410 research outputs found

    Detection of gp43 of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method

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    Paracoccichoidomycosis is a deep mycosis Caused by the thermo-dependent dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is prevalent in Latin American countries. We detected the species specific gp43 gene of P. brasiliensis by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) in 22 clinical and seven armadillo-derived isolates. the amplified DNA appeared as a ladder with a specific banding pattern. the advantage of the LAMP method is speed; only 3 h were necessary for identification of the organism and diagnosis of the disease. We were also able to obtain positive results from DNA extracted from a paraffin-embedded tissue sample of paracoccidioidomycosis, suggesting that this method may achieve clinical application in the near future. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Chiba Univ, Pathogen Fungi & Microbial Toxicoses Res Ctr, Chuo Ku, Chiba 2608673, JapanFujisawa Pharmaceut Co Ltd, Analyt Res Labs, Osaka, JapanUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Fac Med, Dept Anat & Patol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Fac Med, Dept Anat & Patol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc


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    The annual 3D GeoInfo Conference aims at bringing together international state-of-the-art research and facilitating dialogue on emerging topics in the field of 3D geoinformation. On the 1st and 2nd of October 2018, the 13th 3D GeoInfo conference was organised at the Delft University of Technology. On this occasion, the topics included 3D data collection and modelling, reconstruction methods for 3D representation, data management for maintenance of 3D geoinformation or 3D data, applications of 3D geoinformation, and visualisation.This volume of the ISPRS Archives is composed of 9 full papers that received positive double-blind peer reviews, as well as the 24 papers that received positive double-blind reviews as abstracts and were then extended into papers. The 12 full papers with the most positive reviews were instead published in the ISPRS Annals. We hope that the papers in this special issue will inspire decision-makers, academics, engineers, computer scientists, land surveyors, urban planners, and students interested in the 3D geoinformation domain. We would like to thank all the authors, the reviewers, and the organising committee for their valuable contribution towards this publication. We would like to acknowledge that we have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 677312 UMnD: Urban modelling in higher dimensions).</p


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    The annual 3D GeoInfo Conference aims at bringing together international state-of-the-art research and facilitating dialogue on emerging topics in the field of 3D geoinformation. On the 1st and 2nd of October 2018, the 13th 3D GeoInfo conference was organised at the Delft University of Technology. On this occasion, the topics included 3D data collection and modelling, reconstruction methods for 3D representation, data management for maintenance of 3D geoinformation or 3D data, applications of 3D geoinformation, and visualisation.This volume of the ISPRS Annals contains the 12 full papers that received the most positive double-blind peer reviews from the Scientific Committee of the 3D GeoInfo Conference. The other 33 presented papers are published in the ISPRS Archives.We hope that the papers in this special issue will inspire decision-makers, academics, engineers, computer scientists, land surveyors, urban planners, and students interested in the 3D geoinformation domain. We would like to thank all the authors, the reviewers, and the organising committee for their valuable contribution towards this publication.We would like to acknowledge that we have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 677312 UMnD: Urban modelling in higher dimensions).</p

    Immunolocalization of dually phosphorylated MAPKs in dividing root meristem cells of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, Lupinus luteus and Lycopersicon esculentum

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    Key message In plants, phosphorylated MAPKs display constitutive nuclear localization; however, not all studied plant species show co-localization of activated MAPKs to mitotic microtubules. Abstract The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is involved not only in the cellular response to biotic and abiotic stress but also in the regulation of cell cycle and plant development. The role of MAPKs in the formation of a mitotic spindle has been widely studied and the MAPK signaling pathway was found to be indispensable for the unperturbed course of cell division. Here we show cellular localization of activated MAPKs (dually phosphorylated at their TXY motifs) in both interphase and mitotic root meristem cells of Lupinus luteus, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba (Fabaceae) and Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae). Nuclear localization of activated MAPKs has been found in all species. Colocalization of these kinases to mitotic microtubules was most evident in L. esculentum, while only about 50 % of mitotic cells in the root meristems of P. sativum and V. faba displayed activated MAPKs localized to microtubules during mitosis. Unexpectedly, no evident immunofluorescence signals at spindle microtubules and phragmoplast were noted in L. luteus. Considering immunocytochemical analyses and studies on the impact of FR180204 (an inhibitor of animal ERK1/2) on mitotic cells, we hypothesize that MAPKs may not play prominent role in the regulation of microtubule dynamics in all plant species

