22 research outputs found

    Histology types of chest wall tumours: Fifteen year single center experience

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    Background/Objective: Chest wall tumours are not uncommon.They are regarded as malignant until otherwise proven.The objective of this study is to analyze the histological variants in our institution and compare same with relevant data available in the literature.Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective study of chest wall tumours at our institution(NCTCE, UNTH, Enugu, Nigeria), for a period of 15 years, spanning October, 2001 to September, 2015.The pathologic reports were retrieved from the hospital pathology archives and correlated with patients' copies in the hospital record.The lesions were classified as primary and secondary based on the clinical and radiological data as well as the histological reports.Results:A total of 158 chest wall tumours were identified in 158 patients with a mean age range of (45 +/- 6). The male to female ratio was  1:1.1(male = 74,46.84% and female =84, 53.16%). There were 81  primary chest wall tumours, out of which benign soft chest wall tumour was 50(61.73%) and malignant soft chest wall tumour was 13(16.05%).The benign bone and cartilage chest wall tumour accounted for 1(1.23%) and malignant component was 17(20.99%).The secondary chest wall tumours studied were 77, out of which 30(38.96%) were  invasive and 47(61.04%) were metastatic Conclusion:The commonest primary malignant chest wall tumour was malignant fibrous histocytoma while the most common secondary chest wall tumours seen in this study was mostly metastatic epithelial  neoplasms.Key words: chest wall,tumour,histology,malignant

    Effect of abattoir wastes on selected soil properties in Abakaliki and Ezzamgbo southeastern Nigeria

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    This research was conducted in 2015 and 2016 at Abakaliki and Ezzamgbo Southeasern Nigeria to evaluate the effect of abattoir wastes on soil properties in Abakaliki Southeastern Nigeria. Four replicate auger and core soil samples were collected as follwos: 1m-donkey = 1 m away from donkey abattoir waste dumpsite at Ezzamgbo; 10m-donkey = 10 m away from donkey abattoir waste dumpsite at Ezzamgbo; 1m-cow = 1 m away from cow abattoir waste dumpsite at Abakaliki and 10m-cow = 10 m away from donkey abattoir waste dumpsite at Abakaliki while non-dumpsite at Mile – 4, Ishieke was used as Control. The data obtained was analysed using analysis of variance based on CRD and difference between treatments means were dictated using F-LSD. The result obtained showed significant higher improvement in soil bulk density, total porosity, mean weight diameter, aggregate stability, pH, available P, total N, organic C, exchangeable bases & acidity, effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation in soil near abattoir sites than control. Generally, the order of improvement in soil properties studied was 1m-donkey > 1m-cow > 10m-donkey > 10m-cow. Also, the improvement of soil properties was higher in the second year of the study when compared to the first year of the study. From, the results we can understand that the improvement in soil properties is directly depended on the type of animal slaughter in an abattoir, that is why at distance of 1 m away from abattoir and 10 m away from abattoir, donkey abattoir showed higher improvement in soil properties when compared to cow abattoir.Therefore, the study recommended the use of abattoir wastes as soil amendment to increase soil productivity and as means of waste disposal and nutrient recycle.Keywords: Abattoir, Butcher, Improvement, Sanitation and Waste

    Study of fleet assignment problem using a hybrid technique based on Monte Carlo simulation and genetic algorithm

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    Fleet assignment problem (FAP) is the assignment of an aircraft model to each scheduled flight based on key operational variables such as cost, revenue, passenger travel demand and aircraft specifications. FAP is an important aspect of aircraft planning within an airline. While many developed economy have automated this planning task, developing economy such as Nigeria mainly depend on manpower to carry out this task. The aim of this paper is to solve a FAP using a hybrid technique based on the combination of Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The objective function is total cost and variation in aircraft models and passenger traffic associated with different scheduled flight were considered. MC simulation which was carried out based on the numerical approximation of normal distribution cumulative distribution function (cdf) was used to estimate the expected passenger spill rate, while genetic algorithm was used for the optimization. The result was found to be satisfactory, as optimal fleet plan was achieved in approximately fifteen seconds of program run time, as against not less than an hour usually spend using human effort to solve FAP. Also the optimized plan resulted to a thirty percent saving in comparison to the actual plan implemented by the airline. It is therefore recommended that MC-GA optimization technique should be considered as an alternative technique applicable for FAP optimization.Keywords: Fleet assignment, genetic algorithm Monte-Carlo simulation, optimizatio

    Effect of fermentation on the chemical composition of wheat (triticum aestivum) and maize (zea mays) flours and sensory evaluation of biscuits made from their flours

