173 research outputs found

    Verification of historical eruptions of the Yatsugatake volcano, central Japan

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    This study involved a geological survey in the northern Yatsugatake area, central Japan, with the aim of identifying historic eruptive activity of the Yatsugatake volcano. White-colored thin deposits were noted in soil; because of their distribution pattern and particle components, these were determined to be volcanic ash deposits (“ash A” and “ash B”). Their AMS ages are the 14th and 9th centuries, respectively, with the deposit sources estimated to be located around Inagodake and north of the Mugikusa pass, respectively. It is assumed that a few magmatic eruptions of the Yatsugatake volcano occurred within the historical time period. The trigger of AD 887 sector collapse could not be identified in this study

    High-resolution sequence stratigraphy in an incised-valley system on the basis of sedimentary organic matter, sulfur content and fossil diatom: An example from Miocene to Pliocene Tatsunokuchi Formation, Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Japan

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    This paper discusses relationship among depositional environments, origin of the sedimentary organic matter and diatom fossil assemblage, combined with sequence stratigraphy in an incised-valley system. Interpretation of the environments and their changes was based on sedimentary facies, total sulfur (TS) content, and diatom assemblages. The quantity and composition of organic matter were estimated for the environmental interpretation on the basis of the total organic carbon (TOC) content, reflected-light fluorescent microscopy, and stable carbon isotope ratios of the organic matter (δ13Corg). The Miocene to Pliocene Ishibane, Tatsunokuchi and Motohata formations in northeast Japan consist of estuarine and fluvial deposits that were formed during a rise and fall of sea level. The proportions of vitrinite and cutinite that are coarse-grained and terrestrial in origin are relatively high in fluvial deposits of the lowstand systems tract. The proportion of marine alginite, TOC content, and δ13Corg values increase upward in estuary deposits of the transgressive systems tract. This implies the increase in the influence of the sea and the estuarine bottom conditions becoming anoxic. The proportions of vitrinite and cutinite increase upward in the highstand systems tract, whereas the δ13Corg values and TOC content decrease upward. These reflect the strong influence of river discharge. Variations of diatom fossil assemblage of fresh water, brackish water, intertidal, coastal marine and open marine species indicate the same repetitions of transgression and regression in the Tatsunokuchi Formation. Therefore, the transgressive systems tract in the Tatsunokuchi Formation includes four cycles of transgression and regression, while highstand systems tract shows one cycle of transgression and regression. / 岩手県南部の北上市に分布する中新統~鮮新統の石羽根,竜の口,本畑層は,エスチュアリーと河川環境での堆積を示している.また,1回の海水準上昇と引き続く低下で堆積した地層で,低海水準期堆積体,海進期堆積体,高海水準期堆積体に区分できる.その周期は約100万年と推定できる.河川成堆積物からなる低海水準期堆積体では陸源有機物片を多く含み,有機物は低い安定炭素同位体比(δ13Corg)を示す.引き続くエスチュアリー環境を示す海進期堆積体では,上方に向かって,海棲有機物が増え,δ13Corgの値が大きくなり,さらに全有機炭素量も増加する傾向にある.海進初期ではこれらは,小さな増減を4回繰り返しているが,やがて最大海進面に向かって安定して増加するようになる.最大海進面より上位の高海水準期堆積体では陸源有機物量が増大し,δ13Corgと全有機炭素量は減少し,陸域からの物質供給が増加したことが示される.珪藻化石の淡水種,汽水種,潮間帯種,沿岸性種,外洋種の比率変化も同一の海進海退の繰り返しを竜の口層中に記録している.したがって,竜の口層の海進期堆積体は短周期の4回の海進海退と引き続く海進から構成され,一方,高海水準期堆積体は1回の海退を示す.これらは数10万年周期の海水準変動に対応するかもしれない.ArticleJournal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan. 70(2):63-69 (2011)journal articl

    Combined Influences of Gradual Changes in Room Temperature and Light around Dusk and Dawn on Circadian Rhythms of Core Temperature, Urinary 6-Hydroxymelatonin Sulfate and Waking Sensation Just after Rising

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    The present experiment aimed at knowing how a gradual changes of room temperature (Ta) and light in the evening and early morning could influence circadian rhythms of core temperature (Tcore), skin temperatures, urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate and waking sensation just after rising in humans. Two kinds of room environment were provided for each participant: 1) Constant room temperature (Ta) of 27 °C over the 24 h and LD-rectangular light change with abrupt decreasing from 3,000 lx to100 lx at 1800,abrupt increasing from 0 lx to 3,000 lx at 0700. 2) Cyclic changes of Ta and with gradual decrease from 3,000 lx to 100 lx onset at 1700 (twilight period about 2 h), with gradual increasing from 0 lx to 3,000 lx onset at 0500 (about 2 h). Main results are summarized as follows: 1) Circadian rhythms of nadir in the core temperature (Tcore) significantly advanced earlier under the influence of gradual changes of Ta and light than no gradual changes of Ta and light. 2) Nocturnal fall of Tcore and morning rise of Tcore were greater and quicker, respectively, under the influence of gradual changes of Ta and light than no gradual changes of Ta and light. 3) Urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate during nocturnal sleep was significantly greater under the influence of gradual changes of Ta and light. 4) Waking sensation just after rising was significantly better under the influence of gradual changes of Ta and light. We discussed these findings in terms of circadian and thermoregulatory physiology

