17 research outputs found

    Damage modelling procedure and fastener positioning optimization of adhesively reinforced frictional interfaces

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of the shear damage simulation procedure for combined mechanically clamped and adhesively reinforced frictional joint interfaces. The first step has been to experimentally measure the shear fracture behaviour of high strength steel interfaces using annular ring specimens subject to constant normal pre-stress. The experimental programme included variations of the pre-stress, surface roughness and epoxy curing temperature. Results showed that these factors significantly influence both the maximum attainable peak shear loads and the critical fracture energy release rate of the interfaces. For the selected structural adhesive, the strength contributions of the reinforcing adhesive and friction due to the pre-stress conformed well to the principle of superposition. Comparisons of adhesively reinforced and non-reinforced interfaces with identical surface conditions and pre-stress demonstrate a substantial contribution due to the epoxy reinforcement. Test results are exploited for characterization of the non-local shear stress vs. displacement responses. A damage evolution model for the abraded interface is formulated for room temperature- and heat-cured adhesives. Model parameters are fitted using regression analysis. Decohesion finite elements involving the cohesive zone model are adapted to model progressive degradation of the reinforced interfaces. A non-local friction law is also implemented when modelling the surface interaction using finite element contact. Based on the principle of superposition, the fracture potential and steady frictional dissipation of the interface can, therefore, be independently characterized. An applicability of the presented damage simulation process is shown by finite element analyses on the structural multi-fastener connections. Corresponding experiments on full-scale joints were performed. The measured peak shear loads show a good correlation with the computed results. To further strengthen multi-fastener connections, a geometric optimization procedure is formulated for equalizing fastener loads due to an applied eccentric load. In summary, the objective of this thesis is to develop a damage simulation procedure to analyse decohesion initiation of adhesively reinforced frictional interfaces under quasi-static shear loading. Both the numerical modelling procedure and new material property data for a design of more optimal structures involving multi-fastener connections are presented

    A Review of Qualification of Nuclear Plant Piping Analyses

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    A Review of Qualification of Nuclear Plant Piping Analyses

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    Effect of the Crack Detection Function on the Break Probability of Piping Welds

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    Effect of the Crack Detection Function on the Break Probability of Piping Welds

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    Seismisyys Espoon Otaniemen syväreikähankkeen viimeistelyvaiheessa

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    Tämä raportti käsittelee energiayhtiö St1:n toteuttamaan lämpövoimalahankkeeseen liittyvää indusoitua seismisyyttä Espoon Otaniemessä tammi-syyskuussa 2020. Yhtiö toteutti lämpövoimalahankkeen yhteydessä toukokuussa 2020 johtavuustestin ja sitä seuranneen vastastimulaation 5,8 km syvässä porareiässä OTN-2b. Niiden aikana esiintyi indusoituja eli ihmistoiminnasta johtuvia maanjäristyksiä, joista osa havaittiin myös ihmisaistein. Tässä raportissa esitetyt tulokset ovat osa Seismologian instituutin toteuttamaa voimalahankkeen seismistä valvontaa. Johtavuustestin ja vastastimulaation aikana seismisyystaso jäi selvästi alhaisemmaksi kuin lämpövoimalan ensimmäisen porareiän stimuloinnin aikana 2018. Tapauksia, joiden magnitudi oli ML ≥ 0,8 havaittiin yhdeksän. Niistä kaksi ylitti liikennevalojärjestelmän keltaisen varoitusrajan (ML ≥ 1,2). Alustavien siirrostasoratkaisujen perusteella nämä kaksi järistystä sattuivat lämpövarantoa leikkaavassa luode-kaakko-suuntaisessa siirrosvyöhykkeessä. Suurimmat järistykset paikannettiin 500 m:n säteelle porareiästä pääosin lähelle porareiän pohjaa 5,4-5,6 km:n syvyydelle. Vedensyötön loputtua indusoitu seismisyys väheni nopeasti. Ensimmäisen ja toisen stimulointijakson välisenä aikana alueella havaittiin vain muutamia pieniä indusoituja järistyksiä. Täydellinen analyysiraportti syyskuun 2020 loppuun mennessä Otaniemessä havaituista, vähintään magnitudin 0,8 indusoiduista maanjäristyksistä on Liitteessä 1.1. Liitteessä 1.2 listataan samalta alueelta magnitudista riippumatta kaikki indusoidut maanjäristykset, joista Seismologian instituutti on saanut tuntuvuushavaintoja.This report describes induced seismicity related to the Otaniemi deep heat project of the energy company St1 in January-September 2020. The St1 company completed a conductivity test and a subsequent counterstimulation in the 5.8 km deep borehole OTN-2b in Espoo, Finland in May 2020. During these procedures, induced earthquakes occurred, several of which were noticed by residents. The results presented here are part of seismic monitoring of the Otaniemi enhanced geothermal system conducted by the Institute of Seismology. During the conductivity test and counter-stimulation, induced seismicity clearly remained below the 2018 levels. Nine events with magnitude ML ≥ 0.8 were observed and two of them exceeded the amber traffic light threshold (ML ≥ 1,2). Preliminary focal mechanisms indicate that the amber events occurred in a NNW-SSE fracture zone crosscutting the heat reservoir. The largest events were located within 500 m radius from the borehole, mainly at a depth of 5.4-5.6 km near the bottom of the borehole. After the water injection the level of induced seismicity decreased rapidly. Only a few weak induced events were observed in between the first and second stimulation period. Appendix 1.1 lists induced earthquakes observed instrumentally in the Helsinki region until the end of September 2020, with the threshold magnitude ML ≥ 0.8. Appendix 1.2 presents all induced earthquakes from the same area with macroseismic felt reports submitted to the Institute of Seismology, regardless of magnitude