28 research outputs found

    Re-examining the Too-Big-To-Fail Problem for Dark Matter Haloes with Central Density Cores

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    Recent studies found the densities of dark matter (DM) subhaloes which surround nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) to be significantly lower than those of the most massive subhaloes expected around Milky Way sized galaxies in cosmological simulations, the so called "too-big-to-fail" (TBTF) problem. A caveat of previous work has been that dark substructures were assumed to contain steep density cusps in the center of DM haloes even though the central density structure of DM haloes is still under debate. In this study, we re-examine the TBTF problem for models of DM density structure with cores or shallowed cusps. Our analysis demonstrates that the TBTF problem is alleviated as the logarithmic slope of the central cusp becomes shallower. We find that the TBTF problem is avoided if the central cusps of DM haloes surrounding dSphs are shallower than r0.6r^{-0.6}.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Formation of dense filaments induced by runaway supermassive black holes

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    A narrow linear object extending 60\sim 60kpc from the centre of a galaxy at redshift z1z \sim 1 has been recently discovered and interpreted as a shocked gas filament forming stars. The host galaxy presents an irregular morphology, implying recent merger events. Supposing that each of the progenitor galaxies has a central supermassive black hole (SMBH) and the SMBHs are accumulated at the centre of the merger remnant, a fraction of them can be ejected from the galaxy with a high velocity due to interactions between SMBHs. When such a runaway SMBH (RSMBH) passes through the circumgalactic medium (CGM), converging flows are induced along the RSMBH path, and star formation could be ignited eventually. We find that the CGM temperature prior to the RSMBH perturbation should be below the peak temperature in the cooling function to trigger filament formation. While the gas is heated up temporarily due to compression, the cooling efficiency increases, and gas accumulation becomes allowed along the path. When the CGM density is sufficiently high, the gas can cool down and develop a dense filament by z=1z = 1. The mass and velocity of the RSMBH determine the scale of the filament formation. Hydrodynamical simulations validate the analytical expectations. Therefore, we conclude that the perturbation by RSMBHs is a viable channel for forming the observed linear object. We also expect the CGM around the linear object to be warm (T<2×105T < 2 \times 10^5 K) and dense (n>2×105(T/2×105K)1cm3n > 2 \times 10^{-5} (T/2 \times 10^5 \, K)^{-1} \, {\rm cm^{-3}}).Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRA

    Universal dark halo scaling relation for the dwarf spheroidal satellites

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    Motivated by a recently found interesting property of the dark halo surface density within a radius, rmaxr_{\rm max}, giving the maximum circular velocity, VmaxV_{\rm max}, we investigate it for dark halos of the Milky Way's and Andromeda's dwarf satellites based on cosmological simulations. We select and analyze the simulated subhalos associated with Milky Way-sized dark halos and find that the values of their surface densities, ΣVmax\Sigma_{V_{\rm max}}, are in good agreement with those for the observed dwarf spheroidal satellites even without employing any fitting procedures. This implies that this surface density would not be largely affected by any baryonic feedbacks and thus universal. Moreover, all subhalos on the small scales of dwarf satellites are expected to obey the relation ΣVmaxVmax\Sigma_{V_{\rm max}}\propto V_{\rm max}, irrespective of differences in their orbital evolutions, host halo properties, and observed redshifts. Therefore, we find that the universal scaling relation for dark halos on dwarf galaxy mass scales surely exists and provides us important clues to understanding fundamental properties of dark halos. We also investigate orbital and dynamical evolutions of subhalos to understand the origin of this universal dark halo relation and find that most of subhalos evolve generally along the rmaxVmaxr_{\rm max}\propto V_{\rm max} sequence, even though these subhalos have undergone different histories of mass assembly and tidal stripping. This sequence, therefore, should be the key feature to understand the nature of the universality of ΣVmax\Sigma_{V_{\rm max}}.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures and 3 tables, submitted to Ap

    Examining the Effects of Dark Matter Spikes on Eccentric Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals Using NN-body Simulations

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    Recent studies have postulated that the presence of dark matter (DM) spikes around IMBHs could lead to observable dephasing effects in gravitational wave (GW) signals emitted by Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals (IMRIs). While prior investigations primarily relied on non-self-consistent analytic methods to estimate the influence of DM spikes on eccentric IMRIs, our work introduces the first self-consistent treatment of this phenomenon through NN-body simulations. Contrary to previous studies, which suggested that dynamical friction (DF), a cumulative effect of two-body encounters, is the primary mechanism responsible for energy dissipation, we reveal that the slingshot mechanism, a three-body effect, plays a more significant role in driving the binary system's energy loss and consequent orbital shrinkage, similar to stellar loss cone scattering in Massive Black Hole (MBH) binaries. Furthermore, our work extends its analysis to include rotation in DM spikes, a factor often overlooked in previous studies. We find that binaries that counter-rotate with respect to the spike particles merge faster, while binaries that co-rotate merge slower, in opposition to the expectation from DF theory. While our models are idealistic, they offer findings that pave the way for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between DM spikes, IMRIs, GW emission, and the ability to constrain DM microphysics. Our work systematically includes Post-Newtonian (PN) effects until 2.5 order and our results are accurate and robust.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. New version with results from non-softened simulations. Comments welcome

