1,362 research outputs found

    Mid Infrared Spectra of Radio Galaxies and Quasars

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    Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) observations of 3C radio galaxies and quasars shed new light on the nature of the central engines of AGN. Emission from silicate dust obscuring the central engine can be used to estimate the bolometric luminosity of an AGN. Emission lines from ions such as O IV and Ne V give another indication of the presence or lack of a hidden source of far-UV photons in the nucleus. Radio-loud AGN with relative-to-Eddington luminosity ratios of L/L_Edd < 3E-3 do not appear to have broad optical emission lines, though some do have strong silicate emission. Aromatic emission features from star formation activity are common in low-luminosity radio galaxies. Strong molecular hydrogen pure-rotational emission lines are also seen in some mid-IR weak radio galaxies, caused by either merger shocks or jet shocks in the interstellar medium.Comment: Conference proceedings to appear in "The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei", ed. L. C. Ho and J.-M. Wang (San Francisco: ASP

    High-ionization mid-infrared lines as black hole mass and bolometric luminosity indicators in active galactic nuclei

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    We present relations of the black hole mass and the optical luminosity with the velocity dispersion and the luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] high-ionization lines in the mid-infrared (MIR) for 28 reverberation-mapped active galactic nuclei. We used high-resolution Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph and Infrared Space Observatory Short Wavelength Spectrometer data to fit the profiles of these MIR emission lines that originate from the narrow-line region of the nucleus. We find that the lines are often resolved and that the velocity dispersion of [Ne V] and [O IV] follows a relation similar to that between the black hole mass and the bulge stellar velocity dispersion found for local galaxies. The luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] lines in these sources is correlated with that of the optical 5100A continuum and with the black hole mass. Our results provide a means to derive black hole properties in various types of active galactic nuclei, including highly obscured systems.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    Laminin Potentiates Differentiation of PCC4uva Embryonal Carcinoma into Neurons

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    The embryonal carcinoma PCC4uva differentiates into neurons in response to treatment with retinoic acid and dbcAMP. We used this in vitro model system to study the effects of laminin on early neural differentiation. Laminin substrata markedly potentiate neural differentiation of retinoic acid and dbcAMP-treated cultures. Only laminin induced more rapid neural cell body clustering, neurite growth and neurite fasciculation as compared to type IV collagen, type I collagen, and fibronectin substrata. Exogenous laminin substrata promoted greater cell attachment, cellular spreading and growth to confluence than type IV collagen, type I collagen, fibronectin and glass substrata. Laminin-induced effects were inhibited by addition of laminin antibodies or the synthetic laminin-derived peptide Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg-NH2 (YIGSR-NH2). Treatment with YIGSR-NH2 also inhibited neural differentiation in the absence of exogenous laminin substrata, whereas synthetic peptides containing the RGD sequence and a control peptide YIGSK-NH2 showed no inhibitory effects. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that specific interactions between an early differentiating cell population(s) and extracellular laminin are required during neural differentiation

    Automation in multi-dimensional gas chromatography

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    A Spitzer Unbiased Ultradeep Spectroscopic Survey

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    We carried out an unbiased, spectroscopic survey using the low-resolution module of the infrared spectrograph (IRS) on board Spitzer targeting two 2.6 square arcminute regions in the GOODS-North field. IRS was used in spectral mapping mode with 5 hours of effective integration time per pixel. One region was covered between 14 and 21 microns and the other between 20 and 35 microns. We extracted spectra for 45 sources. About 84% of the sources have reported detections by GOODS at 24 microns, with a median F_nu(24um) ~ 100 uJy. All but one source are detected in all four IRAC bands, 3.6 to 8 microns. We use a new cross-correlation technique to measure redshifts and estimate IRS spectral types; this was successful for ~60% of the spectra. Fourteen sources show significant PAH emission, four mostly SiO absorption, eight present mixed spectral signatures (low PAH and/or SiO) and two show a single line in emission. For the remaining 17, no spectral features were detected. Redshifts range from z ~ 0.2 to z ~ 2.2, with a median of 1. IR Luminosities are roughly estimated from 24 microns flux densities, and have median values of 2.2 x 10^{11} L_{\odot} and 7.5 x 10^{11} L_{\odot} at z ~ 1 and z ~ 2 respectively. This sample has fewer AGN than previous faint samples observed with IRS, which we attribute to the fainter luminosities reached here.Comment: Published in Ap

