346 research outputs found

    The challenges facing road-side ‘m-Preneurs’ in leap-frogging the constraints of ICTs in DCs: A Nigerian case study

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    Studies have shown that the number of mobile telecommunications operators in Nigeria has been on the increase since the first Global System of Mobile Telecommunications (GSM) licence was granted to MTN (Mobile Telecommunications Network) in 2001. With the increase in mobile telecommunications operators also has come an unprecedented increase in subscriptions. According to the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) data, between 2001 and 2006 for instance, mobile telephone subscribers in Nigeria jumped from 266, 461 to 32.3 million indicating an increase of 12, 030.18 %

    Organizational Change As An Example Of Socio-Technical Design

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    This study focuses on Organizational Change as an example of Socio-Technical Design (STD). STD is an approach that aims to give equal weight to social and technical issues when new work systems are being designed [8]. It is widely acknowledged that implementing a socio-technical design approach leads to systems that are more acceptable by stakeholders during organizational change. Despite this, STD is not often used or not correctly practiced in organizations. Baxter and Sommerville noted that even though many managers realize that socio-technical issues are important, socio-technical design methods are rarely used [1]. The study data was derived from the preliminary work done on the case study in a telecommunication company adopting an Action Research (AR) approach. It is based on the researcher and participants' experience together with reflection, a collaboration between the researcher and the employees’. Action research in an organizational setting draws the researcher and the employees involved into a joint process aimed at solving organizational problems and creating new ideas. According to Schurman et al action research is a co-learning process, employees’ are involved in most aspects of the research and action, and the problems addressed are generated by the employees themselves and not theories by the researcher [2]. This study recommends that to realize the goals of organizational changes, the objective of socio-technical which has always been joint optimization of the social and technical systems should be observed. The technical system covering technology and the social system covering the individuals in the chosen boundary

    Tradern: a collaborative model for improving small business participation in electronic commerce in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    The inception of the Internet has brought with it Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) practices which have greatly transformed the ways firms conduct businesses globally. Internet-based E-Commerce, particularly business-to-business (B2B) holds the key for small businesses to compete on a level playing field with their big business counterparts. Unfortunately, however, there is considerable evidence to show that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries, particularly those in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), have not been reaping the benefits of this new commerce opportunity as their counterparts in North America and Europe. This chasm has given rise to another form of Digital Divide. This research has identified the major factors responsible for this state of affairs as the low level of participation by the SMEs in the SSA region in this global E-Commerce trade. SSA region has been identified as a region with the lowest level of economic, technological and Internet development in the world. There are 49 Countries in this region inhabited by over 633 million people representing about 10% of the world's population. They are characterised by a low income, low-levels of human resource development, as well as severe structural, social, political and economic weaknesses. All these have combined to make the region the poorest region in the world. It has been established that SMEs form the bedrock of every economy. There is also considerable evidence to suggest that the introduction of new technologies into organisations of all kinds and sizes has a major impact on the structure and functioning of the organizations. Furthermore, it has been established that B2B E-Commerce is contributing more to the global economy than all other forms of E-Commerce transactions. Equipping SMEs in developing countries, particularly those in SSA, by with emerging B2B technologies could help improve their growth potential which will invariably place them in a better position to contribute to the region's economic advancement. Existing models have failed in attracting large numbers of SMEs in the region, partly due to the prohibitive costs of these technologies which make them unaffordable by the poor SMEs. This research has identified that the issues of Trust as well as the problems associated with Fraud and Security also play a part in making E-Commerce unattractive to a lot of SMEs in SSA. Current theoretical frameworks have been extended by developing a new taxonomy showing the various components of E-Business where the distinctions between E-Commerce, E-Government, Tele-Medicine and E-Learning are clearly identified. This thesis seeks to find solutions to the identified problems by finding ways of attracting more SMEs in SSA to participate in the global E-Commerce endeavour. This is with a view to enabling them to leverage and maximise their E-Commerce potential, which in turn would help them exploit today's global E-Commerce opportunities. This will ultimately help them in contributing to the economic growth of the region. As a way of making E-Commerce attractive, affordable and profitable, an architectural model has been designed which, it is believed, would make the deployment and implementation of B2B E-Commerce more achievable for the poor SMEs in SSA. This model, known as Tradern Model, combines the trado-cultural and modern methods of conducting business. This combination would help SMEs deploying the technology to conduct their businesses using both methods without compromising their growth. Over and above everything else there is the benefit of a level-playing field which the SMEs in developing economies, like Africa, and particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, can capitalise on to leapfrog, improve and sustain their economic development and global e-business participation as a step towards bridging the digital divide

    An exploratory study of stigma and discrimination among people living with HIV/ AIDS in Abuja Municipal Area Council, Nigeria

