86 research outputs found

    "It´s a matter of balance and harmony" : the Ayurvedic concept of health and illness

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    This paper reviews selected work, published between 1944 and 1995, on the subject of Ayurveda. The aim of the review was to explore the ethnohistory of Ayurveda and the attached concept of health and illness, out of a transcultural perspective. Ayurveda is a medical tradition practiced throughout South Asia.  It is founded upon Sanskrit texts dating back more than two thousand years. Its ancient fundamental health ideas and practices still persists. Ayurveda offers not only a complete different way of understanding health and illness, but also different forms of treatment. The Ayurvedic view of health is synergistic and multifaceted concept of balance and harmony within the organism (mind, body and soul) as well as within the universal system the organism is a part. Disturbance of the harmony on a level, causes sickness. Ayurvedic doctrine emphasizes the importance of promotion of health and prevention of sickness. The key to good health is a regulated daily life. Factors like personal hygien and conduct, work, sleep, rest, diet and physical exercise has to be regulated and individually adjusted. South Asian countries, often has a pluralistic medical system, in which Ayurvedic health care is one option among many. The Ayurvedic medical system is an important provider of modern health care in South Asia

    "It´s a matter of balance and harmony" : the Ayurvedic concept of health and illness

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    This paper reviews selected work, published between 1944 and 1995, on the subject of Ayurveda. The aim of the review was to explore the ethnohistory of Ayurveda and the attached concept of health and illness, out of a transcultural perspective. Ayurveda is a medical tradition practiced throughout South Asia.  It is founded upon Sanskrit texts dating back more than two thousand years. Its ancient fundamental health ideas and practices still persists. Ayurveda offers not only a complete different way of understanding health and illness, but also different forms of treatment. The Ayurvedic view of health is synergistic and multifaceted concept of balance and harmony within the organism (mind, body and soul) as well as within the universal system the organism is a part. Disturbance of the harmony on a level, causes sickness. Ayurvedic doctrine emphasizes the importance of promotion of health and prevention of sickness. The key to good health is a regulated daily life. Factors like personal hygien and conduct, work, sleep, rest, diet and physical exercise has to be regulated and individually adjusted. South Asian countries, often has a pluralistic medical system, in which Ayurvedic health care is one option among many. The Ayurvedic medical system is an important provider of modern health care in South Asia

    Hälsofrämjande interventioner för patienter med kronisk hjärtsvikt

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    Bakgrund: hjärtsvikt är ett stort folkhälsoproblem som har ett progressivt tillstånd och hög mortalitet. För närvarande finns det inte något botemedel mot hjärtsvikt, och dålig prognos har förknippats med dålig hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos hjärtsviktpatienter. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att systematiskt sammanställa befintlig kunskap om hälsofrämjande interventioner som ökar livskvaliteten för personer med kronisk hjärtsvikt. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie, där systematisk sökning genomförts i databaser; PubMed, Cinahl, samt artikelsökning i Ltu:s databas. Sökord som användes var Chronic Heart Failure, Nurse Intervention, Nonpharmacological Intervention, Quality of Life och Health. Inklusionskriterierna var interventioner för patienter med Kronisk hjärtsvikt, artiklar från fem år tillbaka (2013–2018), ytterligare avgränsning som gjordes var peer reviewed artiklar som publicerats på engelska. Resultat: litteraturstudien grundar sig på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa ansatser, med olika hälsofrämjande interventioner. Samtliga interventioner visade ha en god effekt, som lindrade symtom och därigenom ökade livskvalité. Slutsats: Många personer som lever med hjärtsvikt kan på grund av sina symtom inte utföra dagliga vårdaktiviteter vilket påverkar personens fysiska och känslomässiga funktion negativt och leder slutligen till signifikant försämring av individens livskvalité. Det är dock möjligt att leva ett tillfredställande liv med god livskvalité genom att ta till olika hälsofrämjande icke farmakologiska interventioner

    The effect of different soil scarification methods on the development of Norway spruce (Picea abies) 16 years after planting with and without pine weevil protection

