17 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation for Cavitation Bubble Near Free Surface and Rigid Boundary

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    順行性にガイドワイヤー挿入ののち, 逆行性に尿管ステントを留置することにより, 術後尿管瘻2例(34歳女, 62歳男)を保存的に治療した.断裂尿管に伴う尿管狭窄によりステント挿入が困難症例に対し, スーパーセレクターガイドワイヤーと尿管拡張カテーテルは有用であるThe combined procedure by antegrade introduction of the guidewire and retrograde placement of ureteral stents was successfully performed for the conservative management of postoperative ureteral fistulas in two patients. Superselector guidewire and ureteral bougie catheter are of use to facilitate difficult stent placement for severe narrowing accompanied with the dehiscent ureter