1,019 research outputs found

    Rate- and State-Dependent Friction Law and Statistical Properties of Earthquakes

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    In order to clarify how the statistical properties of earthquakes depend on the constitutive law characterizing the stick-slip dynamics, we make an extensive numerical simulation of the one-dimensional spring-block model with the rate- and state-dependent friction law. Both the magnitude distribution and the recurrence-time distribution are studied with varying the constitutive parameters characterizing the model. While a continuous spectrum of seismic events from smaller to larger magnitudes is obtained, earthquakes described by this model turn out to possess pronounced ``characteristic'' features.Comment: Minor revisions are made in the text and in the figures. Accepted for publication in Europhys. Letter

    Pressure-induced phase transition of Bi2Te3 into the bcc structure

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    The pressure-induced phase transition of bismuth telluride, Bi2Te3, has been studied by synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements at room temperature using a diamond-anvil cell (DAC) with loading pressures up to 29.8 GPa. We found a high-pressure body-centered cubic (bcc) phase in Bi2Te3 at 25.2 GPa, which is denoted as phase IV, and this phase apperars above 14.5 GPa. Upon releasing the pressure from 29.8 GPa, the diffraction pattern changes with pressure hysteresis. The original rhombohedral phase is recovered at 2.43 GPa. The bcc structure can explain the phase IV peaks. We assumed that the structural model of phase IV is analogous to a substitutional binary alloy; the Bi and Te atoms are distributed in the bcc-lattice sites with space group Im-3m. The results of Rietveld analysis based on this model agree well with both the experimental data and calculated results. Therefore, the structure of phase IV in Bi2Te3 can be explained by a solid solution with a bcc lattice in the Bi-Te (60 atomic% tellurium) binary system.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    p-wave superconductivity in iron-based superconductors

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    The possibility of p-wave pairing in superconductors has been proposed more than five decades ago, but has not yet been convincingly demonstrated. One difficulty is that some p-wave states are thermodynamically indistinguishable from s-wave, while others are very similar to d-wave states. Here we studied the self-field critical current of NdFeAs(O,F) thin films in order to extract absolute values of the London penetration depth, the superconducting energy gap, and the relative jump in specific heat at the superconducting transition temperature, and find that all the deduced physical parameters strongly indicate that NdFeAs(O,F) is a bulk p-wave superconductor. Further investigation revealed that single atomic layer FeSe also shows p-wave pairing. In an attempt to generalize these findings, we re-examined the whole inventory of superfluid density measurements in iron-based superconductors and show quite generally that single-band weak-coupling p-wave superconductivity is exhibited in iron-based superconductors. © 2019, The Author(s).Japan Science and Technology Corporation, JST: JPMJCR18J4Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationJapan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS: 16H04646АААА-А18-118020190104-3The authors thank Prof. Jeffery L. Tallon (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and Prof. Christian Bernhard (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) for helpful discussions, and also for reading and commenting on the manuscript. EFT is grateful for financial support provided by the state assignment of Minobrnauki of Russia (theme “Pressure” No. АААА-А18-118020190104-3) and by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006. KI and HI acknowledge support by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Grant Number 16H04646, as well as JST CREST Grant Number JPMJCR18J4. The Article Processing Charge for this publication was provided by Ural Federal University, Russia

    Two-nucleon emission in the longitudinal response

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    The contribution of the two-nucleon emission in the longitudinal response for inclusive electron scattering reactions is studied. The model adopted to perform the calculations is based upon Correlated Basis Function theory but it considers only first order terms in the correlation function. The proper normalization of the wave function is ensured by considering, in addition to the usually evaluated two-point diagrams, also the three-point diagrams. Results for the 12C nucleus in the quasi-elastic region are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Annual accumulation for Greenland updated using ice core data developed during 2000-2006 and analysis of daily coastal meteorological data

