184 research outputs found

    Women Education and Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria

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    The paper focuses on the role of women education in ensuring sustainable economic development in Nigeria. The paper relied on the use of secondary source of data collection for data analysis. As such, qualitative method of data analysis was employed. The concept of womanhood was defined as well as the meaning of women education. The meaning of sustainable development was also highlighted. The factors that inhibit the education of women such as cultural beliefs, low self esteem among women and inadequate infrastructures were also highlighted. The role of women in ensuring sustainable economic development such as quality leadership, increase in GDP and reduction in dependency rate in the country were also identified. Ways of improving the education of women in the country such as provision of infrastructures, proper legislation and provision of education grant to female students were similarly suggested. It was therefore recommended that for women education to contribute to sustainable economic development in the country the government must make proper legislation to support women education and the various educational stakeholders must contribute immensely to the success of women education in the country. Key words: Women Education, Sustainable Development, Quality Leadership, Insecurity and Gender Equalit

    Sulphuric Acid Corrosion of Mild Steel in Leave Extracts of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Plant

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    Alkaloid and nonalkaloids extracts of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaves is reported as corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in HCl. Conventional weight loss measurements and Tafel polarization techniques are employed to study the effect on mild steel corrosion in H2SO4 solutions. The weight loss result revealed that both plant extracts are excellent corrosion inhibitors. Electrochemical polarization data revealed that mixed mode of inhibition. The increase in %IE with change in concentration of the extracts suggests the strong adsorption of active molecules leading to the formation of a protective layer on the mild steel surface.  It was found that adsorption of both leaf extracts followed Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. Keywords: Weight loss, Langmuir isotherm, activation energy, corrosion current density, inhibition efficiency, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius

    Strategic Information Access Tools for Dissemination of Information in Academic Libraries in a Digital Era in Nigeria.

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    This study examines strategic information access tools for dissemination of information in academic libraries in a digital era in Nigeria, using the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Library, Abia State, as a case study. The study was guided by four (4) specific research objectives. The descriptive survey design was adopted with a population of forty-six (46) library staff; comprising academic librarians, para-professional staff and library assistants. The complete census sampling technique was used due to the size of the population. A-4 point structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions was adopted to generate data for the study, and out of the forty-six (46) copies of the questionnaire distributed, 43 copies representing 96% were completed and retrieved with valid information. The data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics to determine the mean scores and frequency counts in accordance with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS Version 23). The criterion mean of 2.50 was used to ascertain the level of agreement or disagreement in each case. The finding reveals that strategic information access tools for dissemination of information in academic libraries in a digital era include: library catalogue, indexes, abstracts, bibliographies, Internet search engines, online databases/CD-ROMs, etc. It also reveals that strategic information access tools assist in the acquisition of information resources, the speed of disseminating information, promote accuracy in the dissemination of information, enhances effective management of information resources, and facilitates convenience in the dissemination of information. The findings also points out that inadequate trained staff to handle technical services, lack of current digital information access tools such as: OPAC, MARC 21, Dublin Core, etc., inadequate computers and related ICT facilities, epileptic power supply, poor Internet connectivity, etc. are the problems confronting strategic information access tools for dissemination of information. Based on the findings of this study, some measures such as: adequate training of staff on technical services, including ICT training on how to handle web-based access tools; provision of adequate funding to academic libraries, provision of adequate functional computers and related facilities, provision of effective internet connectivity, provision of constant power supply in academic libraries, etc., were recommended. Finally, this study concludes that academic libraries and librarians need to rise up to their responsibilities by ensuring that strategic information access tools are not only acquired but effectively put to use, through improved skills, in order to enhance timely dissemination of information to users

    Parasitaemia and haematological changes in malaria-infected refugees in South Africa

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    Background. Haematological changes associated with malaria are well recognised, but may vary with level of malaria endemicity and patient background, haemoglobinopathy, nutritional status, demographic factors and malaria immunity. Although malaria in South Africa (SA) has been reduced dramatically in endemic areas, little is known about the haematological changes associated with malaria infection among refugee populations who live in SA cities.Objective. To describe haematological alterations among malaria-infected refugees living in Durban, SA.Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2012 to July 2013 inclusive at a refugee centre in central Durban. Blood samples from 102 adult black African refugees were examined for infection with malaria parasites, and haematological profiles were compared with standard normal values.Results. Malaria infection was detected in 16 (15.7%) of the 102 participants. The mean haemoglobin (Hb) value was reduced (mean 9.2 g/dL) in the participants with malaria, who also had an extremely low mean packed cell volume (PCV) of 28.3%. The mean Hb value in the non-malaria-infected participants was normal (12.6 g/dL), and the mean PCV was slightly low (38.0%).Conclusions. Anaemia was more common among participants with malaria infection than among those who were uninfected. Other haematological changes were common in both infected and uninfected participants, suggesting that infections other than malaria, or other underlying factors that cause haematological alterations, may be present. This research needs to be expanded to include a large sample and other areas and infections