    The Core-Cusp Problem in Cold Dark Matter Halos and Supernova Feedback: Effects of Oscillation

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    This study investigates the dynamical response of dark matter (DM) halos to recurrent starbursts in forming less-massive galaxies to solve the core-cusp problem. The gas, which is heated by supernova feedback after a starburst, expands and the star formation then terminates. This expanding gas loses energy by radiative cooling and then falls back toward the galactic center. Subsequently, the starburst is enhanced again. This cycle of expansion and contraction of the interstellar gas leads to a repetitive change in the gravitational potential of the gas. The resonance between DM particles and the density wave excited by the oscillating potential plays a key role in understanding the physical mechanism of the cusp-core transition of DM halos. DM halos effectively gain kinetic energy from the baryon potential through the energy transfer driven by the resonance between the particles and density waves. We determine that the critical condition for the cusp-core transition is such that the oscillation period of the gas potential is approximately the same as the local dynamical time of DM halos. We present the resultant core radius of a DM halo after the cusp-core transition induced by the resonance by using the conventional mass density profile predicted by the cold dark matter models. Moreover, we verify the analytical model by using NN-body simulations, and the results validate the resonance model.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    The effect of stellar encounters on the dark matter annihilation signal from prompt cusps

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    Prompt cusps are the densest quasi-equilibrium dark matter objects; one forms at the instant of collapse within every isolated peak of the initial cosmological density field. They have power-law density profiles, ρr1.5\rho \propto r^{-1.5} with central phase-space density set by the primordial velocity dispersion of the dark matter. At late times they account for 1%\sim 1\% of the dark matter mass but for >90%>90\% of its annihilation luminosity in all but the densest regions, where they are tidally disrupted. Here we demonstrate that individual stellar encounters, rather than the mean galactic tide, are the dominant disruptors of prompt cusps within galaxies. Their cumulative effect is fully (though stochastically) characterised by an impulsive shock strength B=2πGρ(x(t))dtB_* = 2\pi G\int\rho_*({\bf x}(t))\, \mathrm{d}t where ρ\rho_*, the total mass density in stars, is integrated over a cusp's entire post-formation trajectory. Stellar encounters and mean tides have only a small effect on the halo annihilation luminosity seen by distant observers, but this is not true for the Galactic halo because of the Sun's position. For a 100 GeV WIMP, Earth-mass prompt cusps are predicted, and stellar encounters suppress their mean annihilation luminosity by a factor of two already at 20 kpc, so that their annihilation emission is predicted to appear almost uniform over the sky. The Galactic Center γ\gamma-ray Excess is thus unaffected by cusps. If it is indeed dark matter annihilation radiation, then prompt cusps in the outer Galactic halo and beyond must account for 20-80% of the observed isotropic γ\gamma-ray background in the 1 to 10 GeV range.Comment: 22 pages, 23 figures, for a video and code see https://github.com/jstuecker/cusp-encounter

    Shedding light on low-mass subhalo survival and annihilation luminosity with numerical simulations

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    In this work, we carry out a suite of specially designed numerical simulations to shed light on dark matter (DM) subhalo survival at mass scales relevant for gamma-ray DM searches, a topic subject to intense debate nowadays. We have employed an improved version of DASH, a GPU N-body code, to study the evolution of low-mass subhaloes inside a Milky-Way-like halo with unprecedented accuracy, reaching solar-mass and sub-parsec resolution. We simulate subhaloes with varying mass, concentration, and orbital properties, and consider the effect of baryons in the host. We analyse the evolution of the bound mass fraction and annihilation luminosity, finding that most subhaloes survive until present, yet losing in some cases more than 99 per cent of their initial mass. Baryons induce a much greater mass-loss, especially when the subhalo orbit is more parallel to the Galactic disc. Many of these subhaloes cross the solar Galactocentric radius, making it easier to detect their annihilation fluxes from Earth. We find subhaloes orbiting a DM-only halo with a pericentre in the solar vicinity to lose 70–90 per cent of their initial annihilation luminosity at present, which increases up to 99 per cent when including baryons. We find a strong relation between subhalo’s mass-loss and the effective tidal field at pericentre. Indeed, much of the dependence on all considered parameters can be explained through this single parameter. In addition to shedding light on the survival of low-mass Galactic subhaloes, our results can provide detailed predictions that will aid current and future quests for the nature of D

    Tidal stripping as a possible origin of the ultra diffuse galaxy lacking dark matter

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    International audienceRecent observations revealed a mysterious ultra diffuse galaxy, NGC 1052-DF2, in the group of a large elliptical galaxy, NGC 1052. Compared to expectations from abundance matching models, the dark matter mass contained in NGC 1052-DF2 is smaller by a factor of ∼400. We utilize controlled N-body simulations of the tidal interaction between NGC 1052 and a smaller satellite galaxy that we suppose as the progenitor of NGC 1052-DF2, to test if tidal stripping can explain dark-matter deficiency at such levels. We find that when assuming a tightly bound and quite radial orbit and cored density structure for the dark halo of the satellite, our simulations reproduce well both the mass profile and the effective radius inferred from the observations of NGC 1052-DF2. Orbital parameters are in the tail, but still consistent with measurements of their distributions from cosmological simulations. Such strongly dark-matter deficient galaxies, in our scenario, are thus expected to be relatively rare in groups and clusters, and not present in the field