1,011 research outputs found

    Linear-response theory of spin Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic insulators

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    We formulate a linear response theory of the spin Seebeck effect, i.e., a spin voltage generation from heat current flowing in a ferromagnet. Our approach focuses on the collective magnetic excitation of spins, i.e., magnons. We show that the linear-response formulation provides us with a qualitative as well as quantitative understanding of the spin Seebeck effect observed in a prototypical magnet, yttrium iron garnet.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Added references and revised argument on the length scales at the end of Sec.

    Mesoscopic Hall effect driven by chiral spin order

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    A Hall effect due to spin chirality in mesoscopic systems is predicted. We consider a 4-terminal Hall system including local spins with geometry of a vortex domain wall, where strong spin chirality appears near the center of vortex. The Fermi energy of the conduction electrons is assumed to be comparable to the exchange coupling energy where the adiabatic approximation ceases to be valid. Our results show a Hall effect where a voltage drop and a spin current arise in the transverse direction. The similarity between this Hall effect and the conventional spin Hall effect in systems with spin-orbit interaction is pointed out.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mesoscopic Stern-Gerlach spin filter by nonuniform spin-orbit interaction

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    A novel spin filtering in two-dimensional electron system with nonuniform spin-orbit interactions (SOI) is theoretically studied. The strength of SOI is modulated perpendicular to the charge current. A spatial gradient of effective magnetic field due to the nonuniform SOI causes the Stern-Gerlach type spin separation. The direction of the polarization is perpendicular to the current and parallel to the spatial gradient. Almost 100 % spin polarization can be realized even without applying any external magnetic fields and without attaching ferromagnetic contacts. The spin polarization persists even in the presence of randomness.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures (2 color figures), to appear in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Commu

    Conductance fluctuations in the presence of spin scattering

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    Electron transport through disordered systems that include spin scatterers is studied numerically. We consider three kinds of magnetic impurities: the Ising, the XY and the Heisenberg. By extending the transfer matrix method to include the spin degree of freedom, the two terminal conductance is calculated. The variance of conductance is halved as the number of spin components of the magnetic impurities increases. Application of the Zeeman field in the lead causes a further halving of the variance under certain conditions.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Heterogeneidade das formas carboxi-terminal circulantes de paratormônio em pacientes com hiperparatiroidismo devido à insuficiência renal crônica terminal

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    OBJECTIVE: To study carboxyl-terminal (COOH) parathyroid hormone (PTH) circulating forms in patients with hyperparathyroidism due to end stage renal disease (ESRD). METHODS: An immunometric assay that recognizes both intact and COOH PTH forms was developed. The assay, in conjunction with an intact assay, was used to measure PTH in serum samples obtained from 25 patients with hyperparathyroidism due to ESRD. Samples were also submitted to gel filtration chromatography in a Superdex® 30 1.6 x 60 cm column, and the PTH content in the elution tubes, measured using both assays. RESULTS: Values from 39.000 to 232.300 ng/mL (mean ± sd = 101.680 ± 45.330 ng/mL) were found using the COOH assay (PTH 39-84 was used as standard). Values obtained by the intact PTH assay ranged from 318 to 3.307 ng/mL (1.769 ± 693 ng/mL) with a correlation between assays of 0.462 (p = 0.02). The elution profile obtained using the COOH assay showed a preponderance of forms with MW ranging from 8.500 to 4.500 daltons. The profiles obtained from the 25 patients were very similar. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with hyperparathyroidism due to ESRD circulating PTH levels contain a broad range of molecular forms including COOH with MW ranging from 8.500 to 4.500 daltons. These forms are not recognized by the standard intact PTH assays. The correlation of these findings to the clinical aspects of bone disease in ESRD patients remains to be studied.OBJETIVO: Estudar as formas carboxi-terminal (COOH) circulantes de paratormônio (PTH) em pacientes com hiperparatiroidismo devido à insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) terminal. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido um ensaio imunométrico que reconhece formas intactas e COOH longas de PTH. Esse ensaio foi utilizado, em conjunto com um ensaio para molécula intacta de PTH, em amostras de 25 pacientes com hiperparatiroidismo devido à IRC. As amostras também foram submetidas à cromatografia de gel filtração em coluna de Superdex® 30 de 1,6 x 60 cm, e o conteúdo de PTH nos tubos de eluato foi medido, empregando-se os dois ensaios. RESULTADOS: Valores entre 39.000 e 232.300 ng/mL (média ± dp = 101,680 ± 45,330 ng/mL) foram obtidos usando-se o ensaio COOH (PTH 39-84 foi utilizado como padrão). Com o ensaio para PTH intacto, os valores distribuíram-se entre 318 e 3,307 ng/mL (1,769 ± 693 ng/mL) com correlação entre ambos de 0,462 (p = 0,02). O perfil cromatográfico obtido com o ensaio COOH mostrou predomínio de formas com PM entre 8.500 e 4.500 daltons. Os perfis cromatográficos dos 25 pacientes foram bastante semelhantes. CONCLUSÕES: Em pacientes com hiperparatiroidismo devido à IRC, os níveis circulantes de PTH contêm um espectro de formas moleculares que incluem formas carboxi-terminais, com PM entre 8.500 e 4.500 daltons. Essas formas não são reconhecidas pelos ensaios de rotina utilizados para a medida de PTH intacto. A correlação entre esses achados e os aspectos clínicos da doença óssea em pacientes com IRC necessita de maiores estudos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Charge and Spin Currents Generated by Dynamical Spins