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    An updated accumulation map for Greenland is presented on the basis of 39 new ice core estimates of accumulation, 256 ice sheet estimates from ice cores and snow pits used in previous maps, and reanalysis of time series data from 20 coastal weather stations. The period 1950-2000 is better represented by the data than are earlier periods. Ice-sheetwide accumulation was estimated based on kriging. The average accumulation (95 confidence interval, or ±2 times standard error) over the Greenland ice sheet is 30.0 ± 2.4 g cm -2 a-1, with the average accumulation above 2000-m elevation being essentially the same, 29.9 ± 2.2 g cm-2 a -1. At higher elevations the new accumulation map maintains the main features shown in previous maps. However, there are five coastal areas with obvious differences: southwest, northwest, and eastern regions, where the accumulation values are 20-50 lower than previously estimated, and southeast and northeast regions, where the accumulation values are 20-50 higher than previously estimated. These differences are almost entirely due to new coastal data. The much lower accumulation in the southwest and the much higher accumulation in the southeast indicated by the current map mean that long-term mass balance in both catchments is closer to steady state than previously estimated. However, uncertainty in these areas remains high owing to strong gradients in precipitation from the coast inland. A significant and sustained precipitation measurement program will be needed to resolve this uncertainty. Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union

    Method to enlarge the hologram viewing window using a mirror module

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    A liquid crystal panel for a video projector is often used for holographic television. However, its pixel size and pixel number are not enough for practical holographic 3-D display. Therefore, a multipanel configuration is generally used to increase the viewing window and displayed image size, and many spatial light modulators should be used in them. We propose a novel method to increase the viewing window of a holographic display system. The proposed method, which is implemented by using a mirror module and 4-f lens set, is to reconfigure the beam shape reflected by a spatial light modulator. The equipment is applied to a holographic display system, which has only a single spatial light modulator; a hologram could be displayed in a wider viewing window by the equipment than that of the conventional method. By the proposed method, the resolution of the reconfigured spatial light modulator has double resolution in the horizontal direction. Inversely, the vertical resolution is decreased. Even if the vertical resolution is decreased, a viewer could get 3-D effect because humans get more 3-D information in the horizontal direction. We have experimented using a liquid crystal on silicon (LcOS), whose resolution is 4096×2160pixels. The reconfigured resolution by the mirror module is 8192×1080pixels. From the experiments, the horizontal viewing window is almost two times wider than that without the mirror module. As a result, the hologram can be observed binocularly. © 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    Assessment of BSRN radiation records for the computation of monthly means

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    The integrity of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) radiation monthly averages are assessed by investigating the impact on monthly means due to the frequency of data gaps caused by missing or discarded high time resolution data. The monthly statistics, especially means, are considered to be important and useful values for climate research, model performance evaluations and for assessing the quality of satellite (time- and space-averaged) data products. The study investigates the spread in different algorithms that have been applied for the computation of monthly means from 1-min values. <br><br> The paper reveals that the computation of monthly means from 1-min observations distinctly depends on the method utilized to account for the missing data. The intra-method difference generally increases with an increasing fraction of missing data. We found that a substantial fraction of the radiation fluxes observed at BSRN sites is either missing or flagged as questionable. The percentage of missing data is 4.4%, 13.0%, and 6.5% for global radiation, direct shortwave radiation, and downwelling longwave radiation, respectively. Most flagged data in the shortwave are due to nighttime instrumental noise and can reasonably be set to zero after correcting for thermal offsets in the daytime data. The study demonstrates that the handling of flagged data clearly impacts on monthly mean estimates obtained with different methods. We showed that the spread of monthly shortwave fluxes is generally clearly higher than for downwelling longwave radiation. <br><br> Overall, BSRN observations provide sufficient accuracy and completeness for reliable estimates of monthly mean values. However, the value of future data could be further increased by reducing the frequency of data gaps and the number of outliers. It is shown that two independent methods for accounting for the diurnal and seasonal variations in the missing data permit consistent monthly means to within less than 1 W m<sup>−2</sup> in most cases. The authors suggest using a standardized method for the computation of monthly means which addresses diurnal variations in the missing data in order to avoid a mismatch of future published monthly mean radiation fluxes from BSRN. <br><br> The application of robust statistics would probably lead to less biased results for data records with frequent gaps and/or flagged data and outliers. The currently applied empirical methods should, therefore, be completed by the development of robust methods