200 research outputs found

    Data Collection and Distribution in Nigerian Higher Institutions: Problems and Way Forward

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    Higher institutions in Nigeria are facing many challenges. One of such challenges is lack ofcreditable data to plan and to take decisions on development of the institutions. This paper is aim todiscuss the problems of data collection and distribution in the Nigerian higher institutions. Secondarydata were employed to discuss the various points raised in the paper. The secondary data were sourcedfrom both hard ware and software resources. The paper identified inadequate funding, inadequateworking materials, shortage of professional data experts, poor capacity development of data mangersand inadequate infrastructural facilities as the problems preventing effective data collection anddistribution in the Nigerian higher institutions. To address these problems, the paper recommended thatthe government should increase the funding of higher institutions, more professional data mangersshould be employed, adequate working tools should be provided, training and retraining programmeshould be constantly provided for data mangers and school administrators should provide allinfrastructural facilities needed by units and departments handling data management in the varioushigher institutions in the country

    Public Universities in South west Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria: Problems and Solutions

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    Objectives: This paper examined the challenges faced by public universities in south-west geo- political zone of Nigeria. Methods: Content analysis was adopted for the paper. Both secondary and primary data were used in the paper to support the points raised. The data sourced include national and international dailies, published, and unpublished papers, articles and reference materials. Conclusion: This paper concludes that funding problems, inadequate academic staff, shortage of infrastructural facilities, corruption, Brain-drain, strike actions insecurity, poor motivation, political influence and indigenization of principal officers are problems faced by public universities in the South-West geo-political zone of Nigeria. Recommendations: The federal and state government should increase the funding of public universities in the region for impactful transformation. The state government and the federal government should direct respective universities in the zone to recruit more academic and non- academic staff to improve the quality of education in the zone et

    An Investigation into the Challenges Preventing Students of Educational Administration and Planning from Using ICT for Learning in Nigeria Higher Institutions

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    The main purpose of this research work is to investigate the challenges preventing students of educational administration and planning from using ICT for learning in Nigeria higher institutions: a case study of university of Abuja, Nigeria. The sample for this study was all the students in university of Abuja. 50 students from each level of the department of educational administration and planning totaling 200 were randomly selected from the department using simple random sampling technique. One hypothesis and three research questions were postulated as a guide to this study and a seven sub-items questionnaire divided into two sections was used to get the required information. A simple percentage and chi-square were used to test the hypotheses at 0.95% level of significance. It was found out that there are challenges preventing students of educational administration and planning from using ICT for learning. The challenges preventing students of educational administration and planning from using ICT for learning includes; unstable power supply, lack of personal laptop or computer system, unstable ICT Network services, lack of computer literacy by the students, High cost of ICT services, poor infrastructural facilities of ICT in higher institutions and poor computer literacy of the lecturers. Base on the findings, the researchers recommends that the government should increase the funding of education in Nigeria to enable schools administrators provide necessary ICT facilities in their various schools

    Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic School Close Down on the Research Programme of Higher Institutions

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of covid-19 pandemic school close down on the research programme of higher institutions in Abuja, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was used for the study and 4 research questions was developed for the study. Random sampling method was used to select 120 researchers in the four sampled institutions. The instrument used for collection of data was a structured questionnaire. Result collected revealed that 100% of the respondents agreed that Covid-19 pandemic school closure have impact on research program of higher institutions in FCT, 100% of the respondents agreed that Covid-19 pandemic will affects the flow of international research grants into higher institutions in FCT, 92% of the respondents agreed that Covid-19 pandemic will affects government funding of research higher institutions in FCT and 100% agreed that higher institutions as part of their community services by creating awereness to the general public on prevention of covid-19.The study also showed that 100% of the respondents agreed that higher institutions in Federal Capital Territory are collaborating with other institutions on the research for covid-19 vaccine while 69.17% of the respondents agreed that higher institutions in FCT are producing face masks for free distributions for the people to protect them from containing the covid-19 in Abuja. Based on this finding, this paper thereby recommends that government should increase the funding of research programme in Abuja and other higher institutions in the country

    Medical Education and Barriers to Funding in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

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    Adequate funding is critical for the implementation of medical education in tertiary institutions. Adequate funding is the pillar that aid actualization of medical education globally. It is unfortunate that investment into medical education in Nigeria tertiary education is poor. This paper examined barriers to funding of medical education in Nigeria. The paper established that lack of political will to implement UNESCO 15% - 20% recommendation for education, corruption, insecurity, debt servicing, short fall in national revenue and revenue linkage are the barriers to funding of medical education in Nigeria. Based on these problems identified, the paper recommended that Federal and State government should implement UNESCO 15% - 20% recommendation for education funding in Nigeria. Nigerian government should block all revenue linkages and diversify the economy to improve revenue generation. Government should fight corruption in education administration by using ICT. Provost of colleges of medicine in Nigeria should look inward and improve on internally generated revenue