    Database Programming in Machiavelli - a Polymorphic Language with Static Type Inference

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    Machiavelli is a polymorphically typed programming language in the spirit of ML, but supports an extended method of type inferencing that makes its polymorphism more general and appropriate for database applications. In particular, a function that selects a field f of a records is polymorphic in the sense that it can be applied to any record which contains a field f with the appropriate type. When combined with a set data type and database operations including join and projection, this provides a natural medium for relational database programming. Moreover, by implementing database objects as reference types and generating the appropriate views — sets of structures with “identity ” — we can achieve a degree of static type checking for object-oriented databases.

    ML typing, explicit polymorphism and qualified types

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    Tools for BIM-GIS integration (IFC georeferencing and conversions): Results from the GeoBIM benchmark 2019

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    The integration of 3D city models with Building Information Models (BIM), coined as GeoBIM, facilitates improved data support to several applications, e.g., 3D map updates, building permits issuing, detailed city analysis, infrastructure design, context-based building design, to name a few. To solve the integration, several issues need to be tackled and solved, i.e., harmonization of features, interoperability, format conversions, integration of procedures. The GeoBIM benchmark 2019, funded by ISPRS and EuroSDR, evaluated the state of implementation of tools addressing some of those issues. In particular, in the part of the benchmark described in this paper, the application of georeferencing to Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models and making consistent conversions between 3D city models and BIM are investigated, considering the OGC CityGML and buildingSMART IFC as reference standards. In the benchmark, sample datasets in the two reference standards were provided. External volunteers were asked to describe and test georeferencing procedures for IFC models and conversion tools between CityGML and IFC. From the analysis of the delivered answers and processed datasets, it was possible to notice that while there are tools and procedures available to support georeferencing and data conversion, comprehensive definition of the requirements, clear rules to perform such two tasks, as well as solid technological solutions implementing them, are still lacking in functionalities. Those specific issues can be a sensible starting point for planning the next GeoBIM integration agendas

    Enriching lower LoD 3D city models with semantic data computed by the voxelisation of BIM sources

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    The role and adoption of 3D city models have been changing from a data endpoint to a centralised data source that is used for a variety of different analyses in different sectors. This change has not yet been fully completed and the transition process is still very noticeable at certain places. For example, data required for city-scale analyses are often missing, incorrect, or not stored in a standard way. A subset of these data (E.g. shell volume, shell area &amp; footprint area) can be approximated from lower LoD shapes (LoD2.2 or lower) in the 3D city models. However, these models frequently simplify reality and therefore these approximations are not accurate. This paper proposes computing these data by voxelising Building Information Modelling (BIM) models representing the same buildings as the 3D city model. It is shown that a subset of these approximations (shell volume &amp; footprint area) are more accurate than values computed from lower LoD shapes. Storing these data as attributes of the building models in 3D city models can improve the ease of use and the outcome of city-scale analyses. The computed values from BIM models can also be assigned to outputs of BIM to Geo conversions. This overturns the accuracy loss of the geometry caused by the conversion in which geometry is significantly generalised and simplified

    Towards Extending CityGML for Property Valuation: Property Valuation ADE

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    This paper introduces Property Valuation Application Domain Extension (ADE) within CityGML 3.0, aiming to integrate relevant indoor and outdoor 3D variables (cost estimation, view quality, etc.) for accurate property valuation. Current models lack the necessary features for this specific application. Leveraging IFC data for indoor elements, this ADE extends CityGML, addressing the existing gap. This paper identifies and categorizes data requirements, leading to the conceptualization and development of the model. By enriching CityGML 3.0 with IFC data, the approach introduces new features like the "Property Unit" to ensure adaptability across diverse valuation scenarios. Despite encountering data integrability challenges, we here commit to refining the model and overcoming these obstacles. A preliminary implementation using CityJSON demonstrates successful integration and paves the way for future implementation. These include developing an API platform and establishing an official repository to facilitate practical usability and scalability. This research significantly contributes to advancing property valuation processes by providing accurate valuations for stakeholders and promoting the use of 3D urban data in domain-specific extensions