1,735 research outputs found


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    Single-plant starvation and paired-plant starvation tests were performed on adult Neochetina eichhorniae to determine the feeding specificity of the insect on the following plants: Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Hymphaea lotus, Ceratopteris sp, Azolla species, Colocasia esculentus, Vigna sinensis, Talium triangulare, Capsicum annum and Lycopesicom esculentus.The feeding spots of N.     eichhorniae on the different plants were assessed and counted using a hand-counter.  N. eichhorniae adults fed on E. crassipes only, confirming the feeding specificity of the N. eichhorniae to E. crassipes and the safety of other plants growing in the habitat

    Stabilization of Laterite Soil with Eggshell Powder and Sodium Silicate used as fill Material in Road Construction

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    The investigation carried out in this paper was to evaluate the effect of eggshell powder and sodium silicate as stabilizers to laterite soil used as fill material for the purpose of constructing light traffic pavement. The laterite soil used in this study was collected from Ikorodu North Local Government Area in Lagos State, Nigeria and treated with eggshell powder (ESP) and sodium silicate (SS) blend in stepped concentrations of 3% ESP + 2% SS, 6% ESP + 4% SS, 9% ESP + 6% SS, 12% ESP + 8% SS and 15% ESP + 10% SS by dry weight of the soil. Results from the tests carried out showed a general improvement on the engineering properties of the laterite treated with ESP and SS blend. Optimum California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests results for un-soaked and soaked samples were recorded as 51% and 22% at 12% ESP + 8%SS content. Peak Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) values of 355 KN/m2 and 570 KN/m2 were recorded at 7- and 28-days curing periods respectively at an optimum blend of 12% ESP + 8%SS content.  From the results obtained in this research, an optimum blend of 12% ESP and 8% SS using the West African Standard (WAS) compactive effort can be used to stabilize laterite soil material for use as fill material for the construction of light traffic roads. An advantage of applying the ESP is the decrease in the deleterious environmental impact of eggshell waste

    Isolation of viruses responsible for the demise of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom in the English Channel

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    This study used analytical flow cytometry (AFC) to monitor the abundance of phytoplankton, coccoliths, bacteria and viruses in a transect that crossed a high reflectance area in the western English Channel. The high reflectance area, observed by satellite, was caused by the demise of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom. Water samples were collected from depth profiles at four stations, one station outside and three stations inside the high reflectance area. Plots of transect data revealed very obvious differences between Station 1, outside, and Stations 2–4, inside the high reflectance area. Inside, concentrations of viruses were higher; E. huxleyi cells were lower; coccoliths were higher; bacteria were higher and virus:bacteria ratio was lower than at Station 1, outside the high reflectance area. This data can simply be interpreted as virus-induced lysis of E. huxleyi cells in the bloom causing large concentrations of coccoliths to detach, resulting in the high reflectance observed by satellite imagery. This interpretation was supported by the isolation of two viruses, EhV84 and EhV86, from the high reflectance area that lysed cultures of E. huxleyi host strain CCMP1516. Basic characterization revealed that they were lytic viruses approximately 170 nm–190 nm in diameter with an icosahedral symmetry. Taken together, transect and isolation data suggest that viruses were the major contributor to the demise of the E. huxleyi population in the high reflectance area. Close coupling between microalgae, bacteria and viruses contributed to a large organic carbon input. Consequent cycling influenced the succession of an E. huxleyi-dominated population to a more characteristic mixed summer phytoplankton community


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    Nigeria has been experiencing a biting economic recession, recording negative GDP growth rates in several quarters consecutively. The current economic recession has been attribu.ed to poor economic planning by the past government, wastages, corruption, lack of policy direction, among other causes. The fact that the current recession is also accompanied by inflation has made it a very difficult situation to tackle. This paper has argued the potency of Agribusiness as an antidote to Nigeria's economic recession. Agribusiness has the capacity to absorb a large percentage of the unemployed and the underemployed, leading to increased growth, a prerequisite for exiting recession

    A Stable and Consistent Finite Difference Scheme for a Time-Dependent Schrodinger Wave Equation in a Finitely Low Potential Well

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    In this paper, we present a stable and consistent criterion to an explicit finite difference scheme for a time-dependent Schrodinger wave equation. This paper is a departure from the well-established time independent Schrodinger Wave Equation (SWE). We do this for a particular case of a finitely low potential wel


