13 research outputs found

    RIO Country Report 2017: Slovak Republic

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    The R&I Observatory country report 2017 provides a brief analysis of the R&I system covering the economic context, main actors, funding trends & human resources, policies to address R&I challenges, and R&I in national and regional smart specialisation strategies. Data is from Eurostat, unless otherwise referenced and is correct as at January 2018. Data used from other international sources is also correct to that date. The report provides a state-of-play and analysis of the national level R&I system and its challenges, to support the European Semester.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    Smart Grid Projects in Europe - Lessons Learned and Current Developments

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    The main goal of this study is to collect a wide inventory of Smart Grid projects in Europe and use project data to support analysis on trends and developments. The report looks into several aspects of the Smart Grids landscape to describe the state of the art of their implementation, the emerging hallmarks of the new electricity system and the foreseeable developments. A key focus of the Report is to describe how Smart Grid projects address and respond to the EU energy policy challenges and to point out the main benefits and beneficiaries. Particular attention is devoted to identifying the most important obstacles to investments and the possible solutions that could help to overcome them. e-book attached. S.N.JRC.F.3-Energy securit

    Mapping of European transnational collaborative partnerships in higher education

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    This report aimed to map the existing transnational collaborative partnerships between higher education institutions in Europe. In doing so it surveyed representatives from such partnerships. Their responses provided interesting insights which are analysed in this report.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    Practical experience from using R5 learning environment to support teaching

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    Kehittämishankkeen tarkoituksena oli koestaa JAMK:n käyttämän R5-oppimisympäristön hyödyntämistä teoreettisen aiheen opettamisessa. Hankkeella kehitin sekä omaa osaamistani oppimisympäristöistä että keräsin käytännön kokemuksia hyödynnettäväksi muissakin yhteyksissä. Käytännön koestus tehtiin marras- joulukuussa 2006 JAMK:n Ohjelmistotuotanto-kurssilla tietojenkäsittelyn koulutusohjelmassa. Kurssin yhteydessä käytettiin monia R5:n toiminnallisuuksia ja samalla haettiin palautetta opiskelijoilta oppimisympäristön ja sen hyödyntämistapojen toimivuudesta. Hankkeen tuloksena muodostui käsitys R5:n teknisestä toimivuudesta, keskeisistäongelmista ja opiskelijoiden sekä opettajien henkilökohtaisista tuntemuksista verkko-opetuksen toteutuksestaR5:n avulla

    Approaches in Using MatML as a Common Language for Materials Data Exchange

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    Utilization of XML techniques is seen as a necessary step towards more powerful ways of incorporating semantics into data exchange used by heterogeneous systems. In this paper various techniques are studied and tried, such as XSL transformations (XSLT) and ways of extending the contents of XML Schemas, the final aim being in creating an understanding of the possibilities, and a roadmap that could possibly lead to some useful real-world applications. Based on a materials database an XML Schema is specified that defines the structure of an XML document capable of representing quite complex materials test data together with mandatory metadata. Some approaches are discussed and some of them implemented in prototypes to study the possibilities to comply with and use MatML in order to support sharing of experimentally measured materials data.JRC.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    The Web-Enabled Materials Database of the European Commission with its XML Related Data Entry Part and Integrated Analysis Tools to Support GEN IV Nuclear Power Plant Development

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    The development and verification of future GEN IV Reactor Systems is strongly related to materials data and correlated design codes. These systems are high temperature and/or corrosive media exposed. Expen-sive and extensive materials test programmes have to be launched because materials data which guarantee safe design does not yet exist for the selected materials. The costs of these extensive materials test programmes seem to be too high that they could be invested by one single GIF partner. Therefore a very important issue is data exchange between the partners to save costs and time. Within the web-enabled Mat-DB of JRC Petten an XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) related data entry part has been installed to ease exchange of experimental materials data. This XML structure will be presented in the following as an initiative to define an internationally agreed, standardised XML schema which can be integrated in the overall MatML schema. Furthermore integrated analysis routines are implemented in the Mat-DB data retrieval part. These tools allow extra- and interpolations to calculate strain limits which are the basis for calculating safety limits against creep failure. Those safety limits are necessary elements for establishing design codes of GEN IV Reactor Systems.JRC.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    Organisations dealing with R&I policies

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    Data available in the RIO content management system. Currently Organisations dealing with R&I policies in the member statesJRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    Research and Innovation Observatory dataset collection

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    The Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO) monitors and analyses research and innovation developments at country and EU levels to support better policy making in Europe. The Horizon2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) offers practical support to Member States and Associated Countries to design, implement and evaluate reforms that enhance the quality of their research and innovation investments, policies and systems. This data collection contains selected data sets from the RIO.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt