19 research outputs found

    Pre-study and development at QRTECH AB

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    In today's enterprises, information is exchanged faster than ever before. Companies can gain a competitive advantage by implementing new IT tools, making their organization more efficient. This thesis focus on developing a tool to facilitate the exchange of experiences inside the enterprise QRTECH AB situated in G oteborg, Sweden. The company found no solution on today's market and decided to develop a new instrument adjusted to their needs. In this thesis an experience is de ned as a knowledge a specific person has obtained during a certain period of time. An experience can be described using words, which in this thesis are called tags, in order to give experiences a context. This creates opportunities which are di cult to obtain when utilizing a traditional approach of categorizing. The application consists of a MySQL database and a web site. PHP was used to enable the communication between the database and web site. The necessary languages used for the web site are XHTML and JavaScript. By utilizing the library JQuery and method AJAX the development process was facilitated. The web site has the ability to search for experiences and projects in order for employees to nd colleagues possessing knowledge requested. Employees can create a personal account to be able to add experiences and projects into the database. An administrator account has been implemented in order to enable the possibility to prepare the database with information since it is empty at the beginning. By evaluating the performance of the web site, using two developed scripts, several improvements were implemented on the database queries. Currently, the established functionalities create the foundation on which future features can be implemented. The objective for future works should be to continue improving the performance, functionality and layout and to review issues regarding security. However, the rst issue to address is to solve the problems associated with Internet Explorer 8.0 since it is QRTECH's default browser

    Effektivisering av processflödet

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    The project was carried out at the company RetroPi, located outside Halmstad. It is a small company that works with the development, manufacturing, distribution and sale of cloth diapers. Their main production consists of all-in-one cloth diapers and sales are mainly done directly through the company's own webshop. The purpose of the project has been to meet the company's wishes to analyze, streamline and simplify a part of the production system where information is to be moved from one platform to another in connection with order booking. After a situation analysis, an idea could be created about what the process looked like at the beginning of the project. Data has been collected through various methods such as time studies and observations. These showed that there was great potential to streamline this part of the process. The observations and analysis of the process concluded that a program needed to be developed that could automate the steps that were now done manually. The program should be written in Java language and in the program Eclipse. A time study was conducted together with an error analysis comparing the process before and after the implementation of the program. The results showed good efficiency improvements and also a reduced number of steps and errors

    Automatisk Routerkonfigurering

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    Som blivande nÀtverksingenjör har jag insett hur effektivisering och automation blir allt viktigare inom industrin - framförallt genom skriptning och konfigurering av enheter som routrar. En erfaren nÀtverksingenjör kopierar snabbt och lÀtt in förberedd konfigurering utan problem, men nÀr nÀtverket skalas upp och mÄnga maskiner behöver konfigureras samtidigt bör en automatisering av processen vara av fördel. Jag avsÄg i detta syfte att undersöka hur stor tidsvinsten kunde bli och hur mÀngden nÀtverksdata som uppstÄr i denna typ av miljö pÄverkades om all konfigurationsprocess till ett specifikt kluster flyttades nÀrmare genom en klient-/servermodell och slutligen hur detta pÄverkades vid en uppskalning av enheter. Detta avsÄg jag att undersöka genom att upprÀtta en virtuell miljö för nÀtverksenhetsklustret, skripta ett eget system som hanterade denna typ av kommunikation och sedan jÀmföra systemet med ett manuellt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt i den virtuella miljön. Resultatet av undersökningen gav en klar bild av resurssparandet av bÄde mÀngden trafik över den specifika lÀnken och tiden det tog för konfigurationsprocessen att fÀrdigstÀllas. Vinsten i bÄda parametrar kunde mÀtas flera gÄnger om dÄ en enda nÀtverksenhet konfigurerades och undersökningen pÄvisade Ànnu mer mÀrkbara resursvinster desto fler nÀtverksenheter som introducerades i testmiljön

    A legislative shackle : Freedom of expression in contemporary Cambodia

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    In the South-East of Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Vietnam and Laos, lays the tropical country of Cambodia. The ancient temples and landscapes rival that of any other from the era, attracting people from all around the world. But Cambodia is a country emerging from conflict. Inevitably, the international occupations, the revolution in the 70’s and the United Nations’ democracy-restoration period have left an impact on society. Many inadequacies are obvious. Despite a multi-party system, the governing party, Cambodian People’s Party, holds much of the power, the judicial system is deficient, corruption is common and human rights are restricted through legislation. Clashes between authorities and civilians often result in violence, intimidation, imprisonment and even death. Since the early 90’s, Cambodia has ratified many of the conventions on the protection of human rights – but the gap between written law and law in action as to the process of democracy remains an issue in the limelight. The purpose of this essay is therefore to establish the current situation in contemporary Cambodia by identifying the gap between written law and law in action. This has been achieved through a SIDA financed minor field study (MFS) conducted in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November to December 2013.Validerat; 20140917 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Automatisk Routerkonfigurering