    Successful resection of liver metastasis detected by exacerbation of skin symptom in a patient with dermatomyositis accompanied by rectal cancer: a case report and literature review

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    Abstract Background Dermatomyositis (DM) is a rare syndrome that belongs to the group of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. The association between DM and malignancy is well recognized, and the severity of DM symptoms has been linked to the progression of metastatic disease. Case presentation We report the case of a 42-year-old man that was diagnosed with dermatomyositis (DM) and rectal cancer. Proctectomy was performed, and DM symptoms were resolved postoperatively. One year and 9\ua0months after the surgery, liver metastasis occurred accompanied by the exacerbation of DM symptom. Partial resection of the liver was performed, and postoperative course was uneventful. DM symptoms improved postoperatively, and no evidence of cancer recurrence or DM symptoms was observed 2\ua0years after the second surgery. To date, few reports have described recurring cases of DM accompanied by colorectal cancer in detail. We reviewed four similar cases that were reported poor prognoses with treatment resistance. However, our case report demonstrates good long-term results with resection of metastatic lesion. Conclusions It is important to check the exacerbation of DM symptoms, as this symptom sometimes preceded cancer relapse during the follow-up of our patient with DM and colorectal cancer

    Prognostic value of metastin expression in human pancreatic cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>KiSS-1 </it>was identified as a metastasis-suppressing gene in melanoma cells. The <it>KiSS-1 </it>gene product (metastin) was isolated from human placenta as the ligand of GPR54, a G-protein-coupled receptor. The role of metastin and GPR54 in tumor progression is not fully understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the clinical significance of metastin and GPR54 expression in pancreatic cancer. We evaluated immunohistochemical expression of metastin and GPR54 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tissues obtained from 53 consecutive patients who underwent resection between July 2003 and May 2007 at Kyoto University Hospital. In 23 consecutive patients, the plasma metastin level was measured before surgery by enzyme immunoassay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Strong immunohistochemical expression of metastin was detected in 13 tumors (24.5%), while strong expression of GPR54 was detected in 30 tumors (56.6%). Tumors that were negative for both metastin and GPR54 expression were significantly larger than tumors that were positive for either metastin or GPR54 (p = 0.047). Recurrence was less frequent in patients who had metastin-positive tumors compared with those who had metastin-negative tumors (38.5% versus 70.0%, p = 0.04). Strong expression of metastin and GPR54 was significantly correlated with longer survival (p = 0.02). Metastin expression by pancreatic cancer was an independent prognostic factor for longer survival (hazard ratio, 2.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.1–4.7; p = 0.03), and the patients with a high plasma metastin level (n = 6) did not die after surgical resection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Strong expression of metastin and GPR54 by pancreatic cancer is associated with longer survival. Metastin expression is an independent prognostic factor for the survival of pancreatic cancer patients. The plasma metastin level could become a noninvasive prognostic factor for the assessment of pancreatic cancer.</p

    Influences of Twilight on Diurnal Variation of Core Temperature, Its Nadir, and Urinary 6-Hydroxymelatonin Sulfate during Nocturnal Sleep and Morning Drowsiness

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    This study aimed at elucidating the physiological significance of dusk and dawn in the circadian rhythm of core temperature (Tcore) and urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate in humans during sleep and the waking sensation just after rising. Seven female and four male students served as participants. Participants retired at 2300 h and rose at 0700 h. They were requested to sit on a chair and spend time as quietly as possible during wakefulness, reading a book or listening to recorded light music. Two lighting conditions were provided for each participant: 1) Light-Dark (LD)-rectangular light change with abrupt decrease from 3,000 lx to100 lx at 1800 h, abrupt increase from 0 lx to 3,000 lx at 0700 h. 2) LD-twilight light change with gradual decrease from 3,000 lx to 100 lx starting at 1700 h (twilight period about 2 h), with gradual increase from 0 lx to 3,000 lx starting at 0500 h (twilight period about 2 h). The periods of 0 lx at night were from 2300 h to 0700 h on the first day and from 2300 to 0500 h on the second day. Nadir time advanced significantly under the influence of the LD-twilight condition. The amount of 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate in urine collected at 0200 h was significantly higher under LD-twilight in comparison with LD-rectangular light. Morning drowsiness tended to be lower under LD-twilight. Our results suggest that in architectural design of indoor illumination it is important to provide LD-twilight in the evening and early morning for sleep promotion in healthy normal people and/or light treatment in elderly patients with advanced dementia