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    The nematicidal potential of extracts of Azadirachta indica (neem) leaves and Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass) on root-knot nematodes infecting sweet potato was evaluated between the months of June and November, 2012 at the Botanical Nursery of the University of Jos. The root-knot nematodes were obtained from galled roots of tomato and potato in Jos farms. A total of forty (40) sweet potato cultivar TIS 87/0087 were raised in steam-sterilized soil in clay pots and used for the study. Thirty (30) of the test plants were inoculated with 2250 juveniles of root-knot nematodes each while 10 were not inoculated serving as positive control. Ten of the inoculated plants were treated with extracts of neem leaves, 10 were treated with extracts of lemon grass while 10 were not treated, they served as negative control. Growth and yield parameters were then measured from 42 days after planting to 120 DAP using agronomic traits as a measure of growth and yield. Growth and yield parameters such as number of leaves, length of vines, number of tubers, weight of tubers etc were highest in the positive control, followed by sweet potato infected with nematodes and treated with lemon grass extract, then those treated with Neem leaves extract while those not treated with extract had the least growth and yield. Statistical analysis showed that the positive control produced significantly higher (PË‚ 0.05) growth and yield parameters than all the other treatments. Infected plants treated with the extracts were also found to have significantly higher growth and yield parameters than the plants that were infected but not treated with extracts (negative control) at 0.05 level of probability. Number of galls was highest among the plants from the negative control, followed by plants treated with lemon grass extracts. The findings indicated that extracts of Lemon grass and Neem leaves improved growth and yield data of nematodes infected sweet potato and thus could be utilized in the control of root-knot nematodes in garden

    Multilevel Regression Analysis of Age at First Birth

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    Knowledge about the factors associated with age at first birth plays a major role in controlling the rate of population growth. This paper presents Hierarchical Linear Modeling known for its robustness not only in dealing with hierarchical data structure but also in its ability to explain the effects of the shared variances present in the study on the variable of interest.  Data from 2013 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS), collected via a hierarchically clustered sampling scheme were used. It investigated the factors that were thought to be associated with variation in age at first birth among Nigerian women were investigated. The model provided parameter estimates as well as estimates of the random effects variances at all the levels. It was observed that the average age at which a Nigerian woman gives birth to her first child without considering any factor effect is 19 years which is a teenage year. 22% and 18% in the variation of ages at first birth resides in the differences in the states and zones in the country

    Preliminary experience in the management of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Aspiration of tracheobronchial foreign bodies commonly affects young children, is potentially life threatening and requires early intervention for extraction. Access to facilities and skill manpower for bronchoscopic extraction is however limited in Nigeria. The aim of this study is to describe the experience in our institution with bronchoscopic removal of tracheobronchial foreign bodies and highlight the challenges encountered. This is a retrospective study of all patients referred to the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital with a diagnosis of tracheobronchial foreign body within the period of February 2008 and February 2013. Data extracted from the medical records were age, sex, time interval between aspiration and presentation, location of tracheobronchial foreign body, bronchoscopic technique, complications and outcome. A total of 24 patients were referred and confirmed at bronchoscopy to have tracheobronchial foreign bodies. Mean age was 6.6 + 5 years. Male to female ratio was 1:1. Delayed presentation was common with 22 patients (91.7%) presenting more than 24 hours after aspiration. Aspirated material was inorganic in 17 patients (70.8%) and organic in 7 patients (29.2%). Location of tracheobronchial foreign bodies was right main bronchus in 16 patients (66.7%), left main bronchus in 6 patients (25%) and the trachea in 2 patients (8.3%). Challenges to speedy and safe removal of the foreign bodies were delayed presentation and a limited range of bronchoscopic equipment early in the series which caused prolonged procedures and increased complications. Two mortalities occurred early in the series; one from airway obstruction and the other from respiratory failure caused by tracheobronchial oedema. Extraction of tracheobronchial foreign bodies was faster, more complete and safer later in the series due to a wider range of bronchoscopy equipment which included both flexible and rigid videobronchoscopy with the use of optical forceps. This preliminary experience suggests that an adequate armamentarium of bronchoscopy equipment is required to increase the chances of complete extraction, speed up the procedure and reduce the risk of complications of Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies in our environment. Delayed presentation increases the difficulty of the procedure so earlier referral of these patients would help reduce the risk involved in  their management.Key words: Bronchoscopy, Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies, Lagos, Nigeri

    Support for sustainable finance and investment in Europe

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    Sustainable finance and investment has become an important factor in achieving environmental sustainability. Evidence also suggests it has become more prominent in the global financial system. Although academic interest has increased in recent years, most prior studies have investigated support for sustainable finance within corporate environments. Studies examining the support of individuals, or the wider public, are scarce. Consequently, using a Eurobarometer survey of 27,862 Europeans across all 27 EU countries, this study explores support for sustainable finance among people in Europe. We used a nested fixed effects model – with two levels – to examine the influence of sociodemographic factors, knowledge of sustainable finance, and a country's progress towards attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our results show that sociodemographic factors are the most influential predictors of support for sustainable finance. We found that age, gender and living in rural/urban areas all influenced people's support for sustainable finance. Meanwhile, the influence of sustainable finance knowledge and SDG progress were either negligible or negative

    Conjugate Gradient Method Approach to Multi-Channel Queuing Theory

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    In this paper we examine the application of the classical conjugate gradient method to queue theory. The parameters of the symmetric definite positive linear operator of a quadratic cost functional were obtained from the various characteristic features of a multi-channel queue system. The outcome was tested with numerical values and a comparison was made for systems with two, three and four service points. The numerical computations were carried out in a Maple 14 environment. The results obtained validate previous work done with a single-channel syste
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