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    Som blivande nÀtverksingenjör har jag insett hur effektivisering och automation blir allt viktigare inom industrin - framförallt genom skriptning och konfigurering av enheter som routrar. En erfaren nÀtverksingenjör kopierar snabbt och lÀtt in förberedd konfigurering utan problem, men nÀr nÀtverket skalas upp och mÄnga maskiner behöver konfigureras samtidigt bör en automatisering av processen vara av fördel. Jag avsÄg i detta syfte att undersöka hur stor tidsvinsten kunde bli och hur mÀngden nÀtverksdata som uppstÄr i denna typ av miljö pÄverkades om all konfigurationsprocess till ett specifikt kluster flyttades nÀrmare genom en klient-/servermodell och slutligen hur detta pÄverkades vid en uppskalning av enheter. Detta avsÄg jag att undersöka genom att upprÀtta en virtuell miljö för nÀtverksenhetsklustret, skripta ett eget system som hanterade denna typ av kommunikation och sedan jÀmföra systemet med ett manuellt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt i den virtuella miljön. Resultatet av undersökningen gav en klar bild av resurssparandet av bÄde mÀngden trafik över den specifika lÀnken och tiden det tog för konfigurationsprocessen att fÀrdigstÀllas. Vinsten i bÄda parametrar kunde mÀtas flera gÄnger om dÄ en enda nÀtverksenhet konfigurerades och undersökningen pÄvisade Ànnu mer mÀrkbara resursvinster desto fler nÀtverksenheter som introducerades i testmiljön

    Effektivisering av processflödet

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    The project was carried out at the company RetroPi, located outside Halmstad. It is a small company that works with the development, manufacturing, distribution and sale of cloth diapers. Their main production consists of all-in-one cloth diapers and sales are mainly done directly through the company's own webshop. The purpose of the project has been to meet the company's wishes to analyze, streamline and simplify a part of the production system where information is to be moved from one platform to another in connection with order booking. After a situation analysis, an idea could be created about what the process looked like at the beginning of the project. Data has been collected through various methods such as time studies and observations. These showed that there was great potential to streamline this part of the process. The observations and analysis of the process concluded that a program needed to be developed that could automate the steps that were now done manually. The program should be written in Java language and in the program Eclipse. A time study was conducted together with an error analysis comparing the process before and after the implementation of the program. The results showed good efficiency improvements and also a reduced number of steps and errors

    Ethnic differences in satisfaction and quality of life in veterans with ischemic heart disease.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess differences in self-reported health status and satisfaction between African-American and caucasian veterans with ischemic heart disease (IHD). DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: African-American and caucasian patients enrolled in General Internal Medicine clinics at six Veteran Affairs Medical Centers. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline survey data from the Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP). Patients who responded to an initial health-screening questionnaire were sent follow-up surveys, which included the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Health Survey (SF-36), the Seattle Outpatient Satisfaction Questionnaire (SOSQ), and the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Of the 44,965 patients approached, 27,977 (62%) returned the baseline survey, of which 10,385 patients reported IHD and were sent the SAQ. Of those, 7,985 patients (84% caucasian, 16% African-American) responded. Caucasian respondents tended to be older, married, nonsmokers, with annual incomes over dollar 10,000, and had higher educational attainment than African Americans. African-American patients reported significantly fewer cardiac procedures (33% vs. 52%, p < 0.001) but were more likely to have diabetes (37% vs. 28%, p < 0.001) and hypertension (81% vs. 68%, p < 0.001). After adjustment for demographic characteristics, comorbid conditions, clinic site, and site-ethnicity interactions, SF-36 scores for physical function, role physical, bodily pain, and vitality were greater for African Americans than caucasians, while adjusted scores were significantly lower for role emotional. However, because of the site-ethnicity interaction, scores varied significantly by site. For the SAQ, overall adjusted physical function summary scores and disease stability scores were significantly greater for African Americans than caucasians. Adjusted summary satisfaction scores for provider satisfaction were not significantly lower for African Americans overall but were significant at two of six sites. Similarly, on the SAQ, adjusted treatment satisfaction scores were significantly lower for African Americans at half of the sites and minimally but not clinically significant overall. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a higher prevalence of cardiac risk factors, African-American patients with CAD who were treated in the VA system appeared to have a greater level of physical functioning, vitality, and angina stability. After adjustment for confounding demographic variables, however, these differences were not consistently significant at all geographic locations. This suggests that many other sociodemographic variables, in addition to ethnicity, influence apparent discrepancies in quality of life, satisfaction, and angina