    Educational policy in Nigerian: Challenges of Implementation and Ways Forward

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    This paper examines the challenges facing the implementation of educational policies in Nigeria. Secondary data were used in the papers. The secondary data were sourced from print materials and online journal and articles. The paper identified inadequate funding, inadequate infrastructural facilities, inadequate professional teachers, institutional corruption, lack of political will, insecurity challenge, lack of continuity in commitment to policy implementation, political instability, poor policy formulation, poor relationship between policy designer and policy implementer as challenges preventing effective implementation of educational policies in Nigeria. To address these challenges, the papers recommends the following; adequate funding of education, provision of adequate infrastructural facilities, fight institutional corruption, ensure adequate security in educational institutions, political officeholders should have positive political will towards implementation of educational policies, employment of more professional teachers, positive relationship between policy designers and policy implementer and political officeholders should have political will to continue with educational policies

    Recruitment in Public Tertiary Education in Nigeria: Problems and Way Forward

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    Purpose: This paper examined the challenges faced by Nigerian tertiary institutions when conducting recruitment exercise to filling in staff into the various public tertiary institutions. Methods: Content analysis was adopted for the paper. Both secondary and primary data were used in the paper to support points raised. The data were sources from national and international dailies, published, unpublished papers and articles and reference materials. Conclusion: This paper concluded that inadequate funding, bureaucratic bottlenecks, federal character principals, political influence, corruption, embargo, strike actions and lack of professional individual and personnel are the challenges hindering effective recruitment exercise in the Nigerian tertiary institutions. Recommendations: The government should increase the funding of all public tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This will help to recruit both academic and non-academic staff in right qualities and quantities at due time. Full autonomy status should be granted to all Nigerian tertiary institutions and should be practiced. This will help to stop politicians and public officers from influencing recruitment processes in the system. This will also help to remove the tertiary institutions from government policies of embargo on recruitment and recruitment based on federal character principles

    Trans-National Education in Nigeria

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    This paper discussed strategies to develop transnational education in Nigeria. Secondary data were gathered from print materials and online publications and were used in the paper. The paper identified increment in access to higher education, employment generation reduction in foreign education, revenue generation and increment in international collaboration as benefits of developing trans-national education in Nigeria. The paper identified some strategies that can be used to develop transnational education in Nigeria which includes; marketing of trans-national education in Nigeria, effective supervision of TNE, provision of short or long term loan providers or promoter of TNE and full implementation of trans-national education policies. Based on the following points identified, the paper hereby recommended that the federal National Universities Commission (NUC) should develop a road map or blueprint for the development of trans-national education in Nigeria. National Universities Commission (NUC) should create a department for trans-national education and come up with strategies that will aid the development of trans-national education in Nigeria. National Universities Commission (NUC) should direct researchers and academics to carry out more research on trans-national education and come up with suggestions that can fully develop the concept in Nigeria

    Administration of Political Science Programme in Nigerian Public Universities: Problems and Solutions

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    Political science programme is one of the social science programme that public universities in Nigeria are offering. The programme is aimed to develop manpower that will fill the political super structure of the society and contribute to the social economic and political development of the country. It is unfortunate that political science as a programme offering in public universities in Nigeria is faced with many problems. This article discusses the problems facing the administration of political science programme in the Nigerian public universities. The article employed secondary data to review the points raised in the discussion. The secondary data were sourced from online and print materials. The following were identified: inadequate funding, inadequate infrastructural facilities, shortage of academic staff, ineffective staff development programme, brain-drain and poor research as the problems facing the administration of political science in the Nigerian public universities. To address these problems, the following were suggested that more funds should be allocated for the administration of political sciences, adequate infrastructural facilities should be provided, and employment of more academic staff, political science lecturers should be motivated to reduce brain-drain and effective staff development for lecturers in the department of political science

    Nijerya'da Öğretmen Eğitiminin Yönetimi: Problem ve Öneri

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    The article discussed the problems facing the administration of teacher education in Nigeria. Secondary data was used to support the points raised in the article. The secondary data were sourced from print material and online publication by recognized institutions and individual author. There are many problems facing administration of teachers education in Nigeria. Some of the problems include; inadequate funding, inadequate academic staff, shortage of infrastructural facilities, institutional corruption, weak school administrators, brain-drain and unstable academic calendar. To solve this challenges, this article recommends: that the government should increase the funding of teachers education, employ more academic staff, provide more infrastructural facilities, ensure stable academic calendar, appointment of competent school administrators and fight all institutional corruption.    Makale, Nijerya'da öğretmen eğitimi yönetiminin karşılaştığı sorunları tartışmaktadır. Makalede öne sürülen noktaları desteklemek için ikincil veriler kullanılmıştır. İkincil veriler basılı materyallerden ve tanınmış kurumlar ve yazar tarafından çevrimiçi yayından elde edilmiştir. Nijerya'da öğretmen eğitimi yönetiminin karşılaştığı birçok sorun var. Sorunlardan bazıları şunlardır; yetersiz finansman, yetersiz akademik personel, altyapı tesislerinin eksikliği, kurumsal yozlaşma, zayıf okul yöneticileri, beyin göçü ve istikrarsız akademik takvim. Bu zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için, bu makale şunu öneriyor: hükümetin öğretmenlerin eğitimine yönelik fonları artırması, daha fazla akademik personel istihdam etmesi, daha fazla altyapı tesisi sağlaması, istikrarlı bir akademik takvim sağlaması, yetkin okul yöneticilerinin atanması ve tüm kurumsal yolsuzluklarla mücadele etmesi