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    We demonstrate theoretically that a charge current and a spin current are generated by spin dynamics in the presence of spin-orbit interaction in the perturbative regime. We consider a general spin-orbit interaction including the spatially inhomogeneous case. Spin current due to spin damping is identified as one origin of generated charge current, but other contributions exist, such as the one due to an induced conservative field and the one arising from the inhomogeneity of spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Effectiveness of method improvements to reduce variability of brood termination rate in honey bee brood studies under semi-field conditions

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    Quantitative assessments of adverse effects of plant protection products on honey bee brood (Apis mellifera L.) may be carried out according to the methods given by the OECD Guidance Document No. 75 (2007). In recent years a number of studies displayed a strong variability in brood termination rates, a key endpoint. Due to these variances no definite conclusions regarding potential brood effects were possible, and the studies needed to be repeated. Due to this, attempts to improve the methodology were initiated by the Working Group ‘Honey bee brood' of the German AG Bienenschutz. In 2011, honey bee brood studies adapted to these identified possible improvements resulted in better results compared to historical data. Based on the analysed results, the working group recommends to improve the method by using bigger colonies with more brood, using 4 instead of 3 replicates for better interpretation of data, starting the study early in the season, avoiding major modifications of the colonies shortly before application and using larger tunnels with effective crop areas preferably > 80 m². To carry out quicker brood cell assessments to reduce stress for the colonies, it is recommended to use digital brood assessment, which allows marking a higher number of cells (e.g. 200 to 400 cells)

    Effective magnetization damping for a dynamical spin texture in metallic ferromagnet

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    An additional magnetization damping for an inhomogeneous spin texture in metallic ferromagnets is calculated on the basis of the s–d exchange model. The effect of conduction electrons on the magnetization dynamics is accounted for the case of slowly varying spin texture within adiabatic approximation by using a coordinate transformation to the local quantization axis. The moving magnetic vortex in a circular nanodot made of permalloy is considered as an example. The dependence of the damping on the dot geometrical sizes is obtained. It is found that the additional damping can reach up to 50% of magnitude of the phenomenological Gilbert damping in the Landau–Lifshitz equation of magnetization motion and should be taken into account for any inhomogeneous spin texture dynamics in ferromagnetic metals

    Fatal outcome in classic Kaposi's sarcoma

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    First described in 1872, Kaposi's sarcoma is defined as a rare multifocal tumor that originates in the endothelial cells and presents with cutaneous and extracutaneous manifestations. The classic form is most common in elderly men and progression is slow. This tumor responds well to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This report describes a classic case of Kaposi's sarcoma in a woman with skin and visceral manifestations in whom the disease rapidly progressed to a fatal outcome.Descrito em 1872, o sarcoma de Kaposi é neoplasia multicêntrica rara originária de células endoteliais com manifestação cutânea e extracutânea. A forma clássica é muito mais frequente em homens idosos, com evolução prolongada e boa resposta a quimioterapia e radioterapia. Apresentaremos um caso de sarcoma de Kaposi clássico com comprometimento cutâneo e visceral em paciente do sexo feminino com rápida evolução fatal.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Perturbation theory of the dynamic inverse spin Hall effect with charge conservation

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    We present gauge-invariant theory of the dynamic inverse spin Hall effect driven by the spin--orbit interaction in metallic systems. Charge conservation is imposed diagrammatically by including vertex corrections. We show the charge current is induced by an effective electric field that is proportional to the spin current pumped by the magnetization dynamics. The result is consistent with recent experiments.Comment: 16pages, 5figure