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    Background: Fermentation improves the nutritional value, acceptability and safety of foods. Objective: This study assessed the effect of fermentation on the chemical composition of wheat and maize flours and consumer acceptability of biscuits made from their flours. Methods: Fermentation of wheat and maize: Wheat and maize grains were sorted respectively and were divided into five parts of 200g each. They were labelled as W ,W ,W ,W and W for wheat and M ,M M ,M and M for 0 1 2 3 4 0 1, 2 3 4 maize samples. Each sample was washed with tap water three times. W and M were not fermented while W ,W ,W 0 0 1 2 3 and W and M M ,M and M were soaked in 500mls of water in a bowl and were fermented for 24 hours, 48 hours, 4 1, 2 3 4 72 hours and 96 hours respectively. The flour of each sample was used for baking biscuits. Proximate, mineral and vitamin content of the flour samples and the sensory properties of the biscuits produced from their flour were evaluated using standard analytical methods. One way analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test were used to separate the means among the samples. Result: The highest ash (2.14%), crude fibre (2.03%) and fat (4.24%) values were observed in sample M . Sample 0 M , W and W had the highest moisture (9.67%), protein (11.62%) and carbohydrate (77.89%) values respectively. 4 4 0 Sample M had the highest magnesium (35.62mg), potassium (162.59mg) and sodium (13.79mg) values, M had 0 1 the highest iron (0.76mg) content while the highest calcium (18.77mg) zinc (0.75mg) and phosphorus (132.59mg) values were observed in sample W . The highest vitamin B (0.59mg), vitamin B (0.24mg), vitamin A (18.76μg) 0 1 3 and folic acid (41.64mg) were observed in sample M while the highest vitamin B (0.04mg) value was found in 0 2 both sample M and sample M Sample W had the highest vitamin C (6.36mg) and vitamin B (1.87mg) content. 0 1. 0 6 There was no significant(p>0.05) difference in the acceptability of the biscuit samples. However, the taste, aroma,texture and general acceptability of the biscuits produced from all the samples had appreciable ratings. Conclusion: Fermentation improved the nutritional quality of cereals while biscuits produced from fermented cereals were generally acceptable

    Carburization-based optimization of AISI 8620 steel using rice husks and charcoal as carburizers

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    This study was centered on improving the mechanical properties of AISI 8620 steel using the carburization technique. The failure in service conditions of many steel components such as cams, gears, and shafts necessitated the research as it demands that they possess both high wear-resistant surfaces and tough shock-resistant cores. Standard test samples prepared from the steel material were subjected to a pack carburization process using rice husk and charcoal as carburizers, and the energizer – calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) at temperatures of 800, 850, 900, and 950 °C, and held for 60, 90, and 120 minutes. The samples were quenched in water and tempered at 500 °C for 60 minutes. After the pack hardening process, the test samples were subjected to tensile, impact, and hardness tests. From the data obtained, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), Hardness, Young’s Modulus, engineering strain, and impact strength were calculated. The case and core hardness of the carburized samples were noted, and an optical microscope was used to observe the microstructural features of the case-hardened, quenched, and tempered samples. The responses (mechanical properties of steel) were optimized using response surface methodology to obtain the optimum carburizing conditions-temperature and holding time. Results showed that the sample’s microhardness core and microhardness case increased from 253 to 327 HV and from 243 to 339 HV as the holding time increased from 60 to 120 minutes, indicating an appreciable increase in the mechanical property of the samples. The optimum carburizing conditions were at a temperature of 885 °C and a holding time of 120 minutes. Hence, the carburization of AISI 8620 steel using rice husk and charcoal as carburizers improved the steel material’s case, core, and mechanical properties

    Estimation of global solar radiation using empirical models

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    The dearth of solar radiation data availability has necessitated the development of several mathematical models for estimating global solar radiation (GSR) of regions using the readily available meteorological data of the region. This study was centered on estimating the GSR of the Ihiala region in Sub-Saharan Africa using empirical models. For the last ten years, meteorological data from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) were used. The sunshine-based equation, temperature-based equation, and multivariate polynomial equations were the empirical models employed to estimate the GSR of the region. The performance of the seven models was determined using statistical measures. From the results obtained, the seven models had their respective P-values all less than 5 % significant level for a confidence interval of 95 %. Thereby attesting their suitability for GSR estimation of the region is needed. Also, from the other statistical tools employed, the considered multivariate model had better estimation performance than the other models. Therefore, the considered multivariate model is suitable for estimating the GSR of the Ihiala region in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Combating Environmental Irresponsibility of TNCs in Africa: An Empirical Analysis

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    Environmental irresponsibility is one of the most prominent issues confronting host communities of transnational corporations (TNCs) engaged in the production of economic goods and, sometimes, services. Drawing mainly on stakeholder theory, combined with legitimacy theory, this article addresses how host communities in Africa combat the challenge of environmental irresponsibility of TNCs. To illustrate the dimensions and dynamics of the challenge, this paper examines the experience of despoliation of Ogoniland by the oil giant Shell in Nigeria. The analysis draws attention to the significance of the role of individuals and civil society groups in securing accountability of one of the most formidable fronts of economic globalisation. The analysis is particularly relevant to the experience of environmental irresponsibility in the context of weak governance structures

    Humanizing our global order : essays in honour of Ivan L. Head

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    Collection of essays written in honour of former IDRC president Ivan L. Hea

    The Pattern of Hysterosalpingographic Findings in Women Being Investigated for Infertility in Nnewi, Nigeria

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    Background: Tubal occlusion is the commonest cause of female infertility in the developing societies. Hysterosalpingography remains a vital method of assessing tubal patency especially in resource limited settings such as ours. Objective: To review the pattern of hysterosalpingographic findings among women being investigated for infertility in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, Nigeria over a period of five years (2001- 2005). Method: The data obtained from the request forms and radiologists' reports were analyzed using SPSS version 11. The level of statistical significance was set at