary data over the period 1975 – 2005 was used and the co-integration technique and chow breakpoint test were considered as analytical tools. The study found that a long-run relationship exists between the industrial productivity growth rate, ration of industrial production to gross domestic product, exchange rate, interest rate and terms of trade, and that exchange rate deregulation has significant impact on industrial performance. In order to determine the short term dynamics around the equilibrium relationship, the estimated an error correction model (ECM) and industrial productivity growth rate and contribution of industrial production to GDP lagged by one and two periods, exchange and interest rates emerged as significant determinant of industrial productivity growth rate in Nigeria. The result however suggests the importance, as well as the imperative for Nigeria to embark oncomprehensive exchange rate policy in order to accelerate and sustain industrial growth performance.Key Words: Exchange Rate, Deregulation, Industrial Performance, Cointegration, Error Correction Mechanism

    Global utilisation of cereals: sustainability and environmental issues

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    Over the years, cereals have been the major food consumed by humans and have also been used in animal diet and therefore highly commendable for playing a major role in the preservation of human race. Studies have shown that half of the total percentage of calories consumed in the world is from cereals while it is also the most traded agricultural crop at the international market. This motivates the need to assess its utilisation in the past, present and future. This review shows that much driven by the use of cereals are factors like consumption and dietary pattern of a person or country, technological advancement in adding value to it, income status, market forces of demand and supply, level of affluence and policy. The trend in global cereals utilisation since its domestication has indicated an upward one with bulk of it being consumed as food in developing countries while majority of it goes into feeding livestock in developed countries. Evidence from this study also shows that the per capita utilisation of cereals directly for food is exceedingly great in developing countries than developed countries which is an indicator of malnutrition when not balance with other nutrients as it was observed in Bangladesh where calorie intake of an adult is about 90% from cereals. While there is a steady increase in global cereals utilisation due to its discovered industrial use as fuel, increased population and other factors, it will be expedient to focus on its sustainability and environmental issues that are likely to come up as a limitation to meet future demands

    Capital Structure and Industrial Performance in Nigeria (1999-2007)

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    The study examined the impact of capital structure on industrial performance in Nigeria. A study of five (5) quoted firms between 1999 2007 was considered. The study employs the use of panel data regression model. The variables used are debt financing, equity financing, debt – equity ratio as well as Profitability index which measure firms’ performance. The findings of the study showed a positive relationship between firms’ performance and equity financing and also a positive relationship between firms’ performance and debt-equity ratio. A negative relationship exists between firms’ performance and debt financing. This is due to high cost of borrowing in the country. In view of the stated fact, the study suggests better use of borrowed funds and emphasizes the importance of efficient management

    Contribution of locust bean seed processing to the household of Rural Women in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to assess the contribution of locust bean seed processing to the household of rural women in Oyo State Nigeria. Means of livelihood, existing processing techniques, level of income, contribution of locust bean and constraints hindering locust bean processing by women in the study area were examined. Multi stage sampling technique was used to select 12l women processors as respondents. Questionnaires were administered to the sampled respondents of which 120 were retrieved. The data were subjected to descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean) and inferential statistics. The results revealed that 33.3%% of processors were between the ages of 51 years and above. Majority (76.7%) of the respondents relied on locust bean processing as means of livelihood. All the respondents used traditional method of processing. The result revealed that there is no significant (p>0.05) relationship between the selected socioeconomic characteristic variables and contributions of locust bean seed processing. The result also showed positive and significant (p<0.05) relationship between livelihood income, perceived constraints and contributions of locust bean seed processing to the household of rural women. Difficult in locust bean processing (35.8%), scarcity of water/flowing river (18.3%) and inadequate capital (11.7%) were reported as most important constraints to locust lean processing in the study area. It was concluded that locust bean processing has the potential to improve the processors’ household economy thus allowing agricultural development and sustainability provided the constraints are adequately addressed.Keywords: Locust bean, Processing, Rural Women, Oyo State, Livelihoo

    Contribution of palm oil processing enterprise to household welfare in Odigbo Local Government Area Ondo State Nigeria

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    This study was carried out in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo state to assess the contribution of palm oil processing enterprise to household welfare. A multistage sampling procedure was used for sample selection with a 30% purposive selection of wards from 11 wards in Odigbo LGA. Random sampling wasused to select 50% of palm oil processors from 240 processors from 10 communities in the 3 selected wards respectively making a total of 120 respondents. A well-structured questionnaire was used for data collection and data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents (66.7%) were male, majority of respondents (38.3%) within the age range of 31 and 40, and 82.5% were married. Based on the findings, the result revealed that respondents’ involvement in palm oil enterprise does not correlate with household welfare (r = 0.390, p>0.05). The result further revealed that other livelihood activities have correlation with household welfare (r = 0.263, p<0.05). In conclusion, most of the respondents diversified into other livelihood activities which are invariably responsible for their household welfare. Also paucity of funds and credit facility were major challenges encountered by the processors. Therefore, the input of extension services is needed to motivate and encourage the palm oil entrepreneurs to visit relevant research institutes for latest innovation on processing methods and they should also be assisted in sourcing credits facility from relevant agencies to improve their production for better welfare system.Keywords: Contribution, Palm-oil, Enterprise, Household, Welfar

    Analysis of profitability and operational efficiencies of fresh tomato marketing: empirical evidence from Oyo State Nigeria

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    Although marketing is considered a very important aspect of agricultural production, it has been a neglected aspect of agricultural development plans and this has led to a situation where marketers of fresh tomatoes are not able to track their level of profitability and which invariably makes it difficult to attract prospective investor to the business. This study examines empirically profitability and operational efficiencies of fresh tomato marketing in South Western Nigeria. The study employed primary data using structured questionnaires to collect information from 100 randomly selected fresh tomato marketers in the study area. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics; gross margin and marketing efficiency analytical techniques. The result of the analysis revealed that for every ₦100 invested in fresh tomato trading in the study area, wholesalers, retailers and wholesalers/retailerrealized profit of ₦28.00, ₦18.00 and ₦ 258.00 respectively while the average operational efficiencies of wholesalers, retailers and wholesalers/retailer are 60.85%, 74.00% and 80.50% respectively. These positive and size of profits obtained for each fresh tomato marketing institutions is an indication that these institutions were able to recover their operating expenses; hence, marketing fresh tomato in the study area isprofitable and efficient

    Climate change adaptation through conservation agriculture: evidence from smallholder farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    This study identifies the factors influencing the adoption of CA among smallholder farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. To determine the factors influencing the adoption of CA among smallholder farmers, Tobit regression model was used. From the regression results, minimum tillage, crop rotation, mulching, cost of planting materials, cost of equipment’s are all positively significant at 1% and a unit increase in them will increase the adoption of CA practices in the study area. The primary occupation of the respondents is positively significant at 5% and a unit increase in primary occupation of the respondentsincreases the rate of adopting CA practices by 0.0570868. Age of the respondents is negatively significant at 10% and this implies that a unit increase in age decreases the rate of adopting CA by 0.0018808. Also, household size is positively significant at 10% and a unit increase in households’ size increase the level of adoption of conservation agriculture by 0.0079891. This paper therefore recommends that policies addressing the 3 core principles of CA practices (minimum tillage, crop rotation and mulching) should be re-emphasized so as to improve the food production involve in agricultural value chain activities. Young ones should be encouraged to involve in farming practices especially CA activities. And lastly, cost of equipment and planting materials should be subsidized for farmers so as to foster improved farming, increased food production and hence aid commercialization among smallholder farmers.Keywords: Conservation agriculture, agricultural value chain and smallholder farmer