59 research outputs found

    A study concerning piano works of Debussy (I)

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    The piano works of Claude Achille Debussy (1862-1918) as well as the works of Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt constitute an important repertoire for the pianists. What is common among their works would be that they were composed in consideration for almost all the functions of pianos that had been improved by leaps and bounds since the latter half of the eighteenth century. Debussy is generally called an "impressionist" composer. As everyone knows, this word as well as "baroque" is a historical word of music borrowed from the history of art. Therefore, it is needless to say that having knowledge about impressionist painters is necessary in playing the piano works of Debussy. Then I wonder what kind of relationship there is between them. I wonder what it is like if there is a relationship. It is the purpose of this article to give a concrete consideration on the way of playing the piano, taking up his piano works in order to approach these tasks. Piano techniques were used to create a certain definite "form" to perfection with melody and vigor in the piano works of Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt whereas in those of Debussy, it can be said that they were used to show, so to speak, "impressionistic" expressive spirit, representing a world of sound whose "form" is vague. One of the great features is seen in the use of soft pedal


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    本学学生と母親を対象に風土に生きる三重の味100種類の料理に関する意識調査を行った。次のような結果が得られた。1)三重の味について「知っている」,「食べたことがある」,「調理したことがある」の料理数は学生より母親のほうがやや多く,両者ともそれぞれにおいて50種類以下であった。2)両者とも上位にあげた「知っている料理」は赤福,伊勢うどん,へんば餅で約9割以上と高い値を示していた。3)「食べたことがある料理」について学生は「知っている料理」と同じ料理をあげており,それは名物菓子であった。一方,母親は食事となる料理名を多くあげていた。4)「調理したことがある料理」について10位にあがった料理数は学生で16料理,母親は21料理であった。1位にあげた料理には学生は蛤の潮汁が2割,母親は筍ごはんが約4割あった。We surveyed the people\u27s awarenesses about 100 kinds of the locally traditional taste in Mie Prefecture among the junior college students and their mothers. Findings are as follows: 1) The number of the locally traditional taste which the samples knew, or used to eat, or used to cook were greater by mother-samples than by student-samples. However, the number of the cuisines known were less than 50% of all cuisines. 2) The cuisines best-known by both samples were "Akafuku", "Ise-Udon (noodle)", and "Hemba-mochi (rice cake)" was known by more than 90% of both samples. 3) The student-samples mentioned the cuisines as they knew, but all of them were well-known cakes, not cuisines, in Mie Prefecture. On the other hands, mother-samples mentioned the names of cuisines they had cooked. 4) The number of the cuisines which used to be cooked were 13 for student-samples and 16 for mother-samples. The names of the cooked cuisines were "Hamaguri-no-Ushio-Jiru", or "Clam soup" for 20% of student-samples and "Rice with Bamboo Shoot boiled and seasoned" for some 40% of mother-samples


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    短大(1年次)および大学生(3年次)を対象に,学生の食品重量の把握を目的に調査を行い,次の結果を得た。1)20食品の回答平均値のうち,掲示食品重量を下回っている食品は16食品,上回っている食品は4食品であった。これらの食品は水分量による影響と同結果であった。2)掲示食品重量と回答平均値との関係は比較的食品重量の少ない存在と掲示食品重量の多い存在およびその他の存在の3グループに分別できた。3)20食品の平均目測率については掲示食品重量の少ないものが過大評価し,掲示食品重量の多いものは過小評価している。4)自宅生と自炊生の平均目測率については住居状況による影響はみられなかった。5)自宅生と自炊生の平均誤差については米と乾燥椎茸に有意な差が認められた。これらの食品は水分量の10~15%の食品であった。6)食べ物に好き嫌いがない者は,掲示食品重量値に近い回答であった。今後は食品の目測や計量の機会を増やし,重量感覚を自分のものにするように指導してゆきたい。The eye-measurements of the foods\u27 weights are indispensable for the students major in Food and Nutrition study. Therefore, the practices for the eye-measurements of foods\u27 weights are assigned to our students. We studied the differences between their eye-measurements of foods\u27 weights and the real weights of foods. The findings were as follows; 1) Eye-measurements of 16 foods\u27 weights were lighter than the real weights of foods. Eye-measurements of 4 food\u27s weights were heavier than the real weights of foods. The mistaken measurements by the students were due to whether foods contained water in the foods. 2) The foods were classified in 3 categories as "Lighter Foods" such as vegetables, "Heavier Foods" such as meat and potato, and others for the practices of the eye-measurements. 3) All of the eye-measurements by the students were mistaken so that they overmeasured "Lighter Foods" and undermeasured "Heavier Foods." 4) The differences between the eye-measurements and real weights on rice and dry mushrooms were crystally clear between the students who cooked everyday for themselves and ones who never cooked by themselves at all. 5) The students who have no "likes and dislikes" for their foods measured the weights of foods correctly by their eye-measurements


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    We studied the cooking of "Sanma Sushi" (Jack Mackerel and rice) in kill area. The findings were as follows; 1) There have been two ways of cutting and cooking the fish, such as cutting from the stomach and cutting from the backbone. In Kii area, people cut and cook the fish mostly from the backbone. In Kumano area people cook the Sanma Sushi with Jack Mackerel in total, in other words with head and tail of the fish. 2) In Kumano area people ate the Jack Mackerels throughout a year. The volumes and frequency of eating the Jack Mackerels were so much higher than other areas. 3) In cooking of Sanma Sushi, people put seasoned rice on the flat fish meat and then rolled them in the from of Sushi by using a kind of flat sheet. 4) People in Kumano area used vinegar with sour oranges or small citrus fruits for making seasoned rice