    Pattern of Blood Pressure Indices among the Residents of a Rural Community in South East Nigeria

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main causes of death in industrialized countries, and are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease in Nigerians, and the risk of CVD associated with hypertension is independent of other risk factors. Despite the high level of awareness of its presence in the developed countries, the level of control is still poor. CVDs tend to be commoner in urban settlements, and it has been hypothesized that rural sub-Saharan Africa is at an early stage of epidemiological transition from communicable to non-communicable diseases (NCD) because of the gradual adoption of unhealthy lifestyles. This study aimed at describing the pattern of blood pressure indices among the hypertensive residents of a rural community in South East Nigeria. A total of 858 individuals comprising 247 males and 611 females took part in the study. 46.4% of the subjects had hypertension. Hypertension was commoner in the males (50.2% vs. 44.8%) (χ2(1) = 1.484; P = 0.223). The males were significantly older and heavier than the females while the females had higher mean values of BMI and WC. The prevalence of hypertension is becoming alarmingly high in the rural communities of sub-Saharan Africa

    Performance of Fuel Electronic Injection Engine Systems

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    Electronic Fuel Injection systems are very important components in today’s automotive industry. Its use on modern engines allows manufactures to develop new engine designs while increasing engine efficiency and lowering fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions. EFI systems also increased engine reliability by providing a smooth start and run under most weather conditions. This paper presents the state-of-the-art of direct fuel injection in spark-ignition (SI) engines, the current technology to make possible its accomplishment, the characteristics of the engines using this system and a comparative experimental study between this system

    Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Middle-Aged and Elderly Population of a Nigerian Rural Community

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) causes of worldwide preventable morbidity and mortality. CVDs are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in developing countries, and rates are expected to rise over the next few decades. The prevalence of CVD risk factors is dramatically increasing in low-and middle-income African countries, particularly in urban areas. We carried out a cross-sectional population-based survey in Imezi-Owa, a rural community in South East Nigeria to estimate the prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in both men and women aged 40–70 years. A total of 858 individuals made up of 247 (28.8%) males and 611 (71.2%) females were recruited. The mean age of the subjects was 59.8 ± 9.9 years. The prevalence of the different cardiovascular risk factors among the 858 subjects was as follows: hypertension 398 (46.4%) subjects, generalized obesity as determined by BMI 257 (30%) subjects, abdominal obesity 266 (31%) subjects, dysglycaemia 38 (4.4%) subjects and hypercholesterolaemia 32 (3.7%) subjects. Prevalence of hypertension and dysglycaemia was higher in men while the others were higher in women. Only hypertension (P = .117) and hypercholesterolaemia (P = .183) did not reveal any significant association with gender. Prevalence of CVD risk factors was highest in subjects aged 65 to 70 years

    Knowledge and Management Practices Against Malaria in Isulo Community, Orumba South L.G.A Anambra State, Nigeria

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    A study to determine the knowledge of, and management practices against malaria among thepeople of Isulo community in Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria, wascarried out between April and June 2014. Structured questionnaires were issued to 500 individuals in thecommunity. Personal data including age, sex, educational status, marital status and occupation werecollected with the questionnaire. Educational attainment of the participants were Primary education100(20.0%), Secondary education 60(12.0%), tertiary education 45(9.0%), and non-formal education250(50.0%). All the respondents, 500(100%), were aware of the malaria disease. All the respondents,500(100%) mentioned body weakness, headache and fever as the common symptoms of alaria.480(96.0%) respondents attributed malaria to mosquito bites, 290(58.0%) attributed it to consumption oftoo much of oil, 320(64.0%) attributed it to drinking dirty water. On protective measures against mosquitobites, 500(100%) reported putting of nets on the windows and doors and 485(97.0%) believed on sprayinginsecticide inside houses and sleeping under insecticide-treated nets could prevent mosquito bites. Most ofthe respondents 490(98.0%) believed that malaria needs to be treated while 10(2.0%) said that it was adisease that heals on its own without treatment. Malaria treatment methods of the people included visit tohealth centres or hospital 410(82.0%), buying drugs from chemist shops 195(39.5%), visiting prayer andhealing homes 170(34.0%), use of herbs 415(83.0%), avoidance of oily foods 325(69.0%), self-medication165(33.0%) and no treatment 30(6.0%). There is need to empower them with information about the causesof malaria and proper management practices