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    This study examined the magnitude of HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methods to survey 100 PLWHA resident in AMAC-FCT. Participants were selected through a combination of twostage and systematic random sampling technique using a table of random numbers. A 40-item structured questionnaire adapted from the HIV Stigma Scale and a semi-structured focus group discussion (FGD) guide were used to collect data. Quantitative data were coded and entered SPSS statistical software. Frequency tables were generated, and data subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. Cross tabulations examined pattern of associations between respondent‘s characteristics while qualitative findings utilized content analysis along five specific themes to demonstrate the way HIV/AIDS stigma manifested among respondents. Participation was 100% and HIV/AIDS stigma prevalence was high at 67%, with mean age 33.01years (SD±5.94years) for respondents. Findings confirmed rejection of PLWHA by sexual partners, family members and friends, dismissal from work, decrease in the quality of health care services and sometimes outright denial of services. A high correlation was found between the scales and subscales of the HIV Stigma Scale with all correlation values reaching statistical significance (p =0.01). Regret for disclosure of status and ending social interaction by PLWHA was reported as consequences of disclosure and potential hindrance for disclosure which will encourage ongoing transmission of the virus. Our study provides evidence on stigma and discrimination of PLWHA in AMAC, FCT-Abuja in the face of limited evidence to drive HIV prevention interventions. Further studies should investigate other predictors and reasons for stigma and discrimination among this population. Keywords: Stigma, Discrimination, PLWHA, HIV/AIDs, AMAC, Abuja-FCTCette Ă©tude a examinĂ© l'ampleur de la stigmatisation et de la discrimination liĂ©es au VIH /SIDA parmi les personnes vivant avec le VIH / SIDA (PVVS) au sein du conseil rĂ©gional municipal d'Abuja (CRMA). Une Ă©tude transversale descriptive a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e Ă  l'aide des mĂ©thodes qualitatives et quantitatives pour interroger 100 PVVIH rĂ©sidant dans le CRMA. Les participants ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s en combinant une technique d'Ă©chantillonnage alĂ©atoire Ă  deux degrĂ©s et systĂ©matique Ă  l'aide d'un tableau de nombres alĂ©atoires. Un questionnaire structurĂ© de 40 questions, adaptĂ© de l‘Echelle de stigmatisation du VIH, et un guide de discussion Ă  groupe cible semi-structurĂ© (DGC) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour collecter des donnĂ©es. Les donnĂ©es quantitatives ont Ă©tĂ© codĂ©es et notĂ©es dans le logiciel statistique SPSS. Des tableaux de frĂ©quence ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s et les donnĂ©es soumises Ă  des statistiques descriptives et infĂ©rentielles. Les tableaux croisĂ©s ont examinĂ© la structure des associations entre les caractĂ©ristiques des interviewĂ©s, tandis que les rĂ©sultats qualitatifs se sont servis d‘une analyse du contenu selon cinq thĂšmes spĂ©cifiques pour dĂ©montrer la façon dont la stigmatisation du VIH / SIDA se manifestait parmi les interviewĂ©s. La participation Ă©tait de 100% et la prĂ©valence de stigmatisation du VIH / SIDA Ă©tait Ă©levĂ©e Ă  67%, l'Ăąge moyen Ă©tant de 33,01 ans (DS ± 5,94 ans) pour les interviewĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats ont confirmĂ© le rejet des PVVS par les partenaires sexuels, les membres de la famille et les amis, le licenciement au travail, la diminution de la qualitĂ© des services de soins de santĂ© et parfois le dĂ©ni total des services. Une corrĂ©lation Ă©levĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© remarquĂ©e entre les Ă©chelles et les sous-Ă©chelles de l'Ă©chelle de stigmatisation du VIH, toutes les valeurs de corrĂ©lation atteignant une signification statistique (p = 0,01). Les regrets concernant la divulgation du statut et la fin des interactions sociales des PVVS ont Ă©tĂ© signalĂ©s comme des consĂ©quences de la divulgation et un obstacle potentiel Ă  la divulgation, ce qui encouragerait la transmission continue du virus VIH. Notre Ă©tude fournit des preuves sur la stigmatisation et la discrimination des PVVS dans le CRMA-Abuja, face au manque de preuves permettant de conduire des interventions de prĂ©vention du VIH. Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires devraient examiner d'autres facteurs prĂ©dictifs et les raisons de la stigmatisation et de la discrimination au sein de cette population. Mots-clĂ©s: Stigmatisation, discrimination, PVVSH, VIH / SIDA, CRMA-Abuj


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    The goal of community development is the improvement of human well-being and the quality of life. This involves the eradication of poverty, and the fulfillment of basic needs of all people. Thus, it re- quires that governments apply active social and environmental policies and programmes that will ad- dress all this. federal centre for structural, physical and human development. The paper focuses on the League of Anambra Professionals, a body poised to catalyse the human capital in order to revolu- tionalise and re-engineer the contour and configuration of Anambra state so as to depend less on the federal centre. The paper, therefore, argues that, given the overarching and burgeoning responsibili- ties of the Nigeriañ€ℱs federal centre, it finds it difficult to allocate sufficient revenues for state and local governments. Thus, the need to create a fourth tier government that should embark on community development projects and programmes. The paper further argues that community development project is not the preserve of the federal government and/or the states. It is also expected that interest groups and organised professional bodies can offer assistance, hence, the synergistic interplay of the 'League of Anambra professionals' and the Anambra state government towards the development of the com- munities in Anambra state