    Midline dural filum of the sellar floor: Its relationship to the septum attachment to the sellar floor and the ossification in the sphenoid sinus

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    Objectives It is important to identify and maintain a midline orientation during endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETSS) for sellar lesions to prevent critical injury to the internal carotid artery. Therefore, the preoperative neuroradiological assessment of the bony structures in the sphenoid sinus, including the septum attachment to the sellar floor and its surrounding structures, is essential. It has been reported that the midline filum of the sellar dura can function as a useful intraoperative orientation guide during ETSS. However, the relationship between the midline dural filum and the intrasinus bony structures, such as the sellar floor, the intrasinus septation and the ossification, remains unclear and the mechanisms underlying development of the midline dural filum have also not yet been explored. Methods This retrospective study included 160 patients undergoing ETSS to assess both the midline dural filum and the intrasinus bony structures, using video recording reviews. The intrasinus septum and the ossification in the sphenoid sinus were evaluated on the computed tomography images of the bone window. Results A midline dural filum was identified in 66 (41.3%) of 160 patients. Attachment of the septum to the sellar midline was found in 61 (39.4%) of 155 patients, after excluding 5 patients with the conchal type of sphenoid sinus, 55 (90.2%) of 61 patients with a septum on the midline and only 6 (6.4%) of the remaining 94 patients without a septum on the midline had a midline dural filum. The relationship between a midline dural filum and a septum on midline was statistically significant (p < 0.001), regardless of the number of intrasphenoidal septa. In terms of the types of sphenoid sinus, the midline dural filum was predominantly detected in patients where ossification extended over the midline filum. In patients with the sellar type of sphenoid sinus, 49 (36.0%) of 136 had a midline dural filum, meanwhile, 16 (84.2%) of 19 patients with the pre-sellar type (p = 0.039) and all 5 patients (100%) with the choncal type harbored a midline dural filum (p < 0.001). Conclusion This study clearly verified the importance of the midline dural filum in a large series and evaluated the obvious relationship between the midline dural filum and the bony structures on the sellar floor. Our results strongly suggest that, during developing of the midline dural filum, the sellar dura becomes tethered to the bony elements attached to the sellar surface, such as the septum on the midline and the ossification in both the pre-sellar and the conchal type of sphenoid sinus. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Embargo Period 12 month

    Significant improvement of intractable headache after transsphenoidal surgery in patients with pituitary adenomas; preoperative neuroradiological evaluation and intraoperative intrasellar pressure measurement

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    Object: Headache is the most common symptom of both primary and metastatic brain tumor, and is generally considered the primary symptom in patients with large pituitary adenomas. However, patients with small pituitary adenomas rarely complain of intractable headache, and neurosurgeons are unsure whether such small adenomas actually contribute to headache. If conventional medical treatments for headache prove ineffective, surgical removal of the adenoma can be considered as an alternative management strategy. Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of 180 patients who underwent transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) for pituitary adenomas at Kanazawa University Hospital between 2006 and 2014. Patients with acute phase intratumoral hemorrhage were excluded. We identified nine patients with intractable headache as the chief complaint associated with small pituitary adenoma (diameters 15.8 ± 2.6 mm, 11–20 mm), non-functioning in eight, and prolactin-secreting in one. The preoperative neuroradiological studies and headache characteristics were assessed retrospectively, and the intrasellar pressure evaluation was performed during TSS in the last seven patients. Results: All nine patients had complete or substantial resolution of their formerly intractable headache after TSS. Headaches consisted of ocular pain ipsilateral to the adenoma localization within the sella in four cases and bifrontal headache in five. Magnetic resonance imaging of these patients revealed small diaphragmatic foramen, which were so narrow that only the pituitary stalk could pass. Computed tomography scans showed ossification beneath the sellar floor in the sphenoid sinus, presellar type in six cases, and choncal type in three. The adenomas included cysts in seven cases. There was no cavernous sinus invasion. Intrasellar pressure measurements averaged 41.5 ± 8.5 mmHg, range 34–59, significantly higher than in control patients without headache (n = 12), namely 22.2 ± 10.6 mmHg (16–30). Conclusion: In this study, the authors demonstrated the validity of TSS in the treatment of intractable headache associated with pituitary adenoma. The presence of ocular pain, especially ipsilateral to the adenoma, integrity of the diaphragm sella, and ossification in the sphenoid sinus, cyst or hemorrhage and the absence of cavernous sinus invasion were the indications for TSS for patients complaining of intractable headache and having pituitary adenomas. © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkEmbargo Period 12 month