    Polarization of Broad Absorption Line QSOs I. A Spectropolarimetric Atlas

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    We present a spectropolarimetric survey of 36 broad absorption line quasi-stellar objects (BAL QSOs). The continuum, absorption trough, and emission line polarization of BAL QSOs yield clues about their structure. We confirm that BAL QSOs are in general more highly polarized than non-BAL QSOs, consistent with a more equatorial viewing direction for the former than the latter. We have identified two new highly-polarized QSOs in our sample (1232+1325 and 1333+2840). The polarization rises weakly to the blue in most objects, perhaps due to scattering and absorption by dust particles. We find that a polarization increase in the BAL troughs is a general property of polarized BAL QSOs, indicating an excess of scattered light relative to direct light, and consistent with the unification of BAL QSOs and non-BAL QSOs. We have also discovered evidence of resonantly scattered photons in the red wing of the C IV broad emission lines of a few objects. In most cases, the broad emission lines have lower polarization and a different position angle than the continuum. The polarization characteristics of low-ionization BAL QSOs are similar to those of high-ionization BAL QSOs, suggesting a similar BAL wind geometry.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures (20 .gif files), accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Energetics of the molecular gas in the H_2 luminous radio galaxy 3C 326: Evidence for negative AGN feedback

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    We present a detailed analysis of the gas conditions in the H_2 luminous radio galaxy 3C 326 N at z ~ 0.1, which has a low star-formation rate (SFR ~ 0.07 M_⊙ yr^(−1)) in spite of a gas surface density similar to those in starburst galaxies. Its star-formation efficiency is likely a factor ~ 10−50 lower than those of ordinary star-forming galaxies. Combining new IRAM CO emission-line interferometry with existing Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopy, we find that the luminosity ratio of CO and pure rotational H_2 line emission is factors 10−100 lower than what is usually found. This suggests that most of the molecular gas is warm. The Na D absorption-line profile of 3C 326 N in the optical suggests an outflow with a terminal velocity of ~−1800 km s^(−1) and a mass outflow rate of 30−40 M_⊙ yr^(−1), which cannot be explained by star formation. The mechanical power implied by the wind, of order 10^(43) erg s^(−1), is comparable to the bolometric luminosity of the emission lines of ionized and molecular gas. To explain these observations, we propose a scenario where a small fraction of the mechanical energy of the radio jet is deposited in the interstellar medium of 3C 326 N, which powers the outflow, and the line emission through a mass, momentum and energy exchange between the different gas phases of the ISM. Dissipation times are of order 10^(7−8) yrs, similar or greater than the typical jet lifetime. Small ratios of CO and PAH surface brightnesses in another 7 H_2 luminous radio galaxies suggest that a similar form of AGN feedback could be lowering star-formation efficiencies in these galaxies in a similar way. The local demographics of radio-loud AGN suggests that secular gas cooling in massive early-type galaxies of ≄ 10^(11) M_⊙ could generally be regulated through a fundamentally similar form of “maintenance-phase” AGN feedback

    Structure of the Accretion Flow in Broad-Line Radio Galaxies: The Case of 3C390.3

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    We present XMM and Suzaku observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (BLRG) 3C390.3. The Fe Ka line has a width FWHM ~ 8,800 km/s, consistent within a factor two with the width of the double-peaked H_alpha line, suggesting an origin from the Broad Line Region. The data show for the first time a weak, broad bump extending from 5 to 7 keV. When fitted with a Gaussian, its centroid energy is 6.6 keV in the source's rest-frame with FWHM of 43,000 km/s and EW of 50 eV; its most likely interpretation is emission from He-like Fe (Fe XXV), suggesting the presence of an ionized medium in the inner regions of 3C390.3. The broad-band 0.5-100 keV continuum is well described by a single power law with photon index Gamma=1.6 and cutoff energy 157 keV, plus cold reflection with strength R=0.5. In addition, ionized reflection is required to account for the 6.6 keV bump in the broad-band continuum, yielding an ionization parameter xi ~ 2700 ergs cm s^-1; the inner radius of the ionized reflector is constrained to be larger than 20 r_G, although this result depends on the assumed emissivity profile of the disk. If true, we argue that the lack of broad Fe K emission from within 20 r_G indicates that the innermost regions of the disk in 3C390.3 are obscured and/or poorly illuminated. While the SED of 3C390.3 is generally dominated by accretion-related continuum, during accretion low states the jet can significantly contribute in the optical to X-ray bands via synchrotron self-Compton emission. (Abridged)Comment: 7 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Ap