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    調理教育の必要上から味覚識別テストの関係を把握することと正答率の高値であった甘味塩味による濃度テストを行い,次の結果を得た。1)味覚識別テストは甘味と塩味が90%以上と正答率が高値となった。2)食状況のアンケート調査結果では個食状況にだけ有意差がみられた。また,インスタント食品の使用状況と外食の頻度状況は週3~2日60%以上と高値となった。3)食嗜好のアンケート調査結果では甘いものやうまみのあるもの,ピリピリ辛いものは好き,やや好きが高値となり味覚識別テストでも,甘味,塩味は正答率が高値となった。4)甘味と塩味の濃度テストでは甘味は濃度が高いのと低いのは正答率が高値であった。しかし,塩味については濃度差による正答率の差はみられなかった。以上のことにより,味覚識別能力の向上は訓練や環境によって可能であると言われているので,今度は適切な指導を行ってゆく必要があると考える。The "tasting ability" for the cooking is indispensable for the students majoring and Nutritions Studies. Therefore, we tested their tasting abilities and got the following results. 1) The ratio of recognizing correctly the salty foods and sweet foods are more then 90 percent among the students. 2) In the survey on their dietary habits by the questionnaire, more than 60 percent of the students have been taking"ready-to-cook"foods in their homes and visiting the fast-food-restaurants without cooking themselves. 3) In the survey on their preferences for the foods by the questionnaire, they have preferred sweet, delicious, spicy foods and they have also had correct" tasting abilities" for salty and sweet foods. 4) In the survey on how the students could taste correctly the salty foods and sweet foods with their thicknesses of them, they could recognize the difference between the thick sweet foods and thin ones, but they could not recognize the difference between the thick salty foods and the thin ones

    三重の郷土食「てこねずし」 : 地域別による検討

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    「てこねずし」についてアンケート調査を行った結果,次の回答が得られた。1)調理するは約7割あり,家族の形態別は核家族の方がわずかに多かった。2)調理担当者の年齢は60才代が最も多く,次いで50才代であった。3)調理の頻度は志摩町が月2~3回が67.4%と最も多かった。4)材料比較は志摩町のごまが最も少なく,魚をつける調味料はさとう,酒,みりんを中心としたものであった。5)調理する機会は志摩町,阿児町が多く,烏羽市は少なかった。6)魚の種類は志摩町の8種類が最も多く,烏羽市の2種類が最も少なかった。These are responses to the questionnaire on "Tekone-zushi" 1) About 70% of the families living in the five districts surveyed cook "Tekone-zushi" and among them there are a little more nuclear families who cook it than larger families. 2) The people in their sixties cook it most often and the people in their fifties come next. 3) 67.4% of the families of Shima-cho cook it 2 ~ 3 times a month, which is the highest frequency. 4) About the ingredients, sesame is least used in Shima-cho. The seasoning sauce for dipping fish is mostly made of sugar, sake, and mirin (sweet rice wine for cooking). 5) The residents of Shima-cho have the most chance to cook it and Ago-cho comes next. In Toba City they have a fewer chance. 6) About kinds of fish used for cooking "Tekone-zushi", eight kinds of fish are used in Shima-cho, which is the most kinds contrary to two kinds in Toba City

    ミエケン イガ チイキ ニ デンショウ サレル ナスビマツリ ノ シンセン

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    I made a survey of Nasubi-matsuri" or "Eggplant Festival" of Kasuga Shrine in Nishiyama area, Iga by asking the local people about the festival. The results are asfollows;1) The food and the wine offered to the gods or the "Eggplant Festival" were consisted of raw food and "Jukusen". The former includes eggplants grown "in twins", rice,the other vegetables, fruit, salt and liquor, and the latter includes eggplants cooked in miso soup, "Kyo", and "Shitogi".2) All of the ingredients of raw food and "Jukusen". were collected and cooked by `the local people who are helped by the gods. \u273) Those people gathered at the Shinto shrine to eat "eggplants in miso soup". "Kyo", and "Shitogi" as a feast.


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    こんにゃくの嗜好,調理頻度が現在どのような状況にあるのか調査し,次の結果が得られた。1)高校生,短大生ともにこんにゃく料理は「好き」と判断できた。2)摂取頻度は「月1~3回」が高校生62.3%,短大生74.3%が最も多く常食しているとは言い難い結果であった。3)摂取されやすい料理は,高校生,短大生ともに上位3位は同じで「煮物」「おでん」「すき焼き」であった。4)摂取する主な目的は「好きだから」が高校生56.2%,短大生70.9%を示した。5)知名度が高い商品の種類は「糸こんにゃく」「板こんにゃく」であった。また,よく摂取されている種類も同じであった。6)新製品とされる「こんにゃくゼリー」は高校生,短大生ともに知名度が約100%と高く,摂取もされていた。We surveyed the preference and cooking frequency of Konjak (devil\u27s tongue) among the youths. Findings are as follows : 1) Most of both high-school and junior-college students prefer to eat Konjak in their meals. 2) The eating frequencies of Konjak were once or three times per month for 62.3% of high-school students and 74.3% of junior-college students. 3) The best three cuisines using Konjak werw Nimono, Oden (both cuisines were boiled and seasoned) and Sukiyaki. 4) 56.2% of high-school students and 70.9% of junior-college students liked to eat Konjak. 5) The original forms of Konjak were Ito-Konjak(noodle type)and Ita-Konjak (Tofu type). Both of them are very popular and well-known. 6) New product of "Konjak"- "Konjak-Jelly" were very well-known among them and all of both students knew the name and also experienced to eat them

    鈴鹿市における伝承食文化(第3報) : 国府地区・平野町の食文化

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