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    Vid föryngring ger markberedning en bra förutsättning för plantan att överleva och växa, och med mindre risk för snytbaggeangrepp. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur snytbaggeskydd och olika markberedningsmetoder långsiktigt påverkar stamantal, medelhöjd och volymproduktion hos gran (Picea abies). Markberedningsmetoderna som jämfördes var högläggning, fläckmarkberedning och inversmarkberedning. De jämfördes med att inte markbereda alls. Hälften av plantorna var behandlade mot snytbagge med permetrin, dessa var jämt fördelade i försöket. Studien genomfördes i en försöksyta 9284, vid SLU:s försökspark i Siljansfors, Mora kommun. Beståndet var 17 år när det mättes (16 år efter plantering) hösten 2018. Då mättes trädens höjd, diameter samt grönkronans höjd. Volym beräknades med volymfunktioner. Högläggning, inversmarkberedning, och fläckmarkberedning (i nu nämnd ordning) och snytbaggeskydd gynnade granplantornas volymtillväxt, gav flest stammar samt högst höjd. Att högläggning och inversmarkberedning var så framgångsrika i detta försök beror troligen på att marken i Siljansfors är näringsfattig och fuktig. Hög planteringspunkt ökar risken för en planta att torka. Permetrinbehandling hade en positiv effekt på volymen och stamantalet, dock var det ingen signifikant skillnad vad gäller höjden. Markberedning samt permetrinbehandling ger bestående långsiktiga resultat för produktionen.In regenerations, soil preparation provides good conditions for plants to survive and grow, and reduces the risk of damage by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term effect of protection against pine weevil damage and the long-term effect of different soil scarification methods on the number of trees, tree height and the volume production of spruce (Picea abies). The soil preparation methods that were compared were mounding, patch scarification and the inverse method. These were compared as well as to, no soil preparation at all. Half of the plants were treated against pine weevil with permethrin. These were evenly distributed in the experiment. The study was conducted in the trial area 9284, at SLU's experimental park in Siljansfors, Mora municipality. The trees were 17 years old when measured (16 years after planting) in the autumn 2018. Then tree height, diameter and the height of the green crown was measured. Volume was calculated with volume functions. Mounding, the inverse method and patch scarification (in the order mentioned) and pine weevil protection benefited the volume production of the spruce trees, the numbers of trees and tree height. The fact that mounding and the inverse method was so successful in this experiment is probably due to that the soil in Siljansfors is nutrient-poor and moist. High planting points increases the risk of drought. Permethrin treatment had a positive effect on volume production and the number of plants, however, there was no significant difference regarding tree height. Soil preparation and permethrin treatment provide lasting long-term effects on production

    Lifting the mask on tuberculosis : distribution of notified cases in Stockholm County 1989 to 1996

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    In order to investigate the distribution and burden of tuberculosis (TB) in Stockholm County during the period 1989 to 1996, a descriptive study was conducted. The TB cases registered in the central TB register during that period were studied.  Demographic profiles, geographic distribution, disease presentation and diagnosis of registered TB cases were described. During 1989 to 1996, 1022 TB cases were registered in Stockholm County accounting for 23% (1022/4487) of all TB cases in Sweden during that period.  The crude annual incidence was stable, oscillating between 7,1 and 8,1 per 100 000 population. Stratification by national origin showed a decrease of the annual incidence from 4,3 to 3,3 cases per 100 000 in the Swedish born population and an increase from 149,4 to 238,9 among the Africa borns. The overall age distribution of 1022 cases showed a bimodal pattern, peaking among young adults aged 25 to 44 years and among the elderly above 64 years. Stratification by age showed a declining trend in the age group above 64 years. In this age group the proportion of Swedish born was 85%. An increasing trend was observed in the age group 18 to 24 years. In this age group 91% were foreign born. The median age declined from 61 years during 1989 to 37 during 1996. The average annual incidence varied in the different municipalities between 1,3 (Ekerö) and 10,7 (Sundbyberg)per 100 000 population. The highest average annual incidence was found in Spånga parish. Due to an increased number of Africa born TB cases, the annual incidence in Spånga increased three-fold from 18,1 to 48,0 per 100 000 population. Nearly two-thirds (63) of the cases had pulmonary TB, 16% had lymphatic TB and 21 % had other extra –pulmonary lesions. The site of disease showed gender and ethnic differences. Lymphatic TB was more common in females, while pulmonary and other extra- pulmonary TB were more common in males. The highest proportion (42%) of lymphatic TB was found among Asian female cases compared to 4% in the Swedish male cases. Crude county incidence does not reveal geographic and ethnic clustering of TB cases. Clinical manifestations of TB vary depending on sex and ethnic differences. As being a low-incidence county, Sweden could be well suitable for TB eradication. To achieve such goal, the national TB control program need to be restructured in order to facilitate cluster oriented interventions