    Psychological Factors Fostering and Affecting Marital Stability

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    When peaceful atmosphere is replaced with chaos in marriage, the consequences are usually grievous.  It results in marital instability, marriage separation, divorce or even death of the couple.  This has serious effects on the home, family, children of the marriage, society and the nation.  This paper is focused on Psychological factors that could foster marital stability. The paper explained the concept of marital stability, examined and discussed several factors that could be adopted to aid and enhance marital stability by couples.  It is stated that such factors as communication between spouses, intimacy, emotional bonding, commitment, affection, parental roles, spouse’s employment, job and sexual satisfactions as well as religious orientation are some of the factors that could affect or enhance marital stability.  Based on these, it is recommended that couples should ensure and cultivate the habit of effective marital communication, affection, intimacy etc to enhance their marital stability

    City By The Sea

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    This thesis investigates the current state of slums globally. The thesis argues that many of the hazardous environments of slums established is a product of the negative output devised by the current housing situation in said slum. The living quarters of residents within most slums exemplify how much the citizens are not able/willing to treat the area as a home. The lack of care and devices to help reduce the amount of pollution, resource scarcity, and overall damage to the environment can arguably be solved simply by redesigning the residential units within the region. By designing a new living unit for a particular slum, the goal is to demonstrate how the new implemented stratagem will not only provide better conditions for the residents of a household, but to also have the maximum impact on the environment that give the slum its notoriety. With the new design, I would devise a methodology in which to first actually produce the design, and implement it into the area that would seem most beneficial at the time to benefit the region in some way. This may include being able to raise funds within the area, provide jobs, etc. Then, provided it succeeds, use the test scenario as a showcase to everywhere alike

    Relevance of music in social stability and security challenges in Nigeria

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    In the wake of the current security challenges and social instability in Nigeria today, there is a great need to employ a broad range of measures in dealing with the situation. Since the social instability and insecurity in Nigeria seem to have resisted the police and military guns, a far-reaching solution must be sort to redress the current menace that is threatening the stability of Nigeria as a nation. Music is one of society’s weapons of offence and defence because it can be used to regulate human conduct. This paper explored the avenues of using music as a unifying force to institute lasting security and social stability that is devoid of ethnocentrism in a multi-ethnic country like Nigeria. This is hoped to be achieved through survey method and bibliography. A suggestion is made for music practitioners from various ethnic groups in Nigeria to produce music that possess universal appeal geared towards fostering peace and security in the country.Keywords: Music, Social stability, Security challenges Ethnocentrism and social contro

    To Remember Rightly: Memory as an Instrument of Nonviolent Resistance

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    In the post holocaust era, there has emerged an academic tradition amongst peace scholars that affirms an intimate connection between memory and the spectre of violence. However, there remains an air of ambiguity over the role of memory, whether socially or collectively constructed, in the course of social change. In light of this thematic conundrum, this paper will argue that memory can function as a moral agent of social change, depending on how it is construed in the process of resistance. Accordingly, by using the Civil Rights Movement as a central case study, it will attempt to show how the constructive use of memory can strengthen the struggle for justice and further appeal to the conscience of the oppressor. In this regard, the Civil Rights movement embodies a constructive use of memory insofar as collective memory was not used to incite hatred or dehumanise the oppressor, as is often the case with other violent revolutions, but rather as a platform to further the cause of oppressed, and as a reason for urgent, and radical change of the status quo. Furthermore by submerging the collective memory of the African American experience into a larger framework of American history, the Civil Rights Movement was able to anchor their demand for freedom and dignity on the US constitution. In the famous words in of King, “I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.” At the heart of this discourse is the theme of reconciliation embodied in the constructive use of memory in the process of social change. This paper will also briefly introduce ‘Ndubuisi’, an African (Igbo) philosophy of the respect for human life, which constitutes a part of nonviolent resistance and an essential part of my doctoral inquiry. This paper will draw from the vast body of literature on the Civil Rights movement, through a critical and comparative lens


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    Confronting terrorism has become one of the most important fundamentals of national governments foreign policies The fight against the scourge has increasingly and generally gained legitimacy and justification among the international community particularly as many nation-states consider it to be their international obligation to support the global movement to ameliorate if not to eliminate the menace The paper sets out to examine the causes of terrorism and its effects on Nigeria s foreign policy It argues that the escalating rate of terrorist acts demonstrated in varying dimensions is not unconnected with frustration caused by high rate of unemployment particularly among the youth The paper also emphasises that terrorist acts are employed by political elites to fight their political opponents and also to gain relevance and popularity in the political marke