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    Poverty and insecurity are twin recurrent issues in recent times for many countries in the world, especially Third World countries in Africa to which Nigeria belongs. Security is a pillar without which no meaningful development can be achieved and sustained. Nigeria, like most other Sub-Sahara Africa countries, is deeply embroiled in and facing multifaceted security challenges. The wave of insecurity in Nigeria has assumed a dangerous dimension that is threatening both the safety of environment for lives and properties and the conduct of business and economic activities thereby causing untold hardship and poverty. The poverty level in Nigeria is such that many people now live below the poverty line and has become a source of concern and subject of growing attention for both academics and policy makers. This paper, therefore, sought to find out if insecurity has a causative effect on the pauperization of the people of Owerri and vice versa with particular reference to recent happenings in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The survey research design, questionnaire and interviews as instruments of primary data collection and relative deprivation theory as framework were used for the study. Data were analysed with simple percentages while the chi-square was used to test the hypothesis. Secondary data from library research was utilized for analytical discussion. Research findings show that insecurity has both a cause and an effect relationship with poverty cum pauperization and the need to shun violence is recommended.  Article visualizations

    Effect of the Golden Liquid from Honeybees and Refined Granulated Sugar on the Blood Glucose and Serum Iron Levels of Albino Rats.

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    Honey is a naturally sweet substance produced by honeybees from water, pollen, and nectar. Due to its unique nutritional and therapeutic benefits, which are ascribed to the interaction of the various chemical groups it contains, natural honey is one of the most popular consumed products. Modern-day individuals consume a lot of refined granulated sugar, either directly through foods or indirectly from other sources. The consumption of large amounts of refined granulated sugar alters hematological and physiological changes in the body. According to several scientific studies, honey can be a healthier alternative to refined granulated sugar because it does not threaten human health. Consuming natural honey raises serum iron levels and red blood cell counts since it is known that the iron in honey serves as a precursor to hemoglobin. Overconsumption of refined granulated sugar has been identified as a risk factor for metabolic disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This study, therefore, investigated the effect of the golden liquid from honeybees (natural honey) and refined granulated sugar on the blood glucose and serum iron levels of 25 Wistar albino rats. The experimental animals used in this study were grouped into five treatments based on the dose of natural honey and refined granulated sugar administered namely: T1 (1.02 g of honey /kg BW), T2 (1.40g of honey /kg BW), T3 (1.02 g of refined granulated sugar /kg BW), T4 (1.40g of refined granulated sugar /kg BW), rats in T5 were not administered honey, and refined granulated sugar served as the control. The blood glucose concentration of the albino rats was measured using the glucose strips with a glucometer while the serum iron analysis was conducted using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The result revealed that the mean blood glucose level of the rats was highest in T3 (112.95mg/dl), followed by T5 (92.20mg/dl) while the least value was recorded in T2 (74.86mg/dl). There was a significant difference in the blood glucose levels of albino rats orally administered natural honey and refined granulated sugar at varying levels (P0.05) among treatments. It was found that the highest serum iron level was recorded in T5 (1.31±0.395 ppm) followed by T2 (1.22± 0.115 ppm), while the least serum iron level was recorded in T1 (0.88±1.319ppm). It was observed that there were no significant differences in the serum iron levels of the albino rats (p\u3e0.05) among treatments The use of natural honey is recommended since albino rats orally administered honey at varying doses had lower blood glucose levels than those given refined granulated sugar. This work will be a useful tool for understanding the role of honey over granulated sugars, especially among prediabetic and diabetic patients in order to control their sugar levels using diet as a source. This implies that the consumption of natural honey did not significantly increase blood glucose levels. It was therefore recommended that physicians and dietitians should advocate for natural honey use over refined granulated sugar which could be safe for consumption by diabetic patients