Contribution of palm oil processing enterprise to household welfare in Odigbo Local Government Area Ondo State Nigeria


This study was carried out in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo state to assess the contribution of palm oil processing enterprise to household welfare. A multistage sampling procedure was used for sample selection with a 30% purposive selection of wards from 11 wards in Odigbo LGA. Random sampling wasused to select 50% of palm oil processors from 240 processors from 10 communities in the 3 selected wards respectively making a total of 120 respondents. A well-structured questionnaire was used for data collection and data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents (66.7%) were male, majority of respondents (38.3%) within the age range of 31 and 40, and 82.5% were married. Based on the findings, the result revealed that respondents’ involvement in palm oil enterprise does not correlate with household welfare (r = 0.390, p>0.05). The result further revealed that other livelihood activities have correlation with household welfare (r = 0.263, p<0.05). In conclusion, most of the respondents diversified into other livelihood activities which are invariably responsible for their household welfare. Also paucity of funds and credit facility were major challenges encountered by the processors. Therefore, the input of extension services is needed to motivate and encourage the palm oil entrepreneurs to visit relevant research institutes for latest innovation on processing methods and they should also be assisted in sourcing credits facility from relevant agencies to improve their production for better welfare system.Keywords: Contribution, Palm-oil, Enterprise, Household